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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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well, now to vladimir putin’s latest instructions, the president ordered to work out all decisions for the implementation of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. so, the government is ordered to make all necessary decisions by july 1, including determining fares, and by april 15, russian railways, sberbank and government agencies must conclude a concession agreement with vsm llc for the construction of a high-speed line. in addition, the head of state gave orders. conclude a supply and service agreement rolling stock for a new construction project. let me remind you that on march 14, vladimir putin took part in the ceremony to begin construction of the highway via video conference. the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to work out all financial issues related to the new high-speed highway. from the national welfare fund of russia, allocate at least 300 billion rubles in 2025 for the construction of the highway at a rate of no more than 1%. with capitalization of interest in the first 10
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years. what can be said about the highway financing scheme in general? for construction a capital grant will be provided from the federal budget for the purchase of land plots in the amount of 28.5 billion rubles. as follows from the list of instructions, moscow will also provide at least 150 billion rubles for the construction of a high-speed highway, and funds will also be sent by the moscow region, st. petersburg, leningrad, novgorod and tver regions. on other instructions of the president: the cabinet of ministers needs to submit a proposal to provide families with children with preferential mortgages on the secondary market in regions where little housing is being built, and before august 1 to form an all-russian parent committee as part of the competition - this is a family thing for us. in addition, by june 15, work out the conditions for the establishment of state awards for honored professional dynasties, and by may 15, the government must take additional measures to support ship production. jubilant
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cases of intestinal infection associated with the flood situation were identified in orsk, this was reported by the vice-governor for social policy, minister of health of the orenburg region tatyana savinova, as in the ministry of emergency situations? they are assessing the flood situation in the orenburg region, at the moment, what data do you have, what is happening on the rivers, how the water level is changing, how many settlements of people are in the flood zone, of course, all this, but i probably want to start with the topic of social assistance and support for the population, i want to say that people will not be left in trouble, there is no... the minister of emergency situations of russia introduced the federal level of emergency situations, this means that it will allow, say so, using federal funds both to eliminate the causes of the flood and to help people, people are provided with comprehensive assistance, in
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temporary accommodation centers, even psychological assistance, this is probably very important, because many, many simply lost their home and this well, it's extremely sad every. history is, well, a small tragedy, uh , a big one, probably for those who lost their home, yes, their blood, uh, the situation, unfortunately, continues to remain tense, i’m now in orsk, uh, and here, uh , one is periodically sunk, then another street, then in one microdistrict we have water actively arriving, and somewhere in another , forces are immediately sent there preventively by means. the population is being evacuated while, let's say, it is still possible to walk on dry land, unfortunately, some people refuse to evacuate at first, yes, i recommend not ignore the advice of specialists, because when water comes into the house, it will be much, much more difficult to do this
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, including from a safety point of view , everything that is currently known is that evacuations in the region were rescued by employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, employees of regional rescue services , volunteers, six more than six. rescue continues, this figure is growing, specifically in orsk this figure is already approaching 2,500, probably even more, because at the moment, when we are broadcasting, people continue to be saved, they continue to save not only people, and somewhere there is a need to save animals, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations see this and make a decision, if there is no threat to the life and health of people, then of course they also provide assistance to animals, because this is well - every living soul is important and it’s clear to work here too. alexander sergeevich, tell me, please, tell me, please, they talk a lot about the peak of the flood, about when the critical levels will come, they have already arrived, the water is rising, where it is now, how dangerous
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the situation is precisely because of this factor, itself important, how much water has arrived, where it has already gone, where the wave itself is moving from this very flood, i realized, probably now, the main blow is taking the brunt of itself... orsk is taking the brunt - here , very, very many houses are flooded , almost our entire old city in the water , the wave will further move towards orenburg, we expect that this is the peak value, the most difficult situation in orenburg will last for another week, and we will work with it all - help the population rescue, evacuate, act preventively, for example, in veleka , where another wave is also expected to arrive. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, together with municipal services, are strengthening the embankment dam around the populated area in order to minimize the consequences of the flood, or even prevent the advance of water into the populated area, if possible. work is also underway in orenburg, until in orenburg itself the water, let’s say, has not significantly
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entered the territory of houses and households, but nevertheless , the water is getting very, very close to the regional center, right somewhere on the threshold, say, around the regional center in floodplain of the urals. there are many settlements that are also starting to flood, and we know that this will continue, the water will increase and flow through the urals, right towards orenburg, are the resources available, how many people are involved in the evacuation, are there many rescuers working in the area now? places, this is where you said the most difficult situation with water, where rescuers have not yet reached, perhaps you have some information, and statements about missing people during floods, please share this if possible information, but the question is where the rescuers didn’t get to, they are everywhere, and if somewhere, let ’s say, in some small locality there is no federal rescue, then
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there are voluntary teams, volunteers, they are also coordinated by our specialists, that’s a big deal thanks, of course, to the support of the population, they provide all kinds of assistance, and on their boats they also help the employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, so well, everywhere there are full-scale, let’s say, rescue operations throughout the orenburg region, and the work continues, but... boil the water, use bottled water, under no circumstances drink it from the tap, or delivery is also organized by the regional government, to temporary accommodation points, and the government also organizes long-term accommodation points, which is probably more relevant now, because the processes are complex, i say for another week, probably, if not less, if not more, then this whole... active phase will continue, and we continue to work, colleagues, yes,
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alexander sergeevich, thank you, we wish you strength in this difficult but extremely important work , the head of the information and public relations department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the erenburg region, alexander sitnikov, was in direct contact with us. yes, thank you, we continue to monitor the information on floods that are received on the feeds of news agencies. so, the authorities of the kurgan region introduced a state of emergency due to floods. about it. said the head of the region, vadim shunkov, we are introducing a regional emergency, he wrote. and also with reference to the governor in the kurgan region, the first wave of flood in a particular area may already come this night. the governor warns that people need to evacuate. we continue to monitor the topic of floods. the authorities are asking orenburg residents whose houses are in the flood zone. urgently evacuate; a state of emergency due to flooding has been declared in another district of the kurgan
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region. we’ll talk more about all this with tatyana belova, she’s joining us live. tanya, hello. tanya, hello. so, if we talk about stabilization of the situation, when it can occur, how far is it from that moment? yes, what are the weather forecasters' forecasts for do you have this account? unfortunately, while we are talking about stabilizing the wound, the geography of flooding is expanding and its scale is growing. this is the situation today in snt. east within the boundaries of orenburg, furniture floats right in the house. some other buildings have been sunk; for example, high-rise buildings on uralskaya street are being saved with the help of an embankment. forecasts for the development of floods on the ural river within the city are devoid of optimism. absolutely everyone who is in the flood zone needs to leave their homes, do not delay evacuation. the situation will only get worse in the next 2 days. projected water level.
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the urals within the boundaries of orenburg have added 21 cm, less than 40 cm remains to the level of a dangerous phenomenon. seren started the morning in the mound today. region, residents of six settlements were notified of mandatory evacuation. previously, temporary accommodation centers delivered the first residents of the voronovka microdistrict. moreover, in general, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, the flood could affect 62 settlements outside the urals and over 18,000 residents. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan has increased by 12 cm over the past 6 hours and, according to experts, this is just the beginning of trouble. flood crest. is shifting to the territory of kazakhstan, the verkhnetobolsk and
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karatamar reservoirs located there usually accumulate no more than 700 million cubic meters of water during the entire spring, this time, according to kazahydromet, 1 billion cubic meters arrived in just 2 hours; such a flood did not occur here in 1980. artificial reservoirs are filled to almost 100% and are forced to discharge almost 100. kazakhstan and notification from colleagues from the chelyabensk region that kazakhstan is increasing discharge by 45 times today in fact, that is, instead of 70 cubic meters per second, we already receive 3,300 cubic meters per second, this is along the tobol river, in addition, along the uy river, which goes through the troevskoye reservoir, the discharge has also been increased to 1,100 m/s, this is a colossal volume,
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there is no need to be a mathematician here , to understand that within a few days he will come here in the kurgan region. the chet regime has been introduced today in the tyumen region, partly due to the expected rise in the level of the ishim river. it will come from the direction of the sergeevsky reservoir on the territory of kazakhstan. reset water through it in recent days is 20 times higher than average. the state commission approved the angara a5 rocket for the first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. this was stated by the state corporation roscosmos. refueling is also permitted. the launch is scheduled for april 9. the hangar again carries the arion upper stage and test payload. well, in the near future, the launch vehicle will completely replace the m proton. unlike its predecessor, it is environmentally friendly. the russian military has advanced in the donetsk direction of the special operation. armed forces of ukraine lost more than 460 soldiers and two tanks there.
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the ministry of defense reported this. over the past 24 hours, according to the department's data, our air defenses shot down three hammer aircraft guided bombs, made in france, four himmers shells , and almost 300 ukrainian drones. we can find out all the details from our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. stanislav, welcome, what is known at this moment? there is a lot of talk about large massive attacks in the kharkov region, what successes have our troops had there? yes, colleagues, greetings, precisely from the kharkov region and i suggest you start. russian attacks on ukraine's energy system are forcing the ukrainian authorities to begin an urgent evacuation.
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belgorod is being shelled every day, in the footage from a reconnaissance drone, these are the installations, probably the crews were preparing for the next job, but a high-precision strike thwarted the plans of the ukrainian armed forces. afterwards, footage of the consequences of this strike appeared online. you can also see the rszzo uragan car itself , the accompanying car burned down next to it.
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it is important that the equipment was located next to residential buildings, the ukrainian armed forces are still hiding behind civilians, like a living score. high-precision strikes against the enemy on the line of combat contact are carried out by russian military aviation. recently , fabs have been actively used. these aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module are dropped by the aircraft without entering the affected area of ​​enemy air defense. in this footage , a su-34 fighter-bomber strikes the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. we reached the set altitude. speed, reached the target, completed the task, successfully, quickly returned back home. and this is footage of the combat work of our tankers in the donetsk direction. reconnaissance detected enemy activity in the forest plantation and transmitted the enemy coordinates to the southern group of troops. a combat vehicle immediately moves to the firing point and opens fire. the
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drone operator adjusts the fire of the tankers and records another hit. the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was destroyed along with its manpower and equipment. the combat mission is completed. according to the ministry of defense, over the past 24 hours in the donetsk and south donetsk directions, russian the units occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower of the equipment in the ssu in the areas of kleshcheevka, krasny, harvest and staromayorsky dpr. the enemy lost about 540 troops and three tanks. 11 vehicles, two american m-777 howitzers, a polish self-propelled gun crab, an american paladin, two us-made counter-battery radar stations and other weapons. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the group of troops-center improved the situation along the front line, repelled five counterattacks of assault groups of the twenty-fourth, forty
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seventh, seventy-fourth, 115 mechanized, 688 jaeger brigade. the enemy lost up to 325 military personnel, six armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 155mm howitzer m777, 122. in the kupinsky direction , russian soldiers destroyed up to 25 in a day , the army is also successfully defending its position. only ukrainian neo-nazis, two armored combat vehicles, two cars, a 152-mm akatsiya self-propelled gun, an mstab howitzer, three d-20 howitzers. in addition, the enemy lost another american radar station counter-battery warfare, made in the usa. nato technology. continues to burn, and the losses of the ukrainian armed forces increase every day.
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uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bankur sib - nothing extra. vladimir putin instructed to eliminate delays in the construction of fishing fleet vessels. the president held a meeting with the head of rosrybolovstvo ilya shestakov. we discussed how to cope with difficulties, which arose against the backdrop of sanctions. due to the delays, there is a proposal to extend the construction period and the validity of quotas.
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used western technologies, the partners acted very badly towards, of course , our fishing producers, because they simply stopped supplying these products and did not even return the advances that were paid, now supplies have been established either from friendly countries, somewhere our industrialists paid attention to in fact, the production is domestic and i know that the equipment here is very domestic. many people really didn’t consider domestic equipment before, well , they were somehow dismissive, now they are very satisfied, by the way, i can say that those vessels that are already working in
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the field, that were built at our shipyards, show very good quality result. 8,500 people become self-employed every day, statistics shared by the federal tax service. all these people receive professional income and pay taxes on it at a reduced rate. well, christina kuruma will tell you the details, christina, welcome, perhaps, a mercantile question: which specialists earn more than others? hello, first of all, these are it specialists, marketers and repair specialists. the number of self-employed people in russia has reached 10 million people, and more than half of them are newcomers, that is, they have not previously declared their income. self-employed are those who pay tax on professional income. at a preferential rate of 4% on payments from individuals and six from individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and these people work themselves, they do not have employees, but most importantly they do not file tax
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declaration and may not pay insurance premiums. an individual entrepreneur, for example, is obliged to do this, even if he does not work, but there are restrictions: the maximum annual income of a self-employed person should not exceed 2,400,000 rubles or 2,000 rubles per month. if you go beyond the limit, you will have to pay personal income tax in the amount of 13%. this year, the self-employed expected to increase the limit to 4,800,000 rubles per year, but the bill was rejected in december. when the limit is doubled, of course, the opportunities for illegal payment of wages increase, including envelope. a huge number of self-employed people, according to my estimates, out of 10 million at least 1 million are used and use illegal schemes for generating income and paying wages, this mainly concerns companies, employers, in order to satisfy the market need for... such revenue ,
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yes, the fact that it is more than 2,400,000 per year, there are completely different regimes, there is a simplified system, there are individual entrepreneurs. to avoid wage fraud, self-employed people cannot cooperate with former employers within 2 years after dismissal. well, since the beginning of the experiment in 2019, the self-employed have registered 3.6 trillion rubles in income , paid 141 billion rubles in taxes, issued almost 2 billion checks, the average amount of which increased by 70%, to almost 2,000 rubles. every day the army of self-employed people is growing by 8,500 people, the tax authorities are talking about this. in the fall of 2020, there were a little more than 1 million. after 2 years, the number reached 6 million, now it has reached ten. by the way, the youngest self-employed person is 14 years old,
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and the oldest is 94. on average , a self-employed person in russia is 35 years old. jars are enough they are suspicious of cases where a person’s income depends only on himself. today a self-employed person receives declared income, tomorrow something doesn’t work out for him, he gets sick, and so on. unfortunately, there don’t seem to be many mechanisms to protect the self-employed in these cases. in cases, people who expect to get a loan can deliberately register themselves as self-employed, and thus increase their income certificate in order to get a larger loan, this is also a kind of misleading of the bank. self-employed people provide taxi and cargo transportation services, repairs, marketing, tutoring, beauty services, and also sell
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their own goods. production companies rent out apartments; the biggest earners among them are it specialists, marketers and renovation specialists. the share of npa payers receiving income is close to the limit value, that is, the limit value is 2.4 million rubles. under which they can fall out of this regime, the mandatory new ones for other tax regimes constitute only 0.8% of the total number of mtd payers. it is premature to say that it is advisable to raise the maximum level of parameters for the self-employed right now. those who trade in excisable goods, such as alcohol or gasoline, extract minerals, resell goods, or work in the interests of other people, as an agent or intermediary, cannot take advantage of the special regime. the experimental regime will
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operate until the end of 2028 throughout the country. in addition to russians, citizens of belarus, kazakhstan, armenia, kyrgyzstan and ukraine can also become self-employed. there is no need to go to the inspectorate; registration takes place directly in the “my tax” application. this is a fact and we continue: almost 10,500 residential buildings in 39 regions of russia were drowned as a result of floods. this information
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was reported today by the ministry of emergency situations. in the siberian, volga and central federal districts this week , average daily temperatures will continue to rise; this, as the ministry of emergency situations clarified, may lead to further flooding of low-lying areas and transport infrastructure. the most difficult situation remains in orenburg region. according to the latest data from the orenburg mayor's office, in the morning the water level in the ural river in orenburg was 893 cm, almost 9 m. 1535 households were flooded in 2015, the level of reservoirs increased from 8 to 30 cm per day. a new dam break occurred around noon in the village of lesotorgovy in the suburbs orsk, in the area between the ural and or rivers. 2 hours, 2 hours earlier, the administration of orsk evacuated the residents of the village to a temporary accommodation center. the weather near orenburg will intensify due to... flowing rivers,
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there is


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