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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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now the economic news is short: vladimir putin instructed the government to allocate 300 billion rubles for the construction of a high-speed highway. moscow-petersburg. the money will be provided from the national welfare fund in the form of loans at an interest rate of no more than 1%. another 28.5 billion will be allocated from the budget. they will be used to purchase land plots to create infrastructure. let me remind you that the launch of the hsr is scheduled for 2028. travel time between st. petersburg and moscow will be 2:15. russian budget revenues in the first quarter reached 8.700 billion rubles. this is one and a half times.
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more than a year earlier, the ministry of finance said. revenues from hydrocarbon sales increased by almost 80%. non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. as for treasury expenses, growth is also recorded here, but less significant - 20%. as a result, the budget deficit was reduced three times, to 3% of gdp. the central bank advocated for the speedy adoption of a law on international payments in cryptocurrency. this was stated by the head of the central bank elvira nabeulina. due to the increased risk, such operations should first be tested experimentally. concerning digital ruble, the transition to its mass use will take up to 7 years. we are asked the question when the digital ruble will become such a mass product, in our opinion, it will take 5-7 years, it will be a natural process, because the choice of the people themselves, the business, is fundamental, it should be convenient for them. there are already 10 self-employed people in russia. this
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was stated by the federal tax service; the total income of such workers is more than 3.5 trillion rubles. every day , about 8,500 citizens register as self-employed; most often they work in taxis, engage in repair marketing or sell their own products. the highest paid ones are it, advertising and repairs. it was economic news. short. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in vtb pensions the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum vtb, everything will work out, a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card and that’s it. will
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70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. like this, it’s not necessary, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i see, i i understand, this is how household chemicals are available at the megamarket with cashback up to 50%. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest , you get a super cash in rubles every month, and you can also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. to coordinate the work to prevent the liquidation of the consequences of floods, the government created a special commission, headed by the minister of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. this is an order from vladimir putin. the order to create the commission has already been signed by mikhail mishustin. in her
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the composition also included the heads of the ministry of health, fmba and rospotrebnadzor, representatives of the ministry of finance, the ministry of transport, the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard and other ministries and departments. emergency mode. in the tyumen region , due to an unfavorable forecast for floods, as stated by the head of the region, alexander mor, the situation on the rivers is now calm. a decision was made to introduce a state of emergency in the tyumen region. i’ll immediately explain what this means: we establish an emergency situation in advance. the situation on the rivers in the region is calm and controlled. we we observe a natural, gradual rise in level. due to the melting of snow and ice, but roshydromet specialists give an unfavorable forecast for the flood. the level in our rivers ishim and tabol is predicted to be high. i repeat once again,
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we are introducing a state of emergency in the tyumen region in advance. it allows us to quickly respond to the situation that develops on the rivers. in such conditions, operational services have more powers. to protect the population and territories. investigators have identified a connection between the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall and ukrainian special services, this was reported by the russian investigative committee. meanwhile , new details are emerging in the case, the accomplices of the terrorists provide valuable information in their confessions, they have already named the name of their coordinator, and revealed some other details of the bloody crime. all the latest details are in the material by vitaly kormazin. these images no longer leave any doubt that the terrorists who attacked defenseless people in the crocus were moving to ukraine at the command of their curator. recording a conversation with killers who themselves talk about the route after the terrorist attack. why are you under arrest? terrorist attack, where did you commit the terrorist attack, krok in the city,
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what were your group’s plans after the terrorist attack, their curator under the pseudonym saifullo kept in touch with the terrorists along the way, it was he who recruited them, he told them where to get weapons, he determined the target of the attack , the direction of departure, he told us: leave towards kiev when you get to the border, not far from the border. chuikovka and sopach, sumy region. this gave the killers the opportunity to maneuver, choosing one of two windows for access to the ukrainian side. i understand that crossing the border will be difficult,
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i said that the ukrainian border will be waiting for you there, guys who will help us cross the border, and i drove to kiev. the executioners were promised not only a warm welcome in ukraine, but also payment for carrying out the terrorist attack. money of 1 million rubles. the connection with ukraine was found in the mobile phones that the killers tried to destroy. they sent photographs of the entrances and access roads to crocus to their curator on february 24. on the second anniversary of the start special military operation, this is confirmed by the testimony of one of the accused. in addition, photographs of people in camouflage uniforms with the ukrainian flag against the background of destruction were found on the terrorist’s phone. houses of the ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. this data
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may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. all stages of financing a terrorist attack are established. on thursday, those who helped buy terrorists with a renault car and weapons. who is detained? weapons suppliers would also be detained.
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did you understand that by your actions you were providing assistance to a foreign country? yes, which state? ukraine. then they connected their own call centers, which intimidated russian pensioners, teachers, housewives with loans and demanded that they set fire to military registration and enlistment offices, police departments and administrations. they called from the bank, yeah, they told me to do this, because there was
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a person there, a person, of course, yes, who transferred the loans to me. in 2022 there were 123 arson, in 2023 already 285. sabotage was also organized through call centers. the sbu began to use their services, they began to sort out a large number of people, create large databases, the law of large numbers, sooner or later you will find a person for any task who will do it for little money. explosions on railways, substations, arson. are actively working, delaying performers and disrupting the plans of customers. in 2022, 34 terrorist attacks and five sabotages organized by kiev were prevented, in 2023 there were already 153 prevented terrorist attacks and 15 sabotages. not having the opportunity to defeat us at the front, they naturally switch to undercover and
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sabotage work, the emphasis shifts to the use of violence and all related imperatives. specifically for terrorism. journalist daria dugina was blown up by sbu agents in a car in front of her father; its head vasily malyuk said that the ukrainian security service does not prevent, but organizes terrorist attacks, a few days after the attack on crocus. he spoke about the details of the murder of deputy ilya kiev, lpr prosecutor general sergei garenko and others. tatarsky became the so-called mouthpiece. tatarsky became the mouthpiece of donbass. the statuette was presented to him. yes, there was 400 g of thermobar. yes, there was 400 g of thermobaric charge, which worked like a razor on it. prilepin. prilepin, one of the ideologists of the russian world, was driving to his dacha when an anti-tank mine went off. they proudly declare this is us. for example, lambrazo, who believed that
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it was written on the face of a criminal, and would be terribly happy that he was a criminal. having seen the head of the sbu special service, molyuk, the head of military intelligence also admitted to the terrorist attacks ukraine kirill budanov, who said that kiev would kill russians anywhere in the world. we have already caught up with many of them; there are public media cases that have already become public knowledge. actually, they behave like terrorists, they are terrorists, they don’t think of their lives, their activities, so to speak, any other way.
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gathered under the wing of ukrainian intelligence into the terrorist rdk, the legion of freedom and various national battle groups, one of which is supported by terrorists and the leader of the caucasian underground nineties, akhmet zakaev. we are actively involved, yes, today we take the side of the ukrainians on the battlefield. and those now use combat poisons. the kiev regime tried to kill the heads of the zaporozhye and kherson regions with substances prohibited by international conventions. one of them is bezet. developed at the edgewood arsenal in the united states. the poisoned cake was also delivered to seventy pilots of the armavir school, but out of sheer belief. an attempt by recruited neo-nazis to poison humanitarian aid for russian military personnel and residents of donbass. will do like military personnel, right? well, not only pregnant women, afghans too. our target audience is those comrades who
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are located there. therefore, well , they will - as they say, everyone involved will be punished. that's all. as many people as possible, that is, more people, warmer and more interesting, the scale should be industrial. kiev is attacking not only military but also civilian targets and energy transport infrastructure with naval aerial drones. in tatarstan this week, a drone hit a student dormitory, 14 victims. but the most terrible images are from belgogorod. ukrainian shelling on december 30, 25 dead, attack on february 15, seven. these small little legs right there will live a little, not worry, oh, in the same row , the explosions of the crimean bridge with the death of innocent people, attempts at sabotage at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant,
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among the targets are other stations, kursk, smolensk, leningrad, the reactors of which are ukrainian agents tried to stop the explosion of power lines, the explosion of the kokhovskaya dam, themselves detained in russia, employees ukrainian intelligence is told that not only the number, but the degree of insanity of ukrainian attacks is growing, the authorities even have plans... to create a dirty bomb, the leadership of the ukrainian intelligence discussed the issue of making a dirty atomic bomb, which, when detonated, will litter the area around it large enough, it becomes unviable in any case, all this is not without the help of the west, which helps technically, financially and with consultations, this explosion near ryazan was carried out by ruslan sidiki, who was undergoing sabotage training. the ukrainians tried to introduce these air defense systems into russia through estonia, and this american plastic through georgia. this week, cnn found out that
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western specialists help ukrainians direct drone attacks on civilian targets. these flights are determined in advance with our allies. the aircraft follows a flight plan, which allows us to strike targets with an accuracy of several meters. the washington post has already reported that the cia spent tens of millions of dollars on training ukrainian intelligence services specifically for them.
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they started small and ended up big. what ukraine is doing to us, of course, is the evolution of terror, of course, and we can boldly and correctly say that this is simply a terrorist state. and apparently, the insane amalgamation of special services, criminals, neo-nazis and extremists of various kinds will fall into a terrorist rush, the worse things will be for ukraine at the front. vital karmazin, tatyana koroleva. and alexander yevtushenko, vesti nedeli, order a free credit card
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39 regions of the country are undergoing seasonal testing with floods in the flood zone of more than 10 thousand houses. on behalf of the president , a government commission was created to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods. when will the peak in polovodya be passed? the most difficult situation in in the orenburg region in orsk, evacuation is underway in nearby villages; according to the ministry of emergency situations , the flood wave is shifting towards the capital of the region. what measures are being taken to save people, the inclusion of our correspondents and decision-makers on the ground. and more about floods in russia, a forecast and overview of the weather conditions from our
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meteorologists. what is the weather like in places to... work out all the decisions for the implementation of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway, instructions from vladimir putin, the cabinet of ministers. where will it be allocated from? money for the country's first high-speed transport system, how much travel can cost, the government has a lot of analytical work to do. and a dangerous provocation that magathe’s employees had the opportunity to witness. the kremlin's reaction to the ukrainian armed forces' drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the principles of protecting the station were unprincipledly violated by kiev. attempts to shell the zaporozhye nuclear power plant by the ukrainian armed forces were intercepted by another kamikaze drone. let's tell you the details. almost 10,500 residential. houses in 39
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regions of russia were drowned as a result of floods, this information was reported today in ministry of emergency situations. in the siberian, volga and central federal districts this week, average daily temperatures will continue to rise; this, as the ministry of emergency situations clarified, may lead to further flooding of unchanged areas and transport infrastructure facilities. the most difficult situation remains in the orenburg region. according to the latest data from the orenburg city hall, in the morning the water level in the ural river in orenburg. amounted to 893 cm, almost 9 m. 2015 areas (1535 households) were flooded, the level of reservoirs increased from 8 to 30 cm per day. new dam breakthrough occurred around noon in the timber trading village in the suburbs of orsk, in the area between the ural and or rivers. 2 hours earlier, the orsk administration evacuated residents.


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