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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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vladimir putin met with the head of the support fund. members of the north military district, defenders of the fatherland, anna tseveleva. for a year now, the fund’s employees have been helping soldiers and members of their families, collecting and restoring documents, receiving payments, medical care, medicines, continuing their education and undergoing vocational training, and providing assistance in finding employment. the most pressing issues are obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate , this is very important for...
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the next stop is azovmash, we have it after the fourteenth, i don’t remember exactly what year, also, drivers were forced to stop speaking in ukrainian, well, it was funny, it was very funny, but when she starts breaking this language into ukrainian, it was simply impossible to sit in the car. in the spring of the fourteenth they were heading towards the abyss of war. mariupol rebelled. elena greeted the russian spring with the sound of wheels on the rails.
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in schools, classes were held with the participation of fighters from the right sector, armed with machine guns, they gave lectures on the benefits of russophobia, the children sat in silence. history, rewritten by the new ukrainian government, teachers taught according to the old ones textbooks. mazepa fought for independence, which one? forgive me, damn independence, the beginning of the 18th century, who ever thought about any kind of independence of some ukraine, or poland, or some german principalities, the total xiv thought, oh, well, straight away, well , i was involved in charity, i’m already children, well you see, if he captured the whole of northern germany, the northern german principality, what will he give ukraine as a loan, they are not, of course, he’s a fool, but don’t understand, everyone understood this perfectly well, in
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february twenty-second she came to mariupol the war, the postponement was over, elena romanenko was supposed to go to work, but the trams stopped, taken by surprise by artillery shots. the russian army was still far away; the azov people were shooting at their own. my husband and neighbor, a girl, and two grandmothers were placed on the second floor, ukrainian soldiers covered us, they shot from an armored personnel carrier from the balcony.
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so it was fun here, when the shelling subsided, he brought a chair into the yard and received patients, there were still supplies of medicines in the clinic, savi gave them out for free, pharmacies, apartment after apartment, until the entrance collapsed, on march 16, the theater was blown up, where people were hiding from shelling, there was an explosion, i remember, i was between the first and second floor, i was, and at that time i heard a very wide, booming explosion, i opened
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my eyes and i saw that in front of me there seemed to be some kind of tiny fraction, as if it looked like flour, everything was very, very good. was white, the roof fell right on the seat of the auditorium, the pediment topped with statues of a carpenter, a miner and a collective farmer collapsed, a year ago the theater was opened builders from st. petersburg are restoring, the new building is rapidly rising, the appearance will remain the same, everything will be restored, right down to the stucco, everything that could not be restored, everything has already been broken and taken away, this remains a building that can be restored and we will restore it. that is, we will bring the new to the old together with the old one, cover it with a roof and begin interior decoration, there is nothing complicated, workers are recruited from the locals, former factory workers are now restoring the destroyed city. mariupol was the largest budget donor ukraine, the factories and seaport located here
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provided 7% of the country's gdp and were the main source of foreign exchange earnings, about 10%. with the beginning of a special military production operation at the mariupol metallurgical plant. named after the lich was put into hot conservation mode, however, everything ended in a complete stop, the blast furnaces were extinguished, the ukrainian military, a unit of the thirty-sixth marine brigade, were entrenched in the plant , military operations took place here, workshops and equipment were damaged, but not as critically as names become. a full-cycle plant, ore came into the enterprise, metal came out, it’s a whole city with stops, railway tracks, giant buildings, from the entrance to the sinter plant, where...
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they began to restore almost immediately, as soon as the hostilities ended, they had to develop new markets from scratch sales, european partners have turned their backs, russian ties are still very fragile. at the beginning, we were faced with the fact that we ourselves did not want to work at all and openly indicated this; some enterprises said: open trade at home in the russian federation, we will not work with you, with your territories, because for them these are not recognized territories, perhaps they have. capitals abroad and are afraid of falling under sanctions, we want to ask the russians a question, what scares us away, if we are russia, mariupol has returned to peaceful life, explosions and shots are not heard here, no one is hiding in basements, the avenues are colorfully decorated, the facades of rebuilt houses and schools
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clinics, people flock to the next premiere of the mariupol drama theater on saturday evening, stage and philharmonic artists play love with great risk, comedy. in my subjective opinion, our audience now definitely doesn’t need or need plays about the war, we’ve seen too much and we’ve seen it with our own eyes, that is, we don’t need to be reminded, we don’t need to plunge into it, well, probably, this is some kind of crucible, in which needed to be cleansed, for our city, which in the fourteenth remained in ukraine, this was probably the fate that should have been.
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the tram is in a hurry, opening its doors, mariupol is breathing freedom and the russian spring. elena erofeeva, vitaly kaydanovich, natalya novgorodova, vesti nedeli, mariupol. this is the news of the week, next in the program. slovakia celebrated the 79th anniversary of the liberation from the nazis by the red army. how bratislava preserves the memory of fallen soldiers. mysterious afghanistan. sergei zenin went to the nomads. and also why the real alabaevs should be looked for here. i understood correctly,
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the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, they were already there when i came here, we need find mom. what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, suggestions, objections, but there is no other 100 years ago, go ahead, what do you want, come on, soon! on wednesday, mikhail mishustin presented
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an annual report on the government’s work in the state duma and answered questions from deputies. putin's course for the cabinet turned out to be victorious. last year, in the context of the svo and tens of thousands of sanctions. russia is among the five largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. and here's another some bright numbers. gdp growth - 3.6%. unemployment dropped to three. and life expectancy in russia reached 73.5 years, a record. industries serving the needs of the army are growing especially rapidly. many times in many positions. in terms of vehicles and armored weapons, the increase is three times, in terms of destruction - seven times, in communications technology, electronic warfare and reconnaissance - nine times. what else did the prime minister alexey tell the deputies about? konopko. for the head of government, who traditionally, the duma hall was accompanied by the chairman of the chamber; the corridors are well
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known. mishustin reads here for the fifth time. his ministers worked for a whole month the day before in relevant committees, the prime minister himself met with factions so that not a single question was left unanswered in the hall. please, mikhail vladimevich. the main result: the economy turned out to be stronger than 18 thousand sanctions. investment growth broke a decade's record, and inflation was kept below expert forecasts. mudcaptain. this is the real price paid by the residents of states that are introducing measures against us
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sanctions for, if you like, the ambitions of our politicians, we concentrated on protecting our own interests and the development of our country, and under the leadership of the president, we built a new technologically advanced, effective system of public administration, which allows us to quickly formulate and make verified decisions. coordinated at all levels of government, implement the most complex initiatives. all this together with the support of the northern military district and the development of new regions. in 2 years, they managed to build and restore 18,000 objects, including the mariupol center rehabilitation and donetsk orthopedic. the income of all regions of russia has grown by half over 4 years. over the same period , 157 new places appeared in kindergartens, with details about each area, only mishustin’s report took an hour and a half, and for him.
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81% of all are produced in russia, in 4 years 30 new pharmaceutical production facilities were opened, the most serious, large-scale investments went there, here. along with the production of drugs throughout the country, hundreds of vascular and oncology centers were equipped, clinics were built in thousands, and polyclinics were purchased in tens of thousands. ambulances, hundreds of thousands of equipment. the issue of staff shortage in the districts of
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central district hospitals is about 50%, and if we take rural hospitals it is even higher. russia fully provides itself with meat and sugar, meets
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its needs for fish by one and a half times, and vegetable oils by two times. this year, even more than half a trillion rubles will be spent on the development of the sector. said, i said that i will not sign the budget if we do not put in full funds, that this will allow us to create and modernize 72 new factories, develop release of more than 500 new product items, in general, this is all that, well , excuse me, went away, because there was no tearless industry to watch, our electronics grew, when we had it 32 , in my opinion, protseninovich, 32% of our production
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electronics, in general industrial production grew by 3.5%, the manufacturing sector in... are powerfully oriented and know how to work with the digital economy, in this regard we see that there is less bureaucracy, everything related to various coordination between departments used to take months, now literally in within 2-3 days everything is resolved, if such an economic system in the world, which , having been subjected to such an unprecedented number of unjustified sanctions
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and restrictions, not only survived, but showed growth, no, such...
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domestic flights do not require a transfer to repaired 900 km networks, more than half of the capital, social gasification is expanding, and ordinary people are helping each other and the country; 15 million people have joined the volunteer movement. i especially want to emphasize that all the results that i spoke about became are possible only thanks to the consolidation of society around our president and his program. by uniting, we have proven more than once that we can cope with any difficulties, because behind every achievement there are people.
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heart, without thinking about profit, they care about those for whom it is very important, about families where children are growing up, and of course, about our defenders, about participants in a special military operation, and these are real heroes, our pride, they defend the national interests of russia , are fighting for the safety of all citizens of our big country, with their courage showing an example of genuine service to our native fatherland and... and all together we, the people of russia, are talented, versatile, who
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have at all times overcome everything, any challenges, we will overcome them now, our state, which we are proud of, has enormous potential, and with efforts everyone, it will be fully realized, we will do everything to make ours the best in the world...
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air force on the complex of iranian diplomatic buildings in damascus, in the frame the consulate and the ambassador’s residence, or rather what’s left of them, the islamic flag is clearly visible above the ruins republic, israel actually did not strike syria, but attacked the territory of iran, something that israel has never allowed itself to do. the strike killed 13 people, seven of whom were high-ranking officers of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps, among them brigadier general mohammad riza zahidi, who
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led the work of the alquz special forces in syria and lebanon, and before that he commanded the ksir ground forces. the figure, although not public, is more than iconic and significant, a great loss not only for iran, but also for the entire so-called axis of resistance. when you eliminate a key figure. in the hierarchy , coupled with the death of zahidi's deputy, this causes institutional disorder; finding a successor, especially in the context of the crisis in the middle east, will be a time-consuming task. in a word, a desired goal for the tsakhala, for the elimination of which tel aviv embarked on an unprecedented, even for itself, escalation with its most sworn enemy. whose death is now desired even more.
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on israel will be direct, that is, it will be the islamic republic that will inflict it, and not the iranian proxy power in the region, as happened before. we assure the heroic and revolutionary nation of iran that your zealous children in the islamic revolutionary guard corps, by the grace of god, will fulfill the national demand for befitting punishment of the zionist enemy and his supporters for committing the recent cowardly terrorist crime against iran in damascus. the whole question is where, when and on what scale this will happen at the central time. us departments are calling on israel to prepare. the us received intelligence that iran was planning a retaliatory attack, which will include a swarm of loitering drones and shahit cruise
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missiles. officials say that. timing and target unknown, but a proportionate response to the attack in damascus would be a strike on an israeli diplomatic facility, likely to occur between now and the end of ramadan next week. the whole world saw what the aerospace forces of the xir with their drones, comikat, closed missiles and ballistic missiles are capable of in mid-january, when they struck the positions of the capital of iraqi kurdistan, erbil. terrorists in the syrian province. it was a retaliatory terrorist attack during mourning events on the anniversary of the death of brigadier general ksir qassem soleimani. that attack became the longest-range strike by xir's aerospace forces in the entire history of their existence. the missiles traveled more than 1,200 km, which means they can easily reach both israeli territory and american military bases in the region, because washington is tel aviv’s main military ally, and therefore an accomplice. overseas they seriously fear that they will have to sacrifice their lives for the actions of the israeli military.
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pay the american military. a strike on the iranian consulate will only lead to escalation on the part of iran and its proxy forces, which is very dangerous for american troops. the countries of the north atlantic alliance are already losing their citizens in gas. the day after the attack on damascus, the iaf bombed the palestinian enclave with precision, hitting a convoy of an international humanitarian mission that was distributing food in disaster zones. seven of the dead had passports in britain, ireland, australia, canada, poland. and the usa. prime minister netanyahu personally had to justify himself for the erroneous strike in a telephone conversation with president biden. not everything is going smoothly for the two leaders regarding the operation in rafah, a city in the very south of the sector, where israel first drove 2 million refugees and is now planning to storm it. the white house responded to this with condemnation, which has never bothered israel before. the united states, which over the past decades, especially in the last six months since
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the start of the war in gas, has itself... a war with iran is clearly not in the interests of the current american administration. washington has already called on tehran not to strike american military targets, but the risk of direct military confrontation is now greater than ever, and its possible consequences will be felt not even by the region, but by the entire world as a whole. dmitry cherbakov and gleb napara. news of the week, middle east.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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