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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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into the hands of arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract. russia is 24, we continue to talk about the most important things for today. in the orenburg region, the embankment dam on the ural river protecting the village of ilek will be raised to 12 m due to the upcoming flood, the ministry of emergency situations reported. and in orsk , more than 2.0 people have already been evacuated from flood-affected areas. the city is partially without power due to the flooding of one of the substations; flood water has already reached railway tracks. we will find out all the details from our special correspondent, stanislav berwald, he is now finding it.
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probably a flooded area of ​​the city, this is the old city, that’s what it’s called, basically it’s where people are being taken out from the very now, the elderly people have been evacuated, now you see the equipment is starting to move away, this is auxiliary equipment, that is, it’s apparently filling up the dam , well, let’s get closer to the people now, well, it’s worth saying that there are also...
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ambulances here, these are the people who were just now taken from flooded areas, here they are immediately given hot tea , given first aid if necessary, there is also hot food, in general, all this happens non-stop, the rescue operation does not stop for a minute, well, let’s the latest news that is coming in these minutes, so in the flood zone of part of the soviet district x out of eleven there is a threat of flooding of the village of lesotorgovy in the leninsky district , five territories are flooded, water is flowing to the second area, preventive evacuation is underway, this is reported the authorities of the city of oktyabrsky district, in the flood zone of the village, the village of moststroy, the water level there seems to be stabilizing, and one more important information, the regional governor ordered to work out the system and prepare documents for the exemption from
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utility bills of people caught in the flood zone, so one more the news that comes at these moments, humanitarian aid has also been sent, water and essential goods are being sent from the federal centers, water and food are coming from moscow, bakeries in orenburg and novotroitsk have switched to full loading capacity for baking bread supplies to the city. orsk, we continue to monitor, let's see how the evacuation went today, i'm removing the wheel, on the contrary, on the contrary. now
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the ambulances are leaving here, taking those people who need help to the hospital, well, let's come here again, here is a hot food point, for all those who are being taken out of the flood zone, hot tea, hot food, in general, awaits you here it’s worth saying that volunteers, just ordinary people, townspeople, come here, bring... food and at least somehow they help in every way they can. let's listen to what the volunteers have to say. well, in addition to what we have prepared, caring residents also bring a lot of food, the guys who sell fruits and vegetables also bring them, so they save not only people, they also save animals, so we talked today with...
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they are not covered because that there is no electricity in flooded areas, and the biggest problem, which we talked about today with the head of the press service of the ministry of emergency situations for
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the orenburg region, is that people, some people, refuse to leave their homes, just not understanding the full scale of what is happening, this is... very dangerous, you cannot refuse help, it is necessary to evacuate, the conditions for accommodation have been created by the city authorities, people are waiting in special centers where they will be provided with hot food, and hot hot tea, well, that’s it what is necessary is that they will remain in these centers until the water recedes, so that no one has forgotten about them, they are being helped. here is the maximum, so once again the authorities are appealing to people: do not take risks, if there is a possibility of evacuation, evacuate. we we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air. yes, thank you stanislav, we will wait for up-to-date
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information from you. stanislav bernwald was in direct contact from flood-stricken orsk. vladimir putin was informed today about how the situation with flooding in the region is developing. orsk, connections were made by the governor of the arenerburg region, denis pasler, and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the conversation also included evacuation and placement of people in temporary centers. the kremlin reports that the president continues receive information from places of natural anomalies. today, the head of state spoke by telephone with the governor of the kurgan and tyumen regions. there , too, a sharp rise in water levels is expected in the near future. putin called for measures to be taken in advance to provide assistance to the population. he set the ministry of internal affairs the task of ensuring the protection of law and order in regions that have already entered the flood zone and where flooding is predicted over the next few days. well, the peak of the flood in the orenburg region is expected april 8-10, this is the forecast given by roshydromet.
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in the flood zone of orenburg, orenburg district, nizhinka, blacksmith, sheep town, sitsovka, southern. on april 9, the peak of the flood is expected in the leksky district, the situation in the region is expected to stabilize only after april 20, in the next 2 days, floods are forecast to come to the kurgan region, on april 8-9 the tabolu river, the village of zorinogogolovskaya, is expected to rise, on april 10-12 the flood will reach the city kurgan, the peak of the flood there is expected on april 13-15, will be flooded or partially flooded in the regional center. as well as the villages of big chusovo, gledyanskoye, belozerskoye, nizhnetobolskoye, rechkino and rychkova. in total, there are over 60 settlements in the possible flooding zone . after april 15, the flood will come to the tyumen region. higher water levels
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are expected along the entire length of the ishim river. the water will begin to remain by april 15, at 20. dangerous levels will be reached. the peak of the flood is expected on april 23-25. moreover, this will be an excess of historical maximums from one and a half to 4.5 m. the russian foreign ministry called the ukrainian attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant power plant an act of nuclear terrorism and called on the world community to respond. this was stated by official representative of the foreign ministry maria zakharova. previously in rusa. reported that the station was subjected to a series of attacks by ukrainian drones, which created a direct threat to security, three employees were injured, one of them seriously, the state corporation called on the leadership of the eu countries to respond to this attempt at escalation and categorically condemn it.
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the station’s telegram channel clarifies that one of the drones attacked the dome of the sixth power unit, and attacks were also made on the port area and a local canteen, where employees were injured. now the power supply to the station is carried out via a reserve line. former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine igor romanenko believes that mobilization is necessary in ukraine. mobilize all men aged 18 to 60 years, let me remind you that this week the age of those mobilized was lowered to 25 years, however, it seems that many military registration and enlistment offices believe that this is not enough, as in the odessa region, military registration and enlistment office employees tried to take away a fourteen-year-old teenager. evgeniya petrukhina is monitoring the progress of ukrainian mobilization. they worked according to their usual scenario, beat them, tied them up, threw them on a bus and took them away. ukrainian military commissars tried so hard. send another obstinate draft dodger to the trench, he turned out to be a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, so
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they threw the guy out of the minibus, he was returning home 7 km along the highway, and ukrainian military commissars are now catching extras in the trenches with the help of the police, while they are checking documents, they appear on the horizon the employees of the shopping center begin to process the huge man, but the police do not interfere, because they themselves need an assault squad? this is how the tcc employees, no longer hiding their cooperation with the police, push it in. residents of the dnepropetrovsk region into a car with flashing lights; the hunters for cannon fodder are rebuffed by ukrainian women, who in anger can even smash the ccc car themselves. now the woman is charged under the article of petty hooliganism, there is a fine, community service up to 15 days of arrest, but in order for the catch to take place even more dynamically, the central committee is blocking the passage, here in nikolaev, they closed the city on both sides, full of shopping centers, completely blocked everyone, all routes. everyone is completely cowardly, and this rada has not yet adopted the bill on strengthening mobilization,
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although zelensky is clearly lobbying for it, they say the deputies have already delayed its discussion, and zelensky’s curators are rushing to pass this bill. in an interview with ukrainian media, he directly says that the west sees no point in providing assistance to ukraine if it does not soon pass a bill to strengthen mobilization, that is, the united states is actually threatening kiev reduction or cessation of both military and financial assistance. please note how ukrainian. the population is being cooked like a frog on a slow magnet, zelensky’s office of the president demands from the americans to maximize funding for the supply of military equipment, and they, in turn, demand to maximize the mobilization of personnel, according to the principle, let them fight at least with sticks, but if there are many of them, then we’ll be showered with corpses, so it looks like the bill on strengthening mobilization in ukraine will be adopted very soon, then... for example, they’ll be of limited use they will become eligible, and will join the ranks of tired dry-haired people. now there is a reduction
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in the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, but from the twenty-fifth year they plan to conduct general military training, men from 18 years of age and above, and women who have completed medical education, and after three months they can already consider that a person ready to participate in hostilities, you can send to the payout. what lince grem said, he says that both 27 and 25 are too much, you can lower the bar further, even in the trenches eighteen years old, it is much more important now for ukraine to receive western help, apparently because zelensky says that the armed forces of ukraine do not have shells for a counter-offensive, and in general there are not enough independent weapons, if congress does not help ukraine, the independent one will lose the war, to compensate for the shortage of the same shells, ukraine, apparently, it is being assembled by personnel . so aggressive raids of shopping malls, for example, on odessa buses, may become even more frequent, which is why
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ukrainians have to fall out of sight of military commissars in every possible way, so they change into feminine, the main thing is not to turn to face the military commissar and talk less, but how could it be otherwise if the vac workers are already dragging away fourteen-year-olds. evgenia petrukhina, anna pogonina, news. now there is a short advertisement, immediately after watch the special report by varvara nevskaya. risky business. about how venture investments help moscow business, try soshi, try all the salads, try soup, soup, everyone needs this, they need it, again it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback subalfa in yandex food, get 20% cashback in yandex food. when ordering with any card alpha bank, and if there is no card, order a free alpha card. dad, you'll be home soon,
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expanded social gasification program. now it is extended not only to residential buildings. but for a socially significant object, educational medical institutions, khalmykelin, minikelin, mi-mikeli, khaznatse, davuh khazyn, khaznatse, yes vukhaty, code bolsh ambitions, code bolzh ambitions, girtse, hundreds of languages.
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i like receiving my pension from the postal bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and get 2,000 rubles. and a chance to win a car, receive a profitable pension at the post office bank, you who want to solve all the mysteries of nature, you are a hundred plus especially attentive to details, i checked and you, for whom curiosity opens new horizons? ruviki, you know where to find out. that 's it, that's not necessary, that's it, that's it, that's it, i understand, that's how the tfil ironing system is sold at the megamarket for 29,990 rubles. are you sure you chose me yourself, or did you listen to a fashion blogger? at bigfest
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you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and also more profitable? with 50% cashback from alfabank, it’s delicious and that’s it , this startup was once destined. if we are looking for success, 6 years ago they would have taken over all issues related to waste disposal from large companies. today, their customer base includes over 7.00 different enterprises, offices , points of sale from construction stores to grocery chains. behind me, you can see our beautiful conveyor, which
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feeds secondary resources directly into the press. at the moment this is cardboard we have a. accordingly, the press processes it and what comes out is such a beautiful factory bale, which will later go to the processing plant. this site alone sorts about 800 tons of waste per month, as the company’s founders say, then in 2018 they discovered murphy’s law of the garbage market, which states: any waste that can be recycled into something new must be recycled. credy agreed with this. offer our partners a better service, develop our it projects, which greatly influence our service, because we we create a completely transparent chain of movement
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of secondary resources from our partners to the manufacturer. “venture means risky or, as they say among business angels, adventure, and the capital is ready for such adventures. if you think about it, everything, all the wonderful products that make our lives wonderful and good every day, once began in in the form of some kind of venture, that is, someone once, under great fear and risk , put his money into a very risky adventure enterprise through back-breaking labor." which is venture capital, and as a result of this, something died, but something turned into wonderful products. for 5 years, moscow helped. attract over 9.5 billion rubles of such investments to technology businesses. the city government is implementing a whole range of programs aimed at developing the venture investment market.
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the most important tool helping young innovative enterprises is the moscow seed investment fund. the moscow possible investment fund has over 100 business partners, these are business angels, individuals, funds, legal entities. every year the fund invests in about 10-12-14 projects, according to all the ratings that we look at regarding the activity of funds in the venture market, not only in moscow, but in russia, they are confidently included in the top five most active funds at the stage of pre-investment and seed investments. the fund helps companies get extra money at the most.
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injections for life to relieve the animal’s symptoms of rare autoimmune diseases. the moscow innovation cluster also believed in these developments, providing the company with grants for equipment and patenting and venture investors of the fund who invested 24 million rubles. one of the developments is already helping to replace imports of a drug that is extremely in demand in veterinary practice. this is a development that we are especially proud of; it is a reproduced drug, that is. this is an analogue of an imported anesthetic, which is very important for various surgical interventions, from
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various sterilization to more complex ones, when the animal is already sick and needs to undergo surgery. in addition to the passive investment fund, which for 12 years now it has been helping startups turn into large and profitable businesses; the moscow innovation cluster provides young companies with an entire ecosystem for developing their ambitions... and other dishes. thanks to mick, the company was able to present the project to potential investors and raise 180 million rubles. the company used the funds received to expand
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production. and our commercial block is now located together with a laboratory with a bar and development. this has been very powerful because now we can attract our clients, our partners to us, and development has become many times faster, that is, we attract, develop on site, literally sometimes it takes. thanks to investment expertise , the it company that created the analytics and promotion service on marketplaces was able to raise 209 million rubles, what price to set, whether to make a discount, what product to advertise, all these questions, the solution takes itself, this is all a fairly large number of tasks that they need to decide on a daily basis, and it’s all much easier to solve when they have the tools.
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any virgin chocolate bar, and at the same time, in the services of large marketplaces, your order would be delivered to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a network
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of express warehouses near your home allows sellers. having passed the investment examination, the startup was able to attract venture funding in the amount of 34 million rubles. the money was used to open new locations and develop online services. our system integrates with all russian marketplaces and the new models that they connect, this is delivery in 15 minutes, in an hour, different models and... the largest delivery services in russia plus, we analyze a fairly large amount of data on goods and the region in which these goods are ordered, this allows us to be more accurate and faster. 40 million rubles of venture capital investments, attracted with the help of the moscow innovation cluster, helped the then small startup from krasnodar share their unique technology with the whole country. we have learned to save. restaurant
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dishes for a period of 360 days without loss of quality and automated the cooking process by creating a special robotic oven, which, using a qr code, understands which dish is being prepared and prepares it in 5 minutes, thanks to this we open catering outlets without cooks and kitchens. smart ovens today cook food in forty cities of russia, from yakutsk to kaliningrad. the development has gained success abroad and is being successfully used. belarus and kazakhstan, and will soon enter the market in the united arab emirates. it is easy to understand this success; technology allows you to automate food preparation by 70%, eliminating the human factor and its consequences. we came to the choice of this format, because he just excludes all these problems from himself. plus, it is absolutely protected from
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a client safety point of view. because everything is prepared in production, but venture investments can be useful not only for start-up companies, but also for established market players when launching new products. thus, one of the largest coffee chains in the city attracted venture capital funds to create the device. in fact, we are simply using new technology that no one else has, that is, in this regard , the machine has no analogues. in general, in principle, we we were faced with the fact that there was practically no such equipment when we began to convert. to the manufacturers, they looked strangely at what kind of concentrate, some openly twisted their fingers at their temples, but there were manufacturers who made us a machine upon request, we improved it here to the required standards, now we have a ready-made existing vending machine, but with our filling inside. cappuccino, americano, filter, drinks with syrups. the names are the same as in other slot machines, but the creators assure that this
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revolution in the world. coffee, because instead of grain , the machine prepares an invigorating drink from coffee concentrate, and the main thing is that it does it in less than 30 seconds, in reality it is less than 30 seconds, now we have coffee ready, now we will evaluate its taste, it has an aroma just like that the good coffee that borisa just made for you, no one paid me for this, these are purely my impressions. there are no analogues of technology anywhere in the world. a company that is a member of the moscow innovation cluster, and presented a project for venture investors who were trained at the venture academy. the project became the winner and attracted venture investments in the amount of more than 11 million rubles. investments will be used to purchase a new batch of vending machines, as well as scaling the project.
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the company is already choosing the best one. in moscow for his invention. to receive funding, a startup needs to submit an application on the mic website. after passing a series of expert councils, the project will be offered to business angels and venture funds. if the idea still raw, the cluster will help test it as part of pilot testing. but even if after all these stages it is not possible to attract venture capital investments, moscow will find a way to help the young company come to fruition. this is an investment that... are provided at the expense of credit funds, and the moscow government and the moscow innovation cluster administer a set of programs with our partner banks that help companies attract borrowed soft loans, and for the implementation of investment, innovation projects in the early stages. perfect synchronization.


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