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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 11:30pm-11:59pm MSK

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undergoing mandatory endoxilloscopy and photography. the array of collected data was replenished with two more million samples. their use on the basis of modern resources made it possible to solve almost 2,500 crimes by citizens of other states. in cooperation with the moscow government and the federal security service, the ministry of digital development is preparing to implement an experiment to collect biometric information. at moscow air terminals, measures were taken to remove persons illegally staying on the territory country, almost 110,000 such violators were expelled and deported, which is 65% more than a year earlier. on march 29, the ministry of internal affairs submitted to the government a bill tightening state control in the field of migration among the proposed measures. reducing
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the period of temporary stay of foreigners to 90 days per calendar year, creating a digital profile of a foreigner, strengthening control over employers, customers of work or services that attract foreign labor and many other innovations. the theme of migrants in context terrorist attacks, sithole was heard more than once during the government’s report to the state duma. i share your desire for retribution when it comes to terrorists, i understand the numerous proposals on migration issues in light of the recent tragedy, the desire to make additional decisions is understandably fair, but colleagues, i would like to draw your attention to a very important fact: preparation, discussion of all initiatives, and moreover, their statements must take into account the position of law enforcement agencies. behind which he enters
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the safety of citizens and the state as a whole, these are the services that implement the decisions made, are responsible for their results, therefore it is necessary to carry out coordinated work, the only way it will be effective, as the president said, terrorists have neither nationality nor religion, our country is peaceful representatives of many nationalities, many faiths live here, we have a truly multinational state. well, let's get back to the topic of a special military operation, our military correspondents alexander sladkov and evgeny reshetnev report. powerful again explosions in kharkov, is this gorkovo park or what is it? or is this a military unit? during strikes on a military facility in ukraine, a storage facility for unmanned boats, which were transferred to kiev by nato countries, was destroyed. in odessa , a cement plant was hit; militants used the enterprise as a warehouse for weapons and shells. all week long
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, retaliatory strikes continued on the energy system and industrial facilities of ukraine, everything that supplies fuel and electricity to the sssu, everything that supplies equipment that allows it to be serviced. explosions in parts of kherson and zaporozhye region, in the village of makarovo , kiev region, an enterprise was damaged. the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces in slavyansk, in kharkov, and one of the ammunition depots came under attack. quite rare footage filmed inside one of the destroyed tanks, this is russia’s response to kiev’s attempts to attack our fuel and energy facilities. the russian army carries out combined strikes using different types of weapons, and does so tens of times more efficiently, accurately and effectively than the enemy. kiev hits border areas with rocket systems volley fire, a nightmare of peaceful neighborhoods. there is no talk of any targeted impact when using such weapons. can not. in the vicinity of
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a shopping center in kharkov, a russian missile destroyed two ukrainian missile defense systems. one of them brought fire from within the city limits, obviously exposing the population to attack. now ukrainian propaganda claims that russia was aiming at a peaceful target, although footage of burnt equipment speaks for itself. ukrainian energy minister golushchenko, in an interview with bloomberg, states: the energy system is in critical condition. the losses reached 6 gigawatts of electricity, officials said, three times what ukraine had planned to import from western allies this winter. detech, ukraine's largest private energy company, said 80% of its facilities were seriously damaged. ukrenergo is reintroducing shutdown schedules at the moment in five regions of the country, regular arrivals have been recorded in dnepropetrovsk, and this is a photograph of a fire on a power line in krivoy rog, in the maryanka area near donetsk according to the positions of the armed forces of ukraine are working. drones with thermoboric
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warheads. the ukrainian army is rolling back, unable to gain a foothold on new frontiers. the main clash was on the line from pervomaisky to novgorod. all this is not far from donetsk. the ministry of defense this week confirmed the liberation of the village of vodyanoye in the ovdeevsky direction. units of the troops center group were working. after the liberation of the settlement, our formation continued to penetrate the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. a new line of defense for kiev is being built in the rear. dragon teeth reinforced with logs metal mesh trenches, concrete bunkers with machine gun nests. zelensky came to inspect. construction, probably the largest in all the years of the existence of ukraine, so, by the way, chernigov is already very deep in the rear, 500 km from kharkov, where a critical situation with electricity supply developed this week and from where residents began to leave en masse. oncoming, there are three rows, there is
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a row here. zelensky will not dare to sign the final law on mobilization; this week he only lowered the age limit for being sent to the front to 25 years old, but whether there is a?
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it became known that us mercenaries took part in attacks by ukrainian saboteurs on the border areas of the belgorod region. this is evidenced by video recordings, fragments of equipment, personal belongings and weapons discovered by the special services during the inspection of the killed militants. my colleague evgeny poddubny has details. this is footage from helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks on the belgorod border.
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in the area where they tried to break through the formation of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine our line of defense in order to organize information provocations during the russian presidential elections, there are still dozens of bodies of eliminated militants,
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many of them foreigners. it is already known that americans, french, and rums took part in the attack on the belgorod border area. fresh footage of captured american equipment. this is a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. i'm delirious again. the trophy will be delivered to moscow. defense minister sergei shaigu this week announced the latest data on ukrainian armed forces losses. since january, the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14 thousands of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. despite the lack of results, on the line of combat contact kinyov is still trying to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army. at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces, the minister paid attention to the spring conscription campaign, which began on april 1. everything here is according to plan, those who have served
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a year are demobilized, those who are subject to conscription go into the army. conscripts to the northern military district zone will not be sent, but after the terrorist attack in crocus the number of volunteers increased sharply. in the last 2 weeks alone , more than 20,000 russian citizens have concluded contracts with the armed forces to participate in a special military operation. evgeny reshitnev and evgeny podubny. news of the week. artyomovsk solidar is now the direction of attack on chasov yar, which is held by the ukrainian armed forces, opportunities are opening up for the further liberation of donbass, the front is actively breathing here, there is intense traffic at night, because it is better not to drive during the day. the enemy today lacks strength, not enough of people. please come here, gentlemen.
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assault, marines, now in every motorized rifle battalion a full-time assault company is necessarily deployed, it even has its own artillery, the nevsky brigade has assault battalions, weapons on safety, i’m serving on duty and a special forces contract, as if the elite were considered, well, in fact when i already got here, i realized that... the elite is precisely these earth workers, yes, who are buried there, they must come out, pile up or hold, that is, this is the hardest, most terrible work for infantryman, we live right at the command post, we eat and sleep right there, but it’s impossible to show it as it is, there are all kinds of secret electronics all around, cat, i accepted you in full. soldiers of the nevsky brigade of
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the russian ministry of defense captured the ukrainian alexander andreev, there he is with his hands raised, provided medical assistance, fed him sweets, some kind of surrealism, offered tea, coffee, food, i drank some water, well, that is, candy, in general there is an understanding, what are you fighting for? it’s hard to walk, by the way it’s very daring,
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there’s no one in the sky except us, the streets are completely empty, this, and we walk openly, challenge the circumstances, somewhere nearby we are already accelerating, we are not just walking, but moving closer to... the brigade’s medical station, here many refuse evacuation to the hospital, they want to return to the team, but in our country, treatment is also an order, that is, soldiers are obliged to undergo treatment, they cannot violate this order, here they are, no, i want to go back, they begin to hide the symptoms, that no, nothing hurts me, no, i’m fine , can i go back to my comrades who stayed there, this is for me daughter, we’ll still look.
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why should we be cynical? people here are completely devoid of pathos, they are carried away by the war, they get tired, but quickly recover at the training grounds and return to a combat situation. we ourselves go to the forefront when necessary. of course, we are a single organism, together with our attack aircraft, and there, sappers, snipers who work in the trenches. some doctors
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say that they are stormtrooper doctors, so not all doctors live in the rear. sometimes there is not enough bread, kindness, compassion, the nevsky cat brigade evacuates. alexander sladkov, galim vergasov, pavel vydrin, pyotr vyrypaev, news of the week, solidar. this is the news of the week, next in the program. 75 years of the nato bloc,
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important background, so was us president roosevelt poisoned? and why else was joseph stalin ready for the ussr to join the north atlantic treaty? the olympics in france have not yet begun, and macron is already blaming russia for all the upcoming failures in the organization. what to expect from games in french? mysterious afghanistan. sergei zdenin went to the nomads. and also why the real alabaevs should be looked for here. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable.
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world war is in full swing. at the helm of britain is prime minister winston churchel, as cunning as a fox. until now, in england he is considered a model of a gentleman, perhaps the best ruler and a symbol of the wisdom of english diplomacy. he hated... minister churchel initiated british intervention in young soviet russia, and to the future military in 1919 he said: it is completely absurd to disagree with the fact that bolshevism is much worse than german militarism. london.
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russia saved england from it, the first world war, then the union of britain from france and russia , the entente, became no option for london, the second world war, when again russia in the form of the ussr played a decisive role in the defeat of hitler, otherwise from... this despite the fact that the leaders the ussr, usa and britain, stalin, roosevelt and churchel actively corresponded, coordinating their actions. with our sides. everything was sincere, for example, a poster in ukrainian in kharkov after the liberation of the city from the nazis in 1943, long live the military alliance
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of the peoples of the ussr, england and the usa, isn’t it, a meaningful photograph, you can look at it endlessly, there was a year left before the opening of the second front, here is us president franklin. delano roosevelt had no prejudices against our country. the proportions of events became obvious to him at the beginning of the war. april 1942. on the european front, the most important event of the past year without a doubt, there was a crushing counter-offensive of the great russian army against the powerful german group. russian troops destroyed continue to destroy more manpower, planes, tanks and guns.
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churchel was literally infuriated. under the leadership of marshal joseph stalin, the russian people showed such an example of love for their homeland, fortitude and self-sacrifice, which the world has never known. after the war, our country will always be happy to support. only 63 years old, less than a month remained before the unconditional surrender of nazi germany. having automatically inherited presidential powers, harry truman ordered, without performing an autopsy, to quickly bury roosevelt, which is what happened. rumors spread about violent death, but those who even then knew how to manage public opinion came to power. and here... interesting, documentary evidence from perhaps the most popular soviet political observer, americanist, subcorrespondent in the usa for many years, valentin sergeevich zorin.
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he once had the opportunity to directly ask president kennedy a question that made me angry. don’t think, we are not going aside, but telling all this in order to understand the prehistory of the creation of nato. she is important. so, june 1961, kennedy's european tour, vienna. and here is valentin zorin. that's where i went out for a walk. as he said, to move away from a too heated conversation with khrushchev, i approached him and asked an unexpected question for him: when president roosevelt died on april 12, 1945, 2 weeks before the victory, our wonderful scientist, academician...
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lev nikolaevich ivanov read a wonderful lecture to us as a student, in which he argued that roosevelt did not die a natural death, but was poisoned, and they buried him very hastily, without performing an autopsy.
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democrat kennedy came, declaring that he was a continuator of roosevelt’s line, the family turned to kennedy with a request for exhumation and kennedy also refused, this is the question that sat with me, and i asked. at kennedy's, why? kennedy even, in my opinion, got a little angry, these journalists, they always need something hot, then he saw that his interlocutor somehow lost his temper and said, well, the question has been asked, it requires an answer. fine.
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we will exhume, we will find traces of poison, the great president cannot be returned to america, and what will the world think about a country in which presidents are poisoned like rats? john kennedy had 903 days to live. and what did the world think about a country where presidents are shot like rabbits, and not only shot. in any case, after the mysterious sudden death of roosevelt, the new president of the united states, truman, became british.


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