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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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we understand, but we also understand that russia is one of the leading nuclear powers, in some respects today, even protects many, there will be no winners, and you will find yourself drawn into this conflict, against your will, you won’t even have time to blink your eye, so absolutely, to put it simply, why didn’t you, as they say, stamp your foot earlier, because you counted on the integrity of our partners, you counted on the agreements that were reached in minsk
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being his ally, as they say, usa, they lure european business away from their territory, well, why is it here, why is it allied here, or then they took france, took away the order for submarines in australia , everything, they simply humiliated the country, everyone washed themselves off, they said, thank you very much, come back again, because you remember how - about one of the former prime ministers of great britain, their own press called him the poodle of the president of the united states, but isn’t it offensive, just as offensive...
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the late president is accused of what he supposedly could have, but did not prevent genocide in rwanda 30 years ago. russian-french relations are, understandably, in a deep crisis, on the verge of hostilities, but on a recent direct line, putin made it clear that russia is always ready to look for ways to normalize them. with france he stopped relations with us, we didn’t stop, i didn’t stop, he stopped, if there is interest, please, we are ready, there is no interest, we will get by, there is no trial, as we say, well, we have something engage, i would like to remind some in france of this one simple word: berezina, for many, many, over generations of french people, this word...
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means a lot, berezina. do you want to repeat the fate of napoleon’s great army, which turned out to be not so great when faced with the russian one? give it a try. pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule for the next week? this week, as you and i remember, there will be cosmonautics day, and this means a lot. do you remember the 12th april of the first year? well, yes, i remember, oddly enough. on april 12 , 2024, of course, putin will definitely participate in the events in honor of cosmonautics day, the topic is important, exciting, especially close to the president, the vostochny cosmodrome is under control from the first concrete in the foundation to the first launch, now too, 60 seconds, the flight is normal, this week the president will hold regular working meetings with meetings with members of the security council, in conditions when there is huge interest in news, read and watch the exclusive telegram channel zarubin what. so as not to drown in the streams
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of the same type of telegram channels, the most interesting thing is before the rest, well, in our program more than others. a government commission on the flood situation will be created in russia. vladimir putin gave this instruction to the governor. this was announced by his press secretary dmitry peskov. the commission will be headed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. earlier , he, as well as the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions reported to the president on the flood situation. vladimir putin also listened to reports from the heads of relevant departments that provide emergency assistance to the population. in the orenburg region. flood in water over 70 populated areas points. evacuation was announced in the city of novotroitsk. there, according to the regional governor, there was an overflow over the protective dam. approximately 75,000 people live in the city. residents are now being evacuated from sevastopolskaya street. temporary accommodation points have been prepared. and
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the situation in orsk remains the most difficult. more than 6,000 houses are flooded, evacuation is underway in the village of lesotorgovy, and the dam there is damaged. our correspondents are now working in orsk. vyacheslav kampe and stanislav bernwalt. vyacheslav, first to you. as far as i understand, you are you in novotroitsk or somewhere near novotroitsk, where an overflow over the dam was recorded, what is your situation there? yes, hello, then in novotroysk an overflow over the dam was actually recorded, he was the first to report in his telegram channel, the head of the region denis pasler. work is now underway to fill it up, the city authorities are carrying out evacuation, and temporary centers have been set up. accommodation of people, special equipment, services, rescuers are working on site, according to the head of the region, the situation is under control, speaking in in the region as a whole, then the federal level of emergency response to floods continues to operate in the region, the water level in the rivers
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is rising, over the day the ural in the regional center in orenburg has added 16 cm, the level is 872 cm and is approaching the critical mark of 930 cm. in ilek the level added 24 cm in a day, in buzuluk the samara river + 40 cm and now the water level there is almost 9.5 m. and according to the latest data, the water has already entered 77 settlements, more than 10 thousand residential buildings have been flooded, in orenburg in the regional center the main blow came to snt, water flooding of streets and houses, as in all affected municipalities, is happening in the regional center. and evacuation of flood victims, their number has already exceeded 500 people, a quarter of them, almost one and a half, are children, people are also being placed in temporary accommodation centers, a 24-hour regional call center 112 has been organized for all flood issues,
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an operational headquarters is working 24 hours, together volunteers help people with rescuers, they take people out of flooded homes, save their property. here they deliver food and drink water to temporary accommodation centers, one-time payments are reported for all victims who lost property from the flood, this is the main thing they are talking about, city rescue services urge people to use only bottled and boiled water for drinking, this is all the information for this o'clock, i propose to give the floor to a colleague. yes, the situation in orsk is still extremely tense, indeed, the water here, if not coming, well, specifically in
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this place, in some areas the water still continues to flow and the peak of the flood has not passed yet, he is expected on the tenth, twelfth, the situation is very... complicated and indeed, day and night, rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations perform daily feats, traveling on motor boats, in special vehicles to areas that are flooded and taking people out from there, evacuating them, let me remind you that many did not want to leave at first, did not want to leave their homes, but it is understandable, but the ministry of emergency situations warns that the situation is so flexible, the day changes. it’s better to play it safe, think about your own safety first, well, those people who are being evacuated from their homes, from flooded areas, they are placed in a temporary accommodation center,
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hot meals, tea, coffee, warm clothes, overnight accommodation are provided there, respectively, they will stay until...
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we managed to talk with people who were forced to leave their homes due to the flood, each story is, of course, a personal tragedy, some people lost everything, some not only personal belongings, but also their homes, this is what they say: we live in the old city, me and roofs removed, documents i took an old coat and boots, and now i’ve put them on, i have nothing at home, so... my daughter and grandson packed up, we have nothing, that’s it, that’s it, it’s all drowned, that’s it, just like
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that, we continue monitor the situation here in orsk, and in tserom, in the orenburg region, the situation is really very difficult and now the most important thing is to quickly help people, but you see behind me a huge number of boats, here, in addition to the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, they are taking part in this rescue operation. yes, thanks, with the latest flood information in the orenburg region there were our correspondents, stanislav bernovald and vyacheslav kampe. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. it’s not necessary like this,
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it’s like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, a charcoal grill for only 2,290 rubles. well, the credit card debts are hanging, the interest is accruing, you need money, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts for free, divide it by 24 months. you can conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts easily . at bigfest, a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. yes i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver. a friend called me, the schedule is open, there are orders, the money is decent. at first i thought that this wouldn’t be here for long, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, that’s it, dad, the path of a taxi driver
12:14 pm
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not just a job, but your place. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on the charity easter draw of the russian lotto wins every second ticket. and for each ticket sold 10 rubles. there will be transferred to works of mercy. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. video and eldorado 50% discount on the second household appliance product, cooperersberg built-in dishwasher for only 19.999 in empio and eldorado. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from, you’re retired, vtb pensioners, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb, everything will turn out tastier than a burger on fire, what’s a good car for you, mileage, condition,
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comfort, there’s a good car for everyone , find it on the author, credit. beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and you get super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free. at any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. fsb officers, together with colleagues from the russian ministry of internal affairs, detained five people involved in theft of funds from russians through ukrainian call centers. the money went to finance the armed forces of ukraine.
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more than 7 billion rubles were stolen by deception using just one communication center. according to the fsb public relations center, the detained residents of different regions are in custody. it has been previously established that the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022. the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so -called safe accounts. vladimir putin ordered the allocation of 300 billion rubles for the construction of the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed railway. the president also gave instructions following a meeting with the winners of all-russian family competitions.
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the list of instructions was published on the kremlin website. so, you need to prepare for the exchange proposal for the issuance of preferential benefits. loans for the purchase of housing on the secondary market for families with children. in addition, the ministry of education has been instructed to form a parent committee as part of the all-russian competition. this is our family. another 5 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for preferential loans for manufacturers of agricultural machinery. support for the industry became one of the main topics of mikhail mishustin’s meetings with deputy prime ministers. entrepreneurs should have it.
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the president emphasized that the agro-industrial complex it must be possible to attract borrowed funds in the required amount to complete current tasks. the government pays special attention to this issue; a year earlier , more than 200 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program of preferential lending to farmers, this year almost 215 billion. to subsidize new investment loans , we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles so that business...
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demand within the country is growing at a fast pace significantly larger than the production of goods and services. therefore, to curb inflation, the central bank consistently increased key rate. last year it grew by 8.5%, now it is 16. and at the same time, according to elvira nalnaya, the impact of the key
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rate directly on economic growth in the country is minimal, and according to the forecast of the central bank, gdp growth this year will be from one to 2% , and inflation will still decrease in the area of ​​target four.
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starting next year , a fundamentally new product, shared life insurance, will appear on the market; this is also another potential source of long-term
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savings in the economy. work in progress development of international payments for trade with friendly countries; now the share of payments in national currencies has already increased to 67%. attention to the growing popularity of non-cash payments in our country, in retail turnover, their share reached more than 83 percent last year. the system of fast payments is becoming increasingly popular; their volume over the past year has increased by almost 2 and a half times. the central bank is currently working on introducing the idea of ​​universal qr codes. yes dmitry, thank you, he is currently working in the lower house of parliament my colleague, dmitry morocco. and we return again to the topic of floods in russian
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regions. we will now talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, hello, are there now prerequisites for improving the flood situation in the orenburg region? well, while the process of snow melting is very active, flood processes will continue to develop. now an accelerated video of how the orsky microdistricts were immersed in water has appeared on the network. after a dam broke on the ural river. it must be said that the nature of the floods on the river the ural directly depends on the snow reserves on the slopes of the ural-tau, where the river originates. melt water fills the riverbeds; on saturday in the orsk region there was a rapid rise in water level by 105 cm per day. then the flood wave went downstream, in the orsk region the water began to subside, while in orenburg the level continued to rise. but the next footage is the evacuation of one of the residents of the region. man, no one can climb up to you, just climb up the stairs, then climb into the boat.
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a ban has been introduced in the industrial region of orenburg on the use of tap water for drinking and cooking. in addition, you should not collect water from springs and wells. currently you can only use bottled water. increased attention should be paid to personal hygiene, treating hands with antiseptic solutions. there are still a lot of urals. according to the weather station in the village of zelair , 3 cm of snow melted on sunday, 24 cm remained. in the village of tukan, snow cover has decreased by 4 cm, another 14 cm of snow remains. meanwhile, in kurgan they are strengthening the dam near the kirov bridge from... the voronovka district the city of kurgan began a preventive evacuation the day before. this morning, sirens sounded warning of mandatory evacuation in some settlements and
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surrounding areas. city, an additional group of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in the city, the governor of the kurgan region explained what was causing the complication of the situation on the tabul river. we received a notification from colleagues from kazakhstan and a notification from colleagues from the chelyabinsk region that kazakhstan is increasing the discharge 45 times, today in fact, that is, instead of 70 cubic meters per second, we are already receiving 3,300 cubic meters per second second, this is along the tobol river, in addition, along the uy river, which goes through the troitsky reservoir, as well. until wednesday , frontal cloud fields will shift over the urals in western siberia, and in the southern urals the rains will be more intense than average; we do not expect extremely heavy precipitation, but nevertheless, in total during this period , more than a third of the monthly precipitation norm may fall in the region , all this water will fall into already...
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in orenburg, a total of about 10 mm of precipitation will fall, today in the city +12, tomorrow in the afternoon up to 15 degrees, on wednesday a little cooler than 14°. by the end of the working week, when the precipitation stops, the air will warm up to +17, but today tomorrow there will be light rain of up to 2 mm per day, the peak intensity will be on wednesday and half a bucket of water will fall per meter, on thursday-friday, i will repeat without precipitation, but we continue to monitor the weather, the situation on the rivers.
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in moscow hospitals there is now a regime. information from the ambulance is displayed, which patients are being transported and in what condition they are, so that doctors are as ready as possible for the appointment. about how the work of moscow employees has changed doctors, about artificial intelligence and other areas of healthcare development, we were told by the deputy mayor of moscow in the moscow government for social development, anastasia rakova. anastasia vladimirovna, recently a great tragedy occurred in our country, a terrorist attack in crocus, and we saw how the city rallied around this disaster, psychologists and...


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