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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today is the anniversary of the speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko, no matter what post she holds, ambassador to greece, governor of st. petersburg, deputy prime minister of the government or head of the federation council, valentina ivanovna is always impeccable. elegantly charming, as a manager, competent and professional, for special labor services to the state and people. president putin awarded valentina matvienko the title of hero of labor. the decree was published today. a word from our political observer, evgeniy roshkov. a working morning by valentina matvienko is not complete without a dozen calls and orders and flowers presented along the way by one of the senators.
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good morning. the upper house of parliament will not begin work without these words from its speaker. the 564th meeting of the federation council is declared open. elegant, always collected, the most influential woman in russia and the third person in the state. and once upon a time, when entering the leningrad institute, applicant valentina, dreamed only of how to become a pharmacist, he drove me through the entire periodic table.
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she is naturally charming, so i can only say we are lucky. in 1991 , unexpectedly for herself, she found herself in malta. the media decided that there are not enough women ambassadors. and they were right. russian ambassador matvienko soon won over the entire island, ordered to cut down all the sharp , terrible teeth on the guard of the diplomatic department, and the local residents, too.
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everyone in the union cried because we had lost the country, and it was very bitter and insulting. she later represented the new russia in greece and there she was able to achieve something absolutely incredible, she convinced the leadership of a nato country to buy russian weapon. letin ivanovna showed herself there as a very tough negotiator, but at the same time... always understanding
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the need to find a balance of interests, her qualities combine, i would say, the wisdom of a politician, the wisdom of a statesman and female wisdom, and then again a sharp turn in fate, an invitation to the government of yevgeny primakov, deputy prime minister for social affairs, and everyone knew this back then , a firing squad, i didn’t have time to fly from one region, i flew to another again, where...
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obligations of promises, i promise, i will go to resignation, here people fell silent, and they really would have resigned, and of course i would have resigned, but how else, how they managed to find billions then, probably only valentina ivanovna herself knows, but they found the tension in the country was relieved. valentin ivanovna, what is important for us, knows what every penny is worth, because when we come to the federation council, we present our budget for the upcoming three-year period. it’s always very easy to talk, because tatyana ivanovna knows where money comes from, where to spend this resource more efficiently, where we we get the result, in 2003 valentina matvienko was again waiting for her hometown on the neva.
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vladimir vladimirovich invites and he says: valentin, stop resisting, we need to go to the polls, he says, she was glad and did not want to, she knew perfectly well what she would face, the temple, the culture. art st. petersburg in everyday life was in a deplorable state, how long does this light bulb burn like that under normal conditions, it also says, well, how long, how long is its operating cycle 35.00 hours, explain what the problems are, why you are not capable, not in able to provide cold water to the house? let's fix the situation, listen, don't be ashamed, so i'll find out your address and give the command to turn it off.
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i congratulate you on this holiday and wish you new successes, such as today’s victory. she brought to fruition much of what she started while working in the leningrad city council. repair of the benois building, the russian museum, and the hermitage storage fund. we have a second hermitage,
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in the old village there is exactly a second hermitage, with a column, with a square, five buildings, open storage, in fact absolutely newest contribution to. in the history of domestic jazz, our st. petersburg jazz, her name will be in the forefront forever, but also a separate pain, leningraders were blockade survivors, matvienko always believed that they were deprived, for me it was a question of justice, i believed that those people who survived this the heaviest
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blockade, preserved, saved, defended the city, they no less deserved such an attitude towards the state equally.
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i can’t watch these shots, i think most people do, poor women, old women
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who cry, children who sit in they study at school in basements, the entire world community looks at this, covering its eyes, we can’t put up with this any longer, we need to make a decision.
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mikhail mishustin presented an annual report on the activities of the government to the lower house of parliament; in his address to the federal assembly in 2020 , the president identified the growth and quality of public administration as one of the key tasks for the government. under the direction of. president, we built a new technological, effective system of public administration, which allows you to quickly formulate and make verified decisions, coordinated at all levels of government, and implement the most complex initiatives. despite the increasing pressure, russia has successfully passed a difficult period of adaptation. at the end of 2023, gross domestic product, according to preliminary estimates from rosstat, increased by... 3.6%, which is more than twice the average for developed countries, 1.6%. this ratio has become
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one of the consequences of sanctions, which inevitably hit the economy of their initiators. according to the results in the reporting year, production as a whole increased by 3.5%, exceeding even the most daring forecasts. the main driver was the manufacturing industry, which added 7.5%. economic growth occurs against the backdrop of low unemployment. which has halved to 3% by the end of 2023. the foundation for economic growth was macroeconomic stability and a balanced budget policy. the execution of expenditures of the country's main financial document has approached 100%, which is the best result in recent years. in 2023, the government worked in the format fulfillment of six tasks set by the president. the first is to improve the well-being of russian citizens. to achieve this goal, regular monitoring is carried out. fixation of pensions and benefit payments. the cumulative increase in insurance pensions in 2023
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amounted to a total of 15%, and they were increased for 2024 . the minimum wage is increasing. the second is ensuring national conservation, protecting motherhood and childhood, as well as helping families with children. the third is the rapid development of infrastructure. in 2023 , over 110 million square meters of housing were built. this is a record figure in history. russian federation, fourth - strengthening technological sovereignty, fifth - achieving financial sovereignty, key directions for ensuring macroeconomic stability, sustainable budget balance, increasing own instruments of long-term resources, as well as increasing investor confidence in the russian market and renewing the influx of foreign capital. today, all payments within the country work, despite any external pressure. sixth the task is to expand internationally... with promising partners. now trade turnover with friendly countries is comparable to the volume of trade between russia and the whole
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world, which was 4 years ago. in his report, the head of government focused on issues of regional development. by order of the president, subjects will write off 2/3 of their debt on budget loans, about 1 trillion rubles. this opens up opportunities for solving infrastructure problems locally, including construction, updating utility networks, gasification, laying transport. highways, an important initiative for the subjects and free social gasification. in 2023 , almost 40% more houses were connected to gas than in 2022. on the instructions of the president, the program will be expanded to gardening partnerships in gasified settlements, and a program for the social and economic development of new regions has been launched. over the past two years , more than 18,000 objects have been restored and built, including kindergartens and schools, medical organizations and fire stations, philharmonic societies and libraries. expanded mfc branches, where you can quickly
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draw up the necessary documents, including for social payments, pensions and benefits. the government provides additional assistance to neighboring regions; on the instructions of the president , they sent 1 billion rubles to the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions, as well as the republic of crimea. these entities will be subject to the preferential regime of the free economic zone in order to reduce the burden on companies, preserve jobs and restore the economy. supporting sbo participants and their families is the most important task so that provide the military with everything they need, hundreds of enterprises were additionally involved,
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the defenders of the fatherland fund was created for the issues of the soldiers and their relatives, special emphasis was placed on the efficiency of providing benefits, svo participants will be exempt from property taxes and will receive benefits when enrolling in universities. all together, we are the people of russia, talented, versatile, who have at all times overcome all challenges, and we will overcome them now. our state, which we are proud of, has enormous potential and through the efforts of everyone it will be fully realized. least. we will do everything to ensure that our country, the best in the world, prospers. we are throwing open the doors to big
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politics. the most exciting political program is finally on the air. this is the main thing. good evening, the spring flood has become one of the main topics of this week, local authorities and the head of the ministry of emergency situations regularly report to the president on the situation in the flood areas and the measures taken. the orenburg region, which faced the largest flood in the history of the region, is under special control. people who find themselves in a natural disaster zone will be provided with all necessary help. the president's work schedule this week was very busy. meetings, meetings. opening of new social facilities, speech at the board of the ministry of internal affairs and the congress of the federation of trade unions. there were also many important statements, about the fact that our ill-wishers still want to take revenge for their own and historical defeats and to destroy russia, and from the man of the hateful ideology of the west, and most importantly , that no one will be able to undermine our unity. we will defend our values,
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culture, history, if necessary, with weapons hands. hello, this week to us. again we managed to take a lot of interesting shots, published something in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, well, right now we will definitely show you more than others. we were placed in conditions where the country is forced to defend its interests by force of arms and the most important... condition for our common success is the unity of the russian multinational society, there is every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely damaging our unity, sowing discord, strife and hatred in our
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country, splitting russia from within, no other goals are visible, they don’t exist, because... russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity. and in the external arena, it behaves in such a way that it is unlikely to be a target for attack by islamic fundamentalists. but the goal is to undermine the unity of russian society, especially in modern conditions, is certainly visible. those who apply. weapons, these are weapons that are used against russia, we must understand that they are both sharp, orders for crimes for money are not isolated, they do whatever they want for money, i am not guided by any... not religious, not political considerations, only financial ones, also everything is easy and sold, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, due to recent events
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in the country, the atmosphere at the board of the ministry of internal affairs was, of course, largely predetermined, it is clear from the conversation that the conversation ahead is even more serious than always, the text of the presidential speech is ready for... they have certainly set themselves the goal of further ruining what is still left of historical russia, now it has become clear that putin wrote this text right during the course
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of the board, that is, to destroy its core, in fact, his own russia, to subordinate everything that remains to his geopolitical interests, to maintain his hegemony, including including at our expense, well, naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources, apparently, someone considered our country to be the weak link.
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putin notes a decrease in teenage crime, but as at the fsb board, he emphasizes that there can be no complacency, much less laxity, work effectively, everyone in their own area, yes, people came, voted in the presidential elections, this is the people’s hope for our joint work, on its effectiveness, yes, of course, your humble servant was a candidate, which received a record number of votes, but this expresses... the mood of citizens in relation to society and the state as a whole, all authorities, you must ensure a normal life for the ordinary citizen of russia, but you yourself
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must work in conditions close to wartime conditions, just such work the people of russia expect from you. putin's work, which usually no one sees, the meeting with the government is completed, the cameras are turned off and turned away. but putin remained at the table, working with documents, studying, giving instructions flood situations in the regions, presidential resolutions, documents, and constantly brings more and more new things. this is all happening behind closed doors, here is a public event again, the camera turns to putin. during the day, when the work is completed here, live meetings in the main office, a request from the head
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of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, we will assume that this issue has been resolved, issues of the development of moscow state university at a meeting with the rector of the anniversary, what instructions and detailed meetings with the cabinet of ministers, on hands will get when it's putin about new payments to doctors, teachers, significant resources, despite the difficult current situation, we are building and repairing for the development program of new regions, very decent money, about you and about your volodya, this was just told to the president, the first born in the new donetsk perinatal center center, new housing in mariupol, thank you for being russia, thank you very much for everything, thank you for your heroism and for your attitude, we are one people, and you did not forget about it then, when it was especially difficult to remember now. basics restoration of our unity, we, who saw what happened to these banderaites, croatia, when they expelled 230,000 serbs,
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and i think that this analogy is true, what happened in serbia, what is happening now between russia and ukraine , all very similar phenomena, it’s amazing how tenacious this ideology is, human hatred and extreme nationalism, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, in geopolitical interests, in this series, by the way, the terrorist attacks that we have been experiencing lately, this conversation.. .
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historical phobias are present, some people still blame russia for the fact that someone once lost their colonial power, believing that russia is to blame for the demise of colonialism, but this is not at all the case. yes, the actions of the soviet union accelerated the process, but it was inevitable, people no longer wanted to be slaves, the same thing is happening today, it’s just that no one in power , in the broad sense of the word, wants to come to terms with this, they are looking for those to blame.
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we are not transferring the economy to wartime mode , there is no such thing, we are not canceling any there are no social guarantees for workers, we fully comply with them. moreover, within a few years the minimum wage will increase sharply, almost doubling to 35 thousand rubles. this means all key benefits are paid. these statements by putin at the congress of the federation of trade unions were heard like this, or like this. tried to do several things at the same time, the question, of course, is whether it’s high quality, everyone has to do a lot and at the same time high quality, the laws of economics dictate the situation in demography, we don’t have much choice, or it is necessary to import labor from abroad or increase labor productivity, and approaches to migration policy, putin believes, need to be radically updated, this is evidenced by the investigation of many crimes, it turns out that the person ended up in... russia
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without any problems, went through all the formalities, issued a labor patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship, without even knowing even basic russian, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in in the most central regions of our country, citizenship can sometimes not be obtained for years, here you need modern digital or... the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia . this principle must be decisive. at a meeting of the security council, speaker, minister of internal affairs. the key issue also concerns the ministry of internal affairs, as at the collegium on the fight against crime. the number of serious, especially serious and a number of other crimes has increased.
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because they all fall into the category of serious and crimes due to these frauds, especially serious ones. we know very well, we have a lot of objective evidence that the customers of remote fraud are in ukraine, somewhere there are entire call centers that remotely deceive our citizens, seize funds and transfer them. the peculiarity of this situation is this: the police, they are already involved after a crime has been committed, that is, when a citizen has already been deceived, when... they owned his funds, they cashed them out, they were taken away, yes, we have an increase the number of such crimes has been solved, a larger number of people have been brought to justice, but in general , remote fraud, it crime is growing, so these are the causal conditions for committing this type of crime, they depend not only on the ministry of internal affairs, they depend on the ministry of digital development, from regulators, central bank,
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roskomnadzor, cellular.


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