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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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this is all being done, everything is being done on monday, the statement begins deployment, in my opinion, the forty-fifth , it is the forty-fifth heavy brigade of the bundeswehr, in full strength of 5,000 people, is being deployed near the belarusian border, here they are deploying three maneuver battalions , in addition, the largest brigade, the most combat-ready bundeswehr will be deployed , the commander of the ground forces is arriving germany, everything is as it should be. the hype is closed, the propaganda effect is created, the troops. they unfold, here you go, everything is there, and they do this over and over again.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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for example, suddenly it appears, macron makes a statement, here are four scenarios, we will introduce troops into ukraine, there are already four scenarios, and such scenarios are somehow interesting, then on the border with belarus, but it seemed to be discussed, suddenly the creation of a base in odessa in moldova, and why is this being done for final cleaning moldova, because it worries them, there are a lot of, as they say, pro-russian, in fact just moldovan patriots who stand for the independence of their country, there is gogauzia there, which... they just want to destroy. bashkan-gauzya evgenia, she shouts that the autonomy of the country, which is located in europe, geographically, yes, threatens the simple existence of national-cultural autonomy. does anyone really care? they say we are leading french troops there so that there are no remnants of russian, pro-russian or there are no moldovan nationalists left, as they say. they will continue to do this. yes, our enemy is cynical.
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depends on the internal political situation, it depends on their relationship with washington. russia is preparing to attack us, that’s all. the question is, what strategic line are we pursuing in this situation, how purposeful are we, how much are we taking advantage of their weaknesses. but they have them, they have them, and here we also talked about this, this civilization can criticize us endlessly, that we are all we are predicting the decline of the west, not us, their philosophers themselves, their politicians themselves, both in words and actions, this is a civilization that is on the decline, and we simply do not now have the right, unlike our predecessors, to give these generations, which they talked about, they have the opportunity to deceive us, and even more so to defeat us, we have no right, because once again... i emphasize, this is
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a civilization that is leaving, it is surrendering its rights, this is what will happen on the european continent, this is a question of the survival of our civilization, and that europe will not, despite all these... we just need to do everything that is necessary, i am sure that the ministry of emergency situations is working to the maximum, but if the ministry of emergency situations is not enough, then everyone, that is, any services that have the opportunity, should get involved, help people, people, of course , in a difficult, including emotional , state, well, you see how your houses are being washed away before your eyes and you are losing everything
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you had, and here you need to react not to their, perhaps emotional statements, to the real need for help, then there is no pose and say, why are you with me? talk like that. just listen carefully through emotion, well, in particular, as vladimir vladimirovich teaches, that is, hear, see the real essence of the problem, help people now, and then understand why this happened, why people were not warned in time and were not taken out of the potential disaster zone why those hydro structures that were supposed to withstand did not withstand, that is , must be given, there will, of course, be an indisputably clear analysis; all those responsible must be punished. but now first of all help people, help people, hear people, do everything necessary so that every penny that was promised to people is brought to them, but that’s not enough, money is money, but people need somewhere to sleep, something to eat, they
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must have a clean water, which means we need to not just pay off money, but solve all the everyday problems necessary for people to live. “this is a big tragedy, and no one should remain indifferent, that’s all, see you tomorrow, after learning that the child has autism, dani has autism, you can to be frightened, horrified, what, what is this, to be perplexed." it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, haven’t tried a healer , in the end, you can move to another table,
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but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, these same people , there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any
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property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country. so that they commit an offense against the law and it turns out to be me, go on the attack or you will be killed by the one whose job is to shoot you in the back. the kiev regime is introducing more and more blocking detachments at the front, because it is increasingly difficult to force the military to launch hopeless attacks. here they are they hit their drones with grenades, threaten them with executions, those who want to surrender also have no chance. here is the wounded soldier 141. the bsu tried to get to our positions, realizing that their own would not help him with his broken legs, and our copter was throwing painkillers at him and food, but when there were fifty meters left to the russian trenches, the kiev punishers from the detachment’s fences finished him off with grenades from a copter,
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it wasn’t even possible to hide behind a damaged tank, there are a lot of examples, executions, often unmotivated, which actually also reflect the moral spirit of the ukrainian...
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it was just recently a couple of months ago , again filming a copter under the work of one of the units of the armed forces of ukraine, which was behind the storming fighters, worked on a platoon of armed forces officers from the agsa, yes, that is, in this way they were raised to attack, apparently they refused to get up from the trenches, refused to go to certain death, so they were... driven with automatic grenades, a deadly thing for infantry. the captives talk about such methods of the kiev punitive forces through one, for example, vladimir kyndyuk, who was killed by mobilization, who was enrolled in the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, without even really being trained to shoot, was promoted to positions, like , well, we all stood, our task was, like , well, stand until the last, well, they said that in in any case, there’s no going back.
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dnieper, two, apparently, detachment guards, were escorting two soldiers to put them in
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a boat and send them to land on our left bank, and they turned around and immediately killed the guards, but this rarely happens, barrier detachments, as a rule, are on guard. understandable the point is that ordinary, non-politicized hard workers, who were grabbed on the street, pushed into a car and sent under russian artillery, will not burn. desire to go into battle and, most likely, will simply surrender to our military personnel, this is where these nazis, who stand behind the backs of ordinary robots, are useful to the militants, and accordingly, in the event of failure to comply with orders to go on the attack, they are safely destroyed, blocking the detachments there will be more in the ukrainian army, the worse things go at the front, and there kiev has nothing to boast about, so all that remains is to drive your own troops into the attack at gunpoint, but they also... have machine guns. april 9. a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 9, 1945
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capture of könecksberg. the troops of marshal vasilevsky stormed konexberg, the capital of east prussia, now russian kaliningrad. the city fortress was taken by assault troops and groups that followed the barrage of fire. the germans lost 42,000 killed and 94,000 prisoners. in moscow, a salute of the highest category was given: 24 salvoes from 324 guns. the number of self-employed people in russia has reached 10 million people, and more than half of them are newcomers, that is, they have not declared their income before. self-employed are those who pay tax on professional income at a preferential rate, 4% on payments from individuals, and six from individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and these people work themselves, they do not have employees, but most importantly they do not file a tax return and may not pay insurance fee
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illegal schemes for generating income and paying wages are used and used, this mainly concerns employer companies. in order to satisfy the market need for this kind of revenue, yes, that is more than 2,400 thousand per year, there are completely different regimes, there is a simplified system, there are individual entrepreneurs to
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avoid wage fraud, the self-employed cannot cooperate with former employers for... 2 years after the dismissal, well, since the beginning of the experiment in 2019, the self-employed registered 3.6 trillion rubles in income , paid 141 billion in taxes, issued almost 2 billion checks, the average amount of which increased by 70%, to almost 2,000 rubles. daily army the self-employed are growing by 8,500 people, tax officials say this, in the fall of 2020 there were a little more than 1 million. after 2 years, the number reached 6 million, now it has reached ten. by the way, the youngest self-employed person is 14 years old, and the oldest is 94. on average, the self-employed person in russia is 35 years old. banks are quite suspicious of those cases when a person’s income depends only on himself.
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today he is self-employed, but he receives the declared income for tomorrow. something doesn't work out, he gets sick, and so on, to unfortunately, there are not many mechanisms for protecting the self-employed in these cases; it does not seem to be visible; in some cases , people who intend to get a loan can spontaneously register themselves as self-employed and thus increase their income certificate in order to receive a larger loan, this is also a kind of misrepresentation. self-employed provide taxi and cargo transportation services, repairs, marketing, tutoring, beauty services, and also sell goods of their own production and rent them out to apartment rental. among them , it specialists, marketers and repair specialists earn the most. the share of mtd payers receiving income is close to
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the maximum value, that is, the maximum value of 2.4 million rubles at which they can issue for. other people, as an agent or intermediary. the experimental regime will operate until the end of 2028 throughout the country. in addition to russians, citizens of belarus, kazakhstan, armenia, kyrgyzstan and ukraine can also become self-employed. there is no need to go to the inspectorate; registration takes place directly at "my tax" application.
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large-scale projects, modern technologies, but... new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposures. business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition! there is water all around, the crest of the flood has left orsk and
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is rushing towards orenburg, when the flood here reaches its peak how quickly the levels are rising water in the kurgan region. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel fobys center. i, anna volkova, hello, the rapid development of floods continues on the rivers of the ural region. for now, the most difficult situation is developing in orenburg, where the number of flooded houses is already in the thousands, the day before high water reached novotroetsk, a satellite city of orsk, residents of several streets were promptly evacuated, protective earthen ramparts had to be urgently erected near the substation feeding the local wastewater treatment plant. in the flood zone there are two main nodes, the first is an electrical substation, the second is that mini pumping station that pumps water from the village itself, we have already erected two levels of obstacles there, two small dams,
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unfortunately, the first one has now begun to leak. the following shots are allegedly from orenburg itself, this is what snt vostok looked like on monday, within the boundaries of the regional center, the water in the houses has been for generations, the furniture is floating, but the reaction of the housewife is understandable. the kurgan region is also threatened by serious flooding, so rescuers carry out preventive evacuation of citizens from flood-prone settlements. there are 62 of them in total, most located along tabola and its left tributary of the uy river. and if the day before in kurgan only the lower tier of the embankment was flooded, then in the south of the region in the zverinogolovsky and tselinny districts the water began to enter... personal plots, this is the first wave of flood that came from kazakhstan, the upper tobolsk and karatamar reservoirs located there usually accumulate for throughout
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the spring no more than 700 million cubic meters of water. in this time, according to the kas hydromet data, 1 billion cubic meters arrived in just 2 days, as a result, discharges into tabol were increased tens of times. the main reason for such an extreme flood is the melting of abnormally high water levels accumulated over the winter. even now, at the end of the first ten days of april, in the upper reaches of the urals, tabol, ishim and irtysh there is a layer of snow over 20-40 cm and its destruction can provide an additional influx of several thousand cubic meters of melt water from each hectare of the river valley. on monday, for the first time since the beginning of spring, the level the water level in the orsk area began to decrease, that is, the crest of the flood has already passed the city, but the high water will continue to move further. downstream to orenburg, in the next few days the flood in the vicinity of the regional capital will reach its maximum extent. flood processes are developing in a similar way on
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the territory of the kurgan region. over the past days of april, the water in the main river of the tabole region has increased by 3 m, while its level continues to rise, that is, the flood crest is still moving across the territory of the neighboring kazakhstan and the scale of flooding will only increase. today or tomorrow , a northwesterly flow will form in the atmosphere over the urals, carrying relatively cool, moist air, so the region will experience a slight cooling, but this period will be short-lived and from thursday air masses warmed by the gulf stream will again make their way here, and this invasion will once again activate snowmelt in mountains so in kurgan there will be rain today and tomorrow, and the daytime temperature will be +5 +7 - this is on average 4° below normal; it will begin in the city on thursday. at the end of the week the thermometers will reach the may level of +15, in orenburg the cooling will not be so significant, accompanied by heavy rains, by wednesday
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the daytime temperature will drop from today's +16 to +13, and then here the probability of precipitation will be reduced to a minimum and the air will be able to warm up up to +16 -18. that's all for me, goodbye.
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fourth year, 100 years from now, everything will be different. moscow, moscow, where are the machines, the flying type, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a hungry man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it is to give your word, just look at me, when everything is over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to... i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies, all 100 years ago, delicious, very tasty, because i made it with love, soon ,
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investment rating, economy, through...
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the most difficult situation is in orsk, where the dam broke. about the situation stanislav berwalt. work here does not stop for a minute. the floating transporter of the ministry of emergency situations makes more than 20 flights a day to the most inaccessible areas of orsk. in just one day, rescuers evacuated flooded homes.


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