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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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vladimir putin heard reports from governors on the flood situation in the orenbur, kurgan and tyumen regions. the most difficult situation is in orsk, where a dam broke. about the situation, stanislav berwalt. work here does not stop for a minute. the floating transporter of the ministry of emergency situations makes more than twenty trips a day to the most inaccessible areas of orsk. in just one day, rescuers evacuated more than two hundred garage residents from flooded homes. volunteers and ordinary
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caring residents of the city are tangible help from the rescuer, men help on their own boats to evacuate people from water captivity, women distribute hot meals, stewed potatoes, buckwheat with meat, pasta with meat, and dry clothes to their neighbors who returned to the mainland, some are taken by relatives, those who have nowhere to go are taken to temporary accommodation centers, they will allocate money, they will fix everything, they will build it, in school number 1 there are canteens, sleeping places, a room . most of them are elderly people. mother and child, in general, everything that can somehow calm people down after the horror they have experienced. teachers work with children and psychologists. garden. here is the bottom shelf, my grandmother,
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the top one, georgiy and his grandmother were evacuated from the old city, the very area of ​​ortsk where the water rose the highest. this is today, gosha talks about what happened calmly, well, when water began to rapidly flow into his old grandmother’s house, he admits that he was scared, not like a child. water came into the city of my grandmother’s house, i was there with my grandmother and had to evacuate. because if they hadn’t evacuated, the houses would have simply been flooded, well, that’s how i ended up here, at first it was stressful, my nerves were high, my nerves were pumped up, but everything was fine, i was more worried about my animals, i have a dog and a cat, today the water began to slowly recede from the old city by only 7 cm, this is of course a drop in the bucket, most houses are... still flooded almost to the roof, now we can see how...
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the place is also an old city, but the locals call this place a mountain, and so this mountain has become such an island of safety for the locals, because there is water there, water further there and water there , well here right now they are distributing humanitarian aid to those who still decided not to leave, the rector of the local church says that such floods happened only twice in the history of orsk, in the forties in 57 of the last century, the temple was always a shelter for the city residents. from the elements and today’s disaster is no
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exception, we accept those who come, we send those who agree to leave for the so-called mainland, we will survive, because the russians have always endured everything, our whole history of our fatherland is long-suffering, but it it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, the very qualities that are needed today more than ever.
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in orsk, in the village of lesotorgovy , another dam has broken, and residents are being evacuated. the peak of the flood, as experts suggest, will occur in the period 10-12.
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indeed, households are left without gas, the communication line is damaged. the russian defense defense showed footage from zaporozhye, where a high-precision strike by an iskander missile completely destroyed a warehouse of heavy su drones, as well as their workshop production. our armed forces are conducting precision strikes against military targets in response to the kiev regime's indiscriminate attacks on russian civilian targets. but in general, the russian army repelled all attacks. su in the avdeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk directions , the situation along the front line has been improved, zelensky’s formation has lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, six tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly of american polish origin, have been destroyed.
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air defense systems shot down 291 combat drones. well and ukraine has taken the path of nuclear terror. full responsibility for the daily shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. falls not only on kiev, but on the leadership of the states that supply ukraine with weapons and intelligence data. this was pointed out by the ministry of russia, those details of reckless attacks from elizaveta khramtsova. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under constant threat of attack from ukraine, is these days being subjected to the most powerful series of attacks over the past year and a half. the day before, a kyiv drone struck not far from dining room behind the ac. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. the next target was the dome of the sixth power unit; on saturday, ukrainian drones flew into the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station and cargo port. unfortunately, the attacks do not stop; today a drone was shot down over the sixth power unit and fell on the roof of the unit. and
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inspector magathe, who is present at the site, records the consequences of the arrivals, which is rejected in today’s statement by magathe. and although there is no critical damage, the radiation background remains the same. and not exceeded natural values, the provocation could not but cause alarm. director general magathe called the attack on europe's largest nuclear power plant a reckless attack and emphasized: these were the first direct hits on the reactor containment structure at the nuclear power plant since 2022. i strongly urge military personnel who decide to refrain from any action that violates the basic principles of protecting nuclear facilities. the authorities of western countries ignored the attack, by the evening they were concerned... we call on the international community to condemn these irresponsible and extremely dangerous actions of the kiev regime, its western sponsors, instead of satisfying requests to supply even more weapons and
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ammunition, must take responsibility for the unprincipled actions of ukrainian government politicians aimed at undermining nuclear security on a global scale. russia will... systematically send foreign states data on ukrainian attacks on zas, said the official representative of the mit. according to maria zakharova, by transferring drones to the ukrainian armed forces, the usa and britain themselves turn out to be sponsors of these raids. but right now, the ministry of foreign affairs emphasizes, calling on kiev to stop the attack. the world will have a chance to come to a genuine formula for peace. this is security, this is an environmental agenda, this is the real, not imaginary, formula for peace.
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moreover, according to a statement by the international atomic energy agency, having received information about the attack, magathe employees went to the scene of the incident, they confirmed the fact of damage, including the reactor building, in it, apparently communications surveillance equipment was damaged when inspectors were on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone approached the building, it was shot down by the russian military, and an explosion occurred near the power unit. in kiev , they rushed not only to abdicate responsibility, but at the main intelligence department they accused moscow of...
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while a discussion of the latest attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant may take place in magata, it will not be pleasant for kiev, which poses a threat to the whole of europe. elizaveta khramtsova, news. nine children from six families remained orphans after the horrific terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. their relatives became guardians. as for the children of terrorist victims, one boy still remains in the clinic. alexandra perfileva has all the details. this is for you from march 8th. thank you. exactly a month ago, the then
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eight-year-old forward of the olympic village 80 hockey academy could not even imagine that he would fight for his life. and this photo was taken on march 2, exactly 5 minutes before the terrorists broke into the hall. the family managed to get out of the burning building, but the terrorists who escaped from the crocus on that same white renault, deliberately hit a boy. doctors diagnosed. will move in a wheelchair, then his eleven-year-old sister also suffered, ilya most likely supported us,
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yes, because for me, well, after i saw him lying practically without breathing, well, it’s difficult to describe my feeling, only ilya came to his senses , so my wife and i were able to visit him in intensive care, and ilya was already trying to smile at that moment, despite the severity of the situation, despite the terrible pain, but after he... was transferred to sister to the general ward, and ilya, like a real athlete, did not give us the opportunity to really doubt that everything would be fine. it was immediately clear to everyone that ilya was a real fighter. russian hockey players came to support him. health is the main thing and you have completely new hockey equipment. when you return, yes, there will be new food waiting for you, well, a club, of course, happy. ilyi’s number 50 is now on the sweater of the russian national hockey team; ska head coach roman rotenberg and
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legendary goalkeeper vladislav trits admire the fortitude of the young hockey player. we contacted my mother, my mother and i connected, found out all the sizes, found out what equipment he didn’t like at all, what type of equipment he had, what kind of club he dreamed of, that is, we approached this issue very seriously, dear ilya, you! you know that real men play hockey, and you are a real man, everything will pass, and we hope for a quick recovery, and i give you this book and wish you success, and we are waiting for you on the ice. legendary russian players from all over the world also sent video messages with words of support. i know you are a tough, brave, strong guy, you will definitely endure everything, and a scar makes a real man, i wish you a speedy recovery, everything will be fine, i’ll be in moscow in the summer, we can go together to... to some hockey match, recover, take your time slowly.
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ilya’s team is always nearby and eagerly awaits him on the ice. for example, they even made stickers on helmets with the caption “we are with you, and you are with us.” after the tragedy in crucus , six children were hospitalized, five have already been discharged. but in six families the parents died and the children were left orphans. particular attention to children who have lost their parents as a result of the tragedy. nine were left orphans. communications to provide timely support if necessary. investigators still have a lot of work to do to reconstruct all the details of this heinous attack. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest evidence. at the moment , 11 persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act have been identified, all of them have been charged
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charges and a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen. as part of the investigation, the investigation carefully studies the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime. the investigative committee emphasized that those punished will be identified, not only all those involved in the terrorist attack, but also those who ordered it. alexandra perfileva, lead. a total solar eclipse occurred over north america. hundreds of thousands of people came to watch, which caused traffic jams, rosscen in hotels and even an aggravation of the election campaign. struggle in the usa. why? found out. anton dadekin, residents of mexico, the united states and canada had the chance to admire the total solar eclipse for the first time since 2017. it's incredible, the sun and stars are the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. i'm 69 and this is
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the first total solar eclipse of my life, it's incredible. the shadow of the moon has drawn a line 198 km wide across the north american continent, this is the so-called path of totality, the zone from which a total eclipse can be observed, darkness lasting from 3 half to just over 4 minutes hit dallas, then indianapolis, cleveland, buffalo and montreal, affecting more than 130 million people. according to scientists, this is a total eclipse in north america. the largest number of eyewitnesses in history. the next total eclipse in the united states will take place only in 2004. therefore, millions of citizens rushed to the zone of totality. we received a warning that we might have to spend the night right in the bar. the traffic jams are expected to be such that it will be impossible to leave anyway. hotels have raised prices in
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repeatedly. the new york times put such hotels on a map and it worked. that on the path of darkness there are practically no humane prices left. british tourists tried to outwit the rest by paying the normal price for rooms two years ago, but the americans cheated them, reports the guardian. at the last moment they refused, citing an error in the system. the rooms, of course, were resold at three times the price. the city hall of russellville in arkansas has shown the greatest creativity in order to attract tourists. a wedding took place there during an eclipse. almost immediately.
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we can show you how not to behave, don't look at the sun without protection, don't act like the president of the united states did a few years ago. and donald trump
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posted a campaign video on his social networks in which he obscures the sun instead of the moon with his greatness. three light, three heavy from the plesetsk cosmodrome, now it’s the turn of the launch from the civilian cosmodrome, from the eastern cosmodrome, you can see. rocket, launch vehicle, we are right next to you, literally a few meters away, you can observe the structures of the launch complex,
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their height exceeds 66 m, when the height of the rocket itself, the base one, is about 55.5 m, and the launch mass is approximately 773, then it is also known that the launch vehicle contains an upper stage... the arion block is also known that there is a test payload, that is, all this is necessary in order to check the operation of the launch vehicle, let me remind you, the heavy -class launch vehicle that will replace the m proton, m protons use quite toxic and seriously toxic fuel for their work. hangar. angara class rockets run on environmentally friendly fuel, namely kerosene-oxygen steam. it is already known that
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the carrying capacity, thanks to such a pair , reaches 24.5 tons, in the future it is already known that a hydrogen version is being developed, which will increase the carrying capacity even to 37.5 tons. also worth noting. then - the last final stages of preparation for the launch are already underway, which is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time and actually 6:00 pm local time. large-scale concert main children's songs took place in moscow for the families of the special operation participants. more than half a thousand young artists from different regions, soloists and children's groups, including such famous ones, performed on the stage of the kremlin palace.
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that the songs are very accessible, without pathos, without unnecessary pomposity, these are all our main problems, our children should love to remember both their homeland and family, to know and understand why they, in principle , exist in this world. the tretyakov gallery presented the works of the famous chinese artist and photographer, han yu cheng. the main theme of creativity is culture and nature. sofia sergieva learned about tibet, how the paintings were created. dozens of such different faces, children's adults, smiling and serious, those who live at an altitude of 4,000 m above sea level. as
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part of the cross years of culture between russia and china, an exhibition of tibetan works by one of the most famous painters of the 21st century, han yun, opened at the tretyakov gallery. a man of many different talents. he is not only an artist, but he is a photographer. is drawn to calligraphy, he is very a successful businessman, and in him alone, these very different qualities and talents are so combined, he may not have received such a systematic artistic education, but this did not stop him from becoming, he became an outstanding artist. in ninety-six , haiyun chen visited tibet for the first time, with his camera and brush he captured the endless snow-capped peaks, but most importantly, the colorful tibetan people. struck him with spiritual purity. creative expeditions to the roof of the world were not easy, one click of the camera and a break. every day passed in a state of semi-trance. the artist recalls that tibet became hell for him.
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body, but a paradise for his spirit. many people think, what’s wrong with it: the highlands, the tibetan plateau, meadows, what’s scary there, but there is a constant lack of oxygen and it’s very difficult to breathe, you can’t walk fast, run, eat well and speak loudly, because it will weaken you, but i all the time i was attracted by these people, their pure soul, their sincerity, openness and kindness, there my consciousness changed, i felt that every time i was rising a step higher in my... spiritual development and growth. the artist was in tibet more than twenty times, stayed for months with local residents, lived in tents in pastures, observed rituals, everyday life, during one of his walks he met this shepherdess with hundreds of braids, photographed, and then painted one of his largest and most voluminous works, which later received a gold medal at an exhibition in france. mr. han is from a galaxy of chinese artists who borrowed a lot from russian and soviet
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art. his teachers were russian students artists, he absorbed the genes of russian oil painting. this exhibition in the temple of russian art is a platform for our peoples, and these paintings allow us to answer the question of what to work on, what to dream about next, about peace, prosperity and friendship. according to the curators of the exhibition, this project became clear evidence of the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy and soft power tools, helping to strengthen friendly relations between russia and china in the long term. tibet is absolutely perfect. an amazing region, little known to our travelers who enjoy visiting all corners of the world, so we really hope the artist himself hopes that after they visit this exhibition, they will want to be there and see, meet people, see the unique nature, understand how people live in such very difficult, very difficult climate. previously, han yunchen imagined his work in
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st. petersburg. despite the approaching holiday, he made a gift himself, donating a canvas of a thousand psalms of proverbs to the tretyakov gallery. sofia sergieva, andrey shner, victor krizhanovsky, lead. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit
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medicine. look into his head, look in the app or on the website.
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