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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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the restorers opened this building in the fall, and in the fall they left it with an open roof. what we see now in the binois building was then simply wet in the rain; in order to restore the roof, valentina ivanovna had to become a de facto foreman for a while. and then, together with boris pyatrovsky, they saved the hermitage masterpieces that were perishing in damp basements. culture, as always, was financed on a residual basis. so only moscow could decide whether the museum would receive the money or not. of course, i accepted people, but considering that the country was very large, you yourself understand that this matter was simply unrealistic, but somehow she and pyatrovsky, it means, got an appointment with me. it was such a very businesslike conversation, very qualified.
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with experience, he will take half a step back, go around on the other side, and still bring the decision to the end. you constantly live and work surrounded by the strongest, most powerful men in our country. what qualities do you value in men? to a man, i value intelligence first of all, i value determination, strength in the good sense of this words, will. colleagues, i’ll go out now for this.
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alexandrovich was a lawyer by training, he was a very bright person, a caring person, able to speak, able to persuade, i fell under his charm, and i supported sobchak, we started working together when elections to the supreme council were going on, our leningradskaya group of deputies gathered, we had a very stellar composition at that time, more were nominated - namely from
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the liberal part of society, from the protest, and i was a member of the cpsu, in fact, i was alone in the region, it was necessary to elect seven deputies supreme council, there was a secret vote, i was extremely surprised when the liberal part of me was included in this list so that i could be elected to the supreme council. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. it’s not necessary like this,
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it’s necessary like this, like that, like that, i understand, i understand, that’s it so at the megamarket arabia creams are discounted up to 40%, what are they keeping quiet about? men, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langitaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, langitaza against prostatitis, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, trial i liked the lesson, but i have to save up for a subscription...
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years. and what are you waiting for? change and change. tochka, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. “the boy grew, developed, everything is fine, everything is wonderful, at one year and 5 months we end up in a gastrointestinal center. doctors could not make a diagnosis, more than six years in different hospitals, specialists and research centers. they find nothing, the child is melting before our eyes, his
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arms are already broken, his legs are already broken, because there is not enough calcium. when valentina ivanovna got acquainted with all the documents and i saw my child, she was shocked and said, “your child can’t wait, there was a way out, treatment abroad, and valentina ivanovna found such an opportunity, settled the formalities with the ministry of health, and a month later the family was already in the uk, all expenses were covered by herself the state, he says, mom, i will never forget, the sun smells so deliciously of medicine, and i decided, i will be a doctor, but he decided...
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since there is such an effective treatment, we need to raise all the children for this, no money sorry, thank you, we'll talk to you again moments, get better, everything will be great. thanks a lot. a lot has been done. on the one hand, these are huge large-scale infrastructure projects, on the other hand, you have done a lot of things for ordinary ordinary people. now, if you weigh it on a conventional scale, what will outweigh it for you? it’s so difficult to answer, but for me, any opportunity to help someone, i was always distracted first and foremost, trying to help, and you know. you get much more satisfaction from this than from anything else,
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the desire to be close to her always came from her those who need her support, her help. valentina never breaks her word, always tries to help defend justice. valentina ivanovna, you spoke out against cages in courtrooms, tell me what else, in your opinion, needs to be done for humanization. i consider it absolutely unacceptable, this is my sincere opinion, when a trial is going on, a person has not yet been found guilty by the court, he has already been shown in a cage, the person will be acquitted in a month, now he is behind bars - this will remain for life on the internet, for his children, for his grandchildren, for his friends, this is a matter of humanizing the life of the country in general and humanizing our society for 3 years. ivanovna pushed through this initiative, so prime minister medvedev instructed the ministers
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to work on the issue. a constant focus on having more time in the boats, in order to do more and get more done. i consider her a rare person, i worked there until one o’clock until two in the morning, so she arrives at 12, sits down, until you solve this problem, i will not leave.
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and here she was a pioneer, a pioneer. our meetings
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were sometimes stormy, sometimes we allowed some liberties in her statements, she only brought us to our senses with her presence, and of course, after that we strictly monitored our statements, our vocabulary, in this regard, valentina ivanovna ennobled our diplomatic service, it was decided to send her as ambassador to greece . olyagi. the ceremony of presenting credentials is mandatory for each ambassador upon arrival in the country. valentina matvienko was also to present a letter to the president of greece with a request to believe all words and actions. that day , a guard of honor lined up outside the representative hall of the finnish palace; in the center of the hall, president konstantinos stefanopolos, the minister and all the high ranks were already waiting. usually it's a matter of a few seconds and a few steps, and it's easy to approach.
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a historic mansion in the very center of athens, it is said that he almost lost his mind, after which he was recalled home. the influence of her personality was such that the doors of government and ministries were opened before her. she was accepted. i'll ask about greece.
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there you outplayed the american ambassador, somehow they convinced the greeks to buy not american, but russian weapons. at that time , we were interested in replenishing the treasury by selling our weapons abroad as much as possible; those were troubled years; we handed out powers of attorney to various swindlers and crooks on behalf of russia to sell russian weapons. we organized the visit of the minister of defense to russia, we even organized a meeting with boris nikolaevich.
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i admired her inner strength and what she did, she is a good person, and we all loved her in greece, i called her valya, and as she called you, rulyushka, valyushka, rulyushka, rulyushka, my name is roula. she didn’t portray something like i’m a general, and you’re all below me. she is a strong person at the same time warm, it was easy for you to let her go to work in the government, i didn’t let her go, evgeniy maksimovich pryamakov
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stole valentinuvanna from me. invited evgeny maksimovich pryamakov and offered her the post of deputy prime minister. well, not me, not valentin ivanov, but evgeniy maksimovich could not refuse. at that time, perhaps, the post of deputy prime minister for social affairs was completely unmanageable, and evgeniy maksimovich was leading a woman to this position, but there was a risk of ending up in someone who, well, was among... the unlucky ones, well, almost damned, yes, he was quite tall, it was quite obvious such a firing squad, a firing squad, but i didn’t have time i flew from one region again to another, where it was necessary to extinguish the fire, i worked as the ministry of emergency situations, because the rails were blocked there, the roads were blocked there, people
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in despair did not know what to do. in 1999 , the country's debt to state employees exceeded 12 billion rubles. teachers with an average salary of 650 rubles have not seen money for months. in cases where the delay has reached six months, people stop going to work. they come here to the main square of the city and consider this their last hope to reach the authorities. we have almost nothing for kindergartens to exist on . now we are fighting for survival, but it’s very hard, i don’t know, so today i went to ask for money, so i came here, i have nothing to teach my child, naturally, i immediately got on the plane. region, a journalist comes up and says: you know that people have gathered in the square, knowing that he is arriving deputy prime minister? and i say to the governor, let's go, take the measure, let's go, she said
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valentin, under no circumstances, because there were already cases when the mayor was torn off the sleeve of his sheepskin coat, when people simply attacked, and he said, this is from the point of view you can’t even do security, i said, no, we’re going there, people were just so tense, they were just electrocuted, i asked for a megaphone, i started talking, lyuluk whistled, no shouting. they don’t let me talk, we don’t feed the children, such a healthy generation, we will grow up if they are hungry, if they they fall, we cannot treat them, which means we are doing very poorly, the country and the government leaders, i attribute this to myself, they worked very poorly all this time, i just stood looking at this woman and i think, this is a brave woman, courageous and brave, here she came out to us to the scolding crowd without fear. we cannot allow children not to go to school, we cannot allow parents not to go to work and enterprises not to operate.
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today, together with the regional administration, we will once again carefully consider everything so that starting from september, state employees received their salaries monthly and debts accumulated during cancer were partially repaid. “tomorrow morning i will have to find this money to send it to the couple, i remember the first time they gave us a salary, when they announced that they would
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give a salary, we cheers, everyone shouted, 12:00 at night, we shouted cheers, people began to have faith, they saw the light at the end of the tunnel, this was the most important thing, it is impossible to live without faith, in general people were at such a historical crossroads that they did not understand where the country was going, what would happen next, what would happen to them, to their families, we did not promised.
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show sincerity, ask in such a way that you will not refuse, on the one hand, on the other hand , such a man’s will, stiff inside there. in just 8 months , primakov’s government managed to pay off a third of all debts to public sector employees and relieve tension in the country. but then politics intervened. president yeltsin dismissed yevgeny primakov . we have nothing to blush about. we are our own business. they did it the best they could, they did it professionally, thank you again, kowtow, thank you, they took it straight, left, mayor
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moscow seemed to go into the position of boris nikolaevich, in his circle there were a number of people who hated me, who at any cost tried to remove me from there at every change of government, they whispered to me, they whispered, i come to the next report, he meets me and says : well, what are you planning on between lushkov and primakov. i say, varis nikolaevich, as for primakov, he is a man whom i deeply respected, respect, will respect and will never stop contacting with him, i consider him my teacher, a worthy, decent person. lushkov is the mayor of moscow, i worked with him, i will continue to work with him. i have never participated in politics in political processes, and, but since you made such a serious remark to me , the president. i ask you to release me, he says,
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what happened, i told him this whole story, and i say, these satraps got me from him, they hunt me all the time simply because i don’t suit them, because i don’t follow orders, he says: ok, leave a statement, three days have passed, i’m already thinking about where to work next, like vladimirovich, but i i still ask you to satisfy my request, he is already irritating me, i told you that i will invite you when i make a decision, don’t bother me anymore, at this time he is...
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qualified, and i didn’t want to lose her then from government, when i already headed this government, well, i didn’t regret it, i really always worked with full dedication, the year 2003, another turning point for valentin matvienko, as has happened more than once, circumstances intervened, some call it fate, valentina ivanovna i returned to my beloved city on the neva, like you then...
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the elections, i waited a month, there is no other solution, stop resisting, we need to go where around, now it’s 200-124, 100 years in the future. everything will be different. moscow, moscow. and where are the flying cars, it’s kind of energetically unjustified. she brought a man from school. a young man, according to my data he is 117 years old. but the main thing will remain unchanged. i know what it means to give your word. at least look at me. when it's all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours. in terms of? why? we will. here
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now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies of all. 100 years ago, delicious, very, because anyone made us, soon, investment rating, economy, through specific stories we can reach people,
7:00 pm
in the orenburg region, the embankment dam on the ural river, protecting the village of ilek, will be raised to 12 m due to the upcoming flood, the ministry of emergency situations reported this, more than 2.0 people have already been evacuated from orsk...


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