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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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i propose to change the call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, the call sign is my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. in moscow 10 we continue to broadcast morning news at the beginning about the situation with floods in the regions of russia. in the orenburg region there are more than 70 settlements in the water. the situation is critical in orsk, more than 6,000 houses were flooded there. a wave of severe flooding will soon reach the village of ilek, where 11 thousand people live. to prevent severe flooding, a dam is being strengthened and raised there. in tyumen
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in the region, water will begin to arrive in a week; meteorologists say that the rivers ishim, uy, shish and tabol will overflow their banks, and the water level in some places will exceed the historical maximum. in the kurgan region , the water level in tobol has risen sharply. authorities warned of imminent flooding in five districts in kurgan itself. they also urge residents not to wait to evacuate now. according to the forecast, 10,000 houses, garden plots and summer cottages may go under water. and we will learn all the details right now from kurgan, my colleague is joining the broadcast, lyudmila fitina. lyudmila, hello, which areas fall into the flood zone? alexandra, hello, already on friday, april 5 , a flood alert regime was announced in the region due to the flood. the first city where preventive evacuation took place was not in the flood zone. streets, this happened
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due to a sharp increase in air temperature, it became 17° melting snow, active flooding began, there is also a large volume of water being discharged from neighboring cities , the reservoir of chelyabinsk and kazakhstan, i let me remind you that the kurgan region borders on kazakhstan; 62 settlements with more than 4,300 houses fall into the zone of possible flooding. residential and 6,000 homestead and garden plots. the authorities and regional emergency situations ministry urge the population not to wait for high water, and to evacuate from areas of possible flooding in advance. an extremely unfavorable flood situation is developing in the kurgan region. six municipal districts, including the regional center, fall into the possible flooding zone. 62 settlements with population over 18,000 people. the region has been on
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high alert since april 7. the forces of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the kurgan region are operating in emergency mode. all resources are concentrated on carrying out preventive measures, among which a significant role is assigned to the timely evacuation of the population. in kurgan, work is underway to strengthen the dam, and preventive evacuation from the edges of kurban and some is also underway. temporary accommodation centers have been created, meanwhile local residents say that the majority of these, they are still staying with relatives and friends, warning systems are working in the area of ​​possible flooding, messages are being sent through social networks and instant messengers, as experts predict, is there a peak in the city of mounds? the level of the tobol river
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is expected by the end of this week, the maximum maximum water level can reach up to 10 m. alexandra, thank you, lyudmila fitina told how to prepare for the flood. payments to victims of floods and dam breaks in the orenburg region begin today. the region has already decided double the amounts established by law. so, for example, in case of loss. payments to flood victims in the orenburg region are beginning, more than 600 requests for financial support have already been received through government services, the amount of assistance established by law in the region has been decided to be doubled, if essential property is partially lost, you can receive 5,000 rubles. if.
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21 billion rubles. meanwhile, the liability of the owner of the dam where the breach occurred was insured by sagaz. she confirmed her readiness to carry out the necessary payments when the investigation is completed. an individual can receive up to 750,000 rubles for damage to property. and legal ones up to a million. also
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, in case of violation of living conditions , up to 350,000 are compensated, in case of death of a person - 3 million. of course, so to speak, the dam caused damage to the city economy, therefore. of course, the city also has the right to make claims against the owners of the dam, and naturally, these are business owners, because their businesses also suffered. in turn , sbr promises to make insurance payments to its clients as a priority, and it also will provide comprehensive assistance to those affected by the dam break and restructure their loans. the agro-industrial complex of the orenburg region was also damaged; according to a preliminary estimate, the damage was 65 million rubles. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko instructed.
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twenty-third year, of which about 9,000 were under the emergency program, in order to provide local residents with food, enterprises increased supplies, for example, x5 groups quadrupled the shipment of drinking water to orsk stores, bakeries in orenburg and novotroidsk switched to full load. in such a situation, it is important to prevent prices from rising. in this regard , after an inspection, the prosecutor's office announced about 50 warnings to businesses. in addition... the flood caused the orsk oil refinery to suspend operations; its capacity is about 6 million tons per year, but this will not have a strong impact on the market, experts are sure. the production of motor gasoline accounts for about 1.8% of the all-russian total, while it also produces
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approximately 2.2% of russian diesel, that is, its share in the overall fuel market is, again, not so great. in any case, shutting down a refinery is... a phenomenon for about a week or two weeks, that is, as soon as the water recedes, the refinery will operate normally, the duration itself allows the region to pass, one might say, time on the accumulated reserves of finished petroleum products, what will ultimately be the economic consequences of a dam break in urski and the impact on people’s lives has yet to be assessed. and now to trading on the moscow exchange, this morning the american currency costs about 92.5 rubles. they give a little more for a euro 100, and the yuan is trading around the 12
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ruble mark. 80 kop. the most exchange index this morning at the opening of trading was 3.409 points. and the rts is at 1.135 points. now let’s take a short break and then continue to talk about the main topics of this monday. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcom bank, we take loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcom bank, loans that everyone knows, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. what we
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wars end, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is such a job, being a defender, when you become a professional, becomes your life's work military affairs, serve at the call of your heart, join your own. the ministry of defense has published historical documents about the liberation of crimea during the great patriotic war. combat reports, reports, testimony of military representatives and award sheets are now available on the website of the military department. about the unique archives of zinaida kurbatova. on this secret operational map. the initial plan for the liberation of crimea by forces of the fourth ukrainian front under the command of army general fyodor
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tolbukhin. it was assumed that in early march the fifty-first army from the sevazh bridgehead , the second guards army from the perekop isthmus , simultaneously delivers two strikes, but the timing has been shifted to mid-march. now the fifty- first army attacked the less combat-ready romanian units, the second guards army was being reinforced with artillery. in the code message to joseph stalin, his code name. ivanov, contains a detailed report from marshal of the soviet union alexander vasilevsky, his code name is alexandrov. the rain yesterday and today has completely put it out of working order. roads, all vehicles are parked on the roads in the mud. in this condition of the roads, the operation cannot be started. we will not be able to supply not only guns and shells, but even food and kitchens for the advancing troops. based on everything i have seen personally, based on the reports of direct participants in the preparation of the operation, i believe that the crimean... the operation can only begin between march 15 and 20. by the end of april 10
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, the nazi defenses on the perekop isthmus and south sevash were broken through. in his combat report , army general tolbukhin writes about the enormous damage inflicted on the enemy. the nazis began to retreat to sevastopol. the red banner black sea fleet prevented the evacuation of the enemy. the red army rushed deep into the peninsula. on april 13, efpatoria, feodosia, and simferopol were liberated. prisoners show up during interrogations. that the nazi command on april 10 orders the evacuation from crimea, here is the testimony of lieutenant colonel ion papa, commander of the romanian mountain rifle battalion. he spoke about the atrocities of the nazis, about the tactics of squeezing out the land. april 10, 1944, commandant of the city of yalta, captain muller introduced me to the plan for the destruction of the city. in yaltsa , the following objects were envisaged to be destroyed: power plants, reservoirs and the entire water supply system, mills, sawmill, masandra winery, yalta port, all these
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objects were destroyed in the afternoon of april 15 by a german sapper company. in the declassified documents there are those that. talks about the exploits of the heroes of the crimean operation. general nikolai tokarev personally led two torpedo bombers to destroy enemy naval targets near yevpatoria. his plane was hit and caught fire. a seriously wounded pilot landed a burning plane. he died, but the navigator gunner was saved. the village of heroiskoe in the saki region of crimea was named in honor of the immortal feat of nine reconnaissance officers of the nineteenth tank corps. in a landing party on one tank, they burst into the village where the romanian was stationed. for 2 hours they fought an unequal battle surrounded, repelling three romanian attacks. when asked to surrender , they responded with fire. having used up all the ammunition, the scout heroes entered into hand-to-hand combat. most of the scouts had several wounded, were captured. the scouts had their arms and legs broken and stabbed with bayonets, but not a single one said a word. a monument was erected to the executed scouts;
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after crimea was liberated, investigators were sent there to search for the burial places of the killed local residents. this is how new and new memorials arose on the peninsula for both military and civilians. all documents and photographs can be seen thanks to the new multimedia historical and educational section of the ministry of defense victory breath crimean spring of 1944. dinaita kurbatova. news. the final races of the russian ski cup finals took place in the murmansk region. participants had to walk several kilometers uphill in free style. about the leaders of the mass start andrey.
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cup did not prevent him from taking the lead in the next races; this race is a test for everyone and an opportunity for everyone to prove themselves. bolshunov entered the top three, but savely krostylev became the king of the hill; he beat the olympic champions at the finish line and thanked the fans. gives a lot of motivation to go further, when they stand in two corridors on both sides and shout at you, come on, come on, it actually
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gives you a little strength and the desire to stop up this mountain decreases. heroes of sports, today these are not just words, not a line from a song, this is a statement of fact, it seems that there are no barriers for them, they can handle any mountain. the organizers, including the company, did everything to ensure that big sport gave a big holiday. we have already said that we will definitely include this one, you know, here. according to the results of the russian cup in cross-country skiing, the winners were alexander bolshenov and veronika stepanova. these races are already the history of skiing in the country, which will certainly continue. andrey zaitsev, sergey kornakov, host murman.
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russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in china today on an official visit. we will find out what program the head of russian diplomacy has from our special correspondent boris ivanin. he's joining us now. boris, greetings, tell us the details of what sergei lavrov’s program will be. alexander, greetings, well , as always, very rich, especially since it’s already the height of the working day in beijing, the time difference is plus 5 hours compared to moscow, but the russian delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, flew here to china early this morning and the celestial empire greeted the board from moscow with such weather as now, warm, sunny, clear, here in beijing +24°, we can say that in the celestial empire it is already more summer than spring, the same favorable climate in all senses is observed in our bilateral relations. both sides have already noted more than once that the partnership between russia and china in all areas
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is of a very good neighborly nature and is at a very high level. and in fact, moscow and beijing are also largely similar in their foreign policy views. and as you promised in our foreign ministry with sergei lavrov and his chinese counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china. a quote will be scheduled: a thorough exchange of views on a number of hot topics. i’ll emphasize this quote, so tomorrow all official events and bilateral meetings are planned here tomorrow, so tomorrow it will be not just warm here, it will be downright hot. well, and especially since this year is special, an anniversary for our two countries, moscow and beijing are celebrating 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations; in 1949, the soviet union, let me remind you, was the first of all states to officially recognize. the people's republic of china the very next day after it was officially proclaimed here by mao zedong. well , as for economic cooperation, moscow and beijing have set a kind of
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record, the annual trade turnover is already 240 billion dollars, and apparently, this is far from the limit, although it all began in the nineties, as many remember with the purchase of cheap goods here in china, shuttle traders came here, since then an entire russian quarter has formed and grown here in beijing, the main street of which. .. it’s called, well, perhaps a little dissonantly for our ears, yabao-lu, but translated from chinese it literally means the street of elegant treasures, and indeed many of the signs there are in russian, inside there are real chinese treasures, for example, the popular white tea here , well it is clear that such a strengthening of mutual cooperation between moscow and beijing in many areas causes not only anxiety and concern, but downright envy and rage in the west and washington. american secretary of state anthony blinken calls russia and china the quote the most acute threats to the world order, well, one that is understandable based on western rules, and of course, the anglo-saxons
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represented by the usa and britain are trying in every possible way to destabilize the situation here in the asia-pacific region, well , it’s clear that all this regional the issue will also be discussed during the meeting of the two ministers, sergei lavrov and wang yi, and it was also stated that the crisis in ukraine will definitely be on the agenda of the meeting. let's see what the ministers say, especially since beijing, let me remind you, presented a plan for a peace settlement, which contains 12 points, and the most important of them, of course, are addressed to the west, this is the rejection of the cold war mentality, the bloc confrontation, the rejection of unilateral sanctions, and of course, this chinese plan is the head of russian diplomacy sergei lavrov just the other day called it reasonable, thoughtful, in which all points are interconnected, in contrast to the so -called zelensky formula, which is dictated, apparently, as it is not difficult to... all the details,
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thank you, what will we do during the day wait, i’ll remind you that our special correspondent, boris ivanin, was in direct contact from beijing. now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, let’s start today with issues of the development of science; this area is becoming increasingly important, given the the large-scale tasks that the president has set for us. we continue to strengthen its potential using a wide range of products. death, including the program for the development of synhartron and neutron research, within the framework of which we have a network of unique installations of the mega science class, this includes skif in
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koltsovo. this is the reef on russky island, the peak reactor in gadchin, kisi kurchato in moscow, with their help it will be possible to understand the structures and mechanisms of operation of substances to create new materials. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year, we plan to allocate about 450 billion rubles for these events. the funds are designed to create breakthrough technologies and expand. research infrastructure, which in its characteristics exceeds both existing and projected international sources of synchrotron and neutron radiation, and also for grant support for projects for training scientific personnel in this important area, we must do everything necessary to quickly increase our own competencies in critical significant industries and achieve
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technological. sovereignty of our country. the next topic concerns the agro-industrial complex. during the government’s annual report to the state duma, he noted that this is one of the strongest sectors of our economy. and last year , the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was harvested, including thanks to state support, for which more than 440 billion rubles were allocated within the framework of the state program alone. the president emphasized that the agro-industrial complex enterprise should have the opportunity to attract borrowed funds in the required amount to complete current tasks. the government pays special attention to this issue. a year earlier , more than 200 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program of preferential lending to farmers, this year almost 215 billion.
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in addition, to subsidize new investment loans. grew so that efficient production would open, new jobs would appear, and modern comfortable living conditions would be created for people. the government is implementing a set of systemic measures to develop these territories, among them the program of affordable rental housing, it was launched last year on behalf of the president, and 87 billion rubles were allocated for its implementation. thanks to this, about 10 thousand apartments will be built,
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the first. of these have already been settled in chakotka, primorye and yakutia, contracts have been signed for the purchase of more than 5,500 apartments in nine far eastern regions. students, young professionals, qualified workers, and participants in a special military operation can take advantage of the preferential instrument. to their housing rent was below the market rate, part of the monthly payments will be financed from budget funds. the procedure for their provision, defined in the signed government decree, let me remind you that for the first 5 years, tenants will pay only a third of the cost of rent, with a subsequent increase in the amount, this will happen by the tenth year of residence. we expect that the long-term rental mechanism will create comfortable conditions for local residents and attract professionals from other regions, from other russian
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subjects. these were stills. government service, head of the cabinet mikhail mishustin held a meeting with deputy prime ministers.


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