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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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ruined, they are all broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and it turned out to be me, your brother there in the donbass, the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, it is necessary go there, it’s war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to blow into the moscow.
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militiaman, passenger, becomes full-fledged there is always hope, call sign passenger, soldier of the aurora battalion. let's see that spend time with children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. in the application or on the website. recently , official paris has been making one aggressive statement after another: the french president either proposes sending troops to ukraine, or talks about the abolition of red lines and the need to defeat russia. now relations between paris and moscow are virtually frozen. macron is increasingly dragging his country into military conflicts, and how can one not remember the words putin said 2 years ago.
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back to the french journalist: do you want fight with russia? do you want france to fight russia? but that's how it will be. russian-french relations have gone from unprecedented prosperity to the current not just frozen state, even to the point of discussing the possibility of hostilities. how did all this become possible? we will not make any assessments; we invite you to draw all conclusions. france must not forget where the kremlin is. russia's place is next to great countries, europe recognizes this place and wants to live next to great russia. the appearance on our borders of a powerful military bloc will perceived in russia as a direct threat to the security of our country. did you think that putin wanted to gain time? no, we wanted to gain time so that russia could not win this war. do you want to fight with russia? you ask your readers, viewers, users.
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could not win this war, no red lines in relation to russia, macron’s recent words, well then they must understand that in russia there will be no red lines in relation to these states either, they choose targets for striking our territory, choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory.
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in big politics, where even a random gesture often has enormous significance, these shots are truly impressive. chirac not only
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arrived at the paris airport himself during the start of putin’s state visit, but also offered to travel together to the center of the capital by helicopter. it is always not only useful, but also interesting to meet with the president of france, he is among the top officials eight of europe is an undisputed expert on many issues, yesterday at dinner the president said that the very first politician in france is.
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in a multipolar world, this is the main thing that unites us, i am absolutely confident that the world will be predictable and stable only if it is multipolar. in recent years, the world has even become accustomed to such images; the us president publicly shakes off dandruff from the french leader. let me blow the dandruff off him. it must be perfect, because it’s even hard to believe that 20 years ago france was completely different. in 2003, and
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moreover, i think that such a document could not have arisen in any other european capital; if this could happen, it could only happen in france. i once asked him why the american leadership behaves this way, so aggressively
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and acts so short-sightedly in some cases, he told me in russian, in russian, and he answered because they are uncultured, direct speech, shirak. bows to the contribution of the peoples of the soviet union to the liberation of europe, he insists on the creation of a single security space in europe and is taking concrete steps towards this. until now , we have not conducted such exercises with any nato country, especially with the use of a submarine fleet. until now, not a single foreign leader, especially a western one, has visited this ultra-closed russian military center. this system establishes the fact of a rocket launch, finds flying blocks in space, and determines their trajectory.
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i think you will understand, because waking up in the morning and seeing red square means quite a lot to me. in russia sarkazy felt at home. and in many ways he continued the line of his predecessor. russia's place next to great countries. europe recognizes this place and wants to be together with great russia. apparently, awareness of the real place of russia helped sarkazy play a key role in normalizing relations between moscow and european capitals after the most serious provocation on the part of washington and saakashvili in south ossetia. france, which actually holds the presidency of the european union, has proven that it is capable of playing an independent and very noticeable role in crisis resolution. we recognized the independence of the south. oseti, abkhazia, just like many european countries, recognized the independence of kosovo, we considered it absolutely
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unfounded in violation of existing international legal norms, it was not we who opened this pandora's box, but the pandora's box was clearly going to be opened wider. washington has talked about the possibility of drawing georgia and ukraine into nato, while simultaneously increasing pressure on its allies. sarkazy and merkel find themselves in a very difficult position. no one can put obstacles in the way ukraine and georgia.
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they have not changed since then and nothing viens à has happened for the worse, despite the fact that he is such a big boss, and i am a modest official in the russian administration, but the big boss seems to be increasingly forgetting what position he occupies and what france has a long-standing political tradition, voir avec monsieur poutine. qui est due à la longeur du dialogue que je
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not long ago, when he was mayor of paris. sarkozy didn’t even mention chirac in his first speech immediately after his election, but he didn’t only he owes a lot to his predecessor in politics; at one time he was even involved in a romantic relationship with chirac’s youngest daughter. sarkozy also retreated from the previous political principles of france and openly supported color revolutions in african countries and new armed interventions. now there freedom and democracy are opposed to dictatorial regimes, we are connected with this.
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says directly what he thinks, let’s remember how desperately everyone supported the so -called arab spring, so what, where is this optimism, how did it all end, from these territories there was no threat, not for paris, not for the cote d'azur of france, not for belgium, not for russia, not for the united
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states, now this is a source of a terrorist threat, why do we think that if we are now removing someone from the current leadership... .from the authorities, tomorrow there will be complete prosperity there, in libya, what is happening? we all know what a tyrant gaddafi was, maybe, but you know what happened in sirte after the militants entered there, why don’t you write about it, there’s a humanitarian cause there grace has arrived, or what? our goal is to reconcile all sides of the conflict, we do not choose ours and not ours, the difficult events around syria, when they began. well, one of the leaders arrived, so i met with him, we agreed on what we would do, how we would do it, specifically this, this, this, we’ll do this, one flew from moscow to washington, returned to paris, everything was forgotten, as if there were no agreements on how to talk, about what, but there were specific agreements right down to where
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the fleet will move, what will we do, the aircraft carrier charles digol approached the shores of syria and it seems that we agreed to work together. after a couple of days he turned around and went towards the soviet channel, well then why talk to them, then it’s better to call washington directly, that’s all, i’m saying now, i ’m not making anything up, you know? many in france believe that it was instructions from washington that, in principle, predetermined the fate of the country during those elections, which alland won, because in advance with a wild scandal from in the election race, the main favorite, the head of the imf, domenic strauskan, was removed.
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head, but it finally became the norm of political life, under each new french president, criminal cases appeared against the previous one, now they began to persecute sarkozy, and aland, who came to power after a sex scandal with dominique struskan, was seen on a motorcycle wearing a helmet. so that no one finds out, during night trips to his mistress, paris approached the ukrainian crisis with fairly tattered political authority, and the coup in kiev was just aggravated, because it was the french foreign minister who was one of those who acted as a guarantor of agreements between yanukovych and the opposition, and after the overthrow of yanukovych pretended that he had not signed anything. our partners, from the united states and european countries, acted rudely in ukraine.
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leads. i believe that ukraine will there is no need to threaten russia, there is no point in being apart in europe, it will not become a member of the european union, this is impossible, it cannot be a member of nato, this is impossible. there will be the strongest pressure on russia to begin the de-escalation process. but france itself was under increasing pressure. previously, moscow and paris agreed to supply helicopter carriers to the mistral.
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four, if so, then when indeed, the process is going very slowly, and we see that today’s authorities in kiev are not striving for a settlement, this press conference in
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st. petersburg with president macron, his coming to power gives hope for the resuscitation of relations, meeting with putin in paris, organized rapidly. the fundamental interests of russia and france are much more important current political situation. mr. macron, the world cup will start very soon in russia, will you come to support your team, cheer for your team? maybe not at first, but if she
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reaches the finals, and i am an optimist, then i will come to support and we can meet putin again. not only did we meet together in the locker room, we took part in honoring the winning team, and the french team chanted the names of the presidents. macron prepared for his visit to russia in such a way that many even saw parallels with chirac, quoted dostoevsky, spoke about the commonality of two cultures. french children grew up listening to peter and the wolf, russians read the three musketeers, now we have allowed some misunderstanding to creep into our relationship. i recognize the role of russia, this is the role of a strong leader. and macron considered the russian president such a strong leader that on the sidelines he spoke about himself, i am equal to putin. regularly got into extremely controversial stories when the americans, seemingly allies, imposed sanctions against french banks and paid as
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cute. and that means they went through the same thing with the japanese bank, well, we need to end this, this is unacceptable, but no matter how difficult the dialogue was, it was, macron really wanted to hold the normandy four summit in paris, it didn’t work out for a long time, because that kiev did not implement anything, and moscow did not see much point in a meeting for the sake of a meeting. it seems to me that this summit should be organized in the normandy format. this is the first press conference.
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i don’t like one point from these minsk agreements, but i like it, i don’t like it, bear with it my beauty, we have to do it, it won’t work out any other way, they don’t want to talk directly with representatives of donbass, well, it’s written down to directly discuss and agree with them, but how could it be otherwise then, mais parce que comme je viens de te le dire, on s’en fout des propositions des séparatistes, on leur demande c'est de réagir au texte des ukrainiens, et il faut faire les choses dans ce sens-là, parce que c'est la loi mais ce que tu viens de dire montre d'ailleurs. ..
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well, of course not, on the contrary, when there are telephone conversations, including closed communication channels, we always proceed from the fact that these are confidential negotiations, they are not subject to publicity, or something is subject to agreement between the parties, if this is done on a third-party basis, well, this is of course indecent, but now when macron calls, you clarify, who is next to him, no? and why? would it be worth it? but because i now assume that someone is listening. at the beginning of the twenty-second year, at the last meeting with macron, putin warns where the european continent is heading due to the unbridled military support of the kiev regime by western countries and attempts to drag ukraine into nato. european countries will automatically be drawn into a military conflict with russia, of course, the potential of the united organization of nato and russia is not comparable, we understand, but we also
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understand that... russia is one of the leading nuclear powers, and in some respects today it even protects many . there will be no winners, and you will find yourself drawn into this conflict, against your will, before you even have time to blink your eye. that's it, to put it simply, why didn’t you, as they say, stamp your foot earlier? because we counted on the integrity of our partners, we hoped that the agreements that were reached in minsk, these minsk agreements, would ultimately... be implemented by everyone, but we only later learned the true state of affairs, when the former chancellor and the former the president of france and germany said that they did not intend to implement these agreements. they thought that putin wanted to gain time. no, we wanted to win time to allow ukraine to recover and strengthen its military capabilities. and as long as ukraine is able to continue the fight, as long as ukraine is able to force it.


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