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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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on april 4, slovakia celebrated the seventy- ninth anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders by the red army. unlike many neighbors in the european union, slovakia carefully preserves the memory of its fallen soldiers. state ceremony.
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neighbors, internal affairs, there is a whole department for the protection of military graves, here it’s not like therefore, it comes from below, and people feel that monuments are not being demolished, but new ones are being erected. a couple of years involved in those exploits that opened the malinovsky monument back. the place was made by our fathers and grandfathers. the ministry
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chose the monument for the monument not by chance; this is the nitrian region of slovakia, where the command post of marshal malinovsky was located, from here he led the offensive operation of the second ukrainian front. tourists come to see malinovsky in full growth; schoolchildren were brought to the monument by history teacher anna marachkova. and i found my daughter natalya radionovna, malinovskaya. i wrote a letter to her saying that i wanted to give a lecture here for our residents of the city of levitsy.
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devices after world war ii. we must not allow anyone to question the decisive role of the former ussr in the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned. i will do everything to ensure that this story is never distorted. the prime minister's speech of gratitude to the soviet soldiers is interrupted several times by applause. many of those present are anti-fascists. oh, well, i'm a member myself. i'm a member slovak union of anti-fascist fighters. here's my membership card. and your ticket number is 48. and
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how many anti-fascists are there in slovakia, how many members of your organization, in slovakia , more than 1,500 people are members of the anti-fascist organization, because europe and the west are trying. distort the history of the anti-fascist struggle, spoil the merit of the disproportionate participation of the soviet people, as if the soviet union did not participate in this at all, and the americans won. there were no americans nearby in these fierce battles. in spring on the forty-fifth, the red army began its bratislava-byrnovo offensive operation. the red army marched forward, it did not bring freedom to all of czechoslovakia. rapid attacks of the cavalry under the cover of tanks. forced the nazis to flee. the red army marched forward into the spring thaw along washed-out roads. still a very difficult landscape. there are water barriers on the way of their red army soldiers. for example, this river gron was crossed under continuous fire from german artillery. the fascists were located there, on
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the other side, at the height of the red army for advancing to bratislava, it was necessary to first cross the river, and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched.
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everyone beat him, they tortured him, beating him to death, and then continued to sausage. kolbasovo is a black dot on the map of slovakia, an entire family was brutally murdered here. 11 jews who survived the holocaust returned home to a village bordering ukraine after the war. at the same time, bandera’s followers ran across the border, pursued by nkvd detachments. bandera's followers fled from the soviet army under the wing of the americans. american occupation zone after the war i was in austria, and before it was just... the shortest route through slovakia. detachments of 100-200 nationalists tried to break through to the west until 1949. they were hunted by local police and the army. bratislava consulted with moscow. a military operation was needed to prevent the country from being terrorized by bandera. in the four
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post-war years, gangs killed more than 100 slovaks. i was in lutsk. i was in lutsk, crying with despair when i saw a monument to bandera there. bandera, bandera.
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there may be weapons in the ground that transported the aircraft, parts of the aircraft itself, fragments of bodies or personal belongings of the crew. your main task now is to establish the names of those, names, names of pilots who died here. several years
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ago, local residents bought a piece of the field and erected a monument to the crew, unnamed, but left space for the slabs so that as soon as they found out, they could write down the names and ranks and bow to everyone who helped. liberate their country. denis davidov, vladislav chernov, vitalik and tatyana koroleva. news of the week from slovakia. and we return again to the topic of the strongest in stories. flood in orenburg, where the ural river overflowed its banks. report by another of our correspondents, murat zaripov. one after another, boats with residents of flooded high-rise buildings are approaching where gagarin square was just yesterday. in kamaz and urals vehicles, people are brought from other directions and immediately sent back deep into suburban villages and the private sector. those who managed to leave the disaster zone are sent to temporary accommodation centers or to relatives. there's a strong one. yes, who can, from the dangerous ones areas comes on foot while this is still possible. even though we don’t have water, it’s scary.
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since early morning, boats have been plying between houses along flooded streets, looking for those who need help. the rescue operation does not stop for a minute. now we are on the street of builders, this is a microdistrict of a new city in orsk, every now and then, boats float past, all-terrain vehicles pass by, both rescuers and volunteers, representatives of other departments and local industrial companies work together, they do everything according to several circles in order to persuade people to evacuate those who are still in high-rise buildings, but there are still many of them left, there is no light in the houses and it is rapidly getting colder, rescuers are literally persuading residents to move overland, field kitchens are being set up there, volunteers are bringing evacuation workers to the posing place teams, water and hot meals, but no more, no less people came, everyone, everyone... who wants to eat, there are practically no strangers here, meanwhile the water is taking over more and more areas and streets
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floods in a matter of hours, the suburbs were the first to be hit by the elements, then the dam surrounding orsk could not withstand the rise in the level of the urals. then it was reported that more than 4,500 houses were flooded in the zone; now there are many more. this very dam on the ural river, an embankment about 10 km long and about 10 m high, both on the right side and on the left, but... the water level rose so much that it began to overflow, eroding the soil and rushed towards residential areas at home. literally a few hours later the dam burst on this plot. now there are already several gaps in the embankment, from which water flows into residential areas. the most difficult situation is in the old city, it mainly consists of the private sector, some streets are almost completely flooded. the rescue operation continues for several days, the group of forces working in the disaster zone is increasing. every day, three aircraft of the ministry of emergency situations with specialists from the leader center and the spas center have already arrived here. forces from
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the entire region are pulled together and arrives under reinforcements from neighboring regions. on behalf of vladimir putin, the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in orsk alexander kurenkov. he personally inspected the most affected areas of the city and temporary accommodation centers, and also called on residents of flooded areas to immediately leave their homes. there are trained pvrs. we suggest that these people evacuate now so that they find themselves. in decent conditions, relatively decent, but at least they will have water, they will sleep peacefully, in all these houses there is running water, it continues to work, there is heat and there is electricity, i would like and would like to encourage the population to do this, when the ministry of emergency situations announces an evacuation, which means you need to take valuables, get up and move to where the ministry of emergency situations recommends. there is a risk of complicating the epidemic situation; city authorities urge residents to drink only bottled water. in order to prevent
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the sanitary situation from deteriorating in orenburg, where the flood situation is also difficult, the necessary measures are also being taken. water is disinfected with chlorine at a concentration of 1 mg per liter, so the water may have a specific odor, it is completely safe, the water in the tap is drinkable, meets all sanitary requirements, we recommend boiling it before use. compensation will be paid to the flood, and the regional leadership will provide compensation to those affected by the fact that there is no electricity and gas supply in the flooded areas, the situation is critical, more and more areas of the street are being flooded, the flood forecast in the tyumen and kurgan regions is worsening, water may arrive in kurgan in 4 days, in others settlements, even earlier, the head of the region, vadim shumkov, warned. all necessary commands have been given to the services, the operational headquarters is at pes commission. headed by the head of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the kurgan region is switching to a round-the-clock operating mode, but
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the elements are the elements, so now the main task is not to panic, but not to be a hero, but to carry out resettlement and evacuation from all streets and houses subject to potential flooding . . there are over 50 settlements in the flood zone, their residents need... to prepare for evacuation. we are currently informing the population for timely evacuation from residential buildings. and in the city of kurtomysh, residents have already been evacuated several streets here. came quickly due to the sudden melting of snow in the fields. rescuers are inspecting houses, helping residents of kurtomysh, and also removing pets. somewhere you have to use boats. it is expected that the river level in kurgan will rise by more than 9 m. in a week, the region will experience a peak flood. it has not yet been achieved in orsk. stabilization of the situation
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is predicted only in a few days. and it may take weeks for the water to completely leave the city. murat zaripov. he begulatov, sergei shelepin, dmitry cherkasov, zemfir abzalov and alexander bozhenov. vesti nedeli, orenburg region, orsk. today we have already recalled afghanistan as one of the countries where the americans invaded more than 20 years ago. now neither the usa nor nato are there anymore, they fled in disgrace. and left behind only ruins, hundreds of thousands of victims, extreme poverty, in which millions of innocent afghans survive. our correspondent sergei ezenin continues a series of reports about how life is in afghanistan under the taliban government. this time he went to the mountains to to the ancient nomads of baluchi. pakistani
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border is closed today. transit is vitally important, in islamabad they understand this perfectly well, they take advantage of the plight of their neighbors, bargain something from kabulul, probably, as has already happened, they offer to reduce prices for already cheap goods, no sentimentality, business. a simple day at a checkpoint is like death for many, irritation hangs in the air, not the best time to interview people on the street. it's lunch time, but prayer is more important. this man washes his feet before prayer right in the hall, is it embarrassing? no, of course, we're already used to it. the food was tasty and of high quality, and the one who performed the public ablution was the owner of this establishment. we have already eaten, but i can’t help but say a few kind words to the owner of this establishment. a wonderful person who
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keeps everything more or less clean in afghan style, it’s fresh here. they buy food and meat right across the street, it’s boiling in the cauldrons over there, i really don’t understand why they don’t skim off the foam, but probably in order to make it even more satisfying, we were sitting there at this table, it’s already almost cleared, the restaurant has been lowered , because lunch time is over, people get back to work, to work, to work, three hours of travel and we find what we were looking for right next to the highway, a tent camp, the weather... very nasty, light, sharp rain, cold and dank, on the other hand, it fully corresponds to the living conditions of these people, nomads live here, the baloch, a small tribe of ten million people living in pakistan, iran, aman and afghanistan, about 300 patchwork tents,
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about 60 families, live here seasonally. bye comfortable, this is the weather they consider good, not cold and not hot, when it’s +50 here, they will remove their camp and move hundreds of kilometers from here, closer to the pakistani border, the camp is protected from the wind by a low rocky hill, those who fought here in the eighties of the last century, they probably remember how many dangers these seemingly harmless hills are fraught with. by the way, through these pipes, the mujahideen came down, attacked our columns, attacked our guys, actually from the mountains they also fired from grenade launchers, and there was where to go, look, here’s a rock, you can’t see what’s behind it, here’s a huge village
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where you can hide and no one will find you, but the baluchi didn’t fight with us, in 1979... enough for food, but now , when the passes are closed, the youth feed everyone, they go from here to kandahar to work, their earnings are about, now
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i’ll count with our money, 150 rubles a day, there are not many young people of working age here, imagine feeding a camp of sixty families, well, somehow you... the girls are in national clothes, as i understand it, just like they made them a few years ago, that’s how they wear them, some have already outgrown their outfits, but what can you do, the terrible living conditions, it’s impossible to convey and explain, but the baluchis have been living like this for years. decades from birth, they have no land, they have no real estate, they only have tents, which they move with the advancement of heat throughout the country in neighboring
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pakistan, the borders are more or less open for them, because on the other side in pakistan there are also theirs relatives, their families, and they cross the border freely, and live there in the same terrible conditions, this is... a real holiday, and even these people living in hellish, difficult conditions will celebrate the holiday, afghans never lose heart, as long as you
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are alive, there is there is a chance that baluchi will never be sold for any money, these dogs are bred in moscow kennels and they say that they are purebred, well... a real alabai, a camp guard is growing up, yes , it’s tough, of course, but such a dog should know , such a dog should know who is in the house master, hiding, hiding, feeling protection in me, and all i had to do was stroke him, you are my good one. they have a special relationship with animals, nomads eat meat several times a year, it’s too expensive, they raise goat rams only for sale,
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they keep the scythes only for milk. we already know where they get food, where do they get water? listen, well , this is really the stone age, here there is water from the sky, here they are saving it, like this, the stento of the tent, where it caved in, collects rainwater. and then in a barrel and store it for a week, two, three, until the next rain won’t go, maybe this will surprise you, to be honest, it surprises me too, during the time the camp was here, several children were born, in this tent, a little less, the youngest is 3 months old, but there is no medicine, no doctor, in general, as the elder of this told us.
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everyone is frozen, there is a kettle on top, the stove itself is made from the lid, from the hatch of a soviet armored personnel carrier, well, they are such clever afghans, they use everything that is at hand, one of the men is now leading us into this tent, yes, where is it, so that you thought yes, a mosque, well, more like that. look, all the price tags have been washed, the rugs are neatly laid out, prayer is five times a day, i can’t even imagine what
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these people are talking about. it is impossible to understand this; you have to experience it while standing next to them. the bravest ones have already prepared for the journey. closer to the border, the tent camps of the nomads are empty, it’s a long journey, at least a month, but this is a way to free yourself from fasting during the month of ramadan; a traveler can eat and drink. a reward awaits ahead, the opportunity to choose the best place for parking and pasture,
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most likely already on the territory. our group goes further, we will show you the unofficial capital of the new afghanistan, pashtun kandahar, bordering pakistan, jalabad. you will see the underground tomb of the afghan royal family, and we will definitely tell you about how the taliban defeated one of the worst evils on the planet.
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nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, yours had them, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means , there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's take a look, in the app or on the website.
2:00 am
today is the anniversary of the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko, no matter what post she holds, ambassador to greece, governor of st. petersburg, deputy prime minister of the government or head of the federation council, valentina ivanovna is always impeccable, feminine, elegantly charming, like management. competent and professional, for special labor merits before the state and the people, president putin awarded valentina matvienko the title of hero of labor. the decree was published today. a word from our political observer, evgeniy rashkov. valentin matvienko’s working morning is not complete without a dozen calls and orders and flowers presented along the way by one of the senators.


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