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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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just think, they pay to become a target of russian missiles, this is phenomenal, in my opinion, when they were drinking buses in st. petersburg, they had more brains, they are so poisoned by alcohol that if they take a certain dose they don’t keep it, they are becoming stupid right before our eyes, they are sewn up, but i think that based on the story of a respected colleague, the main problem here, forgive me, is not alcohol, but... studying in london, this political elite, where she was recruited, pushed forward, and there with they have worked on it, so to speak, well, in conclusion , i also cannot help but say a few words about the entente, we are already accustomed to the fact that westerners are now juggling historical dates, well, they will forget russia, the soviet union to congratulate may 9, 8, they will forget to indicate, who dropped a bomb on japanese cities, but with the entente - this is a completely different story, the entente is an alliance of france, england and russia.
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when two countries say that they are creating an entente against a third, which , strictly speaking, was in this alliance, this, you know, is an anti-hitler coalition against the soviet union, but not in words, but directly, so that it sounds like this, but they haven’t gotten to that point yet, but soon, i assure you, they will also get there in this rewriting of history, and there is one more important, one important moment in the entente, how does it differ from nato, we just said it rightly, but what else is the entente... nato seems to be celebrating its 75th anniversary, as you say, full of strength, why did you immediately bury it after the celebration? no, the fact is that there were three treaties in the entente and the only military treaty obliging there was only one agreement, the russian-french one, that is, a military alliance in the full sense, when everyone had to do something for everyone, even in the sense of nato, with this, having been sent in this fifth article, there was no entente, this was the calculation the british when they set fire to the first world war. germany was promised exactly this, they
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said, yes, we will not fight, this whole exchange has long been open, we will not fight, we have no obligation to fight for the russians, and this was that, that moment to which they pushed the kaiser to declare war russia. mikhailovich, well, i worked in the civil service there since ninety-three, for this reason i saw for some time...
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a single atlantic elite, which, in fact, composed fairy tales for itself. these tales were based on the fact that they were absolutely convinced then in ninety-three and ninety-five that russia would face the same fate as the ussr, that it would be divided. and these people, by the way, are already like the second generation, and politically, even the third.
3:04 am
so well, just like larry samers begins to explain that everything is very bad in the american economy, that inflation is much higher than what kind of inflation? well, according to summers, at the peak it was 18%, now it’s about 10-12 what kind of inflation biden explained everything,
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only one thing is that he’s waiting for a collapse to happen so he can come out in a white tailcoat, say that i warned you, now let me rule , he really wants it, apparently, moreover, it would be nice if he wrote in some scientific journal, but a week ago bloomberg wrote about it with reference to this article, paula’s subordinate, at the same time
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the number of jobs for illegal mexicans has increased by 2.5 or 3 million, and this simply follows from the official figures, another thing is that these figures are hidden somewhere there, but here they are, i even published this text on my site, they were hidden badly, if you published them, well, where to go, that’s not it, well, it’s logical, either you hide them or you publish them or not, those who publish them, accordingly, they already understood that... and what they need excuses, so those people who are sitting in europe, they are actually cornered rats, yeah, because they understand that the base on which they existed and the umbrella that covered them no longer works, in
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germany, by the way, there is an industrial decline of minus half a percent per month, half a percent per month, 6% per year, in the rest of europe . not much better in other places, for this reason they behave deeply inappropriately, and ursulla fondern does not even understand that she is repeating the situations of the spring of ninety-one, one for one, as she says, we will not allow the destruction that happened there in march of ninety first year referendum on preservation of the ussr, here you go, this is really not a referendum, this is only ursula for now, but...
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it’s completely different, they will also earn money from destroying the system, and, by the way, these are the people who , and these are the people who make money from non -profits , on losses, of course, they don’t care what goes left or right, what goes up or down, these will earn everything, they are, as dmitry formulated very precisely at the time, they
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are, by and large, a team of managers, they are managers, they they will still bounce off with their golden parachutes, they have no national interests, for them it is...
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the leaders of this managerial elite have never even figured out what they are, how many centuries they have been working, they carefully transplant them from place to place, they love them, they fawn and cherish them, these are several and you know, it’s a kind of cult, of course, it’s also a hereditary cult, look how interesting it is, but we now have a political elite where such transmission is hereditary.
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then i think that they can, now i suspect that they can, we need to be prepared for this, because they are in serious trouble adequate, and most importantly, i have already said about this, that they are all sitting on financial capital, financial capital in the 20th century grew from 5% of the total to 75, they will actually lose their assets, simply because they will not
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exist. how do you feel about lenin's legacy? i have a positive attitude towards klenensky’s legacy, so we must fight to turn the imperialist war into a civil war, while westerners clash with each other, translate this, let them fight within themselves. the french polytriate must raise the butts of the snickering french bourgeois. this quote is not mine.
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no ideas, not enough money, no ideas, no money, that’s not enough, say, supporters of islam will politely ask, what values ​​do you propose to us to fight for, i won’t say weapons, just give it, give it to the shooter, what values, for what values ​​to fight, such showdowns will begin inside, when i talk about a civil war within the european union, war is inevitable, well, poland directly, i do not exclude the possibility that it will face germany, there... what are the accumulated problems, including territorial, there will be a lot of things there, poland
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is asleep and see from clapping a piece of ukraine, and hungary plainly said that it wants a piece of romania, a piece of croatia, and romania said that it wants moldova, well, that is, we are entering an era of great reshaping, vladimir vladimirovich, yes, you know, of course, this article about the entente, it’s not just an article, there’s a whole range of events, everything. russia, well , to the content, will the russian guard take all these under protection and what are the options for all the palaces, but what worries me most is the pendants have been returned no, of course, not the austrian ones, because well , if the french guards ended up in england, then they should probably return with pendants, well, there is now such a film, you know , a series in britain came out about this buckingham
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, that it’s better not to know, it turns out that everything is different there, that
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no one an elected official, and by and large, who speaks and says that, look, there are going to win certain political parties in democratic elections, mind you, that’s all, if they win, you know, these are putin’s agents, then there is, including naming lepen, the lepen party, yes, which, excuse me, is now the absolute leader in polls before the elections, and
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why not sue it, that is, this is the attitude towards democracy. these people, these officials who are waving like this are shouting, in no case, these are putin’s agents, putin has enveloped everything, you will laugh, but today the continuation of the story that we have already talked about here is now in the czech republic too released on their own back in due time, but in 1945, now there is the center of the spread of this paranoia, panic, today there they say again, in hungary they have now discovered a site - vyshgorod, vyshgorod, lord, vyshgorod-post.
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these elections, that is, that is, putin led the democratic, democratic process in europe, the elections we really ursulov underlein has long been a senior ensign, merkel is ours, it was still there, after all they changed it to our scholz, all ours, if you believe to them, you started there at the beginning and showed pelligrini this victorious president of slovakia, well, honestly, for the liberal press this is a terrible shock today they didn’t expect it, he was losing, it seems he lost the first round according to the polls, some lost the second, here he wins with a solid advantage of 53%, well there is a 6% gap from the second 53 47 - 6% and uh so why did i come out
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today the slovak newspaper is the most liberal money right? where is the president of fear, that’s the big headline, why the president of fear, because he talked about peace all the time, that’s what you showed, it was his, well , the red line, he kept saying, i won’t send your children to fight , we stand for peace, this is called escalation, fear, advocating for peace, pacifism, it turns out that escalation of fear has already become, you understand, that chicken, which means, well, like the slogan of the paratroopers, for which he became famous in his time when he was the minister of foreign affairs at the height of it.
3:21 am
i referred to you here more than once at one time, but probably one of the most russophobic newspapers in old europe, in the continental, at least, we don’t take the british parts, it’s in the dutch newspaper nrc, they all the time disperse this panic, paranoia, everything time is dispelling these fears against russia, suddenly today an article appears on the pages of this newspaper in which he says: you understand that by dispersing this paranoia, russophobia, we are playing along with putin, that is, that is, in fact, he says, that’s when this whole campaign began, began to disgrace everyone ,
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who received some kind of fees somewhere, and this is all a kremlin agent, they convened a special session of parliament in the netherlands, without any evidence they began to point to my good friend, the leader of their party, teri bode, the forum for democracy, this euroskeptic is quite famous there.
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they want to win, deceive, draw into a trap, and indeed, one of these weaknesses, this principle of our weaknesses, which we talked about with legitimism, and you noticed something interesting today, forgive me, if we started talking about a terrorist attack, budanov said that no-no-no, it’s not us, and we didn’t blow up the northern streams, who, no, it’s interesting what he says, wait a minute, this is not for us, they say, hint to the americans, if you continue to shift now, then we will ...
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always, i don't want long examples here cite, but here are the classic ones, thanks to this, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth existed until the end of the 18th century and, by the way, we are still dealing with these problems, if it had been sorted out earlier, as it should be, the divisions happened, here is the war of the 18th century, alexey mikhailovich there in a year destroyed his army, this supposedly pre-petrine army lagged behind, destroyed this polish-lithuanian commonwealth with the winged hussars with this noble gentry, took vilno, were preparing to take lvov and warsaw, they were told, listen, they say, shouldn’t they even crown you
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king of poland? .
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this does not happen, of course, and that there are no izhdunov, of course, and there will not be such a thing, for 2 years we have not, but no, of course, there are izhdunov, everything, all these factors are there, to say that they are now less weak there, than at the end of the 19th century or the 16th century, or during the soviet union, it is impossible to say so, this is politics, this is a policy that is mixed up with ideology, mixed up. of course, the struggle of the special services, which we talked about today, is multiplied by the economy, but there is a correlation, a struggle of forces, a lot of propaganda, yes, probably now propaganda has become much more than in the time of napoleon, who said, give me how much he said there, four newspapers, yes, he can win, and so on, look, the recent hype, just out of nowhere, belarus russia are going to attack vilnius, that’s it we’ll destroy it there, drop a bomb, the suwałki corridor after
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night. let's grab why this is all being done, everything is being done on monday, the statement begins deployment , in my opinion, the forty-fifth, it is the forty-fifth heavy bundeswehr brigade with a full complement of 500 people, is located at the belarusian itself borders, here they are deploying, three maneuverable battalions, in addition, the largest brigade, the most combat-ready bundesphere will be deployed, the commander of the german ground forces is arriving, everything is as it should, the hype is closing, propaganda. created, troops are deployed, here you go, everything is there, and they do this over and over again.


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