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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we are a generous country, a country that gives refuge, that opened its doors to those who were persecuted in the dictatorships of the seventies, and before that republican spain, and for republican spain, mexico generously opened its doors to those who were persecuted. yes, i have many friends from argentina and chile, who are just here foray into dictatorships.
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those who sheltered him. and internally, politically, it is very beneficial that, having been released from prison for health reasons, the former vice president found shelter with the left-wing mexicans, and they, according to right-wing ecuadorians, seem to have also violated a convention, another one, prohibiting giving asylum to those who are convicted. the decision of the president of the republic was made in the face of the real risk of imminent flight of a citizen seeking justice. at the same time, the young and ambitious ecuadorian president noboa gave the order.
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now the economic news is short: vladimir putin instructed the government to allocate 300 billion rubles for the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. the money will be provided from the national wealth in the form of loans at a rate of no more than 1%. another 28.5 billion will be allocated from the budget. they will be used to purchase land plots to create infrastructure. let me remind you that the launch of the hsr is scheduled for 2028, the travel time between st. petersburg and moscow will be 2:15. russian budget revenues in the first quarter reached 8.700 billion rubles. this is one and a half times more than a year earlier, the ministry of finance said. revenues from hydrocarbon sales increased by almost 80%. non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. regarding treasury expenses, growth is also recorded here, but less... as
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a result, the budget deficit was reduced three times to 3% of gdp. there are already 10 million self-employed people in russia, the federal tax service announced this. the total income of such workers is more than 3.5 trillion rubles. every day , about 800 citizens register as self-employed; most often they work in taxis, do repairs, marketing, or sell their own products. i pay the highest.
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the pulse. today in the program kazakhstan is at the mercy of the elements, severe floods immediately in several regions of the country. the fight against terrorism is a common matter that the secretaries of the council discussed. in the safety of the sco member countries in astana, new rules for registering foreigners in russia and the struggle in kyrgyzstan for sovereignty, with varying success. flood in kazakhstan at the moment, 2/3 of the country's territory faced severe floods. there has never been a disaster of this magnitude in the history of kazakhstan. this is an assessment of the administration of the head of state. at the end of the week, takaev headed to one of the hardest-hit regions in the west. but the effort is clearly not enough, water arrives, the damage to the economy and infrastructure has yet to be assessed, concerns about the epidemiological situation in connection with
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the mass death of animals. as of the end of the week, almost a thousand houses remain flooded, approximately 2,000 people have been evacuated, half of them children. in general,
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or the tail rotor, these wires, trees, but i made the decision that it was necessary to save these people, people were a little shocked that they were in the cold, for the second day without food, but the rescuers themselves and the evacuation transport were at risk must be accompanied like this, on their own two feet, shod with high waders, the gaff in their hands probes the ford, so that the driver does not look for a safe route blindly, they walked up to 3 km on water, there was a lot of ice, but... in addition to people
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, animals also need help, from dogs to camels. the flood caught a herd of humpbacks grazing in the fields of the okmala region by surprise, and their condition was clearly in shock; they categorically did not want to move, so the emchniki had to let the entrance into the ropes, and in the meantime, numerous volunteers they took up the task of clearing the oryki canals that did not allow melt water to pass through, and the result of such indifference is evident in some places - floods. entered at least a little faster than predicted, while it cannot be said that spring floods are extraordinary events for kazakhstan, yes, not on such a scale, but as president takaev himself said, preparations for the season were completely failed, which is why the spring flood took us by surprise . and the forecast is disappointing, the peak of the floods has not yet been passed, takaev called for preparations for worsening situations. ukraine is recruiting mercenaries in tajikistan to participate in hostilities against russia,
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russian security council secretary nikolai patrusha stated this during the nineteenth annual meeting of the security council secretaries of the sco member countries, which was held in astana. according to patrushev, the ukrainian embassy in dushanbe is engaged in recruitment. it is also known that the ukrainian embassy in dushanbe carries out recruitment work, attracting mercenaries who want to join the international legion formed by the kiev authorities to conduct military operations. against russia. if it may seem to someone that recruitment does not quite correspond to the status of a diplomat, then here we can recall the character who represented kiev in kazakhstan. we are talking about the former peter vrublevsky, who, by the way, was put on the international wanted list in march simply for calling on live television to kill as many russians as possible, so that the next generation would have to kill fewer. so you can get an idea about the practices of the ukrainian diplomatic corps, as they say. first person. by the way, after these statements vrublevsky was recognized as an undesirable person in
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kazakhstan and since then a new ukrainian ambassador to the republic has not been appointed, apparently out of sin. at a meeting with representatives of savbe zafos in astana, president of kazakhstan kasym jomar takaev called for conclusions to be drawn after the terrorist attack in crocus, and also stated that the russian and kazakh intelligence services do not cease to contact on issues of cooperation in the anti-terrorist sphere, while calling for even closer coordination in within. recent tragic events in the moscow region that claimed lives many civilians have shown that terrorists continue to use the most cruel and inhumane forms of violence. kazakhstan immediately expressed its strong condemnation of the terrorist attack and expressed its solidarity with russia. the intelligence services of the two countries are in constant contact on issues of cooperation in anti-terrorism.
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“we live in difficult and dangerous times; conflicts in the middle east and between our main ones cannot be resolved.” with an increase in the number of calls on the internet to commit terrorist attacks. the appeal notes that in recently, there has been an increase in the number of cases where citizens of uzbekistan and neighboring countries receive messages calling for terrorist attacks for reward in public places, such as shopping and entertainment centers or schools. the ministry of internal affairs urges citizens not to panic and
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to report all such facts to the security authorities immediately. by the way, this week the national security committee. kazakhstan reported preventing a terrorist attack in the west of the country. vaktau is a city on the caspian sea, a local resident was detained. during search, components for making an explosive device with destructive elements were confiscated from him. according to the committee, the man is an adherent of radical religious ideology and was previously convicted of murder. the intelligence services of kazakhstan published an entire documentary film consisting of confessions of people drawn into various destructive religious movements. among them. for example, the story of the wife of a convicted radical, who almost committed suicide out of despair . i was in captivity for a whole year, as if in prison, there was no bread at home, the children were little ones, didn’t go to school, and because i left the house to go to the store, he kicked me like a dog, asked why you left the house without my knowledge, i said that my
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children were hungry, i only left for bread, i didn’t look at anyone, i... why central asia is becoming a breeding ground for radicals and what steps are being taken to combat this common threat, we will discuss with stanislav prichin, head of the central asia sector of the imo wounds. tell us about what mechanisms of interaction have now been established between russia and the countries of central asia asia to combat terrorism and extremism. well, traditionally, the main foundation of security in central asia is built around. cooperation of regional powers with the russian federation, this was initially within the framework of the cis, it was initially within the framework of the collective security treaty, which was later transformed into an organization, a special organization of the collective security treaty, well, throughout the independence of the central asian states, as shown practice, namely
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close interaction with the russian federation made it possible to dock in advance. certain security challenges that occurred, well, afghanistan is a good example, with any development of the situation in this country, we observed close, coordinated actions both within the csto and with the involvement of those countries that suspended their membership there or were not included, for example, uzbekistan, a good example is the january events in 2022 , when there were mass protests in kazakhstan. managed to be stopped largely only thanks to the involvement of the csto and the dispatch of a peacekeeping force missions. if we talk about cross-border risks, we have very close cooperation at the level of both special services and law enforcement agencies, then we have a broader security architecture within the sco. in your opinion, to what extent are the central asian capitals now
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aware of the fact that they are flirting with washington and its satellites on the topic of security? speeches, expert assessments, not to talk about the negative aspects that affected security as a whole in the region due to the presence of the american military, we all we remember very well that this was the period of the orange revolutions, which were primarily initiated by western states, very
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often they say that there were internal mass protests in karakalpakstan... in uzbekistan or the same january events in kazakhstan were again took place not without the participation of the non- governmental sector, various kinds of activists, the western media actively supported them, but unfortunately, within the framework of such a critical understanding of the situation, we do not see such a perception, rather negative west as a security partner, it is seen as an important element of this multi-vector system. foreign policy of the central asian states and prefers to simply not focus on those negative aspects that are present.
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we are talking about a natural phenomenon, and water samples did not confirm a fuel leak. uzbekistan received from rospotrebnadzor two modern mobile laboratories that will help more effectively combat biological risks, including outbreaks of dangerous infections. the equipment can be quickly delivered to any point in the country by gas vehicles in order to monitor the epidemiological situation, for example, to take water and food for analysis. shavkat merziyoyev gave the official start to the construction of the new tashkent megacity, which will appear next to the capital of uzbekistan. its first objects will be two universities: a library, a museum, a theater and a research center. later , comfortable living conditions for a million people will be created there on an area of ​​about 2,000 hectares. and in the turkmenistan city of arkadak on a grand scale celebrated the third anniversary of the founding
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of the gurbanguly berdumukhamedov foundation. let me remind you, this is a charitable organization that helps children in need of expensive medical care, not only in the republic itself, but abroad. for weeks, by order of president serdar berdomukhamedov, tajik children received gifts from the fund. in bishkek there is now new entertainment for the little ones, the russian drama theater named after chingi zaitmatov has begun to stage performances for very young spectators, from infants to kindergarteners, instead of the stage here essentially a playroom, and the kids themselves can take part in fairy-tale performances lasting no more than 40 minutes, who, of course, are delighted. new rules for labor migrants in russia. the bill initiated by the ministry of internal affairs envisages additional control measures over everyone entering the country. the project provides for mandatory photography and fingerprinting of all foreigners upon
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entry into russia. creating a digital profile. it is also planned to introduce a single document that will replace all existing ones. it will contain residence and work permits are also reflected. another innovation is the loyalty agreement, that is, the written consent of the foreigner with the possible. his rights to entry and residence in case of violation of russian laws. the project also involves limiting the temporary stay of foreigners in russia for a total of 90 days during the year. now it is 90 days for six months. deportation will apply to law violators or persons posing a security threat. the decision will be made by the court or by executive authorities out of court. in the capital of uzbekistan , an exhibition dedicated to the food industry has completed its work, the exhibition is international, russian companies are most active, there is mutual interest, interest in this
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exhibition from russian business is only growing year by year, for example, if in the twenty-third year our country was represented at the usfud about 40 companies, then this year already more than 50 companies from our country attended this event, products from the russian federation. enjoy great trust and demand among uzbek consumers and counterparties, and this, in our opinion, is facilitated not only by its quality, but also by offers from russian companies for its subsequent support and maintenance; in general, our country remains the leader in the number of enterprises opened in the republic, today there are already more than 3,000 of them, of course this is a big thing... the merit of our uzbek friends who are ready to cooperate, are ready to consider each project or case separately, well, if, for example,
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we talk about providing some benefits, preferences for some investment project, but if we talk about the further development of industrial cooperation, then we first of all see very good prospects in terms of creating joint ventures, implementing investment projects in such areas as the automotive industry, electric power industry, medicine, of course it - sector, telecommunications, and also an increase in mutual supplies of food, fruit and vegetable products. and to other news. speaker of the upper house of the parliament of turkmenistan, ex-president of the republic gurbanguly berdumukhomedov committed official visit to dushanbe. arkadag’s trip was timed to coincide with the days of turkmen culture, which were held in tajikistan. the scythe
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trees, which had already blossomed by the beginning of april, are now a real pink sea, and its appearance, of course, is breathtaking. in vostan, court hearings continue in the case of the former minister of national economy of kazakhstan kuandyk bishimbayev, accused of murdering his wife sultanatnukenova with extreme cruelty. the defendant himself still assures that he did not want to inflict fatal injuries on her and allegedly acted unintentionally. however, in court , the jury was shown creepy video from surveillance cameras, judging by it. beshembaev hit nukenova in the head several times, purposefully threw her to the floor and then kicked her. this is, of course, serious evidence. despite western critics, president of kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov signed the law on foreign agents, for which he immediately received a new portion of concern from overseas friends of the kyrgyz people. it's just about the need to register and be transparent.
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keep accounts, how much money received from foreign countries spent on what, but state department press secretary matthew miller was right there with a comment that this allegedly jeopardizes the important work of ngos helping the people of kyrgyzstan. matthew miller says he is calling on the kyrgyz government to protect civil society as the cornerstone of democracy. what are these cornerstones, what is this civil society for which black accounting is so important? tax service, open a bank account and don't do the same when they come to us, or are we a second-class country, no, that's not true, we we will no longer allow such dubious actions, and also about the real state of affairs,
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kyrgyz banks will no longer... work with the mir payment system. the government explained that everything was due to threats to a company from latvia that services the interbank processing center. otherwise, the banking sector will be isolated. in general, you need to choose. kyrgyz prime minister okylbek japarov announced that he will soon fly to the united states to defend national interests, or rather, further, quote, to explain how much kyrgyzstan will suffer from the rupture connections with russia. yes, they don’t understand anything there. the oldest city of uzbekistan, samarkand has accepted the new status of the cultural capital of the cis. the event was accompanied by performances by the vocal ensemble voronezh girls, as well as creative groups from uzbekistan, belarus, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and turkmenistan. the certificate of conferment of honorary status was issued by the special representative.
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let's return to the main topic: floods in russia have already affected 39 regions. the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region. there in the water more than 70 settlements. orsk was hit hardest, where more than 6,000 houses were flooded. a federal emergency has been declared in the region. there is a government commission at its head. with the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. the flood wave will soon reach the village of ilek, where 11.00 people live. to minimize the consequences, they strengthen and raise the dam there. in the kurgan region, there is a state of emergency in the zverennogolovsky district. there the water level in the tobol river rose sharply. authorities warned of imminent flooding in five more areas in kurgan itself. residents of suburban areas are being evacuated. in a week, water will come to the tyumen region.


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