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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue the news review, the permanent representative of russia to international organizations, vine, mikhail ulyanov, called the attack by ukrainian drones on the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant a violation of the five principles for the protection of plants that were presented. council of security in 2023, now he is in direct contact with the studio, mikhail ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, yes, let’s remind you that on april 7 , nuclear reactors number 5 and number 6 of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant were attacked by drones in the mtr. rosatom called on magathe and the european union to respond to what was happening. tell me if there was already a due reaction or is it too early to draw conclusions? no, there should be a reaction from western structures; there has been no western structures yet. there was a reaction only
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from the international atomic energy agency, quite a strong reaction, last night i spoke with the director general of the agency rafael grossier, he understands everything, he is very alarmed and for several hours he posted several tweets on this subject, and then published on the night of april 8, a similar information report. where i dotted all the points, called it a threat nuclear safety, a violation of the five principles, called on the military who make decisions and take into account all these circumstances when choosing targets, a good strong statement, there is one, but very big flaw, the international atomic energy agency did not dare to directly name the guilty party, to put it bluntly, that attacks were carried out.
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ukrainian armed forces, but to be honest, i don’t expect any special comments or reasoning from the west in cases where ukraine allows unacceptable actions, the west is at least silent or comes to the defense of the ukrainian side, that is , in this case the situation is the same, you are not expecting accusations against kiev, but an indication of who exactly launched these? pilots, i think that they will not be there, since november of the twenty -second year in sou they have refrained, as reported, from attacks directly on the zaporozhye unified energy system, well, at least within its perimeter, they hit the industrial zone, the energodar, now the station itself is again became a target, while kiev denies its involvement in this attack, about europe's reaction we talked, in your opinion, what is the reason for the changes in actions, why did they start hitting the station itself, well... well
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, it’s better to ask the ukrainian side about this, i can only guess, apparently this is a reaction to what is happening in war zone, an attempt to somehow respond through an attack on nuclear facilities, you are right, for about 5 months in the twenty-second year from mid-july to november 20, the station was subjected to ukrainian rocket and artillery attacks, then magatea also did not name it.
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i can't say, but i think i'm sure that discussion of this topic will be impartial for kiev, the threats the ukrainian country is creating to the european continent are too serious, i want to draw attention to the fact that the threat from ukraine also comes for magathe personnel, who are on a rotational basis... from september 1,
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22 has been there constantly for years. the first strike yesterday was delivered 20 minutes after magatte employees carried out a bypass of the station in accordance with a pre -approved plan, then when the relevant russian structures, invited agency employees to inspect the sites where the strikes took place, in particular they were allowed to climb onto the roof of the sixth reactor, at which point, as the director general reported, russian troops were forced to take action against a supposedly approaching drone. as a result of operational measures, the drone collapsed, an explosion occurred right next to the building of the sixth power unit, that is, this blow was intended also for agency employees, i don’t know if the ukrainians saw the ukrainian military attack,
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after all, magathe’s employees in the voron uniform, a uniform, blue, blue with the inscription united nations, should have. but this did not stop them, they saved our military situation. mikhail ivanovich, in general, how do you assess the effectiveness of this mission? does it need to be somehow reformatted or changed in your opinion, or does it show high efficiency, high efficiency? no, but enthusiastic assessments are inappropriate here, but in general, i understand that this mission meets the interests of the cause, despite all its shortcomings. we have serious complaints.
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but neither the agency is ready to abandon this mission, nor are we ready yet, because there are benefits despite all the shortcomings, there are benefits, so we know that the russian military has significantly weakened the capabilities of the ukrainian energy system, kiev, as reported, is counting on its the nuclear power plant is even announcing plans for the construction of new power units, at the khmelnitsky station, for example, but again, apparently, not all experts share this.
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has never attacked nuclear facilities on the territory of ukraine and does not intend to do so do, we understand perfectly well the possible negative consequences, if the ukrainians do not have enough electrical generation, they can naturally use additional nuclear facilities, create them, but this is a very slow matter, let’s say, as for the attitude of the magistrate to this matter, it seems to me that it’s about the same as what i just told you... magatef respects the national decisions of the ukrainian side, and how do you think ukraine is dependent on russian technologies, on fuel, and so on in this matter, well, they are highly dependent, because in fact, at the
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same zaporozhye npp, all facilities, all structural divisions, they were created using russian technologies. as for fuel, the ukrainians partially switched to the use of nuclear fuel produced by westinghouse, including at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, this fuel was used, according to our experts, it was of lower quality than the russian one, but it was functioning now. naturally, we are not going to use nuclear fuel at a russian nuclear facility, american nuclear fuel, we have there is enough of our own fuel, well, this is more of a question about the prospects for expanding
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the capabilities of nuclear power plants in ukraine, is it possible to do this without russian technologies now or is this a utopia, a good question, but if. in ease of operation, of course, here we are able to give our nuclear industry many points ahead of foreign suppliers and manufacturers, but ukrainians in this matter, in these matters, are guided not by common sense, not by rational considerations, but by political ones, sometimes the principle of spite of grandma is applied i'll freeze my ears, and such a place and such... and we watch regularly. mikhail ivanovich, one more question. in ukraine
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, the topic of drug trafficking from europe under the guise of humanitarian aid has come up again, after children received drugs disguised in chocolate from humanitarian aid. aren't europeans worried that such drug trafficking could get completely out of control? i think this issue worries them, but in the public space such concerns can never cast a shadow. police doctors, but i saw a message about
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that there is a flow of drugs through ukraine, but no one has yet, in my opinion, attempted to fully assess this; i have not met the assessments of all the accused, in conditions when military operations are taking place, but in conditions when the country is. .. in the state of emergency declared by the kiev authorities, of course, many things are not going as they should be, this is also the reality of the modern world, modern ukraine. mikhail ivanovich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the questions live, i’ll remind you russia's permanent representative to international organizations, vienna, mikhail ulyanov, was in direct contact. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is on an official visit to beijing today. the minister is already holding negotiations with his chinese counterpart, including discussing the ukrainian crisis and cooperation in
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the asia-pacific region. our special correspondent in the chinese capital boris ivanin joins the broadcast. boris, greetings, have the negotiations already ended and what else is on the program for this visit? yuri, greetings, but in general it must be said that the main program of all official events, a bilateral meeting, will take place tomorrow, well, now in beijing, as you see. it’s already 9:00 pm, a time difference compared to moscow, but nevertheless, this evening is a busy and working evening for the head of russian diplomacy sergei lavrov, he is now holding a bilateral meeting with his chinese counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs of the celestial empire ivan and, and this the conversation was closed to the press, but maria zakharova, the official writer of the russian mido , published a photo from this meeting, and how you can see from this photo... the ministers have a traditional tea ceremony in the chinese style, and as has already been announced in
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our foreign policy department, and the ministers are planning a detailed exchange of views on a number of hot topics, this is a quote, but nevertheless this is taking place conversation in a warm , friendly atmosphere, as we see, and also warmly, this morning the russian delegation was met by china, warm, clear sunny weather, during the day it was more than 20°, in general , everything suggests that moscow and beijing have a favorable climate in bilateral relations, it has been noted more than once that the partnership of our countries is at the highest level in a variety of areas, including the similarity in the foreign policy views of russia and china, as it was initially stated that the crisis in ukraine will also be on the agenda of the meeting. let me remind you that last february beijing presented its peace plan to resolve this conflict, it contains 12 points and main theses. first of all to the west, this is primarily a rejection of the cold war mentality,
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a rejection of unilateral sanctions, a bloc thinking, we mean, first of all, the north atlantic alliance, this chinese plan, the head of the russian foreign policy department sergei lavrov just the other day called the quote clear and reasonable, well, that’s what the ukrainians themselves say, who have long since moved from kiev here to beijing , we talked to him today, i was with ukrainian in ukraine, i had a ukrainian family living with me. in kiev we always lived in the capital, there, by the way, i recently recalled our soviet times, i was still in the soviet times, i lived on the coast, there’s nothing against russia i have, there were lived.
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when the so-called shuttles arrived here in china for cheap goods, everyone remembers this time well, i think, well, the main street in this russian quarter bears a name, perhaps not too euphonious to our ears, yabaulu, but nevertheless translated from in chinese it literally translates as a street of elegant treasures, outside there are many signs in russian, well, inside there are real treasures, for example , white tea, popular here in the celestial empire, which is grown in...
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good to buy and relax, but as for economic cooperation in general between russia and china, then our countries set a record last year, trade turnover for the year exceeded the mark of 240 billion dollars, and apparently, this is far from the limit, but with washington, beijing, on the contrary, this figure dropped by as much as 13 %, that's what about the prospects for cooperation in the economic sphere. the chinese themselves speak both with moscow and with washington, by the way, in pure english, listen. i think russia and china have already laid good foundations in market terms and we are counting on good cooperation between two countries and two markets. i read news on social networks, in the news media, and i know that china and america have different economic concepts.
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china has its own concept, you have yours, i think everyone is unique, everyone should cooperate. well , the mutual cooperation between moscow and beijing is clear, however, that such strengthening in many areas causes a certain concern, to say the least, on the part of washington and the united states; through the mouth of the american secretary of state antony blinken, russia and china are named (quote) with the most acute threats world order, well, one that is based, of course, on western rules. and, of course, the anglo-saxons, represented by the united states and britain, are trying in every possible way to undermine the situation and destabilize it in the asia-pacific region. to counter china, in particular, an entire military-political bloc was created, which, along with london and washington , also included australia, the military-political bloc aucus. now they are trying to drag the philippines and japan and
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south korea into it, in order to also destabilize the situation on the korean peninsula, and also same. a five-eyes intelligence alliance has been formed around china, which includes australia, new zealand, canada , the same united states and great britain. well, it’s clear that all these regional issues will also be discussed during bilateral negotiations between sergei lavrov and his chinese colleague wang yi, especially since this year is an anniversary year for our countries, moscow and beijing are celebrating 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, but of course , honor not only the rich history, but about... china, beijing boris ivanin. now back to the topic our special correspondent said that during the floods in orsk there was
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another dam break nearby. the village of lesotorgovye, earlier the regional authorities announced an evacuation there. also, according to the regional government, the level in the ural river near orsk has decreased by another 7 cm. but the water is now approaching orenburg. our correspondent stanislav bernwald is in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, hello again, what is the current situation and how is the evacuation going in the village of les-torgovy? yes, hello, well, let's start with the fact that today in novotroitsk also had an overflow over the dam, this is a serious problem. but not critical, now the authorities are filling up this dam in order to prevent a breakthrough and further leakage, but nevertheless, in order to protect the residents, the evacuation has already begun. from several streets, including sevastopolskaya street, the authorities are appealing to people and asking them to be understanding, indeed, it is necessary to evacuate to
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safe places in order to exclude various types of tragedies, we have just returned from the most difficult area flooding here in orsk, from the old city, the situation there is really very difficult, the old city is practically completely flooded, and basically all the houses... are standing in the water under the roof, but there is one such place there, i’ll tell you about it, it’s called mountain, that is, the locals call it a mountain, but because it’s such a natural elevation, so water came from all sides, approached this mountain and it turned out to be such an island, an island of salvation for those who were nearby, that’s where a large number of people are now , which they don’t want to leave, they don’t want to leave their homes, because they are afraid of looters - well , there is a temple there, in fact , people now live and eat in this temple, and well, somehow
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they live in one community, we managed to talk with the rector of the temple, this is what he says, we accept those who come, we send those who agree to leave for the so-called mainland, we will survive, because the russians have always endured everything... our history of our fatherland is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, those very qualities that are needed today more than ever, well, those who are evacuated to the big land, as they call it here, in safety, that is , they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, are kept in temporary accommodation centers, there for they have food and lodging, warm clothes, humanitarian aid, a lot of children, indeed, among those who were evacuated
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from flooded areas with children, the most difficult thing, psychologists say, is indeed those who are older children, they understand that trouble has come, the younger ones don’t understand, but nevertheless psychologists work with them and really in order to stop this problem, fear, fright, the work of psychologists is very necessary, let’s listen to what the kids have to say. water came into the city of my grandmother’s house, i was there with my grandmother and had to evacuate, because if they had not evacuated, the houses would have simply flooded, well, that’s how i ended up here, at first it was stressful, my nerves were frayed, my nerves were frayed, but everything was fine, i i was more worried about my animals, my dog ​​is a cat, but it’s worth to say that here... indeed, now all the emergency services are working, among other things, volunteer organizations and simply caring people, helping with everything they can, there are boats here all the time, people
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are sailing, arriving, bringing people who remained in their homes , in general, such one big friendly commune, let's say, we continue to monitor the situation here, directly in the city, all the latest information is on our air, yes, the sturgeon stock is being restored, the federal fisheries agency proposes to allow amateur fishing for sterlise in the volga, albeit with a number of restrictions. this was stated by the head of the department, ilya shestakov, at a meeting with president vladimir putin. the topic will be continued by my colleague nikamk. yankholaya, nika, hello, what tasks are now being set for the fishing industry as a whole? yuri, greetings, but one of the most important goals in updating the fleet is to make it one of
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the youngest, most modern in the world. results of fishing in the twenty-third year, renewal of infrastructure and fleet, as well as food security the main topics at the meeting between president vladimir putin and the head of rossibolovstvo, ilya shestakov. over the past year, russian fishermen caught more than 5 million tons of fish and this. the best figure in the last 30 years, the head of the federal fisheries agency spoke separately about the volume of catch of sardines and vosi, it reached 544,000 tons, and this is an absolute record in the 21st century, for comparison in the twenty-second year it was 90% less. more than twenty factories in russia produce fish food. the largest enterprises operate in the kursk, novosibirsk and tver regions, as well as in republic of karelia. by the twenty-fifth year, the industry will be fully supplied with domestic feed and is growing. we
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don’t stop there, the goal in the strategy is to reach 600,000 tons by the thirtieth year, to achieve this result, in general , the work is going smoothly, well, now, within the framework of investment loans through the ministry of agriculture, support is being provided for enterprises engaged in aquaculture. according to the food security doctrine, the level of fish self-sufficiency in our country should be at least 85%, and already in twenty-second year indicator. exceeded 153%, and in the twenty-third year the percentage of self-sufficiency will increase even more, given the record catch. as for the production of fish products, according to rosstat, the figure over the past 10 years has increased by 21.5%. at the same time, the share of deep processing of goods has doubled since 2014 from 15 to 30%. this was achieved through the construction of new fish processing plants.
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renewal remains an important task for the industry. fleet, we have a planned investment volume of 300 billion, this is only within the framework the first stage, which means that it is planned to build 105 for 105 ships, now 22 ships have been built with a slight lag, well, with a small lag, somewhere with a large lag we are going, but now the shipyard has already been rebuilt, everywhere where there were problems new contracts have been concluded with suppliers new equipment, now the schedules have leveled off, i hope that within the framework of the new ones... to correct the situation with the delay in the construction of ships based on keel quotas, let me remind you that the programs involve the transfer of 20% of quotas from each ship for incentives companies that are engaged in the construction of new ships at russian shipyards. this measure was introduced at the initiative of the president in 2015 to renew the fishing fleet
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70. for the air fishing fleet, for the blood catchers , the decision has not yet been made here, but we are now discussing it, how to formalize it correctly, there was also a period of 5 years, and we assume that we will immediately extend it, yes, but we just need to carry out an appropriate analysis, and make a decision based on this independent and professional analysis. in general, according to ilyi shustakova, the russian fishing industry is operating stably, which allows it to provide the domestic market and export
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supplies. so imports in the twenty-third year. amounted to about 606,000 tons, exports exceeded 2 million tons. the main export type of fish, let me remind you, is menta, and in addition, selts, sardines and crabs are sold on the foreign market. since october 2019, several stages of crab auctions have been held to distribute production quotas in the far eastern and northern basins. as a result, the federal budget received about 380 billion rubles. some of these funds went to the development of the fishery complex. a big step has been made in the field. digitalization of services to support the activities of fishermen, in the twenty-third year the transition to an electronic fishing magazine was completed. to date, almost 100% of the catch is accounted for using this software package.
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