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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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stas, greetings, what is the situation in the city now and what about the water level in the urals? yes, hello, well, let's start with the latest news, the flood situation in orenburg has changed over the past 24 hours, authorities say, on the morning of april 8, the level of the ural river dropped by 9 cm and is now. 963 cm, respectively, in orenburg per day it grew by 16 cm to a point of 872 cm, the level of the urals in elek reached 890 cm, grew by 24 cm, in buzuluki the level of the samara river increased by 40 cm and is currently 948 cm, in general region water level per day increased. from 8 to 30 cm, respectively,
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the situation here in orsk is still very difficult, we see right now the work of the russian ministry of emergency situations on such special equipment, on a floating vehicle, the ministry of emergency situations of russia delivers people evacuated from the old city, the situation there is the most difficult, there the most high water, all last night, in fact, such a rescue operation took place. people try not to leave until the last minute, and then, when the water is already critical, for example, on the roofs, they call the ministry of emergency situations and say, take it away we are, please, that’s why the ministry of emergency situations asks that when the emergency services arrive, listen and evacuate, because it is in your own interests, now we see significantly less, because at night today about 200 people were evacuated from the area, in general more than 2000 people. at the moment
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, they have been evacuated to a safe place, people are being placed in temporary accommodation centers , there are a lot of people there, but everything is provided, there is warm water, food, warm clothes, humanitarian aid is coming, let's hear how the work is organized, the whole the truck arrived with humanitarian aid, we spent the whole night dismantling this truck... today we are finishing, we are finishing the final touches, we have some left, and that is, in principle, if more people come, you are ready to accept, we still have free places, they there are not so many anymore, but they still exist, there are enough such temporary accommodation centers here in orsk, there are places, as you just heard from the director of the school, on the basis of which one of the centers is organized,
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the situation, by the way, to say that of course, every family here has a story, well, it’s just heartbreaking, let's listen to what people say, how they evacuated, we live in the old city, they took me off the roof, took my documents and now put on a coat, old boots, but i have nothing at home , so my daughter, grandson and i collected things, we have nothing, everything is everything, everything sank, everything is like this, well, i want more... for you
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to pay attention to this special equipment of the russian ministry of emergency situations, this is a floating armored car, but the fact is that now you can get to the old city only on it, the fact is that the bed of the ural river, right here , literally three hundred meters away, there is a very powerful current on boats, on ordinary boats, on which volunteers and representatives of the ministry of emergency situations work, to reach the sky. perhaps the current is simply sweeping away, it is still very, very strong, so this is why professional equipment is used, and thanks to the courage of the guys, this equipment actually manages to bring many people out of the flooded areas, we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air . stas, thank you, since the last one stanislav bernewald provided information about the flood in orenburg. and now about the situation in other regions: there is a state of emergency in the kurgan region. in the zverino-golovsky region,
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the water level in the tabol river rose sharply. authorities warned of imminent flooding in five more districts in kurgan and also urge residents not to wait now. in the tyumen region, water will begin to flow in a week; according to the forecast , the rivers ishim, uy, shish and tabol will overflow their banks, and the water level in some places will exceed the historical maximum. and now to the economic consequences of the flood in orenburg region. according to preliminary estimates from the ministry of construction, damage to housing may exceed 21 billion rubles. we’ll learn more about losses and compensation from alexandra nazarova, she’s joining me. sazh, good morning, tell me. agroprom suffered seriously. sazh, good morning, the damage is about 65 million rubles. payments to flood victims in the orenburg region begin. more than 6,000 requests for financial support have already been received through government services.
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they decided to double the amount of assistance established by law in the region . if the property is essential partially lost, you can get 50,000 rubles. if the total is 100,000. compensation is provided in case of harm. to receive these funds, you must contact the mfc or submit an application through government services. damage to residential buildings also needs to be assessed. an emergency has just happened. and of course, the damage will continue to be calculated for quite some time. but now we are talking about quite significant destruction, including that caused to residential premises.
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also, in case of violation of living conditions , up to 350 thousand are compensated, in case of death 3 million people. of course, so to speak, the dam caused damage to the city economy, so of course the city has the right to make claims against the owners of the dam, and naturally, these are business owners, because their business also suffered. in turn, sber promises to make insurance payments to its clients as a priority, too. will provide comprehensive assistance to those affected by the dam break and restructure their loans. the agro-industrial complex of the orenburg region also suffered. according to preliminary estimates, the damage is 65 million rubles. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko instructed the ministry of agriculture to calculate everything and take measures to minimize
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the negative consequences. unfortunately, most likely the winter villages will die. by the way, this is really quite serious damage to agriculture. you can expect that. the decrease in production volume will be at least 10% of what it was last year. in the orenburg region, as of march 1, according to our data , about 44 thousand hectares of winter crops were insured in the twenty-third year, of which about 9.00 were insured under the emergency program. to provide local residents with food, businesses. supplies, for example, x5 groups quadrupled the shipment of drinking water to stores in orsk, bakeries in orenburg and novotroitsk moved to full capacity. in such a situation, it is important to prevent prices from rising; therefore, after an inspection, the prosecutor’s office announced about 50 warnings
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to businesses. in addition, due to the flood , the orsk oil refinery suspended operations; its capacity is about 6 million tons per year, but this will not have a strong impact on the market, we are sure experts. its production of motor gasoline accounts for about 1.8% of the all-russian total, while it also produces approximately 2.2% of russian diesel, that is, its share in the overall fuel market is again not so large, in any case, the shutdown of the refinery - this phenomenon lasts for about a week or two weeks there, that is, as soon as the water recedes, the refinery will operate normally, the duration itself, in general, allows the region to pass, one might say, time on the accumulated reserves of finished petroleum products. what the final economic consequences of the orski dam break will be and how it will impact people’s lives has yet to be assessed.
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sasha, in the meantime, the russian red cross has organized a collection of donations for the victims. thank you, sasha, it was alexander nazarova, she spoke about the economic consequences of the flood in the orenburg region, we will return to this topic later. we'll be back a little later. and to other topics. foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in beijing, the capital of the people's republic of china, and will stay until april 9. head of the russian diplomatic service will meet with his chinese counterpart wang yi. as part of the negotiations, it is planned to discuss issues of russian-chinese relations of interaction in international organizations. in addition, problems of a regional nature and the situation in ukraine in the asia-pacific region will also be touched upon. russian artillery destroyed the czech rocket. vampire multiple launch rocket system. from it, the ukrainian armed forces
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fired at populated areas in the belgorod region. the strike was carried out by a crew of the rszzo grad group covering the state border. the drone footage shows how a shell hits an enemy combat vehicle and the ammunition detonates. in addition, our fighters are also there, along the border, hitting military targets, positions, and defensive positions. received the target ordinates from the senior commander, left while we were driving to the approximate point, looked for a place from where it was better to work, arrived at the firing position, tied the compass with calculations, oriented the gun, they gave me the command to fire three shells already, well, as if from the second the target is hit. there is another mobilization scandal in ukraine. in odessa for a draft dodger
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they accepted a fourteen-year-old teenager. recruits are literally caught on the streets. the police are helping with this. evgenia petrukhina has all the details. they worked according to their usual scenario, beat them, tied them up, threw them on a bus and took them away. ukrainian military commissars tried so hard to send another obstinate draft dodger into the trench. he turned out to be a fourteen-year-old schoolboy. so they threw the guy out of the minibus. it took 7 km to return home. along the highway, and ukrainian military commissars are now catching extras in the trenches with the help of the police, while they they check the documents, tcc employees appear on the horizon and begin to process the huge man, but the police don’t interfere, because they themselves need an assault squad? this is how the tcc employees, no longer hiding their cooperation with the police, are pushing residents of the dnepropetrovsk region into a car with flashing lights; the cannon fodder hunters are being rebuffed by ukrainian women, who in anger can even break the tcc car themselves. now the woman is charged with petty hooliganism, and
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faces a fine of community service of up to 15 days of arrest, but so that the catching takes place even more dynamically, then the central committee is blocking the passage, here in nikolaev, they closed the city on both sides, the entire shopping center was completely blocked, everyone, all the minibuses, everyone is completely cowardly, the rada has not yet adopted the bill on strengthening mobilization, although zelensky is clearly lobbying for it, they say the deputies have already delayed from discussing it.
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further, even if there is even an eighteen-year-old in the trenches, it is much more important now for ukraine to receive western help, apparently
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because zelensky says that the ukrainian armed forces do not have shells for a counter-offensive, and in general there are not enough independent weapons, and if congress will not help ukraine, the independent will lose the war, compensate for the shortage of the same shells, ukraine, apparently, is gathering personnel, so aggressive raids by the shopping center, for example, on odessa buses, may become even more frequent, which is why the ukrainians have to fall out in all possible ways from the policy. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit
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sbercard is the best in the country, get a credit card everything will be the way you want, all ways are good when you want to be a special barbecon. smoky and barbecue sauces, what are you ready for? appetite anywhere, only dad will cut it down, sausages, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, who else taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, every second ticket wins the charity easter draw of the russian lotto, from each ticket sold 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded
9:17 am
stores on the stolotom website, these are the hands of dima bilov, they think that in a month they will be able to manage complex digital...
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it is not easy to catch the pyro of the firebird, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this. i see, i get it, that’s how influence beauty cosmetics are at a discount of up to 70% at the megamarket. it tastes better on fire, you have a form, for baking,
9:19 am
for squatting, try it, just like that, so, a trial lesson on... it could be: 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. the investigative
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committee will establish all the circumstances of the attack on zaporozhye. one of them was in this truck, which brings food for the stations, the canteen was unloaded here, and accordingly the first arrival took place. these are the remains of a drone that flew into a truck from which food was unloaded near the zaporozhye s. canteen. the second flight was recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port, the third
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the flight was recorded on the dome of block number six. these raids did not cause any serious damage, and no security threats were recorded at the station, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand such fire from the armed forces, which has become more frequent. flights may indicate that a provocation is being prepared in relation to the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was also commented on by the head of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grossis, who said: the attack on nuclear facilities are unacceptable; it will not bring political or military benefits to anyone. he also noted: the damage at the facility is minor, but such actions increase the risk of a nuclear accident. they must be stopped. the israel defense forces withdrew its division from the southern gaza strip. in recent months, jerusalem has significantly reduced its vanclave contingent. and this is a positive signal in the light of a new round
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of negotiations on a truce and the release of hostages. the british newspaper guardian writes about this. on a number of key controversial issues israel and hamas have already reached a consensus, this was announced in cairo. the head of our middle east bureau, sergei pashkov, will tell you how politicians themselves assess the results of the six-month war. 6 months from the moment when on black saturday, october 7, hamas terrorists from the nugba brigade attacked israeli cities and towns, killing 1,200 men, children and women, taking more than 250 hostages into the sector, the idf noted in the most unexpected way, almost everything mobile combat units left the palestinian enclave, the ninety-eighth airborne division completely left the sector from hanyuninos and... only the fighters of the nahal brigade continued to hold the netzarim tactical corridor cutting gaza from northwest to east, controlling the supply of humanitarian aid and
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preventing the massive return of refugees to the northern regions of the enclave. the total number of israeli military personnel killed in six months reached 604, however, summing up the results of the six months of war, prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to talk more about military successes. us pressure. in a telephone conversation last week, joe biden demanded that benjamin netanyahu urgently solve the problem of food for the starving sector and minimize the death of civilians
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in gaza. the day before , european partners also joined the demands, making it clear that from now on, assistance and support for israel will be conditional on the idf’s compliance with international norms and rules of warfare. sudden withdrawal of troops, reduction in the tempo of the operation, fire activity in the gas, relatives remaining in the enclave the israeli hostages were taken as a good sign, especially since the heads of the israeli intelligence services again went to cairo to negotiate an exchange deal. these rallies in the center of tel aviv have long been a tradition; tens of thousands of israelis gather here, in the square in front of the general staff building. demand the immediate release of the hostages kidnapped by terrorists on october 7, however, these people have
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different goals and opinions, some demand continued military pressure on hamas, others demand an immediate truce. we arrive at the square every time to remind israel and the whole world that people’s lives are important, that there are still people in captivity there to this day. hamas is ready to exchange. it's not fair, but we have to pay. civilians should not have to pay for the mistakes of the army and government. up to 133 hostages may remain in hamas captivity, although not all of them are likely alive. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. the west is trying to hide the fact that sanctions against russia have failed, while condemning those who do not support these restrictions. so president of the republika srpska milorad dodik commented on the situation that currently exists in europe. samo činjenica da mi nismo prihvatili da uvedemo sankcije. russia,
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especially since he wants to hide the fact that their sanctions failed, they had no effect, the whole west looks at this with hostility, they did not demolish russia, they did not overthrow putin, did not cause demonstrations, it turned out exactly the opposite, the growth of the russian economy , flexibility in reorienting to other markets. after all, putin is in an election in which he participated, received the largest percentage of votes than ever before, no one except us dares to say a kind word. watch the full version of the interview today on russia-24 after 14:00 moscow
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time. look around, now the year is 2124, 100 years ahead, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, and where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought from school, a man, a young man, according to my... us to him 117 years, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it is to give words, even though, look at me, when everything will end, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save our parents, they have a personal path and 13
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galaxies, all 100 years ago, delicious, very tasty, because made with love, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, it works in russia rosary and a clear signal whether russian industry is capable replace foreign suppliers?
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and we return to the main topic of the day, we will tell you more about... the situation with floods in the regions of the country. in the orenburg region there are more than 70 settlements in the water. the situation is critical in orsk, more than 6,000 houses were flooded there. the wave of severe flooding will soon reach the village of ilek, where 11 thousand people live. to prevent severe flooding, a dam is being strengthened and raised there. in the kurgan region, there is a state of emergency in the zverinogolovsky district, where the water level in the tabol river has risen sharply.
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the authorities warned of imminent flooding in other areas in kurgan and urged residents not to wait to evacuate now. according to the forecast , 10 thousand houses with estates and summer cottages may go under water. in the tyumen region , water will begin to remain in a week. according to the forecast, the rivers ishim, uy, shish and tabol will overflow their banks, and the water level in some places will exceed the historical maximum. we are expecting material from our correspondent from tyumen in the next few minutes. the ministry of defense published footage of the fighting on the outskirts of chasoy yar, where ivanovo paratroopers stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. first, airborne artillery and aviation strike the target. after suppressing enemy firing points , our assault groups move into place. with the support of armored vehicles , the russian military quickly takes positions. they are hitting the enemy.


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