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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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almost 10,500 residential buildings in 39 regions of russia were drowned as a result of floods. this information was reported today by the ministry of emergency situations. in the siberian, volga and central and federal districts this week, average daily temperatures will continue to rise; this, as the ministry of emergency situations clarified, may lead to further flooding of unchanged areas and transport infrastructure facilities. the most difficult situation. remains in the orenburg region. according to the latest data from the orenburg city hall, in the morning the water level in the ural river in orenburg was 893 cm, almost 9 m. 2015 plots and 1,535 households were sunk. the level of reservoirs increased from 8 to 30 cm over the course of a day. a new dam breakthrough occurred around noon in the timber trading village in the suburbs of orsk. in the area between the rivers ura. and yell. 2 hours earlier
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, the administration of orsk evacuated the residents of the village to a temporary accommodation center. the water is coming. and we are waiting for the main arrivals, literally within three days. therefore , unfortunately, there is no hope that the flood and its peak have passed. this means that as far as work is concerned, the ministry of emergency situations also works for us, the city's emergency services and rescuers are working. regional divisions, we are working together with power grids, we will learn more about the situation in the erenburg region from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald, he is in direct contact, just from orsk. yes, stanislav, hello, we’re watching, following the informagent feeds, i’m looking at a link to the russian ministry of emergency situations for the region, just that the active fight against the consequences of the flood will last in the orenburg region for at least another week.
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in particular, we assume, this quote, that we will definitely be continuously fighting this flood for another week, the water will remain in different areas of the region, in orenburg, in orsk. what data do you have at this time, what is the current situation? yes, hello, well, it’s worth saying that to get to orsk, orsk is now essentially divided into two halves, that is, to get from one end of the city to the other, you need to go onto the highway and make a big detour. now we are just moving from one place to a second, it’s worth saying from the last news, a dam has broken in a timber trading village, now an evacuation has begun there, the situation there is also difficult, in fact , the situation throughout the city is difficult, the evacuation is taking place, let's see how this is happening, look how deep it is here, here are the sunken cars. somehow
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they look through, you can see that it looks like a blue car, here is the roof of another, well, in fact , the most difficult situation is now in the old city, we just returned from there, everything is flooded there, the houses are really under the roof, and people, some stay, they don’t want to leave because they are afraid of looters, but there is one such place there, the locals call it... a hill, a mountain, in fact, this mountain is now surrounded on all sides by water, because it is a hill, for many residents of the old city, this mountain has become a kind of island of safety, there is a temple there, there is a temple there, well, in fact, in this temple the reception of injured people is now organized, food is being prepared there, let's listen to what the abbot is saying. we accept
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those who come, we send those who agree we will survive leaving for the so-called mainland, because the russians have always endured everything, our whole history of our country is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, the very qualities that are needed more than ever today. we continue to monitor the situation here, and the most difficult thing, of course, is for the children, those children who are being evacuated to the temporary accommodation center, psychologists are working with them there, those who are younger still do not understand, of course, what happened, those who older, them of course it’s hard, but psychologists work and work quite successfully with adults, with children, that’s what the kids say, there was an invasion of my grandmother’s house in the city, i
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and my grandmother had to evacuate there, because if they hadn’t evacuated, the houses would have simply been flooded, well, i ended up here first. the time is stressful, my nerves let me down, my nerves let me down, but everything is fine, i was more worried about my animals, i have a dog and a cat, the ministry of emergency situations employees, volunteers and simply caring people continue to help everyone for those who are in trouble, well, volunteers bring food, volunteers go out on the deep water in boats to take people out, take out their property, simply. indifferent people, neighbors, bring food, hot tea, well, at least they can help with something, well , a large number of people are now bringing dry things, because many of those who are evacuating from their homes are leaving practically, well, only with documents,
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well, what we managed to take, we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air, yes, stas, we see with what impact rescuers are working and people are helping each other, then it’s worth adding that , unfortunately, there is a lot of work, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the situation with the flood in the orenburg region will not normalize before april 25, and the hydrometeorological center says that the peak of the flood is expected in 2 days on april 10 . stanislam berdnal, thank you again, our correspondent works in the orenburg region. but in the meantime, the central bank also opened a hotline for flood victims in the orenburg region. mikhail mishustin, on behalf of the president, created a government commission to coordinate work to prevent the liquidation of flood consequences.
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in the samara region, 313 residential buildings and 1,092 household plots in nine districts remain sunk. also, seven low-water bridges in the pestravsky, kenelcherkassky, krasnoyarsk and bolsheglushitsky districts remain under water. there is no transport connection with the two settlements; you can only get there by boat. rescuers deliver food to people in flooded areas. villages that were heavily submerged were evacuated 816 people. including 159 children, most of them chose to go to their relatives. there are currently 62 people in temporary accommodation centers, including 16 children. in general , there is a positive trend in the region. during the day , water left 166 houses and 185 garden
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plots. the situation with flooding in populated areas of highways and low-water bridges continues to be monitored by prosecutors in the samara region. they check conditions in temporary accommodation centers and conduct on-site receptions with residents. georgy, natalya. yes, artyom, thank you, we are monitoring the situation in the samara region with you. more than 10 thousand houses, garden plots and dachas may be flooded in the kurgan region. more than 18 thousand people are in the possible flooding zone. the regional ministry of emergency situations reports this. a high security regime has been introduced in the region. readiness and in the zverenogolovsky municipal district there is a state of emergency, as reported in the administration of kurgan, the water level in the tabolu river near the city has increased by 15 cm in a day. there is a risk of flooding of multi-storey buildings in there are no mounds, but gardening partnerships and private houses are under threat.
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an extremely unfavorable flood situation is developing in the kurgan region. six municipal districts, including the regional one, fall into the possible flooding zone. center of 62 settlements with a population of over 18,000 people. the region is on high alert. since april 7, the emergency forces of the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the kurgan region have been operating in emergency mode. all the forces of the means are concentrated on carrying out preventive measures, among which a significant role is assigned to the timely evacuation of the population. a state of emergency has been introduced in the tyumen region from today. an increase in water is predicted in the tabol and ishi rivers. the government of the tyumen region says that a group of 12 thousand people is ready to combat floods. experts predict the arrival of high water in a week and a half. deputy head of the russian ministry of emergency situations viktor yatsutsenko said that the ministry of emergency situations will send heavy aircraft to tyumen for
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evacuation and cargo delivery. the flood situation, according to yatsutsenko, is aggravated by uncontrolled water discharges from reservoirs in kazakhstan. let's ask our correspondent alexander lishchenko for more information about what measures are being taken in anticipation of the flood in the tyumen region. alexander, hello, welcome, we are also following the news from tyum via news agency feeds. region, traffic in the region is temporarily limited on five bridges that are located in the area of ​​possible annual flooding, the information center reports regional government. what information do you have about possible flooding? i take into account that it is expected in literally a week and a half; there is already an opportunity, apparently, to analyze what consequences it may lead to, what is being done in order to prevent this influx of water that comes from kazakhstan, as we said earlier. yes, i greet you, colleagues, indeed, as of today ,
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an emergency regime has been introduced in the tyumen region, but in advance, now on the rivers of the south region the situation is calm and controlled, more about this today in governor of the temen region alexander mor said in an exclusive interview with our tv channel, of course the region is preparing for big water in advance, in advance, every situation possible during flood situations at the command headquarters... the number of domestic animals, and for this volume, the number of people have already been prepared
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temporary accommodation points, in temporary accommodation points people will be provided with three hot meals a day, the necessary medical support, we also counted and counted all livestock, we selected sites for its placement outside the flood zones, but in the meantime, colleagues, you know, experts today. the dam is more than 11 m, and in
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some municipalities the ruslorek rivers, which can overflow their banks in high water, have already been cleared. well, by the way, today vyshima is doing a really great job of preparing for the flood; the head of the city, fyodor shishkin, personally meets with the population and explains how to behave correctly when high water arrives. commentary on this topic by the mayor of the city. we see what a flood it is. situation, i was especially upset when i saw the orenburg region, well, at the same time it came to us, which means that part of the kurgan region, the next tyumen region also falls into the flood zone, so i would like to appeal to all residents of the city of ishim that we must prepare for the spring flood, well, colleagues again, let me remind you that the peak of the flood is according to experts.
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bor, yes, it’s in the orenburg region, where this bridge is washed by the flow of the river, a link to a national park, this pine forest plays a key role in the ecology of the middle volga and southern cis-urals. we'll be back after commercials. feel free to face your expenses; with yota your money will not fly away. we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, you can iota,
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of this terrorist act have been identified, all of them have been charged and punished. in the form of detention. the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrorists’ preparation for the crime, which may indicate their connection with the ukrainian special services. as part of the investigation, the investigation also carefully studies the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of a crime. mexico and ecuador are severing diplomatic relations after ecuadorian security forces stormed the mexican embassy in quito. the target was the former president of ecuador, jorge glaz, who had been given political asylum in mexico the day before. we will discuss with our colleague sergei brilev how the conflict between the two countries developed and what it could lead to. yes, he's live. sergey, hello, glad to see you. why is the former vice president ecuador jorge's eye is so important for the current authorities of the country. that they even decided to
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storm the mexican embassy shows how convincing quito’s thesis about protection is in general. hello colleagues, but first of all , for those who have been to latin america, i will explain that what i really have behind me now is not mexico, but panama, or panama, as they say, we have more often, and this is no coincidence, this country is now too is directly related to the crisis that we are talking about, from the very latest news tonight in mexico hosted its first presidential debate, and the candidate from the leading party, while the leader of the race , claudia schoenbaum, began her speech with the fact that... ecuador is really such a cornerstone . now - in latin america, well , in mexico and ecuador, of course. so, look, in answer to your question, the vice-president of the former ecuador, jorge glaz,
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is a man who was released, for countless weeks between two prison stints, was released for health reasons , took advantage of this pause to go to mexican embassy, ​​to hide there, and as you quite rightly said, now in recent days it has not been easy. hide, and receive political asylum from the mexican president lopez obrador, that is, we were already talking about moving him from mexico towards the airport, excuse me, from the mexican embassy in quito in ecuador towards the airport and gave him to mexico, this served, so to speak, the last such moment, which pushed everything towards what happened, what happened, of course, does not fit into any gates, any gates, this an absolute contradiction to the vienna convention on the inviolability of diplomatic missions. and how the mexican special forces first climbed the fence, forgive me, please, the ecuadorian special forces climbed the fence of the mexican embassy, ​​then the doors opened, a jeep drove in, this same
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vice president glas was put in it, then he was transferred to a plane, taken to the strictest prison ecuador called larroca, all this, of course, is absolutely unprecedented, for this reason mexico is filing a case in the international court, in fairness it must be said that he is a purist. they say that mexico, in turn , violated one of the conventions, this is the caracos convention, a latin american convention, according to which political asylum is not granted to those who are convicted, and the voice was convicted. another thing is who is the eye? this is the vice president under president rafael korea, his name is certainly more popular. for our viewers, this is the same president who gave osanju asylum. i think this phrase puts everything in its place. and in general, a very interesting process is going on in ecuador now.
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assault, it was a mexican assault embassies, army, police, these are such interesting bricks that come together, but about the reaction of the rest of the world, look at what question interests you, i’m ready to answer, but in general what it is like, what it was like in general, because the case is egregious and not it’s not even possible to remember when something similar happened in central latin america, how should other countries react to this, how are they already reacting, maybe it will even happen? perceived as something other than a declaration of war, maybe even that? let's start off with, what you said, this has never happened, yes, this has never happened in terms of an assault, but in latin america there is a curious
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tradition, a tendency when diplomatic missions find themselves at the center of major political crises, so i told you that i’m talking to you now from panama, here in panama, currently hiding in the nicaraguan embassy: ex-president of panama ricardo martinelli, who is accused of money laundering in his country, in the united states, but the main critic of the united states, one of the main critics of the united states in the region, non-carguan president dani lortega provided him with his embassy, ​​by the way, the same story is going on now, that it would be nice to let him out of the embassy, ​​take him to the airport and let him leave for the ship. the panamanians said that there would be no assault here, but this is an ecuadorian in mexico, asange at the ecuadorian embassy.
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not allowing latin america to fall into the savagery that now distinguishes the rest of the world, for some it may sound paradoxical, but that’s how it sounds, but in reality everything is from the left lula in brazil, to the right-wing lacazie pou, in uruguay, to the president of peru, who in general is also on a somewhat different spectrum, all condemned the actions of ecuador. but i repeat, in ecuador the perception is somewhat different, yes, one of the ecuadorian parties has now left the coalition, has gone into opposition, is demanding the resignation of the president, but in ecuador everything is heading towards this very referendum, let me remind you that special powers for the army are given after several weeks ago, the drug mafia in ecuador carried out something like an uprising, a serious tangle, so what do they say, but
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why? consequences of the severance of diplomatic relations between these countries.
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well, now to vladimir putin’s latest instructions, the president ordered to work out all decisions for the implementation of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. so, the government has been ordered to make all necessary decisions before july 1, including determining fares . and by april 15, russian railways, sberbank and government agencies must conclude a concession agreement for the construction of a high-speed line with llc, high-speed ​​railways of the two capitals. in addition, the head of state ordered the conclusion of an agreement on the supply and maintenance of rolling stock for a new construction project. let me remind you that on march 14, vladimir putin took part in the ceremony to begin construction of the highway via video conference. the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to work out all financial issues related to the new high-speed highway. from the russian national welfare fund, allocate at least 300 billion rubles in 2025 for
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the construction of the highway... supplies will not more than 1%.


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