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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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let's return to the main topic, the flood in russia has already affected 39 regions, the most difficult situation is now in orenburg, there are more than 70 settlements in the water, orsk was hit the hardest, where more than 6,000 houses were flooded. a federal state of emergency has been declared in the region. character there is a government commission headed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the flood wave will soon reach the village of ilek, where 11.00 people live. to minimize the consequences, the dam there is being strengthened and raised. in the kurgan region there is a state of emergency in zverenogolovsky district, the water level in the tobol river rose sharply there. authorities warned of imminent flooding in five more districts in kurgan itself. residents of suburban areas are being evacuated. in a week, water will come to the tyumen region. according to the forecast
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, the rivers ishim, uishish and tabol will overflow their banks, and the water level in some places will exceed the historical maximum. a government commission on the flood situation will be created in russia. vladimir putin gave this instruction to the governor. this is stated on the kremlin website. the commission will be headed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. previously he, as well as the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions reported to the president on the flood situation. vladimir putin also listened to the reports of the heads of relevant departments and gave orders in advance.
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at night in orsk several more streets went under water, rescuers and volunteers helped those who wanted to leave their homes, people tried to somehow protect their buildings with sandbags like this, now the water is not active and remains at approximately the same level , in this area, somewhere around knee, and somewhere around... the evacuation continues in different parts of the city, an elderly man is being carried out on a stretcher, rescuers and volunteers are helping people get to their apartments to pick up documents and medicine, now the guys will help me pick up documents, well, mostly documents , of course, those who previously refused to do so decide to leave their homes, the gas and electricity are turned off in the flooded part of the city, now i’ll get some boiling water and take it back to them, they are sitting without bread, without boiling water, neighbors, and muscovites... saved,
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thank you, the best people on earth, the situation remains alarming, it is too early to talk about the peak of the flood, new dam breaks are not excluded, the russian emergency situations ministry groups and all services involved in emergency response are working around the clock, ordinary residents are also helping. today i have to go to work at night, i decided in the morning that i need to help the guys here. in orski , more than 2.0 people were evacuated from the disaster zone, almost 700 of them were children in the flood zone, over 6.00 residential buildings and private plots, 14 temporary accommodation centers were deployed.
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a proposal to issue preferential loans for this purpose, it is necessary to prepare for the purchase of housing on the secondary market for families with children. in addition, the ministry of education has been instructed to form a parent committee as part of the all-russian competition, this is a family affair for us. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. what did you
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replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. the western nato countries, they set up a training ground in ukraine and dragged us into this war. i believe that they need to be taught a lesson, behind us and the memory of our ancestors. we all do not want to let this war enter our country, our people. we have an idea here. here no, whoever is new comes, we train them, they catch on quickly, serve under a contract.
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now footage from the presidential press service. his work is for the twenty-third year, but as i already reported, russian fishermen have produced a record catch over the past 30 years, over 30 years, over 30 years, yes, 5.3 million tons, well, the main thing, of course, is our traditional species, this is mentai , fine. such a popular fish among
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russians, this year it also has a large volume of 544.00 tons, and here i would like to note that we have another record, our vessel under our flag, carrying out this fishery, caught more than 90 thousand in a year, this is a world record a record among all ships, such here’s a good one... we don’t stop, it means that the goal in the strategy is
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to achieve this result by the thirtieth year, up to 600,000 tons, in general, the work is going smoothly, well, now, within the framework of investment loans through the ministry of agriculture , support is provided for enterprises engaged in aquaculture, well, plus there were two problems related to feed and planting materials, with feed, thanks to the support that was introduced, this was compensation for costs in the twenty-fifth year... i think we will be able to completely close it domestic production and fish feed, as for planting material, here, of course, the situation is a little more complicated, from 25 this kind of support measure will also be provided, now factories are already being built as part of the preparation of even some kind of support measure, but i think that in the twenty-eighth-twenty-ninth year, in those areas that were not developed in our country, we will also cover ourselves in planting material, these are primarily salmon, trout and salmon, what we did not produce is, of course, important. the direction is what is going modernization of the fishing industry complex, thanks to the decisions that you made,
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now there is shipbuilding, factories and davich quotas, well, we have a volume of investments of 300 billion planned, this is only within the first stage, which means it is planned to build 105 for 105 vessels, now 22 vessels have been built , with a slight lag, well, with a small lag, somewhere we are with a large lag, but now... the shipyard has been rebuilt, everywhere where there were problems, new contracts have been concluded with suppliers of new equipment, now the schedules have aligned, i hope that within the framework of the new schedules, all these ships will be built on time, that is, according to our plan, this is the twenty -seventh year, the last vessel should already be handed over to the customer, well, as for the factories, there are no problems here, 25 factories , as planned to be built in the far east in the northern basin, here it is of course a very big help for the fishing industry. now, as part of your lesson , we have carried out the second stage of investment quotas,
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which means that here we have already gone a little wider, in addition to the ships that we plan to be built are 46 ships, in addition to this , six more logistics complexes will be built, this is special specifically for the industrial complex, four in the far east, two in the northern basin, with refrigeration capacities, modern ones with container sites, this will, of course, allow us to expand logistics on the one hand, because even though the refrigeration capacity can cope, they still go out of stock, on the other hand, of course, we need to have a stock and reserve of these refrigeration facilities capacities specifically for the fishing industry complex, we are also already moving into transportation, four transport vessels are being built, four refrigerated transport vessels will be built, that is, we are not only already in the outflow, we are also moving into delivering fish from the fishery to the shore, that is, here are four vessels, the first will be these have been built, in short, if i would like to talk about the economic indicators of the industry, in general the turnover of enterprises has increased, tax revenues are growing, income from
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the auctions that we held for crabs amounted to 380 billion rubles. it is very important here that some of these funds, by the way, went to the program for the development of the fishery complex, within the framework of which we will be able to modernize our research vessels, now we are also discussing rescue vessels in the government, plus, of course, these are issues related to fish protection and recruitment, krobova . it’s being built, it’s being laid, yes, but it goes to the fishermen as part of private investment, and here this money that went to the budget is specifically for the program for the development of the fishery complex, specifically for it on... here the budget income is 10 times more than it was before, what is most important is that 80% of this goes to the regions, for example, the budget of the kamchatka territory received 800 million from collection rates, this year it received 8 billion, all this of course
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, it is a great help for the regions in order to develop their infrastructure, the edge of all other regions. received the most, well , in total, yes, kamchatka is our leader, but proportionally other regions have increased quite well, it’s just that for kamchatka this is very significant, because of course they have the economy is very heavily geared towards the fishing industry. well, in short, i wanted to say that science is very important for us, we now have 3,750 people working in our scientific institutes, which is very important, and this is that we conduct resource research, and this allows us to catch fish in the volume in which we ... we will be able to preserve it for future generations so as not to undermine the reserve for the fishery, there is a fairly large number of both doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences, it is very important that the average age has been sufficiently achieved last year to update, 47 years now , after all, yes, i apologize, i would also like to say that within the framework
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of the russia-africa forum there was your instruction, we are now preparing for a large african survey, we are now working on it with our colleagues from african countries we want to do a large african survey to study fish stocks in african countries, we are currently discussing with our colleagues, there is already funding for this, a headquarters has been created, this year we should start in the second half of the year. yes, our friends asked for this, they are interested in working together, we definitely take their scientists on board and share, of course, absolutely all the data that will be available, and i would also like to...
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this is quite a long time frame, that is, the program is designed until 2040, we developed it together with the academy of sciences and the regions, but there are certain disagreements that are now in the government, i hope we will remove it, and we assume that the funding for this program will go as part of the clean water national project, which will begin in 2025, now an organizational event, changes in certain methods will be monitored, now direct funding for... and the construction of new factories to increase production volumes, we assume that it will be in this national project, yeah, let's go back to the issue of quotas and shipbuilding, quotas, you said that the construction of ships is progressing with a delay, with a significant delay, but this is connected, as i understand it, not least with the sanctions that are being or have been introduced
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against russian shipbuilding, concerns spare parts, equipment, first of all, right? new chains are being set up, as i understand it, our own production is developing, yes, the fishermen, of course, before the sanctions, they actively used western technologies, the partners acted very badly towards, of course, our fishing producers, because they simply stopped supplying these products and even have not returned the advances that were paid, now supplies have been established either from friendly countries, where... our industrialists paid attention, in fact for domestic production and i know that the equipment is very domestic, and here i know that many people really... didn’t consider domestic equipment before, well , they were somehow dismissive, now they are very satisfied, by the way, i can say that those vessels who are already working in the field, which were built at
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our shipyards, are of very good quality and show very good results, yeah, well, the question arises, they purchased quotas, paid for them, yes, but the ships were not built on time, well, objectively speaking, according to reasons beyond their control, that they have to pay for someone again or what, no, if we talk about the courts, here we extended the construction period, realizing that there are difficulties, we extended the opportunity for construction from 5 to 7 years, this was made for the air fishing fleet, for fishermen, here the decision has not yet been made, but we are now discussing it, how to formalize it correctly, there was also a period of 5 years, and we assume that we will also extend it, yes, well, we just need to carry out the appropriate analysis , and the solution accept based on this independent, professional analysis, yes, good, good, thank you, these were personnel from the presidential press service, vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the federal fisheries agency ilya shastakov. another 5
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billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for preferential loans for manufacturers of agricultural machinery. support for the industry became one of the main topics of mikhail mishustin’s meeting with deputy prime ministers. entrepreneurs should have the opportunity to build a storage facility, open the most modern farms and timely purchase all necessary materials for sowing - noted. last year, the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was harvested, including thanks to state support, for which more than 440 billion rubles were allocated within the framework of the state program alone. the president emphasized that an agricultural enterprise must have the opportunity to attract borrowed funds in the required amount to carry out current tasks. government. pays special attention to this issue, a year earlier at more than 200 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program of preferential lending to farmers, almost 215 billion for this year.
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an additional 5 billion rubles were allocated to subsidize new investment loans so that entrepreneurs could expand the production of agricultural products, increase processing capacity, open advanced farms, and build a storage facility . purchase all the necessary materials for sowing to provide our consumers with a wide selection of products. payments have begun to victims of the flood and dam break in orenburg region. the region decided to double the amounts established by law. for example, if you lose essential property , you can receive 100,000 rubles. konstantin churikov will tell you what other compensation is provided, how the damage will be assessed, he joins the broadcast. konstantin, hello, how many victims have already applied for help? yuri, greetings, more than 6 thousand applications have already been submitted through government services, but it is obvious that there will be more. the first payments to
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flood victims in the orenburg region have begun. through the state services portal has already received more than 6,400 requests. considering the scale of the flood, which, by the way, the orsk authorities are already calling a flood, the number of applicants will only grow. it was decided to double the amount of financial assistance established by law in the region if essential property is lost. but now we are talking about quite significant damage, including that caused to the living quarters of citizens, many houses are flooded, and it is not yet clear the extent of damage
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to each of the residential buildings. by prior appointment according to the ministry of construction, damage to housing may exceed 21 billion rubles. meanwhile, it is known that the liability of the owner of the dam where the breakthrough occurred was insured by the sagaz company. she confirmed her readiness to carry out the necessary ones. also suffered. meanwhile, the central bank opened a hotline on credit holidays for flood victims in the orenburg region. by this number, which you now
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see, you can get everything. additional information. previously, insurance companies of sberbank, also rosgosstrakh and ingosstrakh introduced a simplified procedure for paying compensation, but asber promised to provide comprehensive assistance to victims and restructure their loans. as for damage to agriculture, the national union of agricultural insurers offered its assistance to farmers. he is ready to help settle losses. according to preliminary estimates, the damage to the agro-industrial complex of the orenburg region amounts to 65 million rubles. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko instructed the ministry of agriculture to calculate everything and take measures to reduce the negative consequences. unfortunately, most likely, the winter villages will die, by the way, really quite serious, as if the damage to agriculture, we can expect that the decrease in production volumes will be at least 10% of what it was last year. in the orenburg region as of march 1, according to our
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data for... according to the emergency program . to provide local residents with food, enterprises have increased supplies. large retailers have increased the shipment of drinking water to stores in orsk and novotroetsk by more than 10 times. and the cattle farms in orenburg and novotroitsk switched to full capacity. in current situation. it is important to prevent prices from rising; based on the results of inspections, the prosecutor’s office has already announced about 50 warnings to businesses. in addition, due to the flood, the orsk oil refinery suspended its work; its capacity is about 6 million tons per year, but experts believe that this will not have a strong impact on the market. the production of motor gasoline accounts for about 1.8% of the all-russian total, while it
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also produces approximately 2.2% of russian diesel, that is, its share in the overall fuel market is, again, not so large. in any in this case, stopping a refinery is a phenomenon for about a week or two weeks, that is, as soon as the water recedes, the refinery will operate normally. the duration itself allows the region to pass, one might say, time on its accumulated reserves of finished petroleum products. it is impossible to name the exact amount of damage yet, the situation is... developing, now the water is shifting towards orenburg, meanwhile, evacuations are being carried out in some areas of the kurgan region, and the ministry of emergency situations predicts flooding of several microdistricts of tyumen, so economic the consequences of the spring flood of 2024 have yet to be assessed.
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hello, i'm boris sakinov. and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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