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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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now there is a short advertisement, after which vladimir’s program will continue the broadcast of our channel. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. copies, not your style. your uniqueness deserves more.
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and right now there are stills from the conference call. they are under separate control. from flooded households more than 6,00 people were evacuated from the sites, a temporary accommodation center
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for more than 1,200 people was located in them, 570 heads of agricultural animals were removed from the flood zones of the safe area. due to the negative impact of flood waters , power supply in six settlements was disrupted . directly from the city of ortsk, as well as residents of the nikel village in the territory, we are completing the targeted evacuation of residents of the old town microdistrict. for narration and organization of work, a fairly large group of all types of sound is used. the repeater means that 118 people were evacuated from medical institutions located in the threatened flood zone, of which 97 were transported for outpatient treatment, 21 people were sent to a medical facility located outside the flood zone. taking into account the worst-case forecast for the situation,
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more than 6,000 additional houses could fall into the flood zone, of which 28 are apartment buildings, in which more than 26 people live. for this purpose, 14 temporary accommodation points have been deployed. capacity of more than 12,000 people, including more than two, two 300 of them are sleeping rooms, and work in this direction continues, medical personnel, workers, psychologists, an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, and the national guard have been on duty at all sites, an additional 33 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for a capacity of more than 23,000 people, the flood situation is under control, including its development in the western central part of the orenburg region, this is all that concerns below orsk, where...
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i can see everywhere the dynamics of a stable increase in water level at most gauging stations on the ural, sakmara and lek rivers, increase in spill area. yesterday , a meeting of the government commission was held under the leadership of the minister, including coverage of all territories; today , round-the-clock monitoring of levels, the construction of engineering structures, the activities of governing bodies, the provision of all types of necessary assistance has been organized, all activities are carried out under the leadership of the governor, including pro. .. the commission of the subject and the decision of the commission on emergency situations, including today , targeted assistance is being provided to the orenburg region with sides of all regions along the volga, the central part of russia to provide humanitarian assistance, from 4 o'clock a group of the ministry of defense
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consisting of 112 people from twenty pieces of equipment moved to the city of orz to provide assistance. today, the total force grouping is more than 4.00 people and 800 units. equipment, including more than 600 people and 114 equipment from the russian ministry of emergency situations. all assigned groups came evenly distributed to organize monitoring of the provision of all necessary assistance. currently, all the consequences of liquidation continue to carry out tasks indicating assistance to the population, all issues of ensuring the work of the group have been carried out. we continue our work, the report is finished. thanks a lot. please inform me about the progress of work every 3 hours and if the situation changes, report immediately. i ask representatives of all interested federal executive authorities and regional authorities to organize the implementation of measures. this was footage
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of a conference call with the ministry of emergency situations, now the broadcast of our channel will continue with the program of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin, moscow, kremlin, putin. let's open it up. doors to big politics, the most exciting political program is finally on the air. this is the main meaning of your work. good evening. the president regularly reports on the situation in the flooded areas and on the measures taken under special control of the orenburg region, which faced the largest flood in the history of the region. people who find themselves in a natural disaster zone will be provided with all the necessary assistance. the president's work schedule this week was very busy. meeting, meetings, opening of new social facilities, speaking at the board.
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subscribe, well, right now we will definitely show you more than others. we have been placed in a situation where the country is forced to defend its interests by force of arms, which is the most important condition for our common success.
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that it is mutually acute, orders of crimes for money are not isolated, they do
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whatever they want for money, there is no leadership for any religious or political conflicts, only financial ones, everything is also easy and sold, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, due to the latest events in the country, the atmosphere at the board of the ministry of internal affairs was, of course, largely predetermined, it is clear from the flow. the conversation ahead is even more serious than always. the text of the presidential speech is prepared in advance, but right during the board meeting, when minister kolokoltsev reported, putin not only studied it in detail. impressive booklets about the work of the ministry of internal affairs, but then he wrote something. several minutes in a row. he wrote, as it became clear, his final word, in which... i decided to remind the employees of the ministry of internal affairs that they are now fighting to preserve the country, because now
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it is generally obvious to everyone that the western countries , after the collapse of the soviet union, certainly set themselves the goal of destroying what was left of historical russia, and now it has become clear, that putin wrote this text right during the course of the collegium, that is , to further destroy its core, in fact, russia itself, to subordinate everything that remains to his geopolitical interests, to maintain his hegemony. including at our expense, well, naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources, apparently, someone considered our country to be a weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion, many have already realized that they are mistaken, this has never happened, no one has succeeded in this, this will not happen no one will be able to do this. the work of the ministry of internal affairs in such conditions is understandable and all the more important. hello, and despite the extreme complexity of the situation around the country, the situation within the country. under control, the detection rate of robbery is a type of crime that can affect anyone
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citizen, reached 96%. other crimes, grievous bodily harm 98%, rape 99%. and of course, the most serious type of crime is murder, our detection rate is 96%. but what about 4%, will they be completely forgotten? no, we continue to work on them. there is such a firm principle of the inevitability of punishment, here. indicator for the past year: 45.00 solved crimes of previous years, of which 14,000 were grave and especially grave. putin notes a decrease in teenage crime, but like ... fsb colleagues emphasize that there is no there can be no complacency, let alone laxity, work efficiently, everyone in their own area, yes, people came, voted in the presidential elections, this is people’s hope for our joint work, for its effectiveness. yes, of course, yours truly was the candidate who received
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a record number of votes, but this expresses the mood of citizens towards society and the state. in general, all authorities, you must ensure a normal life for the ordinary citizen of russia, but you yourself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions, this is exactly the kind of work the people of russia expect from you, putin’s work, which usually no one sees, the meeting with the government is completed, the cameras are turned off and turned away, nothin remained at the table working with...
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thank you for what we russia, thank you very much for everything, thank you for your heroism and for your attitude, we are one people, and you did not forget about this when it was especially
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difficult, remember, now is the basis for the restoration of our unity. we, who saw what happened to these banderaites in croatia, when they expelled 230,000 serbs, and i think this is an analogy, it is true, what happened in serbia, what is happening now between russia and ukraine, all very similar phenomena, it’s amazing how tenacious this ideology is, people hatred of extreme nationalism, first of all... by the way, not in ideological, in geopolitical interests. in this series, by the way, are all these terrorist attacks that we are experiencing last. this conversation took place behind closed doors, but we managed to see something. when imir kusturica came to the kremlin, then reported. there is a letter there that i want to give him. this is important, this is what
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i will talk about now. and the most important thing, of course, was not what creative plans kusturica had, but the conversation about history. about the end of the history of the colonial world, no one wants to part with it, i know that these historical phobias are still present, someone still blames russia for the fact that someone once lost their colonial power, believing that russia is to blame for the end of colonialism, but this is not at all true, yes, the actions of the soviet union accelerated the process, but it was inevitable, people no longer wanted to be. oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon, and oddly enough, in the historical memory of those very
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ill-wishers i mentioned, much is preserved, no matter how strange, but i came across this. surprising but true. the western world once again in its history wants to inflict defeat on russia, but so far it has itself been defeated in the economy, and the russian stable. we are not putting the economy into wartime mode, there is no such thing, we are not canceling any social guarantees for workers, none, we are fully observing them. moreover, within a few years the minimum wage will increase sharply , almost doubling to 35,000 rubles. this means all key benefits are paid. these statements by putin were heard at the congress of the federation of trade unions this way or that way. we tried to do several things at once. formalities.
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this is evidenced by the investigation of many who believe putin needs to be radically updated, about crimes. it turns out that a person got to russia without any problems, went through everything , got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship, without even knowing even basic russian, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the very central regions of our country, sometimes they cannot obtain citizenship for years, here we need modern digital electronic databases of biometric data, the principle... that to come and live, only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can work in russia, this principle should be decisive,
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at a meeting of the security council, the speaker, the minister of internal affairs, the key issue also concerns the ministry of internal affairs, as at the board on the fight against crime, increased the number of serious, especially serious and a number of other crimes, for serious crimes, due to these frauds, because... they remotely deceive our citizens, take possession of funds, transfer them, the peculiarity of this situation is this: the police, they is already included upon the commission of a crime, that is, when a citizen has already been deceived, when his funds have been taken possession of, they have been cashed out, they... yes, we have an increasing number of such crimes solved, more people have been brought to justice, but in general, crime is growing remote fraud, it crime, so
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these are the reasons and conditions for committing this type of crime, they depend not only on the ministry of internal affairs, they depend on the ministry of digital development, on regulators, the central bank, roskumnadzor, mobile operators, credit institutions, so that these... human souls, they became preachers, his disciples, this was very important during the formation of world religions, but this
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turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must protect our traditional values, while all work should not be of such a protective nature, it should be modern, looking to the future, if we approach it this way, then we will definitely achieve our... goal 12 new youth centers in different regions of the country should help achieve this. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be
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this. sas. 100 years ahead, i understand, you miss your mother, i will believe it too, i don’t just miss you, i’m going to get her out soon, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the twenty-first century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and which he described in the person of his hero.
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broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law and this victim seemed to be i’m your brother there in the donbass in natalion aurora, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we are registering your brother as missing, no. it won’t work like that, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, three there were them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope.


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