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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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39 regions of the country are undergoing seasonal flood testing in the flood zone of more than 10 thousand houses. on instructions from the president , a government commission has been created to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods when the peak of the flood has passed. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region in orsk; evacuation is underway in nearby villages. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flood wave is shifting. what
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measures are being taken to save people? and more about floods in russia, a forecast and overview of the weather conditions from our meteorologists, what the weather is like in places flooding, it contributes to the deterioration of the situation or, conversely, helps rescuers in the dynasty zone. in vyazma, in the smolinsk region , a bridge collapsed; at that moment there were two cars on it. there were no casualties. women, what caused this collapse and what actions are the authorities taking? work out all solutions for the implementation of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. instructions from vladimir putin to the cabinet of ministers. where will the money be allocated for the country's first high-speed railway? how much can travel cost? the government will great analytical work. and a dangerous
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provocation, which magate’s employees had the opportunity to witness, was the kremlin’s reaction to the ukrainian armed forces’ drone strike on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the principles of protecting the station were unprincipledly violated by kiev. attempts to shell the zaporozhye nuclear power plant by the ukrainian armed forces continue. another kamikaze drone intercepted. let's tell you the details. almost 10,500 residential buildings, nine. regions of russia were drowned as a result of floods. this information was reported today by the ministry of emergency situations. on the territory of the siberian privoruzhsky and in the central federal districts , average daily temperatures will continue to rise this week. and this, as the ministry of emergency situations clarifies, can lead to further flooding of unchanged areas and transport infrastructure facilities. the most difficult situation remains in the orenburg region. according to the latest data from the orenburg city hall, the water level in the ural river in orenburg this morning. amounted to 893 cm, that
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is, almost 9 m. 2015 areas, more than 1,500 households were flooded, the level of reservoirs increased from 8 to 30 cm per day. a new breakthrough the dam occurred around noon in the village of lesotorgovy in the suburbs of orsk, in the area between the ural and or rivers. 2 hours earlier , the administration of orsk evacuated the residents of the village to a temporary accommodation point. the weather near orenburg will intensify due to the flowing rivers, there is sakmara, it provides most of the flow, so the task of forecasting, so to speak , does not lose its relevance yet, although i repeat that we already more or less objectively understand the situation, we expect approximately the passage the peak of this flood wave throughout the system is here watertops of the ural river basin. the central bank
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also opened a hotline for flood victims in the orenburg region. mikhail mishustin, on behalf of the president, created a government commission to coordinate work to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods. the commission will be headed by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. the post of his deputy will be taken by the head of the ministry of natural resources, alexander kozlov. by its criminal actions, kiev, with the support of the us and its western satellites, essentially makes it clear that it has taken the nuclear path. terror. with such a statement was made today in russian media, commenting on the recent shelling of the zaporozhye region. zaporozhye nuclear power plant, to be more specific. let me remind you that in the last 24 hours the facility was attacked twice. the department emphasized that the blame for the strikes and their consequences falls on the authorities of the states that supply kiev with weapons, money and developed data, train ukrainian soldiers, and provide information support for kiev’s actions. the permanent representative of russia to the un, vasily nebendia, has already stated that moscow will raise this issue at... maria
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zakharova, maria vladimirovna, hello, first of all, thank you for finding time for... this interview, how in russia they regard the attacks in the ssu on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this reaction of kiev, the collective west and magat to drone strikes on the power facilities of the plant. we reported that in media they say that this is nothing other than nuclear terror? you know, good evening, first of all, i’m talking to you from beijing, where the russian delegation led by the russian foreign minister is now located.
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communications that came back then to in 1922, we called it exactly that: nuclear blackmail, nuclear terrorism, but apparently, the international community, if we are talking about those who concentrated the main mainstream media in their hands , simply had a dulled perception of what we are talking about we say, so let’s remind you in principle what we are talking about. this is a drone attack not on but simply a civilian object that supplies water, light, heat, air, peaceful infrastructure, which in itself is an act of terrorism, this a nuclear facility, the defeat of which would be
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critical for continents, not a single country, not a single people, will not be selected. a person of a certain, i don’t know, a certain religion, skin color, ae or some traditions, no, this will be a defeat, in principle, for the entire planet, precisely from the point of view of the inability to preserve that very peace and security that we should be engaged in leading international organization, first of all, it is the security council, so what are we talking about, we are talking about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine with the help... unmanned aerial vehicles carried out a series of attacks both on the critical infrastructure of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and on its territory; the power unit number six of the station, the training center, other
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infrastructure, as well as the cargo port area were attacked, three station employees were injured, the security of the facility repelled ukrainian attack on... power unit number five, behind all this are, first of all, the united states of america, britain and all those of their satellites that individually and collectively supply the kiev regime with these very unmanned vehicles, these very shells with which they are loaded, the money with which all this is produced, political support and motivation, and... and also the most important information cover, which is why the international community remains in the dark about what is in the center of that very enlightened europe, which speaks of itself as a beautiful garden, there are
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really real parasites, this is not what barel will say about himself, but this is how he should be classified, which are sowing a threat already... the planet, because it sponsors nuclear terrorism of the kiev regime. magathe should deal with this situation first and foremost, and i will explain why. the fact is that at one time , on september 1, twenty-two, russia, at the request of the director general of this organization, gave its consent to the presence at the station of experts from the magathe secretariat. what was the goal? the task and the main reason for such a decision, the only motive for their stay at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was that it was, strictly speaking, a calculation that the presence of specialists from an international specialized organization, its
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secretariat, will make it possible to stop ukrainian attacks on the station, on such an important, critically important facility, or, although... clearly on behalf of magathe, they will indicate the direction of the attack, the volume damage that is associated with the actions of the kiev ... regime as a whole, to bring information to the international community, so we , by the way, did this many times, called on mr. grosius, called on his colleagues, called on those who are at the station, give clear definitions of what they see, what they record and analyze. unfortunately, as you probably remember, not a single statement made by the ministry of foreign affairs, our representative, mr. ulyanov, in vienna, mr. nebenz, in new york testified that... that russia cannot consider that
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the statements made by magathe are sufficient, and at least corresponding to the level of functional responsibilities. the main claim, and this is not just a claim of our country, it is a fact, is that they for so many months they could not clearly formulate where the strike was coming from, that this was not a cover, not an attempt to divert the views of the international community from this... for the world of the situation, we expect from the general director of magat, from his colleagues, public, comprehensive, truthful information , which will be the reaction of a specialized international structure, which, by the way, is supported by the money of taxpayers around the world, by the money of states, members of the united nations, we are waiting for an unequivocal clear reaction, it should not be some... small piece of a sentence or phrase or some funny or not so funny
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picture posted on social networks, it should not be a short answer to the question of mr. grossi passing by the media, it should be a full-fledged, full-format, comprehensive report from the head of the structural unit of the united nations, who is involved in the relevant field. direction for everything that was done by the kiev regime during this entire period. world must know his antiheroes. this is a critical situation. let's move on to who is responsible? yes it is. responsibility for everything the kiev regime does lies with its sponsors. people in banking are sick in every sense. and regardless of drug addiction, the whole world now knows about this, look at these footage,
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these are images of not a single press conference or a single interview, these are images not taken out of context, these are systematically demonstrated by the world, the deranged grimace of a deeply addicted from the corresponding drugs, well, like a person, so yes, there will be a demand for them, but we understand perfectly well who is behind this... is behind everything, now regarding the un security council: the systematic work of this body must be expanded, these are not just gatherings 15 member countries, this is not just looking at some pictures on the screen, this is practical , systematic, daily work, which should be devoted to the monstrous situation around the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant... by bandits who have become loose, terrorists of the kiev regime, the world must
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wake up, countries and governments of all continents must understand what we are talking about, we will send letters, we will send relevant information through our mission to magata through our mission to the united nations. primarily in new york, but in other areas too, we will hold special meetings, we will do this constantly and daily, i say again, on a systematic basis, indeed, this is the very moment when the global the community must start discussing truly important things, not some imaginary zelensky formula, some absolute trichomundium that was invented. only to distract attention from the main thing, not some endless fraud, grain
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deals just so that a certain number of american british moneybags can line their pockets even more, not some made-up stories around a pseudo-ecological agenda, but necessary really start with the reality of today, here everything comes together in one point, this and... security, this is the environmental agenda, this is the real, and not an imaginary, formula for peace, because if something happens, then no formulas for peace will matter. so to speak, it will not reach, this is what the international community should do, and not just the russian federation alone, which responsibly, systematically, throughout this time informs all partners through all channels, this is really what is called the agenda of the world community regarding peace and
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security, what if not this? yes, marya vladimirovna, thank you very much for the fact that, late in china, in beijing, you were able to get in touch with us and decided to comment on the most pressing topic today, comment, let us remind you that the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs was in direct contact with the facts russia, maria zakharova. so, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has been under fire in su from the very beginning of a special military operation, demands from the international community, including the leadership of the same magat, to stop. shelling is ignored, but now, as stated russia's permanent representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, kiev turned the attack into an everyday tactic. elizaveta khramtsova with details. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under constant threat of attack from ukraine, is these days being subjected to the most powerful series of attacks over the past year and a half.
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the day before, a kiev drone struck not far from the canteen behind the nuclear power plant. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. the next target was the dome of the sixth power unit; on saturday, ukrainian drones flew into area of ​​nitrogen-oxygen station and cargo port. unfortunately, the attacks do not stop, today a drone was shot down over the sixth power unit, it fell on the roof of the unit, and inspector magathe, who is present at the site, records the consequences of the arrivals, which is reflected in magathe’s statement today. and although there is no critical damage, the background radiation remains. the same and did not exceed natural values, the provocation could not but cause alarm, director general magathe called the attack on the largest nuclear power plant in europe a reckless attack and emphasized that these were the first direct hits on the reactor containment structure at a nuclear power plant since 2022. i strongly urge military personnel who decide to refrain from any action that violates the basic principles of protecting nuclear
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facilities. the authorities of western countries ignored the attack and russia. the kiev regime, its western sponsors, instead of satisfying requests to supply even more weapons and ammunition, must take responsibility for the unprincipled actions of ukrainian government politicians aimed at undermining nuclear safety on a global scale. magatta condemned the attack, but did not point out that the drones arrived under the control of kiev. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the threat from ukraine also comes for magath personnel, who have been permanently there since september 1, 2020, on a rotational basis. the first strike yesterday came 20 minutes after magat officers carried out a tour of the station in accordance with a pre-approved
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plan. moreover, according to the statement international atomic energy agency staff, having received information about the attack. headed to the scene of the incident, they confirmed the fact of damage, including the reactor building, in which, apparently, communication surveillance equipment was damaged, when the inspectors were on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone approached the building, it was shot down by the russian military, near the power unit there was an explosion, in kiev they rushed not only to abdicate responsibility, but at the intelligence headquarters they accused moscow of quote imitative strikes, the kremlin reminds that the criminal activity of the kiev regime can lead to dangerous consequences, this is a very dangerous provocation, magata employees who are on the spot had the opportunity to witness this attack. the kiev regime, unfortunately, continues its terrorist activities. the russian permanent mission to international organizations in vienna called the incident an unprecedented escalation and stated that
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a discussion of the latest issues could take place in the magat in the near future. attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it will not be pleasant for kiev. which pose a threat to the whole of europe. elzata khramtsova, news. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card and everything will be like this. as you want, anywhere appetite, dad, dad, only dad will cut it down, there are door ones, sausages,
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regional emergency regime is being introduced in the kurgan region, the governor announced. according to him , the flood forecast has worsened, the water will come at night and may flood the center of the mound. more than eighteen are in the possible flooding zone. thousand people, this is according to the regional ministry of emergency situations. as the kurgan administration said, the water level in the tabol river near the city increased by 15 cm in one day. there is no risk of flooding of multi-storey buildings in kurgan, but gardening partnerships are under threat and private houses. an extremely unfavorable flood situation is developing in the kurgan region. the possible flood zone includes six municipal districts, including the regional center. 62 settlements. with a population of over 18,000 people. the region is on high alert. since april 7, the forces of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the kurgan region have been operating in emergency mode
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. all forces of the facility are concentrated on carrying out preventive measures, among which a significant role is assigned to timely evacuation of the population. as of today, a state of emergency has been introduced in the tyumen region. water rise is predicted. in the rivers tabol and ishim. the government of the tyumen region says that a group of 12,000 people is ready to combat floods. experts predict the arrival of high water in a week and a half. deputy head of the russian ministry of emergency situations viktor yatsutsenko said that the ministry of emergency situations will send heavy aircraft to tyumen for evacuation and delivery of goods. the flood situation is aggravated by uncontrolled water discharges from reservoirs on the territory of kazakhstan. governor of the region about the situation. we are establishing a state of emergency. early. the situation on the rivers in the region is calm and controlled. we are observing a natural, gradual rise in water levels due to melting snow and ice. but
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roshydromet specialists give an unfavorable forecast for the flood. the level in our rivers and shim and tabol is predicted to be high. i repeat once again, we are introducing a state of emergency in the tyumen region in advance. it allows us to quickly respond to the situation that develops on the rivers. about about what measures are taken by the authorities and employees of the ministry of emergency situations in different regions of the country. the level of the ural river near orenburg is predicted to exceed the dangerous level of 930 cm. this was stated by the mayor of the city sergei salmin, he called on all residents whose houses may be flooded to urgently pack their things and leave, otherwise they themselves will hardly be able to leave their homes without the help of rescuers. if you have nowhere to stay, if you don’t know where to go and what to do, if you
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can’t leave. you transport animals from flooded areas, rescuers and volunteers help people. concerned citizens are ready to shelter cows, horses, chickens, pigs; arrangements have been made for those who have nowhere to go during the evacuation.
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training continues online. in the orenburg region , active work is underway to provide assistance to those affected by the flood. more than 10 thousand applications have already been received. the decision to pay financial assistance in connection with the loss of essential property will be made promptly, as soon as it becomes possible to inspect houses in the flood zone. as the water recedes, municipal administrations will begin draw up conclusions. the amount of one-time financial assistance is 20,000. rub.
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people who have partially lost their property have the right to count on 50,000, and for completely lost essential property they are entitled to 100,000 rubles. maria valieva and alexander parkhunov, conduct the orenburg region.
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