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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 12:00am-12:26am MSK

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the interlocutor somehow dejectedly said: “well, the question has been asked, it requires an answer. okay, we’ll kill it, we’ll find traces of poison, the great president of america cannot be brought back. and what will the world think about a country in which presidents are poisoned, like ..." john kennedy had 9003 days to live. and what did the world think about a country where presidents are shot like rabbits, and not only shot. in any case, after the mysterious sudden death of roosevelt, the newly appointed us president harry truman became british.
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for the ussr, a year later he demands from stalin early payments on debts and refuses previously promised multi-billion dollar loan. in the summer of 1945, churchel developed a secret military operation against the ussr. under the code name unthinkable, the point is that the troops of the western allies, reinforced by the unfinished formations of the nazis, would be deployed against the ussr, the attack was planned on july 1, 1945, suddenly, but marshal zhukov was not asleep, on june 27, soviet troops in germany are regrouping and churchel understands
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that something went wrong, zhukov has an advantage in manpower and equipment in the most important areas and should not build his policy, based on a minimal advantage and thereby provoking anyone to measure their strength with us. churchel paints us black, and the west certainly does not make mistakes in his model. we must continually and uncompromisingly proclaim the great principles of democratic human rights and freedoms which are the common heritage of all english-speaking peoples. stalin assessed all this very accurately in his response to pravda’s correspondent on march 14, 1946. it should be noted that mr. churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent in this respect of hitler and his
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friends. hitler began the matter of starting a war by proclaiming a racial theory, declaring that only people who speak german represent a full-fledged nation. mr. churchel begins the matter of starting a war also with a racial theory, arguing that only nations speaking english, alphabetically: belgium, britain, denmark, iceland, italy, canada, luxembourg, the netherlands, norway. portugal, usa and france. look, the anglo-americans are secretly building real plans for a military takeover against the ussr. the first to acquire atomic bomb. the first to drop it on japanese cities, in violation of the agreement with the ussr. they are stirring up a cold war against us and are the first to create a military bloc. ussr, world.
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while the states are putting on the assembly line the missing weapons for the total atomic bombing of the ussr, our physicists under the leadership of igor kurchatov and yuli khariton are doing it. got the job done. on august 29, 1949 , the first soviet atomic bomb was tested at the semipalativsk test site. a year later, we already had 50 such bombs, the usa - 300, but the world became bipolar. moscow offers the british the government's participation. to nato. having received
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a refusal, joseph stalin declared that the alliance was an undermining of the un. and a little later, in 1951, stalin comments on the minister of foreign affairs. british affairs herbert morrison. mr. morison argues that the north atlantic pact is a defensive pact, that it does not pursue the goals of aggression, that on the contrary it is directed against aggression. if this is true, then why did the initiators of this pact not invite the soviet union to take part in this pact? why did they isolate themselves from the soviet union. stalin dies in 1953. khrushchev on behalf of. the ussr repeats its offer to join nato. the answer will be the same. in any case , there is nothing left to do but balance the bloc by creating its own defensive alliance of friendly eastern european states of the socialist camp. on may 14, 1955
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, the warsaw pact was signed, if in full, then an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. 7 years after creation. nato is included in it alphabetically: albania, bulgaria, hungary, east germany, poland, romania, ussr and czechoslovakia. the warsaw pact, as a military-political alliance, lasted until february of the ninety-first year. in july of ninety-one, a protocol was signed in prague on the complete termination of the treaty. the ussr was moving towards collapse, the social structure in our countries was changing. ideologically, we ceased to be hostile to the west, so the presence of a military organization opposing nato, as we considered it, lost its meaning. it would be logical for nato to also dissolve itself, because the enemy has disappeared, but
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this would have happened if nato was truly a defensive alliance. subsequent events showed that the north atlantic bloc, in essence. sharpened precisely for aggression, it began to literally devour countries one by one, creeping closer and closer to russia, there was no talk of any self-dissolution, expansion was inherent in the very nature of the bloc, so even before the creation of the warsaw pact, greece and turkey joined nato and the federal republic of germany. gorbachev receives assurance that the bloc will not expand. not an inch to the east. this story is well known, but gorbachev, that they say they are throwing it, nato waves are rolling towards us. 1999, hungary, poland, czech republic, 2004, bulgaria, latvia, lithuania,
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romania, slovenia, slovakia and estonia. in 2009 - albania and croatia, 2017 - montenegro.
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sweden is now nato - this is 32 countries in total. ukraine and georgia are still in the status of countries aspiring to join, and now we will take the track record only after the collapse of the ussr. the barbaric bombing of yugoslavia using radioactive munitions, 1999. inglorious invasion us and nato allies in afghanistan. after 20 years of senseless slaughter and attempts to westernize the country, a shameful flight. the wanton invasion of iraq in 2003,
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formally anglo-american forces, but it is clear that the entire nato infrastructure was involved. as a result of the war, the reason for which was officially recognized as erroneous, they died. hundreds of thousands of iraqis. the country's leader, saddam hussein, was executed by hanging, and the remnants of the iraqi army formed into a barbaric islamic caliphate. 2011 anglo-french aggression in libya with the support of the united states and nato, the ruin of the country, the murder of its leader muammar gaddafi, the collapse of the country, a civil war with the provocation of the slave trade and hundreds of thousands of refugees, the destabilization of north africa in the sakha belt. in 2014, the us and allies.
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overthrow of the legitimate government of bashar al-assad. if it weren’t for russia’s intervention at the last moment, the black flag of the barbaric caliphate would have fluttered over damascus long ago. finally, ukraine. the entire nato bloc is fighting in tension with russia in ukraine. in money to support the nazi bandera regime almost 200 million dollars have already been spent. all intelligence. from nato, such as planning operations, all missile guidance against nato air, sea and ground targets, training of ukrainian nationalist troops and their nato training. and who even doubts that the control of water drones is carried out by nato officers. planning and preparation of terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge - nato. controlling scalp and stormshade missiles on nato officers. control of long-range drones, for example, now up to tatarstan.
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5 years ago, french president macron set that’s why the diagnosis was brain death, since then no changes for the better have been noticed, about the sad anniversary of a historical rudiment, mikhail antonov. on thursday, a cake was cut at nato headquarters on the occasion of the organization’s seventy-fifth anniversary, since no spoons were brought in, they could barely do it with their hands. however, among the first persons of the meeting, which took place at the level of foreign ministers , no craving for sweets was noticed;
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is it really a piece of cake? there is a growing understanding among western allies that ukraine is losing the war against russia and slander may face defeat. the ceremony was overshadowed by two nato concerns, an increasingly aggressive russia in the east, perhaps even posing a danger to nato territory, and the second concern should be to look at the allies themselves within the alliance. especially the usa, where it is possible that donald trump will return to the white house. the head of the american state department, tony blinken, traveled to brussels via paris. the mission is the same as that recently had by pentagon chief ostion, to support the desire in the european allies to help ukraine, at a time when this desire in the american establishment is not obviously. cnn lamented on the eve of the voyage that it was like blinken’s mule to look the europeans in the eye. nothing, i looked and praised. washington is very pleased with how europe intercepted.
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will start returning home in plastic bags. even the head of the british foreign office, cameron, rejected the idea of ​​sending troops, so as not to make british soldiers a target for putin. in vain did the head of the french general staff, burghart, write a letter to his bloc partners. finding people willing to play russian roulette is especially difficult. chief of the general staff of the french armed forces thiri burghart sent a letter to his nato colleagues describing how the allies could support ukraine by deploying.
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financing, you need to chip in for the purchase of the third of this amount, there are remaining ones. in any case, supplies of shells to the ukrainian armed forces are expected no earlier than mid-summer and they will not fundamentally change the supply situation. even the us can only produce
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28 thousand 155 caliber shells per month, less than 10%. what ukraine needs, but for the west it may not make much sense to create a mass production industry endless fire shells. in the near future there will simply be no people left in ukraine. the mood of nato functionaries is spoiled by the realization of the fact that they were late even with the f-16 fighters. stoltenberg directly stated that airplanes will not be the silver bullet that will stop russia. on the contrary, the western press is increasingly writing about the fact that the russians have launched mass production of their aspen stakes in the form.
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stoltenberg does not waste time on trifles; the fund is expected to last 5 years in the amount of 100 billion euros. they write that some european ministers, having heard the figure rolled their eyes to the sky, wondering where such appetites came from. the european commission is worried about filling its peace fund, from which europe funds the war in ukraine. and in berlin the initiative caused an ambivalent reaction. defense minister pistorius, on the one hand, is not against it, but has significant reservations. we must only be careful not to allow double ternary structures to form, otherwise the products will be dispersed. at the same time , it is necessary to take into account who paid when and how much. another hint that among european allies germany leads in terms of investment in the kiev regime. 28 billion military aid. now this is a lot of money for the germans, given the need to quickly
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modernize the bundusphere. plans for military reform were announced this week. in addition to the ground army, the air force and navy. and how long have you been waiting? 4 months, how about you? 6 months. have you seen how many uniform items are not available for order at the moment? i'm fed up. apparently, not only law enforcement officers will have to walk around with their butts naked. key people in the scholz government, finance minister lindner and economy minister habeck started another inter-party discussion about where to get the money. the first proposes cutting
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social services and government contributions to pension funds. the second is to solve problems through external loans.
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we will not allow hatred to be spread, which is why we say no to warmongers. the spanish el paiz writes that the german economy is on the brink of an abyss, where the entire european union will be dragged down with it. the spectator states that there is a recession in britain. frozen into stones, no growth, sixth month contract. france's budget deficit stands at 5.5%, making macron's country the first domino in a european financial crisis that many already see as inevitable. it is necessary to stop and choose a different path, says former chancellor and former leader of the social democrats gerhard schröter. what really upsets me is the provincialism of the current leaders. this is not the social democratic party. if i had 15%, i would immediately. resigned. the sdp used to be a party that cared about the working middle class. now she's more likely to bake about benefit recipients. many people have
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the impression that in berlin they worry more about gender, cannabis and similar things. my party has lost its compass. on april 1 , germany legalized the use of marijuana, which health minister lauterbach had long insisted on. he, like schröder, a social democrat, recently called for the former chancellor to be expelled from the party.
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should remain, but the capabilities of the former head of government are limited. macron and scholz are the ones who could find a diplomatic solution to the conflict in europe. there will be no military solution for either side. but whether there is a military solution for one of the parties, the west clearly doubted that if it was possible, it would be for ukraine. rather, russia will achieve more in the current conflict than they will be able to dictate to it their terms of peace. the new york times comes to a disappointing conclusion. conclusion regarding the debate in brussels. words of support are all that nato now has for kiev. the task that the foreign ministers of the alliance countries solved this week in
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brussels was to formulate an agenda days for the anniversary summit of the alliance. it will take place in early july in washington. the event is supposed to be festive, also with a cake, but it may turn out to be more depressing than their last year’s gathering in vilnius. the mood will depend entirely on the readiness of the ukrainian armed forces to get into the meat grinder without ... massive support from the west, because the last thing nato leaders would like to see on a solemn day is the advancement of the russian army in ukraine. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putro, news of the week, germany. credit card beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month. service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit card is the best in the country, sign up for a credit card, everything will be the way you
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