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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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very much, because it was done with money, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give a recipe in general and how to achieve it. what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is there evolution in any structure?
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there. call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, premium cards for restaurants, for cashbacks, for travel, well, is this premium, this is real premium, discover all the best and most profitable immediately in rosbank, rosbank is real possibilities. one of my friends
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decided to relax where there is no connection, look, it’s from monaco, you’re on my stream, where can i get away from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here, the megaphone is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. hmm, smiled it means they recognized, smiled, it means they are real, they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the real. it’s not
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necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, at the mega market , sunglasses are up to 60% off. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, catching a feast of a bird is not easy. anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on! excellent i agree, the car is perfect, we just need to change the oil, shall we stop by? do you have the ideal oil for my car? here is an excellent oil - rost oil maagu. 83% of buyers choose it again. what's so special about it? srosneft magnum, consumption is less by a third. it provides reliable protection. engine
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reduces the formation of deposits by 20%, rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again, a whopper on fire tastes better, burgers, how do you like it, cool, but save up your savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly, you will save up 16% faster, one of mine .
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a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim ovchan. in the smolinsk region, eyewitnesses came to the aid of emergency medical technicians to quickly transport to the hospital those injured as a result of the collapse of the paninsky bridge. random passerby. together with the doctors they carried people to the cars. the bridge collapsed when a truck and a car passed him. according to the latest data, a woman died, six more people, including a teenager, were taken to the hospital. there were railway tracks under the rubble, traffic on them has now been stopped. according to preliminary data, the structure could collapse simply because it
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was too dilapidated. local residents have been demanding for years to repair the bridge, and 6 years ago they allegedly even prepared an auction to carry out the necessary work, but then the project stalled, the old bridge was abandoned, why? communication center, telephone swindlers were detained immediately in several cities in our country. they replaced ukrainian numbers with russian ones, making victims believe that the calls were from real investigators or bank employees. details from andrey romanov. in full combat gear, under the cover of armored counters, fsb officers are counting down before.
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during a search of the apartments where the detainees operated, police found hundreds of sim cards, laptops and equipment for creating a mini pbx. this is where sim cards are inserted and they become active there. at first, the detainees tried to pretend that they themselves did not understand what they were doing in rooms equipped with the latest technology. my area of ​​responsibility here is exclusively technical, so i’m kind of here, she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company. they failed to mislead the security forces; they have been developing this gang of possible accomplices of telephone scammers from ukraine since 2022 . the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible
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to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. scammers they introduced themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, and then convinced them. russians transfer savings and credit funds to so -called safe accounts. according to experts, the liquidated communication center provided work for many criminal call centers that were located on the territory of ukraine. a truly significant, very serious blow was dealt to the infrastructure of telephone scammers; it was thanks to the number substitution system that ukrainian scammers were able to extort money russian clients' funds. banks, precisely because the mechanics of generating russian phone number masks when calling from ukraine misled people . ukrainian handlers appear to have generously supplied the scammers with cash. at the places of residence of the detainees
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, security forces found impressive amounts of money in rubles and foreign currency. participants in the criminal scheme drove around the city in luxury foreign cars, and this is only a drop in the bucket. stolen money, which later went abroad, was used against our country. the funds thus obtained through a chain of financial transactions were accumulated in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. according to preliminary data, more than 7 billion rubles were stolen from russian citizens using only one communication center. in total, the police, together with fsb officers , detained five possible members of the criminal group. all of them were sent to pre-trial detention by a court decision. for their heroism and saving lives, visitors to the city hall awarded the daughters of a mosoblenergo employee. anna and ulyana martynenko were inside the shopping complex on the day of the terrorist attack. they worked part-time in the cloakroom from the student organization, and when the shooting started, the girls
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were not taken aback and began leading people out through the service exit. many people were sitting behind the dressing room hiding, they were seized with panic, they were afraid, everyone was sitting there with their families, hugging. and well, they started approaching them, so that they too would pass, so that they would not sit, we passed through the service exit as, well , initially we went to work, we also went up there, i tried to guide people, if someone... was walking in the wrong direction and immediately when she came out, she called her sister to cross paths with her, after we crossed paths with her, it became a little calmer, but it was still scary. their mother anastasia did not know that her daughters saved dozens of lives; she was afraid to ask for details, but a video of the feat was distributed on social networks. and then anna and ulyana were invited to mosoblenergo, where general director vladimir boyko presented the girls with a thank you note.
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11 persons involved in committing this terrorist act, all of them were charged and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention. investigators are also studying the reasons and conditions that led to such a brutal crime. security forces continue to search for a drug dealer who shot a policeman and seriously wounded his partner in the moscow region. employees of the ministry of internal affairs planned to detain the courier at the moment when he took the so-called bookmark from a large batch of prohibited substances, but the courier opened fire on the law enforcement officers and disappeared on... a cycle. the topic will be continued by maria bucato. this is footage of the investigative team working at the scene of a cold-blooded
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crime. the attacker opened fire on two policemen on a country road in the moscow region, between the working-class village of frianovo and chernogolovka. employees of the lasina-petrovsky police department were tracking down a drug dealer here, but did not expect that he would be armed with a pistol and would not hesitate to use it. it is known that shortly before the incident, police found in the area. they decided to detain the pawnbrokers and set up an ambush, but when they tried the arrest of the dealer opened fire. senior police warrant officer sergei efimenko died on the spot. forensic experts counted five bullet wounds on his body. the warrant officer's partner, a twenty-six-year-old lieutenant, was seriously wounded in the head, but survived. passers-by found him and called an ambulance. now the police are in intensive care.
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headed towards st. petersburg along the m-11 highway on a black motorcycle without license plates. the criminal was presumably immediately available. there was minimal information about the suspect. approximate brand of motorcycle, clothing type. the bike has no license plates, the face is hidden under a helmet, but according to some media reports, by this time investigators had already identified a suspect. supposedly a biker, a drug dealer, maybe this blond guy. the tall man in the photo, a former signalman and individual entrepreneur, who can
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ride a japanese motorcycle or a dark green field. employees of the moscow region headquarters are clarifying all the circumstances of what happened, a set of measures is being implemented that is aimed at establishing the identity of the attacker and his detention. moscow region police officers expressed condolences to the relatives of their deceased colleague. it is known that sergei efimenko devoted almost 20 years to the service. his wife and two daughters were waiting for him at home. maria bukata, alexey koshlakov, dmitry nabokov and ekaterina romanova. lead the duty department. in the orenburg region , more than 6,500 people have already been evacuated from the flood zone. the water level in the ural river is rising rapidly. today the water has come close to the regional center. in the orsk region, which was the first to bear the blow of the big water, a new breakthrough occurred today dams. stanislav berdwald is monitoring the development of the situation on the spot. today in novotroitsk there is also overflow over the dam. was, this is a serious problem, but not critical, now the authorities
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are filling up this dam in order to prevent a breakthrough and further leakage, but nevertheless, in order to protect the residents, the evacuation has already begun, we have just returned from the most difficult section flooding here in orsk, from the old city, the situation there is really very difficult, the old city is practically completely flooded, and at home, basically everything is practically...
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to the so-called mainland, the russians have always transferred everything, our whole history of our country is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, those very qualities, who are needed today more than ever, well, those who are evacuated to the big land, as they call it here, in safety, that is, they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, there is food for them and... flooded areas with children, the most difficult thing, say psychologists, indeed those who older children, they understand that trouble has come, younger ones don’t understand, but nevertheless psychologists work with them and really in order to stop this problem, fear, fright, the work of psychologists is very necessary,
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water came into the city of grandma’s house, i’m there i was with my grandmother, and we had to evacuate, because if we hadn’t evacuated, the houses would have simply flooded, well, that’s how i ended up here, at first it was stressful, my nerves were high, my nerves were low, but everything is fine, all the emergency services are really working here now services, among other things, volunteer organizations and simply caring people, help in every way they can, this was our correspondent stanislav, who is monitoring... the situation in the flood zone in orenburg. the moscow prosecutor's office, on behalf of the state , officially apologized to the russian scientist alexander tsvitkov, who was kept in a pretrial detention cell for almost a year due to an erroneous accusation of several murders. the corresponding document was published in her telegram channel by a member of the human rights council under the president russia eva merkacheva. wonderful news,
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thanks to the prosecutor's office. there is no shame in making mistakes. it is a shame not to admit mistakes and not apologize. the strong always admit, the weak always hide. let me remind you that hydrologist alexander tsvitkov was detained after a neural network that recognizes people’s faces mistakenly mistook him for a murderer who had been wanted for many years. investigators achieved the arrest of the scientist for almost a year , demanded that he confess to two brutal massacres, they did not care at all that, firstly, tsvetkov did not have any tattoos, although the wanted criminal had them. secondly, the scientist had a reinforced concrete alibi. at the time of the crime, he was on a long-distance expedition with his colleagues. this was confirmed by the scientists themselves, photographs, and documents. only later. the investigator cleared all charges against tsvetkov and released him from the season. now the most up-to-date news that we receive together with you directly from the news agency’s feed. so, angarsk maniac mikhail popkov confessed to three more murders, the honest telegram channel reports this detective citing his own reliable source in law enforcement agencies. popkov has already been sentenced to two life sentences, but
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he hardly appears in the colony and as soon as he is sentenced, they tell him where the bodies of his next victims are still hidden. according to some reports, new recognition. manyek will not be the last, while investigators have almost no information about his travels in the primorsky territory. let me remind you that we monitor the entire information feed and invite you to do this with us. the alleged perpetrator and organizer were arrested in surgut murder of a local businessman. the businessman, who was engaged in cargo transportation, was dealt with late in the evening when toto was returning home with his wife and child. the killer opened fire on the businessman, the wounds were fatal. alina skachkova will continue the topic. they are elected to the surgut city court. suppression of those who , according to the investigation, planned and executed the contract murder of businessman arsen daudov, there are two behind bars, mr. evgeniy taranov, who he is, the real customer or a counterfeit, has not yet been precisely established, as well as abdul zakavov, a probable killer, in the courtroom he was overcome by stuffiness, the alleged murderer, either took off his shoes, chatted with journalists, or rushed into strange arguments about who is not worthy of life, on what basis can people
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kill and take life, someone gave such right, even if. it is unknown what amount zakaovov was offered, but on the fateful evening, as the security forces established, he was guarding the victim near the house with a hidden firearm, when a businessman appeared around the corner, ran out, took aim, keeler was not even embarrassed that daudov was walking arm in arm with his wife and small. as a child, four shots at point-blank range, the businessman died in front of his family, the killer pulled on his mask and ran, surveillance footage shows a dark figure stalking the courtyards, fsb police operatives searched for the suspect all night. an interception plan was announced on the roads; the killer did not have time to escape from the city. a suspicious car
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was stopped at an intersection, driven by thirty-seven-year-old abdul zakavov, a former military master of sports in sports shooting, previously convicted; he soon betrayed his accomplice taranov. operatives in the shortest possible time the suspect was identified and the next day he was detained. searches were carried out at the place of residence of the defendant and his relatives. it was not possible to interrogate the wife of the murdered businessman immediately after what she saw ; the woman could not come to her senses for a long time, but later it was she who gave the investigators an important clue: the contract killing could have occurred due to business conflicts. daudov rented out trucks, was engaged in construction, and a few days ago someone deliberately slashed the tires of his foreign car. this was the first last warning. by in the criminal case, work continues to establish the circumstances. motives for the murder, collecting evidence. as a result, two defendants were placed in pre-trial detention for 2 months. for investigators, this is just the beginning; they still have to answer the main question, who is
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the real orderer of the massacre. alena skachkova, duty officer. heroism and courage for the good of the homeland. the cossack reconnaissance brigade terik celebrates the anniversary of its creation. the ceremonial events took place in the lugansk cadet corps. as noted in the initiator of its formation, the plenipotentiary representative of the president of russia to the north caucasus, expressed his congratulations. federal district yuri chaika , the formation of the battalion became a new stage in the development of the cossacks as a strong, reliable support of our country. terik soldiers are now serving at the front in the very heart of donbass; more than 700 cossacks and volunteers have received state and departmental awards. in recent days , a false message has been spreading in a number of telegram channels that the airwaves were allegedly hacked in several regions. russia tv channel. they say that the broadcasts of state television and radio broadcasting company, state television and radio broadcasting company and in television and radio and state television and radio broadcasting company voinah were interrupted by dubious messages, it turned out immediately that these were fake videos mounted on the knees,
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there was actually no interruption of the broadcast. they were posted in various telegram channels with the aim of discrediting state media, in particular the all-russian tv and radio company. surprisingly, some of our colleagues, without checking the information, immediately reposted the false message in their telegram channels. even federal. internet media got into information trap, for example, the telegram channel brief, in ryazan , a deputy of the city duma, pavel overin, distinguished himself. the people's representative also spread fabricated news. it is already known that the heads of our branches in ryazan, ivanovo and the chechen republic filed statements with the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and roskomnadzor with a request to identify the criminals of the owners of telegram channels distributing fakes and bring them to criminal responsibility. we also hope that our fellow journalists will check any breaking news more carefully. we advise the ryazan deputy overin to do the same. it is possible that regional state television and radio broadcasting companies
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were subjected to a massive information attack organized by the ukrainian intelligence services. we will continue to monitor the situation, as well as the search for intruders. a car accident in the samara region, a regular bus with dozens of passengers inside flew off the roadway and overturned. two people died, 26 victims were taken to... according to preliminary data, during a night drive the driver failed to cope with control and the bus, which was moving at too high a speed, did not fit into the turn. on the twentieth kilometer of the regional road, a traffic accident occurred involving a bus service following the city of nizhny novgorod. it is reported that the passengers managed to get out of the overturned car only with the help of rescuers. a criminal case has been initiated into the incident. a suitcase of money, a prison station in krasnoyarsk, sentenced the former deputy head of the regional railway . investigators proved that the manager put him on the path to receiving multimillion-dollar
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bribes. expensive work was performed by certain companies for a large bribe. word to galina hungureeva. a short video from the themis hall. for just a few seconds , the main character of a high-profile corruption drama flashes in the frame. the former head of the krasnoyarsk railway, andrei vlasov, looks at him with detachment. guilty of receiving a particularly large bribe, impressive sums were rolled back into his pocket for promoting the interests of individual commercial enterprises, even if hundreds of contracts were at stake million rubles, in other words, with a broad gesture he gave the go-ahead to the companies he liked, took kickbacks and simply for the very opportunity to work, the high-ranking official did not disdain crisp banknotes... even construction materials and electrical equipment. all of the above in the amount of 3.5 million rubles. vlasov received in the period from 2016 to 2018. being the head of
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the east siberian railway. patronized the irkutsk company, which allowed it to conclude contracts worth 380 million rubles. having fluttered into another chair, deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway vlasov he immediately took a local commercial enterprise under his wing, and, under the strict supervision of a high official, they built a railway track on a remote stretch in the taiga forests between the village of lukashevich and the village of koy. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program visited the bearish corner. everyone thinks we gave a bribe. our leadership gave, or rather a bribe, in order not to do something, not to finish it, no, there is no such thing, why then did vlasov demand a car and money, just so that you could work here, well, it’s hard for me to say, i don’t participated in this, yes, perhaps, yes, for us to work here, in the trunk of the manager’s premium suv, security forces found no less premium luggage, 20 million rubles. a brand new gelendvagen 2020, stuffed with five thousand dollar bills,
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appeared at vlasov’s just after an inspection of that same railway track in the outback of the krasnoyarsk territory. the bribe was transferred to an official for general patronage and lobbying of interests in the construction of facilities. part of an investment project, comprehensive development of the site between speech by taishet krasnoyarsk railway. it is known that vlasov began his career growth from a simple track fitter, that is, he knew all the professional qualifications, which he openly flaunted during the interview. taking into account the growth of the cargo base. the development of the southern section of the road, namely abakanteshek, was required, for which the comprehensive development of the mezhdurechny shet section was created, created and designed. the cost of building one kilometer of railway was approximately 300-350 million rubles in 1918 prices. and here for some reason, vlasov flatly refused to comment on the criminal case at the investigation stage, it didn’t help, the former boss was found guilty. taking into account the defendant’s fulfillment of obligations under the concluded
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pre-trial agreement. on the cooperation of the position of the state prosecutor of the west siberian transport prosecutor's office, the court sentenced the perpetrator for a combination of crimes to six years in prison to be served in a high-security penal colony, and the former deputy head of the steel line was also ordered pay a fine of over 35 million rubles, and the path to the leadership post after vlasov’s release is closed for 5 years. galina hungureeva, denis novozhilov, mikhail shirin, dmitry frolov, news. a piquant scandal in the city of kerch, where they released footage from a corporate event, in which the administration of the local drama theater and some city officials allegedly took part. apparently, it was not possible to have a cultural meeting with cultural figures; the video also included a desperate fight at the back door and attempts at medical assistance to other participants in the evening, killed, apparently, not in battle, but by drinks during a feast. who exactly leaked the cctv footage to social networks is an
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open question; is it known that the corporate party itself is noisy? back in early march, and the video appeared in the public domain only now. the likely party participants themselves have so far refrained from commenting. and more breaking news from news agencies. investigators have opened a criminal case following the collapse of a road bridge in the smolensk region. at these moments, law enforcement officers are confiscating documents from officials to determine who exactly was responsible for the condition of the object. a woman died as a result of the crash. five people, including a teenager, are now in hospital. traffic on the railway tracks is paralyzed. ridged under the rubble. australian stores are forced to protect products using gps trackers, and we are not talking about some expensive household appliances or jewelry. bugs hang on ordinary meat. it turns out that food in supermarkets is stolen so often that without the use of new technologies , traders will simply go bankrupt. the losses of only one of the companies, and only from stolen steaks, amount to $12 million annually. now stores are protected, meat is on the shelves in special boxes, and if you carry
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them past the cash register. honest detective. maksimchan was in the studio, see you at 21:30. well, right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day. in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya ltovka. and that's what we'll tell you about. 39 regions of the country are undergoing seasonal flood testing in a flood zone of more than 10,000 houses. on instructions from the president , a government commission has been created to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods when the peak of the flood has passed. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region in orsk. evacuations are underway in nearby villages. according to the ministry of emergency situations , the flood wave is shifting to the side.


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