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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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and a number of other crimes, due to kaitish crimes, due to these frauds, because they all fall into the category of grave and especially grave, we know very well, we have a lot of objective evidence there that the customers of remote fraud are located in ukraine, where a whole call center exists, they remotely deceive our citizens, seize funds, transfer them, the peculiarity of this situation is that the police are already involved after a crime has been committed, that is when... a citizen has already been deceived, when his funds have been seized, they have been cashed out, they have been taken away, and the number of such crimes solved is increasing, more people have been brought to justice, but in general, crime is growing, remote fraud, it-crime, so here is the reason and conditions for committing this type of crime, they depend not only on the ministry of internal affairs, they depend on the ministry of digital development, on the regulators of the central bank.
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roskomnadzor, mobile operators, credit institutions, so that these remote scammers do not defraud our citizens, do not take over their savings, there are many presidential events this week, bright statements, conveyors of meaning, and this generally scattered everywhere, at a meeting on the national project about youth and children, putin suddenly remembered the gospel, remember, jesus came to galilee and next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw the robaks, and he... said: follow me, and you will be fishers of men, that is, human souls, they became preachers and his disciples, this was the period of formation of world religions is very important, but this turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must protect our traditional values, while all work should not be of such a protective nature, it should be... if we
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approach it this way , then we will definitely achieve our goal; 12 new youth centers in different regions of the country should help with this.
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recently, official paris has been making one aggressive statement after another: the french president then proposes sending ukraine troops, then speaks of the abolition of red lines and the need to defeat russia. now relations between paris and moscow are virtually frozen. macron is increasingly dragging his country into military conflicts, and how can one not remember putin’s words. said
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2 years ago to a french journalist: do you want to fight with russia? do you want france to fight russia? but that's how it will be. russian-french relations have come a long way. from unprecedented prosperity to the current not just freezing, even before discussion combat capabilities. how did all this become possible? we will not make any assessments; we invite you to draw all conclusions. france must not forget where the kremlin is. russia's place next to great countries. europe recognizes this place and wants to live next to great russia. appearing on...
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today there is no consensus on sending ground troops, but nothing should be ruled out in the dynamics, we will do everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. no red lines regarding russia, recent words from macron. well then they must understand that in russia the same applies to these states. there will be no red lines, they choose targets to strike on our territory, they choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory, but
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nothing they don’t understand this or something, they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons, damn vladimir, putin, my dear friend, president putin, i agree with you that we bear a special historical responsibility. personnel words between which there are only a few years, and in general a real gap, if you remember the 2000s, vladimir putin’s first visit to france, but by that time he was already familiar with jac chirac, the leaders did not waste time and held their first meeting on the sidelines of the international summit , he gave me a book, i also told him about the kremlin, i gave him a book, france should not forget where the kremlin is. there is such a place in the world, jacques cherak, a leader of a special caliber, a man of deep knowledge, who understands that the nineties with all the humiliations are this is not at all a reason to write russia off, as many western politicians believed;
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on the contrary, because of the trials endured, it is a reason to build relations at a new level with even greater respect; a new balance of power is emerging, which requires... the special warmth with which chirac represents all the french , then we are received here, as for gifts, i can say that since the president was given not a book, but something more, we gave them our heart, in the past years mr. chirac was engaged in translations of pushkin into french, you should everywhere to spread this beautiful russian language, this... the richest culture that i was lucky enough to join in my youth, from the end of the 18th century for almost a century and a half, in fact, the entire russian elite was bilingual, spoke french, as well as their native russian language , and maybe sometimes even better. the russian cemetery of saintge in dubois
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near paris, where thousands of emigrants from russia found their peace in france, their memory is carefully preserved. inscriptions on the obelisks, kornilov and his kornilovites, general drozdov and his drozdovites, ivan bunin, prince felix yusupov, the president of russia came to their graves today, a gesture of historical reconciliation, emigrants from different years, all of them came from russia, regardless of political beliefs. we must all remember, never forget that we are children of one mother and her name is russia. every year, relations between russia and france strengthened. in big politics, where even a random gesture often has enormous significance, these shots are truly impressive;
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chirac not only arrived at the paris airport during the start of his state visit putin, but also suggested moving on to the center of the capital together. it is always not only useful, but also interesting to meet with the president of france, he... among the top officials of the european eight is an undisputed expert on many issues. yesterday at dinner, president chirac said that the very first politician in france is to admit to you that i objected, i said that after all, the first politician is the presidential one. thank you for your welcome, i was very pleased,
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all the best to your wife and thank you very much. chirac, one of the main supporters simplifying the visa regime between russia and the european union to bring peoples closer together. he essentially insists and pushes the decision through western hotheads. abandoned the crazy idea, which was already actively discussed then, to force residents of the kaliningrad region, isolated from the greater russia , to obtain schengen visas for travel. a decision that would be humiliating for russia cannot be tolerated, so a provision under which russian citizens must obtain a visa in order to move from one part of their country to another is simply unacceptable. just think about it , the french president made his first foreign visit after his re-election then.
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it must be ideal, because it is even difficult to believe that 20 years ago france was completely different; in 2003, together with russia , it opposed, as is now clear to everyone, even the united states, the catastrophic decision to invade iraq. russia is against war. from our point of view, we agree on the issue of iraq. the alternative in war remains, we are convinced of this. france, russia and germany then sign
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a joint statement on the need diplomatic settlement of the crisis around iraq. such a document is the first brick in the construction of that very multipolar world that i have already spoken about. and moreover, i think that in no other european capital could such a document arise; if this could happen, it could only happen in france. and i think that this is a huge, even, perhaps, historical merit of president sharak. washington ignored everything, even the opinions of its allies, but after the start of the american invasion of iraq, russia and france continue to push for a return to international law. only the un has the necessary legitimacy. poland hastened to support the american war; shirak will then speak words that have gone down in history. poland missed a good opportunity. i once asked him why the american leadership behaves this way, so aggressively
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and acts so short-sightedly in some cases, he answered me in russian, in russian, because they are uncultured, direct speech. chirac bows to the contribution of the peoples of the soviet union to liberation europe, he insists on creating a single security space in europe, and is taking concrete steps towards this. until now , we have not conducted such exercises with any nato country, especially with the use of a submarine fleet. until now, not a single foreign leader, especially a western one, has visited this ultra-closed russian military center. this system establishes the fact of a rocket launch, finds flying blocks in space, and determines their trajectory. chirag invites the russian president to french military installations.
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increasing rapprochement causes more and more suspicion, it’s clear where. is this a signal to the us? i don’t even know what kind of sign this is; rather, it is a signal to the european union to maintain excellent relations with russia. et monsieur, soutenez s'il vous plaît, le rêve olympique des millions de rousses qui attendent votre décision avec l'espoir. very kind, friendly relations from the former president of france, mr. charac, have certainly been passed on to today's generation of leaders. the first acquaintance was also immediately at an international summit and also immediately informal signs, that’s how the new french the leader introduces putin to his wife,
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simply giving the russian leader her mobile phone. i think you will understand. because waking up in the morning and seeing red square means quite a lot to me. sarkazy felt at home in russia. and in many ways he continued the line of his predecessor. russia's place next to great countries. europe recognizes this place and wants to be together with great russia. apparently, awareness of russia’s real place helped sarkazy play a key role in normalizing relations between moscow. and european capitals after the most serious provocation on the part of washington and saakashvili in south ossetia. france, which holds the presidency of the european union, has proven in practice that it is capable of playing an independent and very noticeable role in resolving crises. we recognized the independence of south ossetia and abkhazia, just as many european countries recognized
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the independence of kosovo, we considered it absolutely unjustified to violate existing international legal norms; we did not open this box. but pandora's box was clearly being collected open wider. washington has started talking about the possibility of drawing georgia and ukraine into nato, while at the same time increasing pressure on its allies. sarkazy and merkel find themselves in a very difficult position. no one can put obstacles on the way of ukraine and georgia to the alliance, but it takes time for all the necessary conditions to be met in these countries. the appearance of a powerful military bloc on our borders will be perceived in russia as...
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blaming him for the election results, because as for putin, i think it’s completely ridiculous that he is the most popular politician in russia, and they will confirm this to you, the majority voted for him, not a single person who knows russia will tell you the opposite, you say not to congratulate, but why? everyone knows that this is his victory, you cannot blame putin for his victory, and then... involve him in working on solving the problems of iran and darfur, you cannot insult a person, and then expect his help in solving world crises. we need russia to solve crises. how will the world change and how should it change? economy in the near future. russia and france are among those who would like to see a new world order. our relationship with mr.
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president of france, with mr. sarkazy, he simply calls me vladimir, i. his nicolas, they have not changed since then, and nothing has happened for the worse, despite the fact that he is such a big boss, and i am a modest official in the russian administration, but the big boss seems to be increasingly forgetting what position he occupies and what are the long-term political traditions in france ? oème retard qui est dû à la longueur du dialogue que je viens avoir.
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connected with these states historically and geographically, and should not be afraid of current changes. you said that france today is not ready for military operations in syria, this is very pleasing and... thanks for that, but we believe that there is no need to use force at all when resolving issues of this kind. the syrian issue has become the main contradiction between russia and france for a long time, already
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under the new president francois allande. hollande fully supports washington's course for democracy and the future prosperity of peoples, following libya, it would be necessary to bomb syria too. it seemed to me that not only is it difficult to figure things out right away without a bottle of good wine, but without a bottle of vodka. how did it all end? from these territories there was no threat either to paris, or to the côte d'azur of france, or to belgium, or to russia, or to the united states. now
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it is a source of terrorist threat. why do we think that if we push someone from the current leadership away from power now, tomorrow there will be complete prosperity. what's going on in libya? we all know what kind of tyrant gaddafi was, perhaps. do you know what happened in sirte after we got there? your eyelids have entered, why don’t you write about it? has humanitarian grace arrived there, or what? our goal is to try on all sides of the conflict, we don’t choose ours and not ours, the difficult events around syria, when they began, well, one of the leaders arrived, so i meet with him, we agreed on what we will do, how we will do, specifically this, this, this done, flew from moscow to washington, returned to paris, everything was forgotten, as if there were no agreements, how to talk, about what, and there were specific agreements, right down to
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where the fleet would move, that we we’ll do it, the aircraft carrier charles degaulle approached the shores of syria and it seemed like we agreed to work together, but after a couple of days it turned around and went towards the soviet canal, well then why talk to them, then it’s better to call washington directly, that’s all, i’m saying now , i'm not making anything up do you understand? and in france they believe that it was the instructions from washington that, in principle , predetermined the fate of the country during the elections in which aland won, because in advance, with a wild scandal , the main favorite, the head of the imf, dominique stroskan, was removed from the election race. a successful long-term career was instantly broken by extremely serious charges: he allegedly tried to rape a maid in a hotel during a business trip to the united states. i don't want to touch on this topic, but i can't believe it.
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unjustified, but she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i
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know what it means to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why not, we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which has a future... as it were, we will save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years, forward, delicious, very, because made with love, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you think
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you are? the world stood up, shook himself off, and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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paris approached the ukrainian crisis with fairly tattered political authority, and the coup in kiev only worsened everything, because it was the french foreign minister who was one of those who acted as a guarantor of agreements between yanukovych and the opposition, and after the overthrow of yanukovych he made sure that he did not sign anything. our partners from the united states and european countries acted in ukraine using crude and illegal methods.
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a press conference in st. petersburg with president macron, his coming to power , they are striving for a settlement, and we see that today’s authorities in kiev do not give hope for the resuscitation of relations, meeting with putin in paris, organized quickly, the fundamental interests of russia and france are much more important than the current political ones, yes, we have disagreements, but at least we discussed them, the main thing we
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see is how...


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