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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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let's start: the situation with flooding in russia. so, floods have already affected 39 regions. in the orenburg region there are more than 70 settlements in the water. critical situation in orsk. more than 6.00 houses were flooded there. a wave of severe flooding will soon reach the village of ilek. 11.00 people live there. to prevent severe flooding, a dam is being strengthened and raised there. in the kurgan region the regime.
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ural, residents are being evacuated. the urals threaten severe flooding in orenburg itself. its level there already reaches almost 9 m. and the connection our correspondent vyacheslav kampe comes out. vyacheslav, i greet you. what is the situation in the region at this time? hello tatiana.
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the region has introduced a federal level of hourly flood response. i am in the center of orenburg and here the embankment has gone under water. the water completely flooded the pedestrian area. the water level in the ural river is 864 and is approaching the critical level of 930 cm. according to the latest data, the water has entered 77 regions. to date, more than 10,000 residential buildings have been sunk. in orenburg, the main blow fell on snt. the water has flooded the streets and is entering houses like and... all affected municipalities in the regional center are actively evacuating residents affected by the flood. now the number of evacuees has exceeded 6,000 people, including almost 1,500 children. people are placed with relatives as temporary accommodation, away from the elements. the regional call center 112 has been organized for all issues related to the flood. also , the operational headquarters works 24 hours together with rescuers to help eliminate the consequences of the flood. volunteers help. they lead people out of flooded homes to safe places.
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thank you, vyacheslav kampa spoke about the flood situation in orenburg. and now there is a special military operation going on. ivanovo paratroopers captured a militant stronghold near the city of chasov yar. the assault battalion named after hero of russia viktor melkov distinguished itself. first, i worked on enemy positions.
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aviation and artillery, as a result of which it was possible to suppress the fire weapons of the ukrainian armed forces. after this, the paratroopers from several sides approached the control point in airborne combat vehicles and, under the cover of armored vehicles, carried out storm. the militants were destroyed by fire from all types of small arms, grenade launchers and hand fragmentation grenades. russian artillery destroyed the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. from it, militants fired at populated areas in the belgorod region; the attack was carried out by the rszzu crew of the group covering the state border. drone footage shows how a shell hits an enemy combat vehicle and the ammunition detonates. in addition, our fighters also hit military installations, positions, defensive structures and accumulation of ukrainian armed forces infantry. i received
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the target ordinates from the senior commander, and while we were driving to the approximate point, i looked for a place where it would be better to work, arrived at the firing position with the crew, tied the compass, oriented the gun, they gave me the command to fire three shells already, well, as if from the second the target has already been hit, the investigative committee will establish all the circumstances of the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the drone attack was recorded the day before, three people were injured, an act of nuclear terrorism, this attack was called in the russian foreign ministry, and how noted the official representative.
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these are the remains of a drone that flew into a truck from which food was unloaded next to the zaporozhye cafeteria. the second arrival was recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port, the third arrival was recorded on the dome of block number 6. these raids did not bring any major destruction, and no security threats were recorded at the station either, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed for such fire influence from the armed forces. launched arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared in relation to the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was commented on by the head of the international atomic energy agency. rafael grossia said that attacks on nuclear facilities are unacceptable. it
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will bring no political or military benefits to anyone. he also noted that the damage at the facility is minor, but such actions increase the risk of a nuclear accident and they must be stopped. major accident in the samara region on the twenty-sixth kilometer of the highway a bus with passengers overturned in ural-mukhanovo. according to the regional traffic police, two people were killed and 10 were injured. the circumstances of the accident are being investigated. according to preliminary data, the driver was speeding in this area. this bus transported citizens of uzbekistan, preliminary marshaling the city of nizhny novgorod. the reason for this preliminary traffic accident. now news to the economy, alexander, in recent years the top five main trading partners of russia have changed a lot, and now this top five is not
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more western countries are included, tell us who is in the lead? tatyana, at the end of last year, more than half of the trade turnover was accounted for by asian countries, so far other topics. damage to housing from a dam break in the orenburg region may exceed 21 billion rubles. this preliminary assessment was given by the ministry of construction. the agro-industrial complex in the region also suffered, with possible losses of 65 million rubles. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko instructed menselkhoz to calculate everything and take measures to minimize the negative consequences. western countries left the top five trading countries partners of russia, as reported by rianovosti with reference to customs data. service last year, our foreign trade turnover exceeded $710 billion, china remained the leader here, moreover, the exchange of products with it grew to a record 240 billion. india, which previously was in fifth place, is second, this is almost 65 billion. turkey is third 56 5 billion,
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belarus and kazakhstan close the top five - 55 and 26 billion, respectively, all these countries account for 60% of foreign trade. russia. in the foreseeable future, the chinese market may there will be high demand for the products of the russian agro-industrial complex. russia's trade representative in china, alexei dakhnovsky, announced this news in an interview. at the same time, we have already managed to become the leader in pea supplies there and displace canada. at the end of last year , more than $300 million worth of this product was shipped. now meat products, soybeans, and vegetable products are also considered promising for export. rabs, seafood, flour, confectionery drinks. there may be some breakthroughs on individual products. for example, on february 28, 2024, the first three russian enterprises received the right to export pork to china. hard work to open the chinese market for russian
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suppliers of these products has been going on for a total of about 10 years, so we perceive the current result very positively. chinese leadership within the framework of the security policy. security is committed to diversifying the geography of imports, so in the foreseeable future we can expect breakthroughs in other types of agricultural products from russia. lithuanian vichonaya group, which is famous for wichi crab sticks, is preparing to sell its business in russia. she has a plant here with a capacity of more than 120 thousand tons of products per year. according to the kommersant newspaper, the company has already received government consent; the buyer can act in the interests of the large importer of fish and seafood , unifrost. as part of the transaction, it is planned to assign the rights of claims on the debt in favor of the ocean group for a total amount of approximately 3 billion rubles. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that exchange rates for... dollar 92 rubles 41 kopecks, euro 100 rubles 12 kopecks. and that's all for now. we have historically defended
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our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract. the defeat of ukraine is tantamount to the defeat of the west.
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ukraine, this was stated in the foreign office and added: according to the official’s plans, the united kingdom will in every possible way support kiev’s membership in the north atlantic alliance. we must do even more to defeat russia. the world is watching and will make an appropriate opinion of us if we lose. we are very clear, ukraine must win this war. if ukraine loses, we all lose. this is a joint article on cameron’s manifesto with his french colleague stephane suzhernev. political community, which will take place in
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support of ukraine at the european summit england, at a meeting of nato countries in the usa. true, neither one nor the other has announced a dialogue with russia, and the newly minted members of the north atlantic alliance, finland, are already poking at this unspoken rhetoric. we currently do not have any political dialogue with russia, and i do not think that we can or should have one . i believe the bitter truth is that... representatives of the liberal opposition, who would not hesitate to send slovak battalions into ukraine. i would not be surprised if
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the european commission solely on political reasons and because of the results of the presidential elections, suspended payments to us from eu funds. in fact, the forecasts of journalists and political scientists are gloomy; they are already comparing the new slovak president with the prime minister of hungary, who also openly, in contrast to brussels, advocates peace and not escalation. for this, the european commission has already punished him for the frost. subsidies for budapest, when hungary nevertheless approved the tranche to kiev, the money remained in belgium, allegedly due to bureaucratic and judicial problems. what russian troops are successfully destroying western journalists began to recognize nato technology. the british economy, citing sources, reported that the russian armed forces destroyed several patriot anti-aircraft missile systems previously supplied by the states. these weapons were used near kharkov. due to a shortage of shells, ssu are forced to look for a budget-friendly but dangerous
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solution, notes the woll street journal. in minefields and swamps, ukrainian soldiers are looking for unused shells or remnants of russian ammunition, but in this way they still compensate for the huge shortage they won’t be able to, the publication concludes. emil mirsaev, news. foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in beijing, the capital of the people's republic of china, and he will stay. until april 9, the head of the russian diplomatic ministry will meet with his chinese counterpart wang yi, as part of the negotiations it is planned to discuss issues of russian-chinese relations between international organizations. in addition, regional problems, the ukrainian crisis and the situation in the asia-pacific region will also be touched upon. and now sports news. alexandra in the gagarin cup the semi-final series are underway. tell us who is closest to the final today. tatyana, good morning, today yaroslavl lokomotiv can reach the finals with a score of 3:0
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; they lead in the series against tractor. we start with football, in the central match. in the third round of the rpl, spartak moscow won a strong-willed victory in the capital's derby over dynamo 2:1. the hosts opened the scoring at the very beginning of the match, already in the second minute dynamo naeli umyarova earned a penalty for handball. the blue and white mexican legionnaire, luis chavis, left no chance for maksimenko. spartacus scored twice in the second half, both goals were scored by alexander sobolev; in both goals of spartak , dynamo goalkeeper igor leichuk was directly involved. the goals turned out to be similar. lyashchuk parried mikhail's blows twice. right in front of him and sobolev twice took advantage of the same mistakes by the dynamo goalkeeper. for spartak these were the first goals in the spring part of the championship. in the standings, dynamo remained in third place, but marcel lička’s team is already five points behind second-place krasnodar, and six points behind leader zenit. krasnodar in this round with a score of 4:3 won in nizhny
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novgorod. wings of the soviets defeated ural, rostov and sochi played in a 2:2 draw in the southern derby. cska beat the torch big, lokomotiv won in grozny and zenit scored a modest 1:0 against baltika. the tour will end today with the orenburg-rubin match. istanbul fenerbahce disrupted the match for the turkish super cup against galatasaray. the management of fenerbahçe warned that this would happen even before the start of the match. fener has a serious conflict with the turkish football federation, the team is demanding the resignation of its president, and previously fenerbahce even threatened to withdraw from participation. after which fenerbahçe left the field. galatasaray actually won the turkish super cup without a fight. magnitogorsk metallurgist took the lead in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup against avtomobilist. the third
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match of the series took place the day before in yekaterinburg. the home team saved themselves from defeat in the last minute of regulation. three periods ended with the score 2:2, but after saving danil romantsev , the motorist went into overtime as if unprepared, the overtime didn’t turn out to be long, already in the third minutes later , luke johnson scored the winning goal for metalg. 3:2 in the match and 2:1 in the series in favor of magnitogorsk. the fourth match of this series will take place in yekaterinburg tomorrow. women's handball cska won the russian cup for the third time in a row. the final four took place in rostov. nadono, in the match for the trophy , the muscovites played against the home team of the rostov-don team, a classic of russian women's handball in many recent years. the cup final turned out to be truly dramatic, the main time of the match ended with the score 23:23, so the fate of the trophy was decided in the series after the match seven-meter throws on the ninth throw.
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russian wrestlers won eight licenses to participate in the olympics in paris. the olympic qualifying tournament is about... it was alekhan dzhabrailov who replaced two-time olympic champion abdul-roshedayev in baku, who could not have been allowed to qualify for the olympics. in mid-may in istanbul, wrestlers will have another opportunity to qualify for the games in paris. the world license will be held there. the russian ski cup finals ended in kirovsk the day before. racing. in the final race in the murmansk region, skiers ran uphill. it was an 8 km moss start with a total elevation gain of almost 600 m. in one of the most spectacular and spectacular races of the season, saveli korestelev won among men.
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alexey chervotkin was 9 seconds behind him ; alexander bulshinov was 14 seconds behind him. in the overall standings of the russian cup, alexander bulshinov became the winner. in all categories, first place in the overall standings, in the distance standings and also in the sprint. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. in ukraine, it is necessary to mobilize all men aged 18 to 60 years. this was stated by the former deputy chief of the ukrainian armed forces intelligence staff igor romanenko. the age of those mobilized has already been reduced to 25 years, but this was not enough for some military commissars. for example, in odessa a teenager was almost sent to the front.
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report by evgenia petrukhina. they worked according to their usual scenario, beat them, tied them up, threw them on a bus and took them away. ukrainian military commissars tried so hard to send another obstinate draft dodger into the trench, but he turned out to be a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, so that they threw the guy out of the minibus, he was returning home 7 km along the highway. and ukrainian military commissars are now catching extras in the trenches with the help of the police. while they are checking the documents, ttsk’s employees appear on the horizon and begin to formalize the huge man, and the police do not interfere, because why do they need to join the assault squad? so, the employees of the shopping center, no longer hiding their cooperation with the police, are pushing residents of the dnepropetrovsk region into a car with flashing lights. the hunters for cannon fodder are rebuffed by ukrainian women who, in anger, can themselves crash tck's car. yes you are. now the woman is charged with petty hooliganism, she faces a fine, community service up to 15 days of arrest, but in order for the catch to take place even more
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dynamically, the central committee is blocking the passage, here in nikolaev, the city was closed on both sides, shopping centers were completely blocked, everyone, all the minibuses, everyone is completely cowardly, this rada has not yet adopted the bill on strengthening and mobilization, although zelensky is clearly lobbying for it, saying that the deputies have already delayed its discussion, that is, the united states is actually threatening kiev reduction or cessation of both military and financial assistance. notice how the ukrainian population is cooked like a frog on a slow magnet. zelensky's office of the president demands that americans increase funding as much as possible. military equipment, and they, in turn, demand to maximize the mobilization of personnel according to the principle, let them fight at least with sticks, but if
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there are a lot of them, then we will shower them with corpses, so the bill on strengthening mobilization in ukraine, it seems, will be adopted very soon, then, for example, limitedly suitable they will become eligible, so they will join the ranks of tired military personnel, now there is a reduction in the conscription age of 27 to... years, but from the twenty-fifth year they plan to conduct general military training, men from 18 years of age and above, and women who have completed medical education, and after 3 months they can already consider that a person is ready to participate in hostilities, they can be sent to the trenches, what linsey graham said, he says that both 27 and 25 are too much, you can lower the bar further. even if an eighteen-year-old is in the trenches, it’s much more important now ukraine needs western help. apparently, this is why zelensky says that the ukrainian armed forces do not have any shells for a counterattack, and in general there are not enough independent weapons. and
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if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. ukraine, apparently, is going to use personnel to compensate for the shortage of the same shells, so aggressive tcc raids, for example, on odessa buses, may become even more frequent. that is why ukrainians have to fall out of the sight of military commissars in every possible way. here they change into women's clothes, most importantly facing the warrior shouldn’t turn around to talk less, but how could he do otherwise if the vakop and the guys are already dragging away fourteen-year-olds. evgenia petrukhina, anna pogonina, news. and again, during a special military operation , the advancement of our troops on the zaporozhye front is provided by engineering and sapper units. in a matter of minutes, fighters erect pontoon crossings along which trucks, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks move towards the enemy. military personnel practice their skills in rear areas and a report from our war correspondent anton stepanenko: hold on, we’re still pulling, we’re still
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pulling, i’m pulling, knee-deep rubber boots definitely won’t help, otherwise the waist is in the water, in spring, autumn, winter, it doesn’t matter, the crossing must be standing, this is their assault, their war, the infantry is storming the enemy’s strongholds,
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across the dnieper, when kiev troops stormed kherson. sergeant dmitry in the northern military district from the first days, the squad commander in the twenty-second year ensured the crossing of the dnieper in the area of ​​kokhovskaya ges. the crossing is a strategic goal for the enemy; it is important to destroy it and deprive the troops of supplies. dmitry just this one the crossing was provided by water. air defense worked with us to ensure just these moments. the work was carried out next to ges, so they stood on defense. accordingly, attacks were carried out every 2 hours, that is, around the clock, roughly speaking, they charged the hymers package, worked accordingly, while reloading back and forth, well, we timed an average of 2 hours, yeah, attacks occurred every 2 hours, and the crossing stood for a long time, well, we defended for 2 months, as we defended thanks to them, military engineers and not i just defended it, they managed to get it with me.
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take it away and not leave it to the enemy? no, we have all the equipment, all the pontoons, that is, without losses, and we picked it all up, took it with us, took it to a permanent location, that is, without without losses, yes, although according to documents even for the military, during the conduct of hostilities, these pontoons everything is laminated and undermined. in the valley areas of a special military operation , engineering and sapper units are practicing overcoming skills. there are many water barriers in ukraine. stepanenko anton, vinokorov, valery, news: zaporozhye front.
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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg
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stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. and now about the weather in the flooded orenburg region , the rains have begun, can they have a significant impact on the course of the flood and where is its crest now? evgenia chishkovets will talk about this. peak flood in orenburg.


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