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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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so, 18:00 in moscow, these are facts, we begin this issue with footage from the city of vyazma in the smolensk region, where the bridge collapsed, at that moment there were two cars on it, these are the frames that have just now appeared in ours. orders, as reported by the regional ministry of emergency situations, a woman died as a result. according to medical services, six were injured. the bridge passed over the railway tracks, there are cave-ins in the vyazma area, train traffic is now suspended, the track is destroyed. the palinsky overpass connected the city center with microdistricts moskovsky, jubilee village, vyazma bryanskaya. a state of emergency is being introduced in the kurgan region due to flooding. the first wave of water is already awaiting. the very next night,
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the regional governor vadim shumkov announced this. in orsk, this is the orenburg region, there are already almost 7,000 flooded houses; another dam breach occurred near the village of lesotorgovy. an additional rescue team arrived, bringing in the military and heavy equipment. the head of the ministry of health instructed the regions to ensure the availability of all types of medical care for victims. about what measures marya will tell you that officials from the ministry of emergency situations are accepting authorities in the regions where high water has come. the level of the ural river near orenburg is predicted to exceed the dangerous level of 930 cm, the mayor of the city sergei salmin announced this; he called on all residents whose houses may be flooded to urgently pack their things and leave, otherwise they themselves will hardly be able to leave their homes without the help of rescuers. if you have nowhere to stay, if you don’t know where to go and what to do, if you can’t leave the house on your own, call...
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united russia, volunteers handing out tea, organize entertainment events for children and help elderly people with accommodation. most areas of the city were flooded, now our volunteers are at temporary accommodation centers, basic necessities, clothing, water have been delivered, classes in schools in flooded areas do not stop, education continues online. in orenburg , active work is underway to provide assistance to those affected by the flood. more than 10 thousand applications have already been received. bereavement decisions essential property will be promptly accepted as soon as it becomes possible to inspect houses in the flood zone. as the water recedes , municipal administrations will begin drawing up conclusions. the amount of one-time financial assistance is 20,000 rubles. people who have partially lost. and for completely lost
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essential property , 100,000 rubles are due. maria valieva and alexander parkhunov, conduct the orenburg region. investigators have identified a connection between the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhol and ukrainian intelligence services. this was reported by the investigative committee of russia. there are 11 people involved in the terrorist attack, and the search for their accomplices continues. the investigation continues to work with injured witnesses, the identities of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack are established, investigative actions and operational search activities are carried out aimed at establishing the detention of other accomplices in the crime, both perpetrators and accomplices, and organizers. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest evidence on... at the moment
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, 11 persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act have been identified, all of them have been charged and a preventive measure has been chosen in the form of detention. as part of the investigation, investigation. also carefully studies the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime. and today, presidential commissioner for children’s rights maria lvova belova reported that five of the six children injured in the terrorist attack have been discharged from hospitals. eight-year-old hockey player relya is already at home. he got under car of terrorists who tried to escape immediately after the attack. the boy suffered a broken collarbone and hip due to a concussion. and one child, a twelve-year-old boy. still remains moscow. clinic named after bashlyaeva. his condition is serious, as lvova belova reported, but with positive dynamics. the cabinet of ministers will allocate 450 billion rubles to support domestic scientists engaged in, among other things, neutron research. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with
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deputy prime ministers. the agricultural sector will also receive new additional support measures. but zinaida kurbatova will tell you more about everything. government mikhail mishustin, at a meeting with deputy prime ministers, paid attention to several important issues from completely different areas; topic number one was strengthening russia’s scientific potential and the use of a wide range of measures, including the program for the development of synchrotron and neutron research. within its framework , a network of megascience class installations is being formed, this is the siberian ring photon source in koltsovo, the russian photon source on the island of russian reactor peak in gadchin, kurchatov synchrotron radiation source. this. the federal program was approved by the cabinet of ministers in 2020. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year, and we plan to allocate about 450 billion rubles for these events. the funds are designed to create breakthrough technologies, to
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expand and modernize research infrastructure, which in its characteristics exceeds both existing and projected international synchrotron and neutron sources. another important issue is the development of the agricultural industry. this one of the most successful sectors of the russian economy, mikhail mishustin emphasized. last year saw the second record- breaking grain harvest in recent times. this happened thanks to government support. within its framework , more than 440 billion rubles were allocated to this sector of the economy. the head of government noted that enterprises in the agro-industrial complex should be able to attract borrowed funds in the required amount for current ones. tasks a year earlier for the implementation of the program of preferential lending to farmers were provided more than 200 billion rubles, this year almost 215 billion. we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles to subsidize new investment loans so that entrepreneurs can expand
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the production of agricultural products, increase their processing capacity, open advanced farms, build a storage facility, and purchase all the necessary materials for. .. another topic is the development of the regions of the far east. the affordable rental housing program for residents of the far east was launched last year on behalf of the president. to implement it allocated 87 billion rubles. thanks to this program, more than 1,000 apartments will be built. the first of them are already settled in chupotka, primorye, and yakutia. mikhail mishustin spoke about the approval of the procedure for preferential rental housing in the far east for students and young professionals participating in a special military operation. so that their rent for housing is lower than the market rate, part of the monthly payments will be financed from budget funds, the procedure for their provision is defined in the signed government resolution, let me remind you, for the first 5 years tenants will pay only a third of
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the rental cost, with a subsequent increase in the amount this will occur by the tenth year of residence, such a long-term rental mechanism will create comfortable conditions for local residents and... the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. sportmaster, collected all sports in one application. posters for sporting
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delicious, period. the terrorists of the kiev regime take credit for everyday incidents on our territory, and, moreover, disown the real sabotage they are committing. direct relation, we will tell you more about new disinformation schemes right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, the main intelligence department of ukraine succeeded in a grandiose, extremely daring sabotage operation, as a result of which sevastopol remained without light for a long time. joyful headlines flash on the pages of newspaper publications or from foreign agents like radio liberty, saying that budanov’s gang sent a group of their agents to a russian city of federal significance to cut off power to it, and in the end they succeeded. quite a lot of destruction of an electrical substation, you read this and your imagination draws a frightening picture, well, like
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traces of a powerful explosion, but in regional tv reports from the scene of the alleged events, for some reason no damage is visible at all, the transformers are supported on their places, as if nothing had happened, russian attacks on energy facilities, on energy infrastructure, of course, were reflected in the information agenda, they began to mirror their problems, they began to say that... we also have successes, in this case, we see a typical information operation that mirrors the success of russia, what is alarming, of course, is that in this news, yes, there is actually no factual information, yes, that is, anyone who wants to find out the truth by searching on the internet, he can find about that it was only a temporary problem, some kind of interruption, but in the power substation, there was no defeat, there was no destruction, there was nothing, the solution is extremely simple, governor mikhail. soon reported a very ordinary short circuit, because of which there was no light only on a few separate streets, and even then not
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for long, from approximately 2:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. on april 2. consequently, there was no talk of any large-scale blackout. no one in sevastopol wrote about the huge detonations that the ukrainian media wrote about at the forefront. i haven't heard. but the question is, why did the tsypsoshniks come up with them? the main point here is to show that all this suffering after the return of crimea. all these dreams and goals for the return of crimea, that they are not in vain, that in general at least someone is waiting for ukraine there, and even there are some heroic partisans who can be there, i don’t know. throwing toilet paper into the toilet, overturning trash cans, even damaging something there, not washing dishes after yourself, and even blowing up some substations, well, that’s the main point, but what about the real ones? sabotage, for example, the arson of relay cabinets on the railways of russia, according to the kiev liars, occurs without the fate of the gur and
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the sbu, it turns out that some anti-war activists, partisans, putin are behind it, everything in that spirit, however, the old manual does not take into account the emergence of new evidence from the latest event in ufa, where three friends were detained who were planning to organize a so-called action with incendiary liquid following instructions from an anonymous interlocutor on social networks, where the trail goes is, in principle, not difficult to guess. recruitment of a guru occurs in a similar way, like working in telephone scams, when the victim is trying to get emotional, and it is no coincidence that the scammers ’ favorite categories, so to speak, are the elderly and children, teenagers, very often lately we see how gurgers are trying to recruit children, tries to use them in the dark, tries to blackmail them, that is , this is a one-time trip somewhere to commit a terrorist attack, then, unfortunately, the fate of the victim will no longer be of interest to anyone, the person turns into a biological drone, a disposable drone, which is simply
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are used, and often the puppeteers do not even think of hiding their affiliation with the independent junta, because it was with the discussion of the ukrainian... evgeniy zaechkin, who were sent to trial , that the recruitment of kiril gorkov and the organization of an entire subversive community began, but here, of course, the reaction of the pseudo-media is characteristic, such as the new newspaper europe, whose activities are considered objectionable. they keep silent about the fact that both defendants had previous convictions and cite their testimony during interrogations with the caveat allegedly, that is, they are clearly protecting the customers in in the spirit that ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with it. allegedly they say that gur is behind this, supposedly iz is behind this... buu, but all this is not true, inaccurate, all this was invented by russian orcs, all this is attributed to some kind of internal resistance, internal pugachevism, internal bombers, but they don’t understand that at one moment it will be profitable to sacrifice them, it will be profitable to make them a sacred victim, somewhere in spain, but it doesn’t matter where, it will be necessary to show that the hand of moscow is dealing with enemies and
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to deal with them, the same gur, the same sbu, supposedly will no longer play here. further to the fake successes of the armed forces of ukraine, which are always abundant, say, the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, assures, they say, that in recent months the invaders have returned more territories under their control than they lost, and even a professional propagandist and the head of the information dump butusov, who suggested looking at the map. over the past year, of course, the russian side has liberated more territories than ukraine took over during... there these counter-offensives, counter-attacks, well, the real situation is that since the beginning of the year ukraine has lost a village, a large city, in general , russian units are advancing in several directions, at a slow pace, but nevertheless these advances are they are constantly noted even by the ukrainian side, that is , it is not even hidden by ukrainian
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experts there, the media, everyone talks about it, but why exactly syrsky does not notice this, it is difficult to say, it seems that he is simply carrying out a political order. keeps up with tsyrsky and director gur budanov. in particular, he hastens to refute the information that russian troops used an aerial bomb with a half-tonne warhead for the first time at the front. but at the same time, the character conceals the fact of using another weapon with an identical mass. this seems to be not the familiar high-explosive ammunition at all, but an odub, a volumetric detonating bomb with unique characteristics. inside its body there is a set. for two charges, one of them is filled with a thermobaric hydrocarbon substance, the other performs dispersing function. when it enters a given area , the first detonator is triggered, which leads to the spraying of a highly flammable aerosol. a second detonation then ignites the resulting cloud. as a result, the enemy infantry is simultaneously hit by a hurricane shock wave, a sharp increase in air temperature
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and a strong pressure drop, making it difficult to find reliable shelter. the explosive mixture penetrates into the smallest. be it windows or hospital pillboxes. by the way, even the least powerful of these bombs, oda-500p, provides continuous impact within a radius of about 300 m, according to open sources, it is capable of flying 30 km to a target, hitting it with an accuracy of 5 m. they were very actively used in afghanistan, because this type of bomb makes it possible to destroy infantry located in shelters, sometimes even in shelters in... caves, some grottoes, this is in order to more effectively destroy manpower in various dugouts, in trenches, that is, here, here in... the very meaning of this bomb, only complex use various means, complex, massive, leads to the turning point to the fact that one side gains
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the upper hand, this is another point of advantage in the technical firepower of the russian army. however, our high-precision weapons work not only to destroy enemy manpower or equipment, but also to destroy critical infrastructure and thereby seriously test the logic of local gowls. a striking example, the mayor of kharkov, igor terikhov, on the one hand, complained about the mythical attacks of russian missiles and drones on some suburban houses, on the other, admitted that there is virtually no light in the city, because the targets of massive attacks were key energy nodes, they are unlikely to be hidden in harmless private households, most often they stand separately from residential areas, which is not difficult to see in the example of tets-5 or tets-2, respectively, this is the case when the same speaker, without thinking, contradicts himself, this is kind of confusion, it is possible in the ukrainian information space, because there is no alternative, there are no other sources of information, no one can convey the truth,
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even if the truth leaks out, you either you will be arrested in su as a spy wrecker, or you will be accused of kreblev propaganda, but sooner or later, of course, information, like water, leaks out, sooner or later through social networks, through telegram channels, through instant messengers, though up to people... it gets through and kiev has a hard time making excuses, and sometimes some people have the impudence to pass off attacks on clearly legitimate targets as war crimes, among them a bridge in the walking field area, zaporozhye region, which was completely demolished by russian aircraft. repair, in in the foreseeable future, this design is not subject to, here the tragic howl from bandera’s lair was not long in coming, saying that the ill-fated bridge had no significance for the front, and the civilian population is now suffering unbearably, being deprived of the usual route across... the gaichur river, but what in fact, what passes near the city , a war zone, of course, does not bring anything good to the civilian population,
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as usual, but to say that this bridge was damaged in order to harm civilians, of course, no, it’s actually the opposite , he is very long also existed, so the bridge, among other things, supplied the advanced units of the ukrainian army, which are located south of the city, and this is like... well, the nearest rear, which means the weight of the supply, and well, now, of course, we will have to somehow compensate for it, direct there are pontoons, or take a detour. by the way, the technology for destroying bridges is quite diverse, both fap and iskander missile systems are suitable, well, depending on the distance from which the launch is required, but in any case, the technique has already proven itself, which means that after the crossing you can fly through gaichur via other bridges, including the dnieper, there are about twenty of them in total. of which there are 11 road, two railway and seven combined, and the most important for supplying the armed forces of ukraine at the moment are considered to be the new cable-stayed bridge and the preobrazhensky bridge in zaporozhye. they connect
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the city with the island of khortitsa, and the factor, located nearby the dnieper-hpp, which is also used for logistics, has not been canceled. plus, several well- known crossings of strategic importance are located in the capital of the dnepropetrovsk region, these are the southern, central, amur and kaydak bridges. they all allow you to re-roll. northern towards the kharkov region or eastern towards the donetsk people's republic? now it has become clear that there is no protection for their bridges, they believed in this, that they believed in their strength there in ukraine, that supposedly they are so terrible, so frightening that we are so afraid of them that we do not touch the bridges, the reason - it was completely different, it was some kind of blindness and inability to look at the root of the problem, they understand, not we need to restore it all. they are not doing this to kiev, nor to zelensky, they stole money, packed their bags and left, so some unspoken lines, they still existed, in the ssu, the ukrainian command did everything
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to ensure that they acted according to the harshest scenario, meanwhile, the worse the enemy is doing well on the front line, the more stubbornly he strives to sow confusion in the rear or to win virtual victories in the international arena, the reuters agency published the theoretical text, it seemed to him that the historical ally of russia, india, which supported zelensky’s so-called peace plan, generally turned away from moscow in favor of kiev, however, upon closer examination, the primary source of such loud formulations was a certain dmitry kuleba, who positions himself as the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, so the indian foreign minister mentioned the exchange of points of view and i didn’t say a word about supporting the kiev view of the north military district event. everything that ukraine does is terrorism, it is terror in military terms and... in political terms and diplomatically too. there was an attempt to drive a wedge between russia and the global south, because it is a multi-billion dollar economy, because
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it is one and a half. billion people who supposedly should speak out for ukraine, and here kuleba comes out and says that he is discussing some kind of peace plan with india, but we have already heard this about china, that ukraine is discussing such secret shadow affairs with beijing , well, how did it end, it ended with danilov resigning for insulting chinese leaders with obscenities, in short, wishful thinking, although not it’s completely understandable why those in the know ascribe to themselves the sympathies of the global south. after all , in their opinion, everything is best in the west, including even rats in the subway. someone especially gifted in the comments on youtube considered the presence of rodents a sign of the satiety of the population, they say they are not in the moscow subway, because the russians are supposedly starving, there is plenty of food in paris and hence the dominance of whole hordes of rats. but what are the real reasons? you can't argue that gray rats are very dependent on food. one animal needs to consume not more per day less than 20 g of any food, for three or four
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days on a head ration. it can die, but it is important to emphasize that in cities the main source of food for omnivorous parasites are garbage dumps, and ideal conditions were created in paris; last spring , a garbage workers' strike began in the french capital, as a result of which up to 10,000 tons of waste accumulated on the streets, and if in the first week of the strike official statistics indicated that for each of the 2 million parisians there were one and a half rats, then by november the ratio reached three individuals per person, so... the connection between the reproduction of rats and unsanitary conditions is very direct. what we see in the comments and information about rats is typical for modern ukraine, that is, people, unfortunately, turn into some kind of zombies, who are told what they want to see, they want not to see their problems and want to see them from the enemy, that is, this is a traditional reaction of the internet audience to some content that
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is directly annoying. audience, they are trying to reassure themselves in this way, to say that everything is fine with us, but with you, dear russians, everything is bad. as for product diversity, it is apparently still easier for some to believe shoddy propaganda, but there are also enough people who want to conduct fact-checking in person, without being afraid to come to moscow. they even have dr. pepper which is made just a couple of miles from my hometown, i don't know how they sell it for only $2, they somehow imported the sauce from australia and all the beers from the european union you're talking about might have thought. here are the best olives from... spain and greece and sparkling wine from italy. the american blogger seems sincerely surprised that the notorious sanctions do not work, but at least he saw the truth with his own eyes and henceforth is unlikely to accept false publications of western media at face value, that is, he has developed reliable immunity from ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stop program fake on the russia 24 tv channel
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. look around, now it’s 2124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where are the yum cars, flying ones, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a hungry man, according to my data, he is 117 years old. but the main thing is to remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act here now, we will change the present , in the name of our common past, which is the future, let’s save your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago... forward, delicious, very,
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because it is done with any, soon, investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. do you know in general how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?


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