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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin listened to the governor's reports. on the flood situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the most difficult situation is in orsk, where a dam broke. about the situation, stanislav berwalt. work here does not stop for a minute. the floating transporter of the ministry of emergency situations makes more than twenty trips a day to the most inaccessible areas of orsk. in just one day, rescuers evacuated more than two hundred garage residents from flooded homes. volunteers and ordinary
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caring residents of the city are a tangible help to the rescuer, men help on their own boats to evacuate people from water captivity, women distribute hot meals, stewed potatoes, buckwheat with meat, pasta with meat, and dry clothes to their neighbors who returned to the mainland, some are taken by relatives, those who have nowhere to go are taken to temporary accommodation centers, they will allocate money, fix everything, and build it. at school number 11 , one of these was urgently organized: 187 people at the moment, 29 children, of which we have four people with limited mobility, most of them are elderly people. there are canteens here, sleeping places, a room for mother and child, in general, everything that could somehow calm people down after the horror they experienced. teachers and psychologists work with children. during your stay, in the future. georgiy and
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her grandmother were evacuated from the old city, the very area of ​​orsk where the water rose the highest . this is today, gosha talks about what happened calmly, well, when water began to rapidly flow into his old grandmother’s house, he admits that he was scared, not like a child. the water came into the city of grandma's house, i'm there i was with my grandmother, and i had a good time.
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you see how serious the current is here, the mouth of the ural river is not far away, you can’t get through here on boats, so the russian emergency situations ministry employees travel on a floating vehicle, and it is on it that residents are evacuated from the flooded old city. not all townspeople agree to evacuate; some are sure that the water will go away soon; others are simply afraid to leave their house unattended in the old city. there is a unique place, also an old town, but the locals call this place a mountain, so here it is this mountain has become such an island of safety for the locals, because the water is there, the water is further there and the water is there, well, here right now they are distributing humanitarian aid to those who still decided not to leave. the rector of the local church says that such floods happened only twice in the history of orsk, in the forties in the fifty-seventh year of the last century, the temple has always been a shelter for city residents from
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the elements and today’s disaster is no exception, we accept those who come, we send away those who agree to leave to the so-called we will survive the mainland, because the russians have always endured everything, our entire history of our fatherland is long-suffering, but it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, the very qualities that are needed more than ever today. the priest says that here, thanks to the residents who decided not to leave the old city, hot meals are organized for the penis; the food, as father alexander puts it, is brought from the mainland and cooked directly on the fire. in general, the situation in orenburg still remains extremely difficult, the water arrives, then retreats; in neighboring novotroitsk, the rise of water caused an overflow over the dam; a structure there is being urgently filled to prevent it. in orsk itself
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, in the village of lesotorgovy , another dam has broken, and residents are being evacuated. the peak of the flood, as experts suggest, will occur during the de. in the smolensk region in vyazma , a bridge collapsed, at that moment there were two cars there, a woman died, five more people were injured, three were sent for treatment to moscow. the governor said that the bridge cannot be restored, it will have to be built new, debris damaged part of the moscow-minsk railway tracks, there are train delays, 10 will be sent. on other routes, including to kaliningrad and brest. the gas pipeline was also damaged; they promise to restore it in 3 days. a criminal case has been opened. the russian ministry of defense showed footage from zaporozhye, where a high-precision strike from an iskander missile completely destroyed a warehouse of heavy
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drones of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as their production workshop. our armed forces are carrying out precision strikes against military targets in response to the kiev regime's indiscriminate attacks on citizens. russian objects. the russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the situation along the front line has been improved in the avdeevsky and south donetsk directions. zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. six tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and gaubis, mostly of american polish origin. air defense systems shot down 291. well, ukraine has taken the path. nuclear terror. responsibility for the daily shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant lies entirely with not only to kiev, but to the leadership of states that supply ukraine with weapons and intelligence data. the russian ministry of foreign affairs pointed this out. elizaveta khramtsova has all the details of the reckless attacks. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which
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is under constant threat of attack from ukraine, is these days being subjected to the most powerful series of attacks over the past year and a half. the day before, a kiev drone struck... not far from the canteen behind the nuclear power plant. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. the next target was the dome of the sixth power unit. and in on saturday, ukrainian drones flew into the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station and cargo port. unfortunately, the attacks do not stop. today, a drone was shot down over the sixth power unit and fell on the roof of the unit. and inspector magathe, who is present at the site, records the consequences of the arrivals, that everything was rejected. and although there was no critical damage, and the radiation background remained the same and did not exceed natural values, the provocation could not but cause alarm. director general magathe called the attack on europe's largest nuclear power plant a reckless attack and emphasized that these were the first
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direct hits on the structure of the containment shell of the zas reactor since 2022. i strongly urge military personnel who decide to refrain from any action that violates the basic principles of nuclear defense. objects. the authorities of western countries ignored the attack. by evening , the office of the secretary general, the united nations, expressed concern. and russia will raise the issue of an attack on a nuclear power plant at the un security council for ukraine. we call on the international community to condemn these irresponsible and extremely dangerous actions of the kiev regime. its western sponsors, instead of satisfying requests for even more weapons and ammunition, should take responsibility for the unprincipled actions of ukrainian politicians. authorities aimed at undermining nuclear safety on a global scale. russia will systematically send foreign states data on ukrainian strikes on zas, the official representative of the mit said. according to maria zakharova, the us and britain themselves are transferring drones to the armed forces of ukraine turn out to be sponsors of these raids. but
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right now, the ministry of foreign affairs emphasizes, calling on kiev to stop the attack. the world will have a chance to come to a genuine formula for peace. this is safety, this... comes also for the staff of magath, who have been permanently there on a rotational basis since september 1, 2022. the first strike yesterday came 20 minutes after magat officers carried out a tour of the station in accordance with a pre-approved
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plan. moreover, according to the statement international atomic energy agency, having received information about the attack, magat employees went to the scene of the incident, they confirmed the fact of damage, including the reactor. apparently, communication surveillance equipment in it was damaged; when inspectors were on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone approached the building, it was shot down by the russian military, and an explosion occurred near the power unit. in kiev , they rushed not only to abdicate responsibility, but at the main intelligence department they accused moscow of quote imitative strikes, the kremlin reminds that the criminal activity of the kiev regime can lead to dangerous consequences. this is a very dangerous provocation; magata’s employees who are on the spot had the opportunity to witness this attack. the kiev regime, unfortunately, continues its terrorist activities. in the russian post-greetings with international ones. organizations in vienna called the incident an unprecedented escalation and stated that
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a discussion of the latest attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant could take place in magatha in the near future, it will not be pleasant for kiev, which poses a threat to the whole of europe. elizaveta khramtsova, news. on the 120th anniversary of the entente, great britain and france announced plans to create a military alliance against russia. how paris forgot that france was only thanks to the will of moscow. the french and british military march together in threes. emmanuel macron and the royal family in paris and london show off in front of the public, shake hands and smile for the camera. today is 120 years since the creation of the military-political bloc. in which once included the russian empire. now the tasks of the entente have changed. on bmtv
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they loudly call this bloc the foundation for the formation of nato. through the laudatory reviews that come from the pages of franco-british publications, a different tone is felt. british foreign secretary david cameron, along with his french counterpart, published a manifesto in the daily telegraph. now, 120 years later , the entente seems to be putting everything on the line to protect ukraine. both of us. but it is clear that ukraine must win this war if ukraine loses, we all lose. the entente was created by three states: france, great britain and the russian empire, in response to the emergence of the triple alliance of germany, austria-hungary and italy. the main goal of the military-political bloc was to prevent german hegemony in europe. svr director sergei naryshkin reminded the fifth republic of the role the russian people played in the history of their country. he noticed another turning point. the battle of paris in 1814 . having defeated france, russia did not allow
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it to be destroyed and preserved it as one of major european powers. in 1814 , our country not only helped the peoples of europe to end the bloody war as soon as possible, but globally contributed to the establishment of a just post-war world order. opposing his allies, first of all,
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he already stated that the fifth republic could send its troops to ukraine. then his words were criticized by all his european colleagues. deport suffered the same fate. military political scientists compared the nuclear potential of moscow and paris. if we take, in comparison, nuclear ammunition of france and the russian federation, then this just makes you smile. they have 290 nuclear warheads... we have five times more, more than 1600 nuclear warheads,
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which the russian federation has, that is, if they are trying to deliver something to st. petersburg, moscow and other cities, then our missiles will be completely swept away, the position of paris has been questioned by many european countries. austrian chancellor karl nehamer, in an interview with le fegaro, warned paris against direct interference in the conflict between kiev and moscow. colleagues adhere to the principle restraint to avoid uncontrollable escalation and advised conflicting countries to return to resuming dialogue. natalya goncharova, vesti. in naples, a demonstration against nato escalated into a scuffle with the police. eight people were injured. people are outraged by the decision to hold a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance at the san carlo theater. this is one of the symbols of the city. nine children from six families were left orphans
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after the horrific terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. their relatives became guardians. as for children. village the forward of the olympic hockey academy 80 could not even imagine that he would fight for his life, and this photo was taken on march 22, exactly 5 minutes before the terrorists. burst into the hall, the family managed to get out of the burning building, but the terrorists who escaped from crocus in that same white renault deliberately hit the boy. doctors diagnosed multiple fractures in the lungs and a concussion. ilya suffered the most directly from the blow of these white renno terrorists, my daughter suffered, and i, that is, suffered the blow as well.
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the three of us flew off, the main blow fell on ilya. doctors fought for ilya’s life for several days; the boy was discharged over the weekend. i’m recovering, i’ll be on the ice soon. in the near future, ilya will use a wheelchair, and then his eleven-year-old sister was also injured. ilya most likely supported us, yes, because for me, well , after i saw him lying practically without breathing, well, it’s difficult to describe my feelings. only ilya came to his senses, so my wife and i were able to visit him. in intensive care, and ilya was already trying at that time to smile, despite the severity of the situation, despite the terrible pain, but after he was transferred to his sister in the general ward, and ilya, like a real athlete, did not give us the opportunity to actually doubt that everything would be fine , that ilya
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was a real fighter was immediately clear to everyone, russian hockey players came to support him, health is the main thing and... new equipment will help you, when you, when you return, yes, a new uniform awaits you, well, the hockey stick, of course, happy number 50, ilya is now on sweater of the russian national hockey team, the head coach of ska, roman rotenberg and the legendary goalkeeper vladislav trits, admired the fortitude of the young hockey player. we contacted my mother, my mother and i have connections, found out all the sizes, found out what kind of fit in general or what he likes, what kind of bend he had, what kind of stick he dreamed of, that is, we took this issue very seriously, dear ilya, you know that real men play hockey, and you are a real man, everything will pass, and we hope for a quick recovery, and i give you this book and wish you success, and we are waiting you on the ice, they sent a video message with
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words of support and legendary russian players from all over the world, i know. brave, strong guy, you will definitely endure everything, and the scar steals a real man, i wish you a speedy recovery, everything will be fine, i’ll be in moscow in the summer, we can go to some hockey match together, recover, take your time slowly, team ilya is always there and looks forward to him on the ice, for example, they even made stickers on his helmet with the caption “you and i, and you with us." after the tragedy in crocus , six children were hospitalized, five have already been discharged. in six families, the parents died and the children were left orphans. special attention to children who lost their parents as a result of the tragedy. nine children from six families were orphaned. thank god, nearby there were relatives who became guardians. for some it was an older adult sister, for others it was a grandmother. where necessary, we got involved and helped; we remain in touch with families
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to provide timely support if necessary. investigators still have a lot to do work to restore everything. details of this horrendous attack. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally collecting the smallest evidence bit by bit. at the moment , 11 persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act have been identified, all of them have been charged and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen. as part of the investigation, the investigation also carefully studies the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime. the investigative committee emphasized. that will be installed not only everyone involved in the terrorist attack, but also its customers were punished. alexandra perfileva, lead. the second season of the professional development project was launched in moscow. presidential platform russia is a country of opportunities. its goal is to help students and young professionals get an internship at one of the leading russian companies.
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more than 30,000 young people took part in the first season last year, and 100 employers provided internship positions. this season, professional development will cover even more areas of organizations, and the format of the project will also change. this year we abandoned the time frame, there will be a season. permanent, the project will be permanent, our guys will be able to find a suitable internship, employers will not be tied to the time of the project, but will be tied directly to the needs of finding candidates, but it is important to say, here i want to draw the attention of all our future project participants, and that you shouldn’t wait for tomorrow, because of course - on the one hand, we are giving up the time frame, on the other hand, the vacancy will be filled then, when a suitable... candidate is found. a large-scale concert of the main children's songs took place in moscow for the families of the special operation participants.
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more than half a thousand young artists from different regions, soloists and children's groups, including such well-known ones as fidgets, domisolka, and wizards of the court, performed on the stage of the kremlin palace. there were songs for the audience, many of which became hits. the project main children's songs appeared in the victory museum. when we realized that children need new songs, and probably the most important thing is love for the homeland, but about family, about friendship, and these songs appeared in the amount of more than fifty, these songs have already become popular without exaggeration among children, millions of our young citizens listen to them, and we are very... glad that they resonate in the souls of our children. in literally 2 months we traveled all over the country, from kaliningrad to novosibirsk, five federal districts, and gave concerts
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for the families of participants in a special military operation. and along the way, we discovered very talented groups in our country, dance groups, soloists, took them into our team, today in... they explain these songs to children, what the homeland is, and what i like, for example, and i talked with the children, what is in the songs is very accessible, without pathos, without unnecessary pomposity, these all lend themselves to our main problems, our children should love to remember. both homeland and family, to know and understand why they, in principle, exist in this world. with age, changes in vision
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but most of the goals were scored in nizhny novgorod, although as the season progressed, both krasnodar and parien were two teams building the game in the first turn from defense. but in krasnodar the coach was changed, instead of the pragmatic ivich came musaev, who is more inclined to an attacking style, plus, due to disqualification , the main defense player kirill gatsuk missed the match for the bottom, as a result, seven goals between them. krasnodar was constantly leading, the hosts were catching up and... even made it 2:2 after 0:2, but in the end the southerners won their first victory under musaev, winning with a score of 4:3. kordaba scored a double, spertsyan also scored, kalinsky, troshechkin and kukharchuk scored against nizhny. rivalry between dynamo and spartak the oldest existing russian and moscow derby with a hundred-year history, so each match of these teams often gives a new drama and a memorable scenario. my colleague will tell you how it happened this time.
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despite enhanced security measures in the vicinity of the dynamo stadium, the former tension electrifying the moscow air on the eve of the next series of the country's oldest football derby is gone, fans go to the match to see the show, dynamo players have already cooled down after the slap in the face from rostov, spartak players are not particularly concerned about the fate of the head coach teams. after the training camp, after the rest, i think it was such a hit and i hope the team can do it. of course, we believe in me to fight for first place, we even prepared a poster with abascal, and we drew it, gleb wrote it himself, we need to start, when if not now, so many fans have arrived, i think we believe in the team, the best derby in the world , i think we continue to fight for dynamo’s gold, and if spartak loses, it generally, excuse me, sucks. 163 match in
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history between. dynamo and spartak are preparing a fiery show in the literal sense of the word. the players also didn’t delay and set the game on fire from the very beginning. in the very first attack, dynamo earns a penalty. luis chavis is accurate. dynamo play and deal with spartak’s rare and predictable attempts to attack for the blue and white. at the same time, the feeling of an inevitable second goal against the red and white is growing stronger every minute. in the middle of the first taimanyo sends the ball into the net, but from offside. head coach of spartak gilerma obaskalnikov. can’t find a place for himself in the technical area, but he definitely doesn’t sit on the substitutes’ bench, after all the chair under him, in a metaphorical sense , is split to the limit; if it is not a rocking chair, it definitely reminds skovard and the maximum where abascal sits down during the match with dynamo is on a refrigerator with water. the match for spartak was so unsuccessful that rumors spread right during the game that this was baskal’s last day in spartak, others countered.


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