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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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they sold pies to the high school people, collected almost as much as for the party's luxury bar, and this big party became a great irony for all ukrainians who are forced to live under the kiev regime. anastasia ivanova and the greed of the lviv beau monde. the peak of the flood in orenburg is expected in 2 days; the ministry of emergency situations calls on residents of areas that may be flooded to evacuate in advance. 6,500 people have already been taken out of the disaster zone, several thousand rescuers and almost 850 pieces of equipment are working on the spot, but without the help of volunteers in the fight against the elements also cannot be avoided. how misfortune
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unites maria valieva in the material. the level of the ural river near orenburg is predicted to exceed the dangerous level of 930 cm. this was stated by the mayor of the city, sergei salmin. he called on all residents whose houses could be flooded to urgently pack their things to leave, otherwise they would be unlikely to be able to leave their homes without the help of rescuers. if you have nowhere to stay, if you don’t know where to go and what to do.
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orenburg region from all regions. young guard activists also help residents of suburban villages and snt united russia. volunteers distribute tea, organize entertainment events for children, and help elderly people with accommodation. most areas of the city were flooded. now our volunteers are at temporary accommodation centers. essential items were delivered. clothes, water, snacks. the police are working in intensive mode.
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they help people remove things, including furniture and household appliances; they try to restore documents lost as a result of a natural disaster as soon as possible. an orenburg resident, leaving his house in snt ivanovsky, i was carrying personal belongings into the car, and on the way i accidentally dropped my passport into the water, which became unusable. a resident of orsk evacuated from his home at night and discovered his missing passport only after arriving at a temporary accommodation center. we processed and issued new documents to them on the same day. classes in schools in flooded areas do not stop; learning continues online. in the orenburg region, active work is underway to provide assistance to those affected by the flood. more than 10 thousand applications have already been received. decisions on the payment of financial assistance in connection with losses of essential property will be promptly accepted as soon as it becomes possible to inspect houses in the flood zone. as the waters of the administration recede.
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there will be at least some fact, the corresponding supervisory structure, the police, the prosecutor’s office there, the investigative authorities will certainly use all resources by virtue of their law in order to implement the decision of the coes headquarters. the amount of one-time financial assistance is 20,000 rubles. people who have partially lost property have the right to count on 50,000, and for completely lost property basic necessities are entitled to 100,000 rubles.
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maria valieva and alexander parkhunov, conduct the orenburg region. the command of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine in the person of the unknown general pavlyuk today directly invited ukrainian citizens to discard. emotions and accept the fact that none of the potential conscripts will be able to avoid mobilization, especially since the categories of those subject to being sent to the front are gradually expanding, and now, following the conscription of twenty-five-year-old men, they are seriously talking about military service for everyone women. details in the material by varvara nevskaya. in the new law, already signed by zelensky, there is no direct wording about the imminent conscription of women into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but there is another, in general. without changing the essence. quote: in the register of persons liable for military service , authorities are required to enter information about all citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60 years, regardless of their gender. that the idea of ​​women's mobilization, to put it mildly, is coldly received not only by the people, but also by
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the military personnel themselves. they speak regularly on ukrainian tv channels, but apparently no one looks at them at the bank. before the idea of ​​mobilizing wives. towards the idea of ​​mobilization. i have a negative attitude towards women, because general or voluntary, only voluntarily, so that women go, i believe that there are still quite enough men left so that women do not go, but men do not want to go so much that from now on ukrainian students who study abroad , in case of unwillingness to return to their homeland, now awaits an interpol search, deportation court, in a recent article, the british come to the conclusion that when choosing between fight or flight, ukrainian youth give...
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from work with a bag, they just took him, took him away, then, when he was sent, they only allowed his wife to come and take the bag, there are many different versions that people simply take from buses, from cars on the streets , to capture the future defenders of the ridna region, they set up entire ambushes, there are fewer and fewer people willing to voluntarily go to the front, military commissars literally jump out of the bushes at motorists. in fact, the police are brought in for mobilization, while the employees of the shopping center stay away from the side of the road, crew and slow down the cars for supposedly checking documents. and this is footage from odessa, a lesson in military-patriotic education from a tcc employee in one of the local schools, a man yells at frightened children and threatens
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to beat up a high school student. recently signed. within a few months, i hope that this process will become effective, because we are making our military unit informational, electronic, we are doing everything to simplify all these processes for our military leadership. meanwhile, in a fresh interview with the estonian tv channel, denis shmygal assured the baltic audience that he and the president have everything under control, mobilization is proceeding smoothly and there is supposedly no need to call up the 5,000 people previously announced by zelensky. i think that during this year we will complete
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all the necessary tasks to mobilize ukrainians. we have new brigades, they are already staffed with people, but we are waiting for equipment, military equipment and ammunition from our partners. apart from the lives of its own fellow citizens, kiev is ready to pay any price. varvara nevskaya, news. servicemen of the russian group dnepr today attacked massive fire destruction by an accumulation of manpower and equipment of two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the zaporozhye region. as a result , the enemy lost dozens of personnel.
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to stand is their assault, their war. the infantry storms the enemy's strongholds, and the engineers storm the rivers; the troops go forward and ensure the offensive. come on, come on, pull up, help, oh. trucks drop sections into the water, and engineers connect them into a floating bridge, 6 m wide, full two-way traffic. our task is to decompose pontoon to make a pontoon-crossing bridge for the crossing of further vehicles. the multi-ton sections that engineers install in the water can withstand trucks, infantry fighting vehicles, and even tanks. you can build a bridge over a water barrier.
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the work was carried out next to ges, accordingly, there were shells on the defense, accordingly, attacks were carried out every 2 hours, that is, around the clock, roughly speaking, they charged the hymers package, accordingly they worked, while reloading back and forth, well, we timed an average of 2 hours, yeah, every 2 hours there were attacks, and the seasoning stood for a long time, well, we stood for 2 months, as it stood. thanks to them, military engineers, it not only defended itself, they managed
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to take it with them, not leave it to the enemy, no, we had all the equipment, all the pantones, that is, without losses, and we picked it all up, took it with us, and took away the permanent deployment point, that is, without without loss, yes, although according to documents even on military operations, these pontoons are all laminated and undermined. in the valley areas of a special military operation , engineer-sapper units are working on skills to overcome water obstacles; there are many rivers in ukraine. stepanenko anton, vinokorov, valery, news: zaporozhye front. a detailed exchange of views is planned on a number of hot topics, including the ukrainian crisis and the situation in the zyat-pacific region. this is how mit-russia announces the agenda of sergei lavrov, who arrived on an official visit to china. and, characteristically, he did this immediately after the departure of the american delegation, moreover. the latter managed to threaten beijing with certain consequences for cooperation with moscow, but
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although the language of threats did not work again, our prc correspondent alexander baletsky will confirm. before the plane of the head of the russian foreign ministry had time to land at beijing capital airport, minister lavrov himself had descended the ramp, when chinese bloggers rushed to publish pictures, the russian il was right there in the parking lot, however, on the other hand, the board was of the american minister of finance yellin, she has been in china for the fifth day , but today also in beijing. such a coincidence in chinese social networks was definitely not a coincidence, but at the same time they noted the difference in the meeting: lavrov had there is a red carpet on stage, elin does not, but even if we put aside conspiracy theories, the tone of the visits is fundamentally different. lavrov came to talk about friendship and strong ties, and elen seemed to do the same. we are committed to maintaining broader trade and investment relationships. but in the end i slipped into notations. i emphasized that companies, including.
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china has taken significant measures to protect its legitimate rights and interests. beijing had to put the greeks in their place more than once, because the head of the us treasury all the time demonstrated american double standards with one the parties stated that they needed to trade more, but only to american companies and on the chinese market and not vice versa, so they demanded that china produce. less, so as not to bribe consumers with a lower price and not threaten
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us jobs, and primarily in areas where americans really want to be leaders: electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels and semiconductors. chinese experts called such accusations of excess capacity a camouflage for trade protectionism, while american experts were forced to admit that it is useless to persuade the chinese to do anything. biden's people can't force it. the chinese to sit down at the negotiating table and lead them, but they know that china obviously wants biden to win, so this is a sensitive issue that can cause irritation, they seem to be friendly with janne, but... effect, now settled on sachuan cuisine , in china is considered the most acute, comparable to the relations between beijing and washington, as an indicator,
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the american press notes, a decrease in trade turnover by almost 12%. against this background, trade between russia and china. it’s only growing, last year by a quarter at once, this should be more. tomorrow sergei lavrov has a big negotiating day, on the agenda is the entire range of bilateral cooperation, including in the international arena, joint work in brix, the sco, the g20, common positions, which in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations becomes even more convincing and weighty. alexander baalsky, vlada surkan and nikolai petrov, lead the beijing bureau. let's return to the first topic of the issue, vladimir putin. instructed the government to create a special commission in connection with floods. today the president heard reports from governors on the flood situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the most difficult situation is now in orenburg. more than 10,000 houses in almost 19,000 plots were flooded in the region. from orsk, where the dam broke. the water is gradually beginning to recede, but the regional center is now at risk. about the situation - a report from our special reporter
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stanislav bernvaldo. the work doesn't stop here. minute, floating the emercom transporter makes more than twenty flights a day to the most inaccessible areas of orsk. in just one day, rescuers evacuated more than two hundred garage residents from flooded homes. volunteers and ordinary concerned residents of the city are a tangible help to the rescuer. men help evacuate people from water captivity on their boats, women distribute hot meals to neighbors returning to the mainland. stewed potatoes, buckwheat with meat, pasta with meat, and dry clothes, some are taken by relatives, those who have nowhere to go, they are taken to temporary accommodation centers, money will be allocated, everything will be patched up, they will be built, one of these was urgently organized at school number 11. there are 187 people at the moment, 29 children, of which we have four
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people with limited mobility, most of them are elderly people , there is a dining room, sleeping... places, a mother and child room, in general, everything that is somehow... it can calm people down after the horror they have experienced. teachers and psychologists work with children. here is the bottom shelf, my grandmother, the top one, georgiy and her grandmother they were evacuated from the old city, the very area of ​​orsk where the water rose the highest. today, gosha talks about what happened. calmly, well, when the water began to rapidly flow into the old grandmother’s house, he admits that he was scared, not like a child. water entered the city of my grandmother’s house, i was there with my grandmother and had to evacuate, because if they had not evacuated, the houses would have simply been flooded. well, i ended up here,
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at first it was stressful, my nerves were bad, my nerves were bad, but it was normal, that’s all. i was worried more. today, from the old city, the water began to slowly recede by only 7 cm, this is of course a drop in the bucket, most of the houses are still flooded almost under the roof, now we can see how serious the current is here, the mouth of the ural river is right nearby, here by boat can’t get through, so employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations move on a floating vehicle, that is. on it the evacuation of residents from the flooded old city takes place, not all townspeople agree to the evacuation, some are sure that the water will go away soon, someone is simply afraid to leave their house unattended, in the old city there is a unique place, also an old city, but the locals call this place a mountain, and so this mountain has become such an island
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of safety for the locals, because there is water, water further there and the water is there, well , here right now... we endured everything, our whole history of our country is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, those very qualities that are like ... never needed today. the priest says that here , thanks to the residents who decided not to leave the old city, hot meals were organized for nachlek. the products, as father
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alexander puts it, are brought from the mainland and cooked directly on the fire. in general, the situation in orenburg remains extremely difficult. the water rises and then recedes; in the neighboring novotroitsky rise of water caused an overflow over the dam. there he urgently gets some sleep.
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essentially a referendum, when the question became clear to voters: support his peaceful position or vote for his opponent. ivan korchik was just in favor of comprehensive assistance to kiev and lost. now
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the move is up to the eu authorities, who are not at all happy with this expression of will. i would not be surprised if the european commission, purely for political reasons and because of the results of the presidential elections, suspended payments to us from eu funds. calls for punishment.
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gathered in dressdon to protest against the german government's energy policy of supplying weapons to kiev. there are wars, they supply weapons to crisis regions, but we
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don’t want any of this. chancellor scholz in the anti-rating of the world's most unpopular politicians, he took a shameful first place. to increase the chancellor’s popularity, especially among young people, government pr people came to tiktok. true, scholz promised to dance like others do. anyway , it won’t be in the press; they’ve already called the idea an example of the chancellor’s amazing political myopia, because the united states is going to ban tiktok and drunken indulgence in china, in order to earn its favor, scholz opened an account on the chinese social network a week before his visit to beijing, but they discovered the advantages, the chancellor, it seems, has updated the briefcase, which has long been the object of jokes in the country; scholz has not parted with the item for 40 years; he bought it when he was still a lawyer. as an intern, since then the briefcase has survived a lot, including a trip to kiev to see zelensky, where the chancellor came with the same shabby thing. the german bundeswehr is in a similar deplorable state,
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which... defense minister pistorius actively took up, sent the first group of soldiers to lithuania, in 3 years the bundeswehr plans to station a tank battalion and infantry there numbering 5.00 people. today is an important day for the bundeswehr. for the first time in german history, we are deploying a brigade on a long-term basis outside the country. today is an important day for nato and the defense capabilities of the entire alliance. pistorius dutifully posed for the cameras on the military ramp. the transport worker, along with the military , set off with a landing party of journalists comparable in number, the task was to send a signal to russia, the foreign ministers of france and great britain did the same, on the 120th anniversary of the treaty of alliance together wrote an article about the need to create a new entente against moscow, and this despite the fact that during the first world war russia was part of this entente. it is absolutely clear to both of us that ukraine must win this
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war if... to achieve peace is through the battlefield, however, there are still no people willing to embody this thesis among old and new nato allies, such as finland. alexander khristenko, anna lvova and arina tretikova, lead. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist. you’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s
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