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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

2:30 pm
hello! i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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fsb officers, together with colleagues from the russian ministry of internal affairs, detained five people suspected of assisting telephone scammers. investigators found out that the call center is located on the territory of ukraine. residents of different regions helped deceive russians out of large sums of money. anna voronina will tell you how this scheme worked. five participants, several passports each and more than 7 billion rubles stolen from russians, all using calls to mobile phones. this is the name of the company and the phone number to which the call was made. they operated from several regions at once, so they were detained in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl and sochi. in apartments. offices have all
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the necessary equipment for the functioning of a virtual communication center, and here sim cards are inserted and become active there. money was extorted in especially large sizes, acted according to a proven scheme. the attackers provided the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers posed as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to make transfers. saving loan funds into so -called safe accounts. as investigators found out, funds were transferred abroad through a chain of financial transactions , settled in ukrainian banks, and then went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. the fraudsters paid for communication services through foreign banks; the companies were registered abroad. she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey. the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022, and the detained participants have been charged with the car.
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the volume of exports exceeded $2.5 billion at the end of 2023, also led by italy, germany, bangladesh and turkey. imports of clothing from italy exceeded $600 million, from turkey almost 500 million, from bangladesh and germany, 300 million each. import figures are related primarily to the restructuring of logistics chains, which is now happening all over the world, rather than to any direct large-scale increase in the presence of foreign brands in our market. if we are talking directly about new discoveries, discoveries.
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five new international brands in the clothing and footwear category entered russian retail in the first quarter, for example, the turkish brand chakra opened its first store in the afimol shopping center in january. elos and opened its doors in march this year in guma, on the site where the prado point previously operated. they are fiddling around, they have great success with ours . they, in principle, are now in our country, it is great to say today that there is still a consumer to work with, which allows us, the dynamics of imports, it is very significant. some countries are just beginning to conquer our market, for example, exports from kazakhstan.
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over the year increased by 3 times, supplies from myanmar increased almost the same amount. romania doubled its volume. croatia and armenia at one and a half. an important market is central asian market. kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, and kyrgyzstan, which are growing for several reasons. the first reason: the cost of production, the economic cost of producing clothing in these countries, central asian countries, is lower than the cost of production in countries such as china, turkey and russia. the second point is that logistics with these countries is quite easy. at least 10 more international retailers have announced plans to open their first locations in russia. united arab emirates, italy, turkey, france, china and finland. the company has several strategies for entering the russian market. some immediately open mono-brand sales points, others first introduce customers to their products, collaborating with a local partner. relationships
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can be different; with such a partnership, it can supply in the form of goods, or it can supply in the form of a franchise. many. brands enter the market through distributors, who independently develop retail sales within the russian market. according to experts, over the past 2 year, the share of foreign brands in ten key shopping centers of the capital was reduced from 44 to 28%. now the figure will begin to rise again. at the same time, after the departure of a number of international retailers, russian companies received additional opportunities for development, including in terms of expanding their target areas. an audience that was previously focused on international brands. alena logvinova, boris agapov, alexander kutatiladze, conductor. let's return to the topic of flooding. ordinary citizens and organizations in various regions of the country express their desire help people who are in trouble due to the spring flood. the central bank announced that
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it was opening a hotline for flood-affected residents of the orenburg region. aeroflot airline will allow passengers to issue an involuntary refund of tickets for flights to orsk and orenburg. the orenburg football club will donate funds. today's game with kazan ruby to help those affected by the flood. it is reported that before the match there will also be a collection point for items, the first necessity for those who suffered. military engineers from the yasensky missile formation of the ministry of defense arrived in orsk to assist in the fight against floods. they deliver drinking water, deliver soil to a damaged dam near the city of orsk, and also participate in the evacuation of the local population. volunteers of the youth wing of the popular front of the orenburg region help flood victims. collection of essential items for evacuees has been organized. payments have begun to those affected by the flood and the dam break in the orenburg region. in the region decided to double the amounts established by law. president of the republika srpska milorad dozik will come to the st. petersburg economic forum. there
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it is planned to hold negotiations with the management of large russian companies, as well as a meeting with sergei lavrov. he spoke about what other negotiations are being prepared about the confrontation with the west in an interview with daria grigorova.
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functional bosnia and herzegovina, it disappeared to do what is called synonymous with unita. hypothetically, if this happened, this territory would remain there are few serbs, and we don’t want to leave this beautiful country, we consider it ours, we are fighting hard, my whole team, all my people, who have been electing me for 20 years to the most important positions, understand our struggle and give us support, but how this is usually done by foreigners. the guilt is personalized, they believe that i am a strong politician, who, if eliminated in one way or another, would help achieve their goals, the disappearance of the republika srpska. we are not unaware that americans, through the mechanism of multinational forces, arrested many of our people and sent them to an unknown direction, where
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they were kept for a certain time, breaking their character, political will, in order to continue to remain in charge here. a variety of confirmed information has appeared about this. that it is necessary to strengthen the protection of protected persons. they decided to wage a hybrid war against us, literally, and the current us administration, our police and intelligence services came to the conclusion, the british administration. this can be seen through the story of the imposition of sanctions against me by the entire leadership of the republika srpska. now they started doing it bypassing the procedure. we believe that lying cannot be a policy, a long-term policy that will prevail. if you lie, you inevitably put yourself in the position that one day...
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on the one hand you hear from the west that reconciliation is needed, it is really necessary, on the other hand, talk about srebrenica as genocide is a lie, completely invented for propaganda purposes a lie, they came up with the silver coin in order to thus focus on the destruction and contestation of the serbian republic itself. concerning facts, in order to recognize genocide , international definitions say that the intention of one people to exterminate another people must be clearly proven, and to date, not once in history has any...
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in the very first sentence stated that
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there was no genocide, the crime was, of course, a specialist in genocide and holocaust issues, it was, as a result of which 3,741 basniaks died, it was established by name that that was exactly how many died, but also 2,500 serbs died in this territory in the same period, and no one insists that they died as a result of genocide, so we move to the present time, in the complex structure of decision-making at the level of bosnia and herzegovina. in order for something to appear on the international stage, there must be a decision at the level of all-bosnian authorities. serbs, bosniaks and croats participate in their work on an equal basis. only such decisions have full international legitimacy. and then it turned out that a muslim, a bosniak, who holds the position of representative of bosnia and herzegovina at the un, independently nominated an initiative without decisions at the level of bosnia and herzegovina, having found sponsors, can you imagine who, germany and rwanda, where? we and where is rwanda? let's go back to germany. there is not a single un document that
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germany committed an act of genocide or holocaust; now it wants to blame the serbs for this. and this is being pushed by germany, germany, which committed genocide against the serbs, by the way. what i think? yes, i feel sick from all this, and they ask me how i react to it. it is quite possible that the resolution will be adopted. this resolution bad, it will only complicate relations within bosnia and herzegovina to the extent of it.
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started at the same moment. what america now demands is that the eu limit its area of ​​interest. she wants only obedient nations and peoples within the eu. and here’s the problem: we are already disobedient. and america did not behave correctly. we cannot consider cooperation with the enemy to be our main goal. we need to make a reservation. i don't think that way about all of america. we had good
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relations with the administration of donald trump, george bush, that is, with the republican administration. but from the administration. usa, since the americans here had a primordial need to turn the islamic world, which they shamelessly exploited, into poverty, which they did not allow to develop, they said that there is one place in the world where they support muslims, and they decided to do it here in bosnia and herzegovina, to our detriment.
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based on their need for someone to enter into a conflict in ukraine with russia, they pushed the european union into it, which lost the benefits of good relations with moscow. you you can’t explain at all how germany, which took advantage of cheap energy resources from russia, built such expensive northern streams 1,2, on which german competitiveness throughout the world depended, and one of the weakest governments in german history, agreed to become us citizens and refuse from benefits for the sake of...
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sanctions against russia. russia is the guarantor of the dayton agreement. if you look logically from a legal point of view, from any point of view, then it is not possible that bosnia and herzegovina, which depends on guarantees russia, introduced sanctions against it. but there are bosniks who want this, just as there are croats who want this. i recently listened to president putin and i want to highlight what he said. it is the elites who are unfriendly against russia; they are entire states themselves. but there are also states of peoples.
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it turned out exactly the opposite: growth of the russian economy, flexibility in reorientation to other markets. after all, putin, in the elections in which he participated, received the largest percentage of the votes than ever before. this is the result of their sanctions, and not you can say that russia has fallen, and since it doesn’t work out there, then you need to find a way here, your enormous strength, and america has it.
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and in unimaginable, sophisticated ways they are trying to stop this cooperation. everything was always correct with russia, when the authorities, before my mandate, forced negotiations on the sale of the oil refinery in the city of brod, which is located in the republika srpska and continues to operate, the americans celebrated the fact that they managed to force the previous government to sell the refinery for $1. then to the post of chairman government came, i said that i was stopping negotiations, as well as the preliminary agreement that had already been concluded. “i already had problems with the americans then, then together with your company from russia we reached an agreement, it came here and determined the price for us at 40 million euros, and this allowed
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us to live, strengthen our capabilities. russia does nothing to cause damage for someone here, when it turned out that russia was expanding its presence in europe, including here, russia began to be demonized. what does europe have? there are corrupt political elites who are not able to figure out how to survive."
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just like before, and what should i do? attack him for this, say that he is a bad guy, seriously, just so that biden, who can cope with an airplane strap can’t, he was happy, but i immediately forget about it, as soon as i remember, now putin says that we are friends, he asked me about the serbian republic in sochi, he knows who milorad dodik is, and that this is bad, no, this is phenomenal, phenomenal for us, and we don’t want to lose this, to applaud biden and his vassals who come here to...
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new visits to russia are also planned this year, you’re going to the st. petersburg economic forum in june, maybe some more... are the trips planned, and what are your expectations from these trips? at the end of this month, a forum on security issues is being held in st. petersburg, mr. patrushev sent me an invitation, and i confirmed my participation. last year i was in moscow, in the moscow region, i must say that it was
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impressive. 11 states at the ministerial level responsible for security issues, i had the opportunity to speak, a world is being born, a world in which russia undoubtedly plays a significant role, because russia has shown flexibility. you know, the westerners thought that they would introduce sanctions, this would be enough to suppress the will of the russian people, to fight for the state of the nation. you see, you were wrong again, how many times will you be wrong, russians love their state and their nation, the president, that’s all. putin is spoken in the west.
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čekamo to, hvala vam mnogo na odgovorima danas, hvala.
3:00 pm
we continue our news review. the permanent representative of russia to international organizations, mikhail ulyanov, called the ukrainian drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant a violation of the five principles for the protection of plants, which were presented by savbezion in 2023 . now he is in direct contact with the studio, mikhail ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, yes, let us remind you that on april 7 , nuclear reactors number five and number six of the zaporozhye unified energy system were attacked by drones in the mtr. rosatom called on magatey and the european union to respond to what was happening. eh, tell me has there already been a proper reaction, or is it too early to draw conclusions? no, there has not yet been a proper reaction, mm, from western structures.


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