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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, now telling numbers : according to the ministry of transport, if we compare the last year before last, the volume of passenger traffic in russia has increased, businessmen and tourists, the volume of freight traffic has remained almost unchanged, but logistics routes have often changed, so to speak, with an eye to the east. well , now we ’ll tell you how companies that are in one way or another connected with the transport sector feel. our first story.
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here, it would seem, is a wagon, a freight car, what ’s so difficult about production? he bent the tseserna, placed it forward on wheelsets, no, at this enterprise in saransk they also mastered innovative and aluminum alloy carts. now you will find out everything yourself, the plant is already 63 years old and at first it produced equipment for khimprom, and then became a car manufacturer, now.
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divnikov, that is, they transport food. as for demand, in difficult times of crisis, 1,300 cars were produced per year. now there are more than 10,000, despite any sanctions. we are planning even more for this year. well, it’s an ambitious plan, to produce 12,000 cars. as the saying goes , oak trees grow stronger in the wind. we have really grown stronger, become so strong and mobile. well, in competition. last year,
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investments in production development amounted to almost a billion rubles. the plans for this year are already one and a half in equipment and development. here, for example, is a new product, a wagon for transporting nitric acid. such dangerous cargo requires a special design. in principle, it is based on new technology, a new aluminum alloy, new equipment, we have placed 32 orders, well, by the end of the year, clients will sign with us for somewhere in the same amount. there are also new hobbies. for transporting aggressive cargo, an aluminum container for liquefied gas, an innovative trolley is being tested, well, in comparison with this trolley, what is its difference? this is cart 23 from ponna to ordinary, and there is 25. behind every new product
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there is persistent development, testing and , of course, training of people, well, here we are right in the footsteps of spark welding. yes, these are the people, welders, professionals, this is how you deal with people now, how do you solve the personnel problem? that is, in training and education, we are probably one of the best in the country. this is confirmed by the fact that we took second place in the mentoring competition in russia, and first place in mordovia. we have opened a factory of knowledge and skills. students eighteen professions are taught. together, with the agorev moscow state university, we went...
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from railways to roads, products for them, including for supplies abroad, the business of machine tools from the saratov region.
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and whether a road or some kind of structure will be built, say, in a swamp or in a rockfall zone or in the sand. previously, such an idea would only have been twisted with a finger at the temple, now there are technologies that allow this to be done, these technologies are from the saratov region. we came here, well, so to speak, having one building completely destroyed, which had to to restore, we had to pull communications, start from scratch, as they say, and the company for 20 years, today there are
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500 people, employees, yes, these are 10 production divisions, they started with products for road construction , geomaterials, when the road is being built. the canvas needs to be separated from the inert materials from each other, that is, sand from chips, so that they do not mix, so that consolidation does not occur and there is no failure on the road. now there are more than 200 types of products and many have replaced foreign analogues, for example, in kaliningrad, the embankment was equipped with the help of saratov materials, or in agriculture, hoses for storing grain turned out to be no worse than european ones. it's convenient, fast, up to 300 tons fit in one sleeve, you don't have to pay. it was in russia that he began to make it, he began it in the twenty-second year, we were the first to offer it, began to sell it, and now the biological mat has already been spread with seeds and the ideal lawn for environmentally improving projects is growing: geomembrane,
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polypropylene and clay inside. you and i will cover, we protect the bottom of the landfill, suppose, yes, there is some kind of breakthrough, as soon as water gets in, the bentanite clay swells. and this breakthrough for global energy construction is healed by such a grid: we strengthen the seabed, on... lng these structures will first be invested with geotextiles, then filled with stone material. now they are launching production of materials for awnings and fabrics for cables. it turns out that the production of oil submersible cables is not complete without geotextiles. i think that probably in about two months this product will already be will come out. investments are underway in modernization. the industrial development fund helped with subsidies for the purchase of equipment, and participation in the national project.
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yes, there is now great demand in the domestic market, but exports are also growing with support, in particular this enterprise, the russian export center invited to participate in exhibitions abroad for free, and this is one of the many support measures, for example, there is assistance to companies that had to rebuild routes delivery of goods, that is, we now have a subsidy. for compensation of expenses outside depending on the geography of origin of export cargo, but we see unevenness and efficiency of transport corridors, so this unevenness and inefficiency will be balanced by more targeted subsidies that will be targeted at specific logistics corridors, for example, and there are woodworking products that are needed there from the west to the east, yes, yes, an example of such a subsidy was implemented. last year, when transport subsidies were given to compensate for the costs of exporting
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north-west, which suffered the most from sanctions due to the closure of the european market. the history of cargo transportation will be picked up by an enterprise from the tyumen region; it has something to offer the market, including foreign ones. forest, pipes, gravel or even a tractor, for example, if all this needs to be moved from point a to point b, then to help with equipment for transporting goods, it is developed and produced by a company from tyumen. recently , much more opportunities have opened up for us, that is, german manufacturers have left the market, that is, this
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flatbed semi-trailer, which is completely localized in russia. boards from maloyaroslavets: plywood-siktivcar, steel, cherepovets, many russian suppliers, also thanks to thoughtless western sanctions, now have work. and most importantly the suspension. the suspension until recent times was german, here the suspension is completely russian down to the bolt, the axle is produced in mias, in general it produces semi-trailers for transporting all over the world, for example, for equipment weighing up to 60 tons, and they work in any conditions, well then there is it turns out that where some foreign delicate technology has long since fallen apart, yours continues to work. well, yes, in principle, there never was any foreign delicate equipment there, so we continue
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to supply mainly, this is chukotka, magadan region, yakutia, demand exceeds supply, recently we have doubled production output, there are 480 pieces per year, plans for a thousand, including due to new models, in particular a tractor trailer at times. cheaper than german, it came with a test from the fields, that is, you have not produced such trailers before, we have not produced them, this is a potato trailer for the largest potatoes
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. now is a good time to grow due to your supply market to new foreign ones, for example, with the countries of central asia, our closest neighbors to the south, in 9 months of the twenty-third year growth is 1.8 times, there is room to grow, we understand our potential very well, i’ll give you an example, literally
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we had an export forum in december, delegations from three countries came. was the ambassador extraordinary of the state of bangladesh, 170 million population for a minute, we know that you have oil and gas, that you have excellent nuclear technologies, we don’t know anything else, so we need to be more active ourselves to tell what else we can offer, just the share of asian countries in russia's foreign trade is growing, according to the federal customs service in january it reached 74%. trade turnover with china sets records... for 2 months of this year it added another 9.3%. well, over the past year, our trade turnover between russia and china is absolutely record-breaking, 240 billion dollars, this has never happened in the history of our relations, and we understand, of course, that this is not the limit, the task that our leaders, and we, and exporters set, of course,
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is to increase these numbers by the end of this year, we see this is absolutely realistic , we just have to learn. to use all the opportunities that we have, the fact that the demand for russian products in the middle kingdom is not only what it is, but exceeds supply, the first festival of the fair showed that it was made in russia, now there are new contracts, and therefore such events will continue in china itself , maybe in other countries, especially in... companies have something to offer in the transport sector, including, here is an example from saransk. modern technology, it is energy-intensive, for example, passenger cars, subways, there are
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a lot of air conditioners, chargers, screens, for all this to work properly, transformation is needed. this one, for example, is for an electric train, and this one is for a new wide passenger carriage, which is still in production. an electric locomotive pulls wagons with cargo; the network has alternating current, but it needs it for stable operation.
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starting from the frame, starting from a step-down transformer, well, ending with our standard devices, there is still a lot of foreign equipment that will need to be changed, and competitors have been blown away from the market, demand is growing, and therefore the enterprise, which is already 83 years old and which has stagnated for the last 10 years, is being modernized. the plans for new products for 2023, let's say, we spent more than 400 million on investments, the plan for the twenty-fourth, there is a little more than 520, the russian federation represented by the ministry of industry and trade by issuing a subsidy in the amount of more than 200 million rubles.
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but what are new machines without people? the largest employer in saransk is going to hire more people and train them. if in the twenty-third year we started with 2,200 people, by now we have 2,537 people working there at the end of january. of the current year, accordingly, our average salary increased there by about forty 5% over last year, by the way, the plant is essentially two enterprises that complement each other, the second one makes semiconductor devices, and this is also an export product, at one time export i was in 42 countries around the world, korea, italy, switzerland, india, and we still have some of the contracts, in particular we supply. their devices to india for the production of metallurgical equipment. of course, it is difficult to develop supplies only on your own. last year , the russian export center supported 24,000
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companies. an increase of 23%, foreign trade transactions added 33% to $17 billion. and, by the way, among the effective measures is assistance in training. how to export? there is a joint program of the retz, the ministry of science and the rsp, so that graduates of master's programs and additional professional education in this area receive not just theoretical knowledge, but then learn to apply it in practice over a period of several months to a year, and so that they get the most out of it ready for practical activities, and we expect that this will increase the efficiency of education and the fastest possible adaptation of the graduate to work in his new workplace, including including through employment , employment is guaranteed through partnership with the rsp,
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which will increase efficiency and increase the speed at which the employee approaches his most effective level. and now the next story is from tyumen, the company is also trying to develop exports to replace imports in the transport sector of russia. many trucks, buses, agricultural and special equipment will not go anywhere without the products of this temensky plant; clutches, which are produced here on a serious scale, more than 200,000 pieces per year. let's see how everything works. this is where
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it is used, in particular, this can be a basket, this is a basket for a gazelle, for the gazelle variety, the thing is that they are also universal, and they are used in many places on gazelles, on passenger vehicles. after all, there are foreign analogues, in particular in china, the creation of the product relies on its developers and russian components. at the end of the twenty-
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third year, we completely designed, created, tested, a complete analogue of a german-made product for the needs of large state minsk plant. in fact, yes, you can completely replace imports. products, despite china there, we manage without imported raw materials, we manage, everything is russian, development does not go without solving problems, again the personnel issue is solved by training young staff, we have different professions: mechanics, turners, craftsmen , now there are practically no such professions. no one teaches them. another new challenge: exports to unfriendly countries have dried up. well, there are supplies from the cis countries and we have to master
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other markets, africa - latin. in terms of support, support for us, of course, is provided by our export support center, of the support measures, the most effective are, of course, all kinds of preferences, these are subsidies for exhibitions and so on and so forth, support will not hurt in your market, where there is strong competition with the same china, we need, of course, guaranteed sales, the driver in order to modernize, create something new, and most importantly, they are needed for any industrialist, for any production, this is long-term and cheap money, we need loans, we need subsidies of all kinds and not for a short period, but for a longer period, because creating something unique will take some time and
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attempts. unfriendly countries failed to destroy the russian economy; last year , gdp increased by 3.6% and the previous decline of 1.2% was completely leveled. in terms of growth rates , russia ranked fifth among the g20 countries. the potential is even higher, of course, if we develop support measures, solve personnel problems and produce what the country needs product, including in the transport sector.
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these are the stories we managed to tell you, but of course, there will be more: companies are setting up production, routes are appearing, well, for example, by the end of the year the railway to crimea through new regions will be fully operational.
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hello! and i am oleg skepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about most importantly, today we are starting a situation in the orenburg region, where more than 600
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people have already been evacuated from flooded households in... temporary accommodation is located:


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