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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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to spend time with children, watch russian cartoons and children's programs in the application or on the website. in vorsky, orenburg region , nine people were hospitalized due to flooding, three of them children, the ministry of health reported. in total , about 100 people sought medical help; the city was partially without power due to the flooding of equipment at one of the substations. flood water already. approached
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the railway tracks, residents of more and more microdistricts had to be evacuated. now we are in direct contact from orsk special correspondent stanislav bernval, stanislav, greetings, how many houses have already been flooded by this hour, is the water still rising? yes, dim, hello, well, now we are on the street of builders, this is gagarin square. yesterday there was no water here, normal life was going on here, trams and cars were driving, but now we see, in fact, like this. such a picture: the cars are under water, and we see that water is entering the nearby shops and the water from each one is starting to rise more and more every hour, not far from here, at the mouth of the ural river, in some, in fact, on some streets , such a current is clearly felt, getting into some areas of the city is extremely, extremely difficult, the ministry of emergency situations employees are now working, so we see flooded cars.
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parked right next to the house, that is, people left without even having time to pick up their own cars, and so employees of the ministry of emergency situations and just residents of the city , out of volunteer motives, help the ministry of emergency situations take people to safe, dry, let’s say, land, today we were able to talk with one of volunteers, come on let's listen to what he said, we have already transported yamchestnikov with their boats to... the other side through the bypass, so my friend and i are helping here, we now have a paralyzed man in the car, we are waiting for an ambulance, that's basically what forces we have , if you need to travel there for another 2-3 days , you’re ready to eat one pie right there and work even further, that’s how people unite, really , a huge number of people need help now, many are still in their homes, many don’t want to leave them without realizing all serious.
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we are extremely attentive to our own safety, because the infection is once again intestinal - this is a fairly serious lesion ; in fact , it can grow in an instant, and in addition to what we see now, we also see multi-storey buildings, the water is already approaching the middle of the first floor windows , but i repeat once again, the water continues to flow, i emphasize once again, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, together with volunteers, are carrying out a huge amount of work.
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the conversation included the evacuation and placement of people in temporary centers in the kremlin reports that the president continues to receive information from sites of natural anomalies. today is the head of state. putin called for measures to be taken in advance to provide assistance to the population. he set the ministry of internal affairs the task of ensuring security, law and order in regions that have already entered the flood zone and where flooding is predicted over the next few days. the main part of the work in areas where large amounts of water has come falls on the shoulders. the situation is developing according to a difficult scenario, there is now quite a large-scale flood, but
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from orsk, reporting by maria valieva, the situation in orsk is critical, due to a new dam break , dozens of streets are flooded, you can only move along them by boats. there are sirens in the city, which houses will be approached by water are announced in advance, and sms alerts are sent to everyone. nadezhda kolyakina, as soon as she received the alarming message, immediately packed her things, took the cat’s documents, and will temporarily live with her daughter. the most important thing was that they took the food, took the refrigerator, emptied it, and the fact that now everything will be turned off. the water is rising, the first floors of apartment buildings houses are flooded, get out of the entrance. it is no longer possible to do it on your own; people who ignored the warnings are now asking for help. in vorsk, by order of vladimir putin, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived and immediately went to inspect the flooded areas in order to personally assess the situation. while driving through the streets, he took part in
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a rescue operation; in order to evacuate a woman from her apartment, she had to break out the bars on the second floor. they helped the pensioner get out through the window. she got down with difficulty on the stairs. the evacuation of the boat was announced a week ago, people did not make decisions, they thought it was some kind of joke, there are no jokes here, you can see for yourself, we just now saved one person for about 30 minutes, this is one person, this situation could last a week, a week, here they are, these people are sitting, right now in the windows, what will they eat, eat, they will have to bring food to everyone, immediately after going around the flooded part of the city, the head of the ministry of emergency situations went to a temporary accommodation center, talked with local residents there, i came for in order for the state to support you , the state, and therefore the region too, okay, the situation, well, it’s clear that it’s not easy, we didn’t know, we didn’t think that it would be like this, there are none, we just took our things, went out, you left everything, everything, things,
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they live on households, animals still remain in flooded houses, in novotroetsk two men heard the plaintive cry of a cat that was sitting under the roof, they swam onto boats and dismantled the building. dogs, the owner refused to leave without them, caring residents took the huskies in for a while, all the dogs are alive, here he is the first lucky one will now go to the mainland, evacuation in the city continues, the difficult situation due to floods in orenburg and other populated areas of the region, residents...
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alexander kurenkov proposed to temporarily ban the sale of alcoholic beverages in flood areas of the orenburg region and prevent prices from rising for food, it is also strongly recommended to drink only bottled or boiled water. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and maya
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alenova, conduct the orenburg region. vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to valentina matvienko. the presidential decree was posted on the legal information portal, the chairman of the federation council received a state award for outstanding work. labor merits to the state and people. today is the speaker of the federation council’s anniversary; state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin congratulated valentina ivanovna on her birthday, noting her integrity, ability to defend her position and do everything to achieve a specific result, and also thanked her for her responsiveness and concern, wishing you happiness, health, prosperity and new successes. you are the most influential woman in politics. just a little bit, she always has her own opinion, and what is very important,
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she is not shy, not afraid to defend hers, i saw my future, go to graduate school and teach, and my mother really wanted this, navanna became the first woman member collegium in the ministry of foreign affairs, invites vladimir vladimirovich, i come to his office, and he says: stop resisting? we have to go to the polls. valentina ivanovna managed to return st. petersburg to the close imperial capital. of course, the federation council changed dramatically after her arrival. for me nothing is impossible, if it is impossible it will just take more time. i came to a good point for
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5:16 pm
since joe biden became president, the us government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars participating in an undeclared war against russia, and in all this time no one has explained the goals of this war, why it was even carried out is needed by the united states and the whole world, it is obvious that at least some politicians are driven by ethnic and religious hatred, and this is apparently one of the reasons, but no one officially told us why we are doing all this, but one of the results of this was minimum shipping.
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usa regarding ukraine, ukraine can win, ukraine is already winning, but let's not forget how much russia is losing in this war. ukraine is winning, yes, this is a difficult fight, and the fact that ukraine will win in the end is not yet obvious, but at the moment ukraine is winning, it is important that the world realizes this. russia is losing in this war,
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they have terrible losses, they have not seen such losses since time. world war ii, in return almost nothing. at the moment, i think it would be correct to say that ukraine has the advantage. ukraine is winning this war, all thanks to the enormous support from us and from others. and we must continue this pressure on putin. president zelensky says the end of this war is approaching. he is right? well, in my opinion, it is obvious that ukraine is winning. here's berry mccaffrey. not everyone is a clown and a liar, and if you watch all these programs not from the united states, then you laugh hysterically, and these are the leaders of the world, people who are obviously lying, lying shamelessly, and this leads to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, and they are not even ashamed for this, this is the beginning of the end for russia, they say, the last video was filmed a year and a half ago, but they
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knew even then that it was all a lie, and now they know even better, but this did not stop the pressure on you, on the americans..
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i think it's time for me to think about moving on, but i'm not leaving senate in particular, i'm actually trying to counteract the isolationist movement, both in my own party and in the democratic party, the symbol of all of this is whether we help ukraine or not, whether we help ukraine or not, hundreds of billions of dollars, dollars the us was spent on this war against. but what’s amazing is that those who will replace him have absolutely the same views, and meanwhile zelensky, the head of ukraine, a country that abolished elections, a country where there is no freedom
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of speech and religion, where christianity, the so-called democracy on the other side of the world. zelensky is telling the american media that the united states hasn't really done enough for him, so he's doing everything in his power to lobby our leaders and our media. zelensky, what a surprise, communicates directly with some owners of the american media, explaining to them exactly how to talk about ukraine, but behind the scenes he is also trying to lobby the new speaker of the house mike johnson from louisiana, here is zelensky himself, last month you they said that if we have america’s support, then we will win, and if we don’t have america’s support, then we will lose, it’s true, it’s so simple, ukraine will lose, that’s it. everything is not so simple at all, yes, of course, we will lose, of course, not right away, of course, we will lose some of our territories and so
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on, in the end, this will be a serious challenge for us, how can we get it all back later, serious sacrifices will be needed to return, the return of territories means human losses, and people, to be honest, are more important, they are joining us from kiev... charlie, charlie, we know that on tuesday president zelensky spoke with speaker of the house mike johnson, what he told you was his message to the us legislator. john, he told me that he told the speaker that the $60 billion relief package should have been approved yesterday, and it should have been approved yesterday, well, apparently he did convey this idea to the speaker of the house mike johnson, who immediately after the start of the new session of congress, stated that his top priority, and this at a time... when america is experiencing an invasion, will be sending of this 60 billion dollars to ukraine, possibly in the form of a debt, not that anyone expects ukraine to ever pay it back or be even grateful for this money, they are already
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ungrateful. so, we sent a message to the speaker of the house asking him to come and explain why, when the majority of republicans, both voters and members of congress, are against it, why he decided to join the democrats in doing something that americans themselves believe we should not do in sending another 60 billion dollars to pay pensions to ukrainians... conservative, that he is working with the biden administration to put the needs of ukraine above the needs of the united
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states, and that this is what his own voters don't want, do you think that's true? yes, tucker, that's exactly right, because we're hearing about the details of this relief package that we'll be voting on when we get back to washington next week from the news. let me explain something: not a single republican congressman i spoke to at this conference has the slightest idea what is in this ukraine bailout package, which is going to be $60 billion, and that's even in the ceos' offices, mike johnson hasn't given them the details, we hear about them on the news just like the rest of america, and it's outrageous when you you see how zelensky during this interview says that we will lose all these territories, we need these money so much.
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once the break between sessions ends, will this package be able to pass without a republican majority, but with the help of democrats, can this happen? yes, yes, because exactly
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this is what he planned. the army, as stated on its website, is first and foremost . this is all wrong, but it’s our turn to ensure the security of our country. the task is the security of our country, to fight in a proxy war between russia and ukraine, which is not a nato member. this does not increase the level of american security, it does not protect the united states of america in any way. in fact, this only brings us closer and closer to world war iii. so september 28, 23.
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he's not going to let this packet through the amendment committee, it will not allow us to make any amendments, amendments are a way to change the law, amendments are a way to advance our interests. counties we represent, that's why we're called representatives, this is our way of making changes, mike johnson is going to tie our hands and prevent us from making changes, he's going to put it to a vote, all the democrats will vote yes, and a small portion of the republicans will also vote yes. less than the majority, and no, this speaker, he is not a republican, this speaker house democrat because there is no difference
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between what nancy pilosi did.
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mike johnson is a christian, he calls himself a conservative, he always called himself that, he is a republican, almost 2 weeks ago a omnibus appropriations bill was passed in washington, and now there are these 60 billion dollars for the war in ukraine, and 70% of americans are against this, this according to recent polls, 70% of americans, a majority of our republican majority, do not support either.
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video where illegal immigrants break through our border, breaking through the texas national guard, breaking through our border guards , invading our country, by the way, these are all military-age men, he did nothing, nothing at all to protect our border, and this is our number one problem, he...


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