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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the future, as it were, we will save your parents, they have a personal path and 13 galaxies of all 100 years ago, delicious, very, because it was made with love, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there are rosary beads. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? you feel like you’re on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, let’s go, are you ready? is russia changing, is there evolution happening in any structure?
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the number of self-employed people in russia has reached 10 million people, and more than half of them are newcomers, that is, they have not previously declared their income. self-employed are those who pay tax on professional income at a preferential rate, 4% on payments from individuals and six from individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. and these people work themselves. they do not have employees, but most importantly, they do not file a tax return and can.
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pay insurance premiums; an individual entrepreneur, for example, is obliged to do this, even if he doesn’t work, there are restrictions: the maximum annual income of a self-employed person should not exceed 2,400,000 rubles. or 2000 rubles per month. if you go beyond the limit, you will have to pay personal income tax in the amount of 13%. this year , the self-employed expected to increase the limit to 4,800,000 rubles per year, but the bill was rejected in december. when the limit is doubled, of course, the possibilities for illegal payment of wages, including in envelopes, increase; a huge number of self-employed people, according to my estimates, out of 10 million are not less than 1 million are used and use illegal schemes for generating income and paying wages, this mainly concerns employer companies, in order to satisfy the market need for such revenue, and what is more than two... to
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avoid wage fraud, self-employed you cannot cooperate with former employers for 2 years after dismissal. well, since the beginning of the experiment in 2019, the self-employed have registered 3.6 trillion rubles in income , paid 141 billion in taxes, issued almost 2 billion checks. average amount. every day the army of self-employed people grows by 8,500 people, tax officials say this, in the fall of 2020 there were a little more than 1 million, after 2 years the number reached 6 million, now it has reached 10. by the way, the youngest self-employed is 14 years old, and the oldest is 94, on average self-employed in russia for 35 years. banks
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are quite suspicious of those cases when a person’s income depends only on himself, today he is self-employed, but receives the declared income, but tomorrow he has something missing it turns out that he got sick and so on, unfortunately, in these cases there don’t seem to be many mechanisms to protect the self-employed ; in some cases, people who intend to get a loan can publicly... register themselves as self-employed and thus increase their income certificate in order to get a larger loan, this is also a kind of misleading of the bank. self-employed provide taxi and cargo transportation services, repairs, marketing, tutoring, beauty services, and also sell self-produced goods are rented out in apartments. among them , it specialists, marketers and specialists earn the most. for repairs, the share
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of mtd payers receiving income is close to the maximum value, that is, the maximum value of 2.4 million rubles, at which... they can release from this regime and switch to new or different tax regimes, is only 0.8 % of the total number of payers, it is premature to say that it is advisable right now to increase the maximum level of parameters for the self-employed. those who trade in excisable goods, for example, alcohol or gasoline, extract minerals, or resell goods, cannot use the special regime. or works for the benefit of others, as an agent or intermediary. the experimental regime will operate until the end of 2028 throughout the country. in addition to russians, citizens of belarus, kazakhstan, armenia, kyrgyzstan and ukraine can also become self-employed.
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there is no need to go to the inspectorate; registration takes place directly in the “my tax” application.
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let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. april 9. issued a decree on maintaining cleanliness in the capital, it sounded like this: on observing cleanliness in moscow, on punishment for throwing out any litter on the streets and alleys. that day, his carriage fell into a pit of dirty water, and upon arriving at the kremlin, the tsar immediately composed a formidable rescript. it said. quote: whoever begins to throw all sorts of droppings and carrion along large streets and alleys, such people will be taken into the zemstvo order and... at that time , the problem of street cleaning was acute not only in russia, paris and london were literally drowning in mud, garbage and sewage were simply thrown
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out of the windows, diseases were spreading due to rotting waste, and even under tsar alexei mikhailovich, peter’s father, the order on city deanery was included in the code of laws of the russian state. on april 9, 1917 , a train carrying russian social democrats, including vladimir lenin, left the station in türich. he lived in switzerland for 9 years and has already come to terms with it. with his fate as an exile when the february revolution broke out in russia. at first it was planned returning home through england, but london refused. and the germans liked the bolsheviks’ intention to defeat their government in the first world war; they hoped for an aggravation of the situation in russia. the consent
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of the german general staff was achieved by the clever adventurer alexander parvus, but lenin relied more on the swiss socialist fritz platton. three of the four doors of a train carriage. it was sealed, passengers had no right to leave it, all contacts with the authorities went through platton. the move through germany, sweden, finland went well, a solemn welcome awaited the former emigrants in petrograd. lenin swapped his bowler for a cap and spoke at a mass meeting, calling for a socialist revolution. the history of the sealed carriage is still controversial. lenin is called a german spy, but this is speculation. on april 9, 1968, on the stage of the bolshoi theater, spectators saw the ballet spartacus for the first time, staged by yuri grigorovich to music about ramakhaturyan. it was this production
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that became triumphant and brought worldwide fame to its creators. the choreography combined classical traditions and innovation. gaming the beginning, dramatic action, spectacular crowd scenes. all this made the ballet legendary. khochituryan often argued with grigorovich, but in fact they worked in tandem. they said that people cried at the end of every performance they came to, it was so strong. they amazed the audience with the precision of their dance and the incredible amplitude of their jumps. ekaterina maksimova and nina timofeeva danced with them in the same ensemble. the artists changed,
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but the ballet itself never changed. to this day, spartak remains one of the calling cards of the big theater on april 9, 1997, douglas engelbart, creator of the computer mouse, was awarded the prestigious lemelson prize of half a million dollars. every year it goes to one of the outstanding inventors. for the first time, engelbart demonstrated his brainchild. back in the late sixties, then it was a wooden box on two wheels with a button and a wire that stuck out from the back, that ’s why this device was called a mouse, then instead of wheels they installed a ball, in the eighties, when the mouse became widely used, it cost 400 dollars, with taking into account inflation, today it is 900, and then came the turn of optical mice, first led, and later laser, today computer mice are used everywhere, and engelbart had...
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this once startup was destined to achieve success, even 6 years ago they would have taken on yourself with all questions regarding waste disposal from large companies, today in... various enterprises, offices of points of sale from construction stores to grocery chains. behind me you can see our beautiful conveyor belt that supplies secondary resources directly to the press. at the moment, this is cardboard from us, and accordingly the press processes it and comes out with such a beautiful factory bale, which will later go to the processing plant. this site alone sorts about 800 tons of waste per month, as
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the company’s founders say, then in 2018 they discovered murphy’s law of the garbage market, which states: any waste that can be recycled into something new must be recycled. venture investors who have invested in the company since its inception agreed with this creed. more than 4.5 million dollars. in fact, investments about... helped us develop our company, and offer our partners a better service, develop our it projects, which greatly influence our service, because we create a completely transparent chain of movement of secondary resources from our partners to the manufacturer . venture means risky or, as they say among business angels, adventure, and the capital is ready for such adventures. if. think about it, everything, all the wonderful products, which every day make our lives
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wonderful and good, once began in the form of some kind of venture, that is, someone once, at great fear and risk, put in their money earned through hard work, a very risky adventure enterprise, which is venture capital, and as a result of this, something died, but something turned into wonderful products. over 5 years, moscow has helped technology businesses attract over 9.5 billion rubles in such investments. the city government is implementing a whole range of programs aimed at development.
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the fund helps companies receive additional money from the very early stages of project development, provided that the startup has already attracted venture capital investments from private funds or business angels. this is equipment. for the so-called freeze drying, and this is a key stage in the production technology of this class of drugs. bioveterinary cell preparations are an incredibly promising direction; they produce medicines based on stem cells that can be removed from an animal for the rest of its life with one injection
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symptoms of rare autoimmune diseases. the moscow innovation cluster also believed in these developments, providing the company with... grants for equipment and patenting by the fund's venture investors, who invested 24 million rubles. one of the developments is already helping to replace imports of a drug that is extremely in demand in veterinary practice. this is a development that we are especially proud of; it is a reproduced drug, that is, it is an analogue of an imported anesthetic, which is very important for various surgical interventions, from sterilization various to more complex, when the animal is already sick and needs to undergo surgery. in addition to the passive investment fund, which has been helping startups turn into large and profitable businesses for 12 years, the moscow innovation cluster provides young companies with an entire ecosystem for packaging ambitious, often chaotic projects into
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an attractive presentation for investors. they conducted an investment examination, looked at our project, and highlighted it. our strengths and weaknesses, thereby we managed to modify our investment presentation, we managed to improve the financial model, respectively, increasing the investment attractiveness of our company. dry concentrates are produced here, from which fast food restaurants, gas stations, coffee shops and delivery services then prepare drinks and other dishes. thanks to mick, the company was able to present the project to potential investors and raise 180 million rubles. funds received.
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you have already ended the promotion, you can raise the price back, or vice versa, the promotion begins, lower it, and secondly, this is the tool itself can do it. the number of startups that can offer the city and its residents new useful solutions is growing every year, and there are more and more of those who are ready to invest their money in bold ideas. recently, he created the venture academy,
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which has already graduated 500 people, who have invested three in total. .. rubles for various projects, delivery of anything to your home within an hour seems to be something taken for granted in today’s moscow, but a couple of years ago only food was quickly delivered when needed. we appeared 2 years ago, we it has become very strange that in express food delivery services you can literally get any cheap chocolate bar in 15 minutes, and at the same time in services, well, large marketplaces , your order would be delivered to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. a network of express warehouses at home allows marketplace sellers to store their goods, which means they do not have to waste extra time removing the necessary items from logistics centers outside the moscow ring road. having passed the investment stage. sizu startup was able to attract venture funding in the amount of 34 million rubles. money directed towards opening new locations and developing online services. our system
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integrates with all russian marketplaces and the new models that they connect, this is delivery in 15 minutes, in an hour, and different models and with the ten largest delivery services in russia, plus we analyze a fairly large amount of data on the goods and the region to which these goods are ordered, this allows you to be more accurate and faster. 40 million rub. venture investments, attracted with the help of the moscow innovation cluster, helped then a small startup from krasnodar to share their unique technology with the whole country. we have learned to preserve restaurant dishes for a period of 360 days without loss of quality and have automated the cooking process by creating a special robotic oven, which, using... a qr code, understands which dish is being prepared and prepares it in 5 minutes, thanks to this we we open catering outlets without cooks or kitchens.
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smart ovens today cook food in forty cities of russia, from yakutsk to kaleningrad. the development has gained success abroad, is being successfully used in belarus and kazakhstan, and will soon enter the market in the arab emirates. it’s easy to understand this success; technology allows you to automate food preparation. 70%, excluding the human factor and its consequences, came to choose this format, because it eliminates all these problems, plus it is absolutely protected from the point of view of client safety, because everything is prepared in production, but venture investments can be useful not only for start-up companies, but also established players. market when launching new products, so one of the largest coffee chains in the city attracted venture capital funds to create a vending machine. in fact, we are simply using
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new technology that no one else has, that is, in this regard, the machine has no analogues. in general, in principle , we were faced with the fact that there is practically no such equipment, when we began to contact manufacturers, they looked strangely at what kind of concentrate, some openly twisted their fingers at their temples, but there were manufacturers who made our car. upon request, we have improved it here to the required standards, and now we have a ready-made, existing vending machine, but with our filling inside. cappuccino, americanana, filter, drinks with syrups, the names are the same as in other machines, but the creators assure that this is a revolution in the world of coffee, because instead of grain , the machine prepares an invigorating drink from coffee concentrate, and most importantly, it does it in less than 30 seconds . in reality it’s less than 30 seconds, now we have the coffee ready, now we let's appreciate its taste, it has the aroma
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of just the same good coffee that borisa just made for you, no one paid me for this, these are purely my impressions, there are no analogues of technology anywhere in the world, a company that is a participant in the moscow innovation cluster, and presented a project for... venture investors who were trained at the venture academy. the project became the winner and attracted venture investments in the amount of more than 11 million rubles. investments will be directed to purchasing a new batch of vending machines, as well as scaling the project. the company is already choosing the best locations in moscow for its invention. to receive funding, a startup needs to submit an application on the mic website. after going through a series of expert advice. the project will be proposed by a business angel and venture funds; if the idea is still raw, the cluster will help test it as part of pilot testing. but even if after all these stages
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it is not possible to attract venture capital investments, moscow will find a way help a young company come to fruition. these are investments that are secured through loan funds, and the moscow government and the moscow innovation cluster administer a set of programs. with our partner banks, helping to attract companies, borrowed, preferential loans, and for the implementation of investment, innovative projects in the early stages. perfect synchronization, startups need money, and the city needs new technologies and innovative businesses. the capital helps investors take risks, and this risk, as shown by hundreds successful, highly in demand.
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“here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear,
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western politicians have completely distorted world history, the heads of the foreign ministry of france and great britain wrote another surreal column, the world is safer for the renewed antanda. after 120 years since its creation, the behavior pattern of these pseudo-allies has not changed at all.they are like vultures waiting to take advantage of weakness.


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