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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the information was reported today by the ministry of emergency situations. in the siberian, volga and central federal districts , the average daily temperature will continue to rise this week. this, as the ministry of emergency situations clarified, can lead to further flooding of low-lying areas and transport infrastructure facilities. the most difficult situation remains in the orenburg region. according to the latest data from the orenburg city hall in the morning, the water level in the ural river in orenburg was 893 cm, almost 9 m. 2,015 areas (1,535 households) were flooded, the level of reservoirs per day increased from 8 to 30 cm. a new dam breakthrough occurred around noon in the village of lesotorgovy in the suburbs of orsk, in the area between the ural and or rivers. 2 hours before, 2 hours before, the administration of orsk evacuated the residents of the village to a temporary accommodation point. weather in orenburg. will intensify due to
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the flowing rivers, there is sakhmara, it provides most of the runoff, so the task of skim forecasting does not lose its relevance yet, although i repeat that we already more or less objectively understand the situation, we expect the peak of this flood wave throughout the entire system is a watercourse in the uranus river basin. the central bank also opened a hotline for... victims of floods in the erenburg region. mikhail mishustin, on behalf of the president, created a government commission to coordinate work on preventing and eliminating the consequences of floods. the commission will be headed by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. the post of his deputy will be taken by the head of the ministry of natural resources, alexander kozlov. 27 cases of intestinal infection related to the flood situation were identified in orsk. this was reported by vice governor for social policy, minister of health of orenburg region.
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rospotrebnadzor has launched a hotline in the region, experts are ready to give recommendations on the prevention of infectious diseases using water. the most important recommendation is not to drink tap water, this is the most dangerous story right now. we will learn more about the situation in the orenburg region from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald, he is in orsk. hello again.
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you are now stanislav, recorded 99 calls for medical help due to the flood, nine people were hospitalized, while it is reported that emergency and immediate medical care for adults and children is provided in full, they have everything they need. what kind of situation, situation are you observing, what is happening now in the zone where you are and how is the work going, for example, to evacuate and save those people who found themselves in the flood zone? let's start with medicine. if they said that, really, the situation is not simple for orenburg doctors, the fact is that many hospitals are located right in the flood zone, many clinics also cannot function due to the fact that there is water everywhere, so all medicine has switched to emergency care, planned operations are being postponed, but this a temporary phenomenon, now when the water begins to subside, of course, the first thing they will do is launch social medical vital services. institutions, from tomorrow,
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by the way, vaccination of the population against hepatitis a begins, indeed, after all the spread of various diseases, when there is a flood, there are very big, big risks, intestinal infections are already being registered here, the thing is very very unsafe, very serious, so here you really need to be as careful as possible, hygiene, hygiene, once again hygiene, be attentive to the water. so that there are no big problems. the village of lestorgovy, indeed, today a dam broke there, and this is a problem, because this is another hot spot, but as you said a little higher, the evacuation began in advance, there was warned and is now ongoing, including with the help of volunteers, and of course, employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation, today we witnessed how... people from the most
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difficult area, which means this is the old city, it is really flooded , there we looked at the houses and determined that the level was. slept a little, but as the locals say , those who don’t leave, the water level still rises, there is one interesting place there, it’s called a slide, so the locals nicknamed it, this is the highest point in the old city, there is a church there, and so - this hill became a kind of island of safety, where people from the old city tried to escape from the big water, and indeed it is an island, because water came from all sides, now there... there are constantly several trips made by special vehicles, floating cars, let's call them that, people are evacuated from there, well, again, those who want to leave, but there are many who say: no, this is my home, i i'll be here until the end, people.
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most of them live in the church, that’s where they eat, and the food is delivered by volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations, so... we were there today, talked with the rector, with the rector of the temple, let’s listen to what he says, we accept those who come, we send those who whoever agrees to leave for the so-called mainland, we will survive, because the russians have always endured everything, our whole history of our country is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, the very qualities that are never needed today, but daily flights, evacuation flights continue, the ministry of emergency situations takes people out of flooded areas in huge numbers, but we only saw
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last night, there were three flights, about 200 people, they took them out, mostly older people, those who they can’t move on their own, really. it is extremely difficult to move through such water, but also children, and people are placed in temporary centers, and where are they, where are they provided with hot meals, tea, coffee, and overnight accommodation, and there are also children in large numbers, with children, of course well, psychologists work because they had to go through a lot, let's listen to what they say, water came into the city of my grandmother's house, i was there with my grandmother, and i had to evacuate, because if they had not evacuated, the houses would have simply been flooded, well so i ended up here, it was stressful at first, my nerves were high, my nerves were low, but everything was fine, i was more worried about my animals, i have a dog and a cat, well, as
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experts say, the peak of the flood will be on the tenth dash of the twelfth, so we we look with all eyes. as they say, well , of course, we will tell you all the latest news on tv channel 24. yes, stanislav, our colleague stanislav barnyvalt from the orenburg region is watching and following with you. and here it is worth adding that the governor of the region says that 649 people have already received payments in connection with the flood in orenburg this week, and 16,000 more will receive them. it is worth recalling here that victims can count on one-time assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. per person, 25,000 rub. per person per partially lost essential property and 50,000 rubles per person if it is proven that any essential property was completely lost. in the meantime , the central bank also opened a hotline for flood victims in the orenburg
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region. mikhail mishustin, on behalf of the president, created a government commission to coordinate work to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods. the commission will be headed by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenko. post of his deputy will be taken over by the head of the ministry of natural resources, alexander kozlov. the samara region also experienced the strongest flood in the last 30 years. now the situation in the region is reported to be normalizing, the water is receding. all the details are in the report by elena polonskaya. in the samara region, the flood situation is stabilizing, but 50 houses and 900 yards remain flooded. we are located in the village of yablonevy ravine. where 50 houses were damaged by high water, now the water has already gone from most houses, but the courtyards remain flooded, people come to their houses are trying to assess the extent of the damage, tomorrow a special commission will come here, which will go around the courtyards, i must say that
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the residents here still managed to prepare for the arrival of big water, since this already happened in their lives in 2011, the residents lifted some of the things and furniture on a special goat. the barrels were the entrance, there were car tires, now behind my back they are pumping water from low-lying areas, they are not abandoning people, they are trying to help them. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, interest-free period 120 days starts every month, and service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be just like you! you want. every success begins with a dream:
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up to 60% off. vtb, how cool are you, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, a regional-level emergency regime is being introduced. v kurgan region, the governor announced this. according to him, the flood forecast has worsened. the water will come at night and may flood the center of kurgan. there are more than 18,000 people in the possible flooding zone, according to the regional ministry of emergency situations. also, as the kurgan administration said, the water level in the tabol river near the city increased by 15 cm in a day. there is no risk of flooding of multi-storey buildings, while in kurgan there is no risk, but gardening partnerships and gardens are under threat. an extremely unfavorable flood situation is developing in the kurgan region.
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the possible flood zone includes six municipal districts, including the regional center, and 62 settlements with a population of over 18 thousand people. the region is on high alert. since april 7 , the forces of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the kurgan region have been operating in emergency mode. all the forces of the means are concentrated on carrying out. an increase in water is predicted in the tabol and ishim rivers. the government of the tyumen region says that a group of twelve thousand people. experts predict the arrival of high water in a week and a half. deputy head of the russian ministry of emergency situations viktor yatsutsenko said that the ministry of emergency situations will send heavy aircraft to tyumen for evacuation and delivery of goods. the flood situation, according to yututsenko, is aggravated by uncontrolled
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water discharges from reservoirs in kazakhstan. we set a routine. emergency in advance. the situation on the rivers in the region is calm and controlled. we are observing a natural, gradual rise in water levels due to melting snow and ice. but roshydromet specialists give an unfavorable forecast for the flood. the level in our rivers, ishim and tabol, is predicted to be high. i repeat once again, we are introducing a state of emergency in the tyumen region. earlier, it allows us to quickly respond to the situation that develops on the rivers. authorities are asking orenburg residents whose houses are in the flood zone to urgently evacuate. a state of emergency due to flooding has been declared in another district of the kurgan region. we’ll talk more about all this with tatyana belova, she joins again with the facts live.
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tanya, hello, again. tanya, welcome again. please tell us about how the situation is developing, as we see from the message. the ministry of emergency situations is that the wave is already approaching the capital of the region, to orenburg itself. how is the situation developing according to meteorologists? well, it’s still too early to talk about stabilization; the geography of flooding is only expanding and gaining momentum. this is the situation today in snt vostok, within the boundaries of orenburg. the furniture floats right in the house. some other partnerships were sunk, for example, high-rise buildings on uralskaya street rescued using an embankment. forecasts for the development of floods on the ural river within the city. are devoid of optimism, absolutely everyone who is in the flood zone needs to leave their homes, do not delay evacuation, the situation will only get worse in the next 2 days, the water level, according to experts , will exceed dangerous values, do not wait for this, leave right now. the water in the ural river
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within the city is really starting to become more active. the day before, the rise in level slowed down during the color day. the water just rose by 8 cm. today, in just 6 hours, the urals within the boundaries of orenburg added 21 cm. less than 40 cm remains to the level of a dangerous phenomenon. sirens began this morning in kurgan and the region, residents of six settlements were notified of mandatory evacuation. earlier, the first residents of the voronovka microdistrict were taken to a temporary accommodation center. moreover, in general, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, the flood could affect 62 settlements in the trans-ural region and more. the water level in the tabol river within kurgan has increased by 12 cm over the past 6 hours and, according to experts, this is just the beginning troubles. the crest of the flood is shifting from the territory of kazakhstan; the upper tabolsk and kartomar reservoirs located there usually accumulate no more than 700 million cubic meters of water throughout the spring. this time, according
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to cashydromet data, 1 billion cubic meters arrived in just 2 days. there was no such flood here. since 1980, artificial reservoirs have been filled to almost 100% and are forced to discharge almost as much water as it arrives, the numbers are colossal: the volumes of water that now flow into tabol from the kazakh country are tens of times greater than average values. we received a notification from colleagues from kazakhstan and a notification from colleagues from the chelyabinsk region that kazakhstan has increased its discharge by 45 times, today in fact, that is, we are already receiving instead. 70 cubic meters per second 3,300 per second, this is along the tobol river, in addition, along the uy river, which goes through the troy reservoir, the discharge has also been increased to 1,100 m/s. this is a colossal volume; you don’t have to be a mathematician to understand that within a few days it will go here to the kurgan region. a state of emergency has been introduced today in the tyumen region, partly due to
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expected rise in water level in the ishim river. it will come from the direction of the sergeevsky reservoir on the territory. in kazakhstan, water discharge through it in recent days has been 20 times higher than average values. at bigfest you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank and it’s delicious, period. now 100% originals from famous brands.
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vladimir putin’s latest instructions, the president ordered to work out all the decisions for the implementation of the construction of a high-speed iron. road moscow-st. petersburg highway. the government is ordered to make all necessary decisions by july 1, including determining travel prices. and by april 15, russian railways, sberbank and government agencies must conclude a concession agreement with vsm2 llc in the capital for the construction of a high-speed line. in addition, the head of state ordered the conclusion of an agreement on the supply and maintenance of rolling stock for a new construction project. let me remind you that vladimir putin was still on march 14 via video conference. i took part at the ceremony to begin construction of the highway. well, the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to work out all financial issues related to the new high-speed highway.
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russia will allocate at least 300 billion rubles from the national welfare fund in 2025. for the construction of a highway. deliveries of no more than 1% per annum with capitalization of interest in the first 10 years. what can be said about the highway financing scheme in general? there will be federal budget funding for construction. a capital grant was presented for the purchase of land plots in the amount of 28.5 billion rubles. as follows from the list of instructions, moscow will also provide at least 150 billion rubles for the construction of high-speed lines, and funds will also be sent by the moscow region, st. petersburg, leningrad, novgorod and tver regions. well, about other instructions of the president: the cabinet of ministers needs to submit a proposal to provide families with children with preferential mortgages on the secondary market in the regions where little housing is being built and by august 1 to form an all-russian parent committee as part of the competition, this is our family, in addition, to work out the conditions by june 15 for establishment
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state awards for... well-deserved professional dynasties, and before may 15, the government must take additional measures to support the production of ship components in the country. investigators have identified a connection between the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall and the ukrainian special services. this was reported by the investigative committee of russia. there are 11 people involved in the terrorist attack, and the search for their accomplices continues. as part of a criminal case. the investigation continues to work with injured witnesses, identifying the victims in as a result of the terrorist attack, investigative and search activities are carried out aimed at identifying and detaining other accomplices in the crime, both perpetrators and accomplices, as well as organizers. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest
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evidence. at the moment... in custody. as part of the investigation, the investigation also carefully studies the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime. staff of the pushkin institute in moscow illegally issued certificates of knowledge of the russian language to migrants. the investigative committee reported the discovery of the criminal group. security forces detained five people. including employees of the educational institution itself. according to the investigation, foreigners were given certificates that are necessary to obtain a residence permit in russia. at the same time, most of them did not actually possess the necessary knowledge. criminal cases were opened under articles of organizing illegal migration and abuse of power. fsb officers together with colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs russia detained five people suspected of assisting telephone scammers. the operatives found out that
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the call center... was located on the territory of ukraine; the detained residents of different regions helped to defraud russians of large sums of money. anna voronina knows how this scheme worked. five participants, several passports for each and more than 7 billion rubles stolen from russians. and all with the help of calls to mobile phones. this is the name of the company and the phone number to which the call was made. acted immediately from several. regions, so they were detained in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl and sochi. the apartments and offices have all the necessary equipment for the functioning of a virtual communication center. yes, this is where sim cards are inserted, they become active there. they extorted money on an especially large scale and followed a well-established scheme. the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers
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presented themselves as financial employees.
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