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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. and now the rains have begun about the weather in the flooded orenburg region, whether they can have a significant impact on the course of the flood and where its crest is now, evgeniy chishkovets will talk about it. when
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will the situation in flooded orsk stabilize, how soon will the big water reach the capital of the region and how much rain will the cyclone with which this powerful one is associated bring to the urals? squally storm time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the crest of the flood on the ural river is moving towards orenburg. the day before, the situation in orsk remained. critical, this is how the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, described it. it flooded 4,500 residential buildings and the same number of private plots. on sunday, the flood reached another residential district, new town. rescuers deliver food to people day and night and evacuate them if necessary. my yard is all in water, five-story buildings are flooded windows, just by the windows. tonight they evacuated all the people, they broke windows, through windows, they evacuated. ural level. gorsky
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rose almost 11 m relative to the zero point of the post, such a flood has not happened here since 1957, all local schools were transferred to remote learning, the oil refinery was temporarily stopped. there are already the first cases of acute poisoning in the region due to the flood, so the supply of drinking water to stores has been increased significantly, and no one is abandoning our smaller brothers in trouble. look, daughter, we’ve been saving cats every day, you see how homemade they are like this. the reason for such a stormy and destructive flood is clearly visible in space photographs. at the end of march , significant snow cover was observed in the catchment area and the reklinsky reservoir, but by the end of the first five days of april it had almost completely melted. discharges through the platinum gas station of the same name had to be increased more than 18 times. the ural river quickly began to overflow. the day before, the water level within orsk was 2.5 m higher than critically in the one located downstream. in orenburg to
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the mark of a dangerous hydrological phenomenon 74 cm remained. in the orsk region, the most significant rate of rise in water level was observed on friday and saturday, up to 1/5 m per day. but on sunday the urals added a purely symbolic 5 cm. this is reliable evidence that the crest of the flood has already passed the city and the situation is gradually returning to normal. now the capital of the region needs to prepare. according to forecasts of roshydromet. in orenburg, the peak of the flood will occur on april 10. i would like to note that the weather may have a negative impact on the situation in the near future. this is such a squally gate captured over orsk on sunday. it continued to rain here all day. until wednesday, fields of frontal clouds will shift over the southern urals, and although in general extreme precipitation is unlikely, in total during this period, more than the april 3 volume of moisture may fall in the region, all of it will go into overflowing with melt water. rivers. on the other
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hand, the cloudy fields of the cyclone will limit the influx of solar heat. this will slow down the melting of the remaining snow in the mountains. however, in the second half of the week the clouds will clear and the air will warm up quickly. in as a result, already on thursday the daytime temperature in most of the urals will rise to +8-13, in the south of bashkiria, the chelyabinsk region in orenburg, the thermometers will generally reach +13-18. rain is forecast in orenburg. stronger than in the middle latitudes of the urals, so in the capital of the region , about a third of the monthly volume of moisture will fall by wednesday, but the cooling will be less noticeable, in the first half of the working week the daytime temperature will be +12-15, and then it will warm up to +15-17. that's all for me, goodbye.
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rubles. conducted complex exercises and practiced actions in the event of an attack by saboteurs. another episode of maneuvers is an attempt by a mock enemy to hijack a fishing vessel. soldiers of the russian guard and the military moved to intercept. mikhail yudaev will tell you how the training went. every day , sea vessels enter the gates of the main kamchatka harbor. they carry cargo, engage in fishing, transport passengers, and in the summer dozens of boats and yachts with tourists are added to them; along with them , births can penetrate into the territory of the peninsula. elements and although safety is paramount, it is simply impossible to stop maritime traffic. protect kamchatka from the terrorist threat and at the same time not create obstacles to the development of tourism and the activities of civil infrastructure. the task is very complex and complex; it can only be solved through the interaction of all interested
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departments. to practice interdepartmental interaction, the capital of the region held complex exercises. each structure fulfills its task, but coordination of actions is carried out from a single control center. we go out. with the initiative to create a unified management body of the defense control center - the petropavchatsky port and based on the results of today's exercises, the following: proposals will be formulated. the main task is to protect the residents of kamchatka from any possible threat and ensure the safety of critical facilities. taking into account the fact that we plan to build a registration point, this is potentially dangerous object, these are tankers that stand in the roadstead and bring fuel to us in kamchatka and many, many, many more critical objects that require protection, not only military ones. the first episode of the maneuvers was played out on the territory. zones of the brigade of security ships of the water district. here, personnel practiced combating
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enemy drones. according to the legend of the episode, the brigade was attacked using unmanned boats. back was destroyed by a well- aimed burst from zu 23.2, but he was not alone. a swarm of enemy units is circling in the air above the unit. quadcopters. soldiers equipped with shotguns and anti-drone rifles go out to fight them. after the drone is shot down, a demining team moves towards it and destroys the remains of the drone. at the same time , a group of mock enemy saboteurs is trying to penetrate into the territory of the facility, they are intercepted by a patrol of snowmobiles, a shootout ensues, an on-duty unit of the marine corps arrives to help our soldiers, with the joint efforts of the saboteurs they are quickly neutralized, on the other side of cancer bay another group saboteur...
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short-term for the period of only some emergency situations, for this you need an interspecific center. the new security and defense control center is designed to ensure effective interaction between the regional authorities and all security forces, so that on the one hand, not to interfere with the development of the region, but at the same time ensure its maximum security. mikhail yudaev, kamchatka news. bring equipment back to life and carry out major repairs. the task is repair. military transport arrives daily to military personnel,
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which needs updating or replacing parts. engineering skills and ingenuity help fighters design new equipment. all the details are in the material of daniil zaretsky. the workshop of the repair company of the twentieth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces is in full swing. the soldiers are assembling yet another piece of equipment for the battlefield. this design is called the k-34 transport platform. the permissible transported weight reaches 150 kg. the all-wheel drive vehicle is used to transport bulls, food, and also to evacuate the wounded. rimrota's fighters started it produced since december last year. the idea for the creation came from a vein employee with the call sign kamaz. being an infantryman, the man figured out how to speed up the transportation of cargo. to date, nine such structures have already been made, five of which perform combat missions at the front. according to the insides, as it were. each one has a motor-wheel installed, well, that’s 4 vd, i have all-wheel drive,
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the batteries too, well, everything seems to be from civilian production. the price of such an assembly is about 200,000 rubles. it takes about a week to create one model. according to fighters, the platform presented on the table is 60% complete. now we are doing electrical wiring, testing, gluing the seal, closing it, painting it, basically. big test. the big test involves various tests for cross-country ability and strength. together with the military personnel, we went to see him off. platform weight up to 80 kg. as soon as the four wheels are on the ground, the remote control turns on and the test drive begins. the maximum speed of the transport platform reaches 20 km. the range without a repeater is up to 2.5 km.
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tests, starting with testing of weather conditions, ending with almost complete immersion in water, due to its small size, it is not easy to notice on the battlefield, a box can fit here, a large box from a bull, or small boxes for 545, 762, they can’t even be attached it will be necessary, they will hold on to the sides, if anything happens. so that through a special remote control you can do it remotely by your immediate business. in the future , fighters creating such a platform, only equipped with large-caliber weapons, will have their special education, placed in their places and everyone was engaged , it was possible to fire at the enemy. a transport structure for remote mining of territories is also planned. daniil
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zaretsky, victor voloshin, vesti donetsk, donetsk people's republic. the ministry of defense opened a mobile phone. where you can get electronic identification cards for a combat veteran. they work from vehicle bases in remote or hard-to-reach locations, including in the area of ​​special military operations and in military hospitals. the document combines a veteran’s certificate, as well as social and bank card. it contains the entire range of social support measures for combat veterans. military veterans have the right to receive an electronic id. who took part not only in a special military operation, but in other armed conflict operations. first of all, applications are accepted from military personnel undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the russian ministry of defense. within one day, we issue a response to the bank and the partner bank produces and issues an electronic approval for a combat veteran.
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firstly, convenience, i like it, everything is good, we try to keep up with the times, more. i was interested, you don’t have to carry a lot with you, no identification, no cards, no, well, everything in one, it turns out convenient, i myself was in one of the bank branches, where there is an atm, that is, you can already transfer money to your family there and so on, the state, the ministry of defense, is already thinking for you, which, accordingly , simply makes life easier not for you, but first of all for your family, all this is very convenient in a timely manner. credit sbercards are beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country.
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apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. appetite anywhere. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase, a modern drug for early treatment of prostate adenoma.
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burgers, your own savings business for each type of business, special. for retail trade, more information about customers, comparison of indicators with competitors, finding the best location for a retail outlet, open a vzbera account and use useful services for free forever sberbusiness. read more about the most significant events of this day in history in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. what do you remember? we’ll tell you about this day in history right now. hello. on april 8, 1498 , gerolo mosavanola was arrested in florence. this is one of the most striking and controversial figures of the italian renaissance. simion gained enormous popularity, denouncing the desire for luxury, licentiousness, debauchery, hypocrisy and the poverty of the higher clergy, who embodied these vices. savanola called for the purification and
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renewal of the church, and from an ordinary monk he became the abbot of the monastery of san marco. his prophecies added to his national fame. he predicted the invasion of the french, from whom, by the way, he saved florence and made an agreement with the conquerors. for several years, svanarola actually ruled the city and carried out reforms. in favor of the poor, but his views took extreme forms. on his orders, the florentines burned not only luxury goods, but also books and paintings at the bonfires of czeslavia. all this was mostly taken away by force. pope alexander vi, aka rodrigo borge, hated the preacher who accused him of debauchery, excommunicated him from the church and accused him of heresy. he was interrogated, tortured and executed, but was later acquitted by the vatican. tsovonorolu considered the forerunner of the reformation. monuments have been erected to him, books have been written about him and films have been made. on april 8, 1904, in london , the english foreign secretary henry
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lansdowne and the french ambassador paul cambon signed an agreement known as the entente cordial. it put an end to the british-french feud over the colonies. the british received freedom of action in egypt, and the french in morocco agreed on zones of influence in other parts. africa, as well as in southeast asia and oceania. besides, britain ceded the isles of los, off the coast of french guinea, to france. by dividing up the overseas territories, they could focus on european affairs and work together to confront their common rival, germany. lenin then gave an accurate assessment of the entente, they are dividing africa, preparing for war with germany. even earlier, a franco-russian alliance was concluded, and in 1907 an anglo-russian agreement on spheres of influence was concluded. on april 8
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, 1912 , the premiere of the film that opened the era of puppet animation took place in moscow at the khudozhestvenny cinema. it was vladislav starevich's short film is a wonderful lyukanida or the fight of stags with barbels. the director was an intomologist ; he chose insects as his characters, placed them on a plasticine base, pulled a wire through the paws, shot frame by frame and set the light for each frame, and came up with an iranian grotesque plot, parodying the then fashionable pseudo-historical dramas. lyukonida, the wife of the king of the irgach beetles, abandons him and goes to her beloved ruler of the usach beetles. as a result, a military campaign, a battle and a tragicomic... ending the cartoon was declared a cinematic miracle; such special effects had never been seen on screen before. many believed that starevich was filming trained cockroaches. after the revolution
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, lyukanedi was forgotten for many years, but a copy of the film was carefully kept in the state film fund. in 2012 it was restored, voice-over commentary and sentimental waltz music were added. tchaikovsky. in the afterlife. in the kingdom of eternal bliss , heros and lyukanida finally find peace. on april 8, 1966, the twenty -third congress of the cpsu elected leonid brezhnev general secretary of the central committee of the party. stalin held this position for many years, but usually signed his name modestly, simply as secretary of the central committee. after him, nikita khrushchev became the first secretary, that is, first among equals. and brezhne. who came to power as a result of a conspiracy and a coup at the top, needed to strengthen his position. it was for him that the position of general secretary was revived and enshrined in the party charter. in his
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speech, he made it clear that criticism of stalin and the stalinist cult of personality was over. soon eliminated all competitors established himself as the supreme ruler. the brezhnev era is often called a time of stagnation, but there were many achievements then. they raised the standard of living and built. bam, they achieved a lot in science and technology, broke the ice of the cold war, the deterioration coincided with the illness of the general secretary, when he became senile and practically did not govern the country, after his death the crisis intensified, it was not possible to preserve the ussr. this is what this day in history was like. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners, and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday
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is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, invested funds, have do you have any property in germany, yes, i have a party here, they all broadcast a certain... agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim i ended up, your brother, there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, how he is, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor there are no weapons, get ready to go to moscow, i’ll write down the missing person, no, that
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won’t do, i came for him, i have to. find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. sergey gorobchenko. tell him that he has no brother, he was killed. alexey shevchenkov. that 's where they went on reconnaissance. there were yours. and then? then, i don’t know. anton shakin. so, there is still hope. there is always hope. passenger's call sign. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. in the application or on the website.
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having learned that a child has autism, but not autism, you may be frightened, what a horror, what a bewilderment, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i i know one prayer. more advice: have you tried to see a healer? in the end, you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it . well, can you tell me this, have you been jinxed? no, tamara nikolaevna, know
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more about this. floods in russia have already affected 39 regions, the situation is called the most difficult in recent decades. how they save people and fight the elements, russian artillery destroyed another czech vampire multiple launch rocket system, from which the ukrainian armed forces militants launched shelling in the belgorod region, we will show footage of the work of our fighters. the defendants in the croco holly terrorist attack named their handler, who...


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