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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the peak of the flood in the orenburg region is expected at the beginning of this week, the situation is critical in ursk, it burst there. the tamba, which protected the city from the ural river, more than 6,000 houses were flooded, people were evacuated en masse, what is the current situation in the region, my colleague stanislav berdwald will tell you about this. stanislav, i greet you, tell us how many people have already been taken out of the flood zone and how people are being helped in general? yes, hello, well, let's start, probably, with operational news: water in some areas of the city of orsk is still arrives, there is a stable flood somewhere.
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a situation where the water level does not change, but in general, as you said, a little higher, the situation is really critical and the peak of the flood influx has not yet occurred, it is expected on the tenth or twelfth, but we’ll talk about this a little later, it is important to note that throughout the past the ministry of emergency situations employees spent the night at their workplaces, it is understandable that a large number of people who stay at home refuse...
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we now have the opportunity to find out all the latest operational information about tonight, well, here’s how the work has been going since this morning alexander sitnikov, head of the press service of the state emergency service of russia for the orenburg region, alexander, good morning, what is the latest news, what do we expect? because even from the old city, where the evacuation began, a little before the arrival of water, people continue to contact us. at the moment, we know that the evacuation continued, the requests continued, more than 2.0 people were evacuated from the flooded areas, more than 600 of them were children, but nevertheless, the evacuation continues, so even it’s difficult to name a specific figure now, because even at the time of our conversation ... they continue to increase, people
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continue to contact us, and unfortunately, there is such a thing that people taken out of the flooded area turn to volunteers, to us, to employees ministry of emergency situations, to other services and ask to bring them back home to take some things with them that they forgot to take, so i recommend to everyone the residents of not only the orenburg region, and not only orsk, but throughout all of russia, probably. i need to pack my emergency suitcase. if you you know that your house is located in a flood zone and can be flooded, you need to put warm clothes on it, a supply of food for the first time, medicines, medications, documents are required, yes, if there is a need to constantly take medications, then they should be there if if there are children, then you need to provide them with similar bags, put the bag near the door, well, actually, if an evacuation is announced, then the bag will be collected immediately and taken to leave, because in fact a lot of people apply and ask to carry it out. home, now strength means
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are needed primarily to evacuate people in order to preserve their life and health, and also to return for things, but here the choice is obvious, when there is a risk of a threat to people, then first of all the forces are directed at the people, and according to the residual principle they are already taken away things, and of course, if they ask to evacuate animals, well, there is an opportunity, there is a place, no one refuses, because we all understand that this is also a living soul, they also need to be taken away, we continue to monitor the situation here in the orenburg region, in city ​​of orsk, really critical. flood situation, all the latest news on our air. tatiana. stanislav, thank you, my colleague stanislav bernwald works in ursk, about 2.0 people were evacuated there due to a powerful flood. floods in russia have already affected 39 regions. the most critical situation is in the orenburg region. more than 10,000 houses were flooded there, most of them in ursk, where a dam broke. the flood is approaching orenburg itself. the ural water level is nearby. with him he grew to
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more than eight meters. wave strong the flood will reach the village of ilek. 11,000 people live there, and in order to prevent severe flooding, they are strengthening and raising it. the dam is up to 12 m. in the kurgan region, there is a state of emergency in the zverino-golovsky district, where the water level in the tabol river has risen sharply. authorities warned of imminent flooding in five more districts in kurgan. local authorities urged residents not to wait to evacuate now. in the tyumin region, water will begin to flow in a week. according to the forecast, the rivers ishim, uy, shish and tabol will overflow their banks, and the water level in some places will exceed the historical maximum to four. and on other topics, the investigative committee will establish all the circumstances of the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
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the drone attack was recorded the day before. three people were injured. an act of nuclear terrorism. this attack was called in our mid. as noted by the official representative of the ministry, maria zakharova. the world community is simply obliged to react, eurosatomi made a call to magata and the head of the eu, they called the series of attacks an unprecedented quote, here is the statement of representatives of zaporozhye nuclear power plant. today three arrivals were recorded, one of them was to this truck, which brings food for the stations, there is a canteen here, unloading took place and, accordingly, the first arrival took place. drone, which flew into a truck from which food was unloaded near the cafeteria of zaporozhskaya s. the second flight was recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port, the third flight was recorded on the dome of block number six, these raids did not bring any cortical destruction, and there were no
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security threats at the station also not recorded, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand such fire from the armed forces, the increased frequency of arrivals may... indicate that a provocation is being prepared in relation to the zaporozhye plant by the armed forces of ukraine. the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was also commented on by the head of the international atomic energy agency , rafael grossey. he said that attacks on nuclear facilities are not acceptable, but will not bring political or military benefits to anyone. he also noted that damage at the facility minor, but such actions increase the risk of a nuclear accident and they must be stopped. and now alexander’s economic news, the it industry in russia is actively developing and already exceeds 2% of gdp, the government reported this. tell us, what role does the domestic segment of the internet play in this? tatyana, its volume is approaching 16.5 rubles. for now, on to other topics.
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payments to victims of a dam break in the orenburg region begin today. they decided to double the amount of assistance established by law in the region if the property. if necessary, partially lost, you can receive 50,000 rubles, if the full amount is 100,000, compensation is also provided in case of harm to health, for mild damage - 200,000, for severe and moderate severity - 400,000. to receive these funds, you must contact the mfc or submit an application through government services. since 2019 , the economic volume of the russian segment of the internet has grown 3.5 times and approached 16.5 rubles. these are the numbers. hosted by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko on sunday during runet day at an exhibition at the russian forum. he emphasized that now more than 86% of households the country has high-speed internet access. in general, we see the domestic it industry developing at an accelerated pace; it is
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the fastest growing economy in the country. for example, the share of the it industry in total gdp at the end of the twenty-third year has already exceeded 2%. luk oil invested in the development of the caspian shelf, it paid $200 million for entering into joint projects with kazmunaigas, a bonus of $100 million is also possible, this is stated in the reporting of the national oil and gas company of kazakhstan. we are talking about deposits kalamka with more, khazar and auezov. the agreement was signed back in february last year and lukoil received half of the companies that own the license for these facilities. investments in projects during the construction phase are assessed. production could begin as early as 2028 . production of russian aircraft baikal and ladaga may be launched in belarus. the russian ambassador in minsk, boris grizlov, told the ont tv channel about this. and 407 minsk civil aviation plant, 558
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aircraft repair plant in baranovichi, they will receive orders for the production of components russian aircraft, including tu-214,96 ms-20. perhaps it will be possible to produce final products, that is, this is the baikal and ladaga aircraft, these are such intra-regional small aircraft. russians' demand for... air travel during the upcoming may holidays has increased by an average of 15-30% compared to last year. the merchant reports this with reference to market participants. the most popular foreign destinations remain turkey, the united arab emirates and armenia. and among the russian cities are sochi, st. petersburg and kaliningrad. this growth is largely explained by the successful order of weekends this year, experts say. at the same time, in general , air travel is growing more slowly, plus 9%. based on the results of january-february. at the end of the issue , let me remind you that the exchange rate for today is 92 rubles
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41 kopecks. euro 100 rub. 12 kopecks and that's all i have for now. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore. great car, i agree, perfect, just need to change the oil, let's stop by. do you have the ideal oil for my car? here is an excellent
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oil - ros neft mag. 83% of buyers choose it again. what's so special about it? growth oil magnum, oil consumption less grate. it provides reliable engine protection and reduces the formation of sludge by 20%. motor oil rosneft magnum. we are confident you will buy it again. votker. it tastes better on fire, burger king, we take out loans, it’s easy to get them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we get them quickly, we at sofcombank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34 percent discount, who is always in a hurry to help, aim exactly for pain, pain in knee,
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pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter, the shoulder may fail, let’s call pentalgin, extrager, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, one of my friends has become very popular on social networks, try it, try jaga jaga, try it. ..according
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to the defendants, it was he who ordered they should go to kiev, where he promised to pay them a million. the terrorist attack, let me remind you, took place on the evening of march 22, the criminals opened fire and then set the buildings on fire. according to the latest data , more than 140 people were killed, more than 500 were injured. and all the details of the investigation. that the terrorists who attacked defenseless people in crocus moved on the command of the curator to ukraine, a recording of a conversation with the killers who themselves talk about the route after the terrorist attack, why you were arrested, for the terrorist attack, where you committed the terrorist attack, croc city, what were your group plans after the attack, with the terrorists along the way were kept in touch by their curator under the pseudonym sayfullo, it was he who recruited them, he told them where to get them.
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the connection with ukraine was found in the mobile phones that the killers tried to destroy. they sent photographs of the entrances and access roads to crocus to their curator on february 24. on the second anniversary of the start of the special military operation, this was confirmed by the testimony of one of the accused. in addition, photographs of people in camouflage uniforms holding the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses were found on the terrorist’s phone. ukrainian postal stamps with an obscene gesture. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. all stages of financing a terrorist attack are established. on thursday, in yekaterinburg, omsk and moscow, those who helped buy terrorists a renault car and weapons were detained. do you know who was detained? the arms suppliers were also
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detained by the fsb. i took them weapons to these guys who attacked korkun from etiol in the city of moscow, i took them weapons from the waving, new information appeared about themselves terrorists, according to operational data, at the time of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, three of the perpetrators were in a state of narcotic stupor, they were taking stimulants. two types that cause the production of adrenaline and induce a state of narcotic euphoria. immediately after the terrorist attack , western sources and many russian foreign agents began to shift their emphasis from the ukrainian trace exclusively to the banned isis. literally after an hour of events in crocus, it means that the united states of america began immediately
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receive indications that yes, this is isis, they did this. well, in my opinion, there is no smell of isis here, why? because they have. others have a completely different style, they act in a completely different way, but now i have no questions that the trail leads to ukraine, but the western media, as if with undisguised doubt , commented on the first results of the investigation and paid more attention to the appearance of the arrested. each had several visible injuries when they appeared before the judge. they sympathized more not with the victims of the terrorist attack, but with the perpetrator who killed more than 140 unarmed people, six of whom were children.
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it is naturally informational and psychological, and this is not a new tactic; through messengers, ukrainians recruited russian teenagers to set fire to relay cabinets. film, film, film, did you understand that by your actions you are providing assistance to a foreign state? yes, which state? ukraine. then they connected their own call centers, which intimidated russian pensioners, teachers, housewives with loans and demanded that they set fire to military registration and enlistment offices, police departments and administrations. year there were 123 arson, in 2023 there are already 285, through call centers also organized sabotage. the sbu began to use their services, began
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to sort out a large number of people, and create large law databases. large numbers, sooner or later you will find a person for any task who will do it for little money. explosions on railways, substations, arson, russian special services are actively working, detaining the perpetrators and disrupting the plans of the customers. in 2022, 34 terrorist attacks and five sabotages organized by kiev were prevented, in 2023 there were already 153 prevented terrorist attacks and 15 sabotages. not having the opportunity to plunder. us at the front, naturally, switches to intelligence and sabotage work, the emphasis shifts to the use of violence of all related imperatives, namely...
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36 attempts to kill tv presenters vladimir solovyov, margarita simonyan and ksenia sovchag were prevented, kiev hired two groups of neo-nazis . sbu officers, terrorist organizations, for example, cult-murder maniacs recruit our youth from ukraine, poland and the czech republic, and hitler fans who are ready to carry out explosions in russia are awaited in kyiv. the sbu officer promised me to provide a corridor across the border to cross into ukrainian territory.
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at the wedgewood arsenal in the united states, a poisoned cake was delivered to seventy pilots of the armavir school, but out of sheer persuasion, an attempt by recruited neo-nazis to poison humanitarian aid for russian military personnel and residents of donbass would be suitable for military personnel, and not only for pregnant afghans, too, we have a target audience - these are the comrades who are respectively there, so well as they say, everyone involved will be punished, that’s all. more like people, that is, more people, warmer and more interesting, the scale should be industrial. kiev is attacking not only military but also civilian targets and
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energy transport infrastructure with naval aerial drones. in tatarstan this week, a drone hit a student dormitory, killing 14. but the most terrible images are from belgorod: ukrainian shelling on december 30 - 25 dead, attack on february 15 - seven dead. help! there are wounded children on the asphalt, a grandmother is praying nearby call an ambulance, i called, called, called, they’re on their way, what about the boy behind mine, what is he like, these little ones, too, his legs will live a little, don’t worry, oh, in the same row there are explosions of the crimean bridge with the dead innocent people, attempts at sabotage at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, among the targets were other stations, kursk, smolensk, leningradskoye, the reactors of which ukrainian agents tried to stop with an explosion.
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and all this is not without the help of the west, which helps technically, financially, and with consultations. this explosion near ryazan was carried out by ruslan sidiki, who was undergoing sabotage training in latvia. the ukrainians tried to introduce these air defense systems into russia through estonia, and this american plastic through georgia. this week, cnn found out that western specialists help ukrainians direct drone attacks on civilian targets. these flights are determined in advance with our allies. give us a flight plan, which allows us to strike targets with an accuracy of several meters. the washington post has already reported that the cia spent tens of millions of dollars on training ukrainian intelligence services, specifically for their
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supervision. numerous sabotages were developed, history does not teach them, let’s turn the leaf, adolf hitler, nazi germany, who nurtured, all of europe worked for him, england, america, that they did not finance, well, on you, and he, like a mad dog, bitten in the first place giving hands, without them, without the americans, nothing would have happened, they have been since 2014. for almost 10 years, they will soon celebrate their bloody anniversary, they are preparing such terrorists, those who this week tried to bring 70 kg through latvia for terrorist attacks in russia for easter hexagen hidden in icons. if you have crossed this border of humanity, then of course there are no obstacles for you in terms of how to achieve some kind of deadly result, so this is a terrible one.
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the evolution of terror, of course, and we boldly and ukraine in relation to us, of course, we can correctly say that this is simply a terrorist state. and apparently, the insane amalgamation of intelligence services, criminals, neo-nazis and extremists of various kinds, the more they will fall into a terrorist frenzy, the worse there will be affairs of ukraine at the front. vital karmazin, tatiana koroleva and alexander. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to...
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retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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and now let's talk about sports, alexander, spartak won a strong-willed victory over dynamo in...


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