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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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this also requires a fairly large amount of resources. no matter how out of touch with reality the kiev authorities are, now , of course, they understand that they are talking nonsense. 200 batteries is a fairy tale, but as you know, a fairy tale is a lie, a long-standing hint, very obvious, give at least something. i wonder if those to whom these hints are addressed are not yet tired of listening to the constant whining from the bank street. well, just about the fact that the number of anti-aircraft missile systems does not translate into the quality of their use. russian missiles drones again overcame the echelons of the ukrainian military and carried out a successful series of attacks on the infrastructure of the kiev regime, this included a military industry enterprise and important logistics hubs, including bridges, already familiar elements of the energy system that were used to meet the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. read more about the consequences of arrivals in the material by alexey konopko. wow, this is an explosion either at... at the high-voltage substation of krivoy
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rog or on the runway in the dolntsevsky district, both were hit. drones were damaged near nikolaev and kharkov lap. in odessa - a logistics facility - this is how local officials reported. the fire near zhitomir, where drones attacked an oil depot, has not yet been extinguished. in the geranium affected area were kirovograd, khmelnitsky and dnepropetrovsk regions. all this, according to ukrainian estimates, was done with the help of two dozen drones, that is, in response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack the territory. our army attacks russia with efficiency, which is recognized by kiev, and power plants that were completely destroyed in some places are now being revived with a transplant from a half-living donor. mav razmovu with the minister of energy of lithuania, i talked with the minister of energy of lithuania, they generally suggested using their closed thermal power plants, that is, disassembling them and getting the spare parts that we need. the damage to the energy sector, writes the financial times, is already greater than in the entire winter of 22-2, and the number of missiles that then... over the whole of ukraine are now
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arriving in one region. if earlier the target was distribution nodes and transformers, now it is power plants. the strikes are carried out by high-precision missiles. imports from the eu reached a record 18,700 mwh, equivalent to the output of two power plants. but power plants are only one of the goals. military facilities in the rear are also under fire every day, they just don’t advertise this in kiev. perhaps because the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces can betray such a status to a shopping center, and as in this video,
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they leave the plane on board tens of kilometers from the target, and they cannot be shot down. the widespread use of glide bombs is increasingly alarming. several ukrainian military personnel told the new york times that a 500-kilogram shell could destroy even underground bunkers, one compared their impact to the opening gates of hell. zelensky is unable to offer anything other than a new round of mobilization in response. according to his decree, conscripts are now admitted 2 years earlier, according to tymes observations... the main goal today is to save up
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for a bribe to the military commissar. alexey knovko, maxim shchepilov and andrey netreba, host. i wanted to check how ready the teenager was to defend ukraine, but in the end he killed him on the spot. terrible details from kiev, where a military man attacked a group of minors. how they write ukrainian media, everything happened during a trip to funiculori. a man entered the carriage with the schoolchildren and immediately began to find out how much the passengers loved the square. it all ended in a fight with a sixteen-year-old boy. the attacker first pushed him with such force that he broke the window of the carriage with his head, but did not stop there and strangled the victim. the killer turned out to be a soldier of the state security department. his motives are unclear, but witnesses speak of severe alcohol intoxication. the tragedy, of course, is actively discussed primarily because that this is far from an isolated case. alcoholics and drug addicts from among the military have become a problem for ukrainian society, which the zelensky administration is in no hurry to solve. and recently.
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susushniks fall into a real adrenaline trap and fall headlong into an online casino. do they play roulette in between meat assaults and retreats? one of the soldiers, zelensky even wrote a petition saying, look, the soldiers squandered all the money they earned at the front in virtual casinos, and what’s more, they sell quadcopters and thermal imagers to pawnshops in order to continue playing, apparently, the bets at the front are already over for them... they were forcibly thrown to slaughter, after another defeat, another retreat, returning to the rear, some detachment is playing, and accordingly, there from twenty players, one suddenly takes some kind
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of bet, it’s infectious, it gives serious, as if unconditional, moral satisfaction, that this is not the case here, this is a condition, gambling addiction, it also lowers the very motivation to go to war, soldier... even on the battlefield they desert, pretend, shoot themselves, self-harm in order to stay in the rear, so to speak, including to play. apparently, this is why ukraine’s western friends are worried; the british portal london cryer writes: “ the gambling epidemic is destroying the morale of vsushnikov.” refers to the same people's deputy goncharenko, who is on the list of terrorists and extremists in russia, and so he is supposedly filled with... peace, they say nine out of ten soldiers in sow suffer from gambling addiction, and bloomberg is trying to talk about the problem more gently, they say, ukraine is struggling with the addiction of its soldiers, but is it struggling? bloomberg quotes the same zelensky, saying he is going to control the industry. i wonder why
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he thought about this only now with the presentation of the western media. back in 2020, he legalized casinos online and offline, reaching for european values. the gray and black segment of online casinos, experts in this field say that there are up to 3 billion spinning there, 3 billion euros, that is, 10 times more goes into the gray, into the black, no taxes is not taxed, in ukrainian telegram channels,
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here is a bright open advertisement for a casino, which means that the disease of vousushniks and gromania is incurable, because they don’t want to treat it, otherwise why not take it and not... there are sports cars running there , beautiful chicks, i deliberately say, not girls, here he is there with chips, which means he exchanges them for euros and back, yes, and we are here in the trenches, let’s have good luck too, yes, let’s say, let’s try our luck,
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dryers are like chips ourselves in this casino called ukraine, but that’s just the price of this the chips are not euros, but life, so maybe they are trying to win at the casino? in order to then pay off to escape from the front, in deeply corrupt ukraine, there is probably such an option, they immediately want to multiply, tenfold, their money, which they were given for dying for the zelensky regime, that is, they received there are 200,000 hryvnia, but they want them to immediately have a million, and they carry and carry and carry, right without leaving the digs, in ukraine they raised, in general, this... absolutely infantile population, which for the sake of some easy money are ready to plunge into the most terrible, well, crazy stupid adventures, why? because, among other things, they do not believe in the state, they do not believe in ukraine, they do not believe that there will be a bright future, and therefore
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a bet on zero will never work for them, neither at the gaming table, nor at the front, no matter how you look at it ukrainian roulette? military personnel of the russian dnepr group today inflicted massive fire damage on two brigades of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the zaporozhye region, as a consequence the enemy lost dozens of personnel in the...
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sections of the boat. such a ferry worked properly ; troops could be transported on pontoon boats ; a bridge could be built across the water barrier, and across the dnieper, when kiev troops stormed kherson. sergeant dmitry in the northern military district from the first days, the squad commander in the twenty-second year ensured the crossing of the dnieper in the area of ​​kokhovskaya ges. crossing. for the enemy, the goal is strategic, it is important to destroy it, to deprive the troops of supplies, dmitry
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provided just this crossing on the water. with us air defense was working to ensure just these moments, the work was carried out next to the hydroelectric power station, so there were shells on the defense. accordingly, attacks were carried out every 2 hours, that is, around the clock. roughly speaking, they charged the hymers package and worked accordingly. while reloading back and forth, well, we timed an average of 2 hours, yeah, every 2 hours there were attacks, and the crossing stood for a long time, well, we defended it for 2 months, as it defended thanks to them, military engineers, and not only defended it, they took it with them managed to take it away, don’t leave it to the enemy, no, we took all the equipment, all the pontoons, that is, without losses, but we picked it all up , took it with us, and took it with us to a permanent deployment point.
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glory to another budapest. this is the question now being asked by the western media, which are openly outraged, if not frightened, by the latest political changes in slovakia. its elected president, let me remind you, was a eurosceptic who opposes the support of the kiev regime for dialogue with russia, which has already given the most radical european officials a reason to propose the exclusion of the slovaks from the eu. about hysterical reaction in the material of alexander khristenko.
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support his peaceful position or vote for his opponent. ivan korczak was in favor of comprehensive assistance to kiev and lost. now the move is up to the eu authorities, who are not at all happy with this expression of will. i would not be surprised if the european commission were solely for political reasons and because of the results of the presidential elections. suspended payments to us from eu funds. calls for the punishment of dissidents in
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democratic europe are already being heard. deputy the german cdu party norbert röttgen threatened countries that vote differently with expulsion from the european union. pilligrini and prime minister robert fica are open putin sympathizers, hungarian prime minister viktor orban is putin's trojan horse in the eu. the eu cannot and should no longer tolerate this. politics cannot be tolerated any longer. on orbán's part, he should be shown the door, and then slovakia must decide whether to follow orbán or remain in the eec. no matter how the opposite happens, they are trying to make an outcast out of hungary, but... orban’s position is only gaining popularity, the politician’s publication is worried and even records the emergence of a new type of eurosceptic. in the hungarian leader, the eu faces a new kind of eurosceptic who is reluctant to leave the bloc and is instead shaping it, putting his stamp on policies from support for ukraine to combating climate change and migration. the population
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of other eu countries is increasingly opposed to the current militaristic course of brussels.
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the task is to send a signal to russia, and the foreign ministers of france and great britain, on the 12th anniversary of the treaty of alliance, together wrote an article on the need to create a new entente against moscow, and this despite the fact that during the first world war russia was part of this entente. it is absolutely clear to both of us, ukraine must win this war, if ukraine loses, we all lose. ukraine itself has not counted for a long time, as confirmed by the president of finland, who visited kiev last week. lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years in ukraine is what usually happens in a long war. you just need more
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men, more women. i understand that you can't say this publicly, but maybe... we should start talking to the russians, but i think that the only way we can achieve peace is through the battlefield, though those who want to embody this thesis themselves among the old and there are still no new nato allies, such as finland. alexander khristenko, anna lvova and arina tretikova, lead. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. we ate caviar, drank kava, and you sushnikov. at a charity party in lviv they spent more than they received from the guests, but they wore expensive clothes. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with
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a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. paid account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. at bigfest , a hamburger costs 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. this is not necessary. it's clear? i understand. this is how you get a charcoal grill at the megamarket for only 2,290 rubles. yandex tv station pro. culet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control by solisa, unlimited content, etc. all possibilities station, alice, continue the film, turn it on, forget about the remote control with the new yandex station about appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will... cut it, dad will help you with sausages, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering a lot, get a pension from the post office bank, of course, because
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bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a cooperers dishwasher with a 34% discount. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. there is marble, gilding and crystal everywhere, women in evening dresses, men in tuxedos from... generously seasoned with entertainment in the form of fashion shows and performances by artists, a video from lviv, in which it is difficult to discern a report on a charity evening in favor of the ukrainian
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armed forces. but however, among those filmed frames, literally for a second several people in military uniform actually appear, apparently, they are supposed to symbolize the knowledgeable militants for whom all this dressed-up public has gathered. even lviv journalists noticed the contrasts; they accused the organizers of the party of being banal. such criticism, if the armed forces of ukraine really received their portion of donations, but this is precisely what didn’t work out, and why the lviv elite is so far from the forefront, anastasia ivanova wondered. dying in the trenches the dry goods industry will never feel the care of the ukrainian so-called elite, which only cares about luxury skins, that is, designer clothes. co-owner of a glossy magazine, anastasia khrischuk, showed up in payment for half a thousand dollars, this is still modest for the same evening, but they did not skimp on jewelry for a ring for 360,000 hryvnia,
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earrings for 110,000 hryvnia, taking into account the fact that each of the participants donated only 600 hryvnia for entrance, about 1,500 rubles. no one was particularly worried about this, they were having fun spent time, the amounts they collected didn’t really bother them, this happens very often in ukraine. not much, the main thing is pr, the result is unimportant, what is happening there far at the front, thank god that it is happening far at the front, for the population of ukraine, this is still indicative, they should look at it, the ukrainians looked, local journalists appreciated it, unian, which usually defends the independent elite, wrote that the participants of the event turned out to be abusive, it’s a shame for the whole country, that’s why at the lviv charity in the evening we walked around with cartier jewelry, or bulgari and dolchagabana bags for almost 2.0 dollars. these are just those guests who pouted their lips for the shot. lvov-media reports that
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there were 150 guests in total. businessmen, bloggers, lovers of social events, and this whole pretentious lineup collected only 115,000 hryvnia, less than the cost of the earrings of one of the evening participants, for example, the organizers, but they reported pathetically, bought, bought seven fpv drones, and nothing that they could a hundred. in general, lviv itself is the cheslavia fair, because they, you know, go to church and pray that their neighbor’s cow will die, this is the rule, this is their western faith, but the journalists who are indignant therefore...
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where the vanity parade, buffet table, equipment for parties and entertainment took place , the organizers kept silent about all the expenses, but ukrainian journalists calculated that all together it was approximately a million hryvnia. we see with you a typical situation in which the elite had to find a reason to get together to hang out, it seems like during military operations, well, there is no need to do this, because they want it, that’s why they came up with it.
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a noble reason, these are donations, when the maidan of 2013-2014 was burning in ukraine, around the corner the people's deputies of ukraine from opposition factions celebrated anniversaries, weddings of their daughters and grandchildren. the marvelous and new traditions of ukrainian lovers of spending money only on themselves, for comparison, at a folk festival near kiev, where they sold pies to dryers, they collected almost the same amount,
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but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them own property funds invested if you have some property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and it turned out to be me.
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the most difficult situation is in orsk, where a dam broke. about the situation stanislav berwalt. work here does not stop for a minute. the floating transporter of the ministry of emergency situations makes more than twenty trips a day to the most inaccessible areas of orsk; in just one day , rescuers evacuated flooded homes more than two hundred garages. volunteers and ordinary concerned residents of the city are a tangible help to the rescuers: men help evacuate people from water captivity on their boats, women distribute hot meals, stewed potatoes, buckwheat with meat, pasta with meat, and dry clothes to their neighbors who have returned to the mainland. then relatives pick them up, those who have nowhere to go are taken to temporary accommodation centers.


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