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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you how this day in history is remembered right now! on april 9, 1699, peter ii issued a decree on maintaining cleanliness in the capital. it sounded like this: about monitoring cleanliness in moscow , about punishment for throwing out any litter on the streets and alleys. that day, his carriage fell into a pit of dirty water, and upon arriving at the kremlin, the tsar immediately composed a formidable rescript. it said. quote: who will stand in the big streets and alleys with all kinds of droppings and carrion.
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century, when modern sewage systems were installed in the capital. april 9, 1917 from the station to a train with russian social democrats, including vladimir, left for türich... he lived in switzerland for 9 years and
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had already accepted his fate as an exile when the february revolution broke out in russia. from the beginning it was planned to return to their homeland through england, but london refused. and the germans liked the bolsheviks’ attitude towards the defeat of their government in the first world war; they hoped for an aggravation of the situation in russia. the consent of the german general staff was achieved by the clever adventurer alexander parvus, but lenin relied more on swiss socialist. three of the four doors of the train car were sealed, passengers were not allowed to leave, and all contacts with the authorities went through platton. the move through germany, sweden, and finland went well, and a solemn meeting awaited the former emigrants in petrograd. lenin swapped his bowler hat for a cap and spoke at a mass meeting, calling for a socialist revolution. the history of the sealed carriage is still controversial. lenin is called them.
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a spy, but this is speculation, he pursued his own goals, although he did not disdain anything for the sake of achieving them. on april 9, 1968, on the stage of the bolshoi theater, viewers saw the ballet spartacus for the first time, staged by yuri grigorovich to music about ramakhaturyan. it was this production that became triumphant and brought worldwide fame to its creator. the choreography combined classical traditions and innovation. game start.
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amplitude of jumps. ekaterina maksimova and nina timofeeva danced with them in the same ensemble. the artists changed, but the ballet itself never changed. to this day, spartak remains one of the calling cards of the big theater april 9. in 1997, douglos engelbart, creator of the computer mouse, was awarded the prestigious lemilson prize worth half a million dollars. every year it goes to one of the outstanding inventors. engelbart first demonstrated his brainchild back in the late sixties. back then it was a wooden box on two wheels with a button and a wire sticking out from the back. that's why this device was called a mouse. then instead of wheels they installed a ball. in the eighties, when the mouse became...
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used, it cost $400, with taking into account inflation, today it is 900, and then came the turn of optical mice, first led, and later laser, today a computer... the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. the government of the country in the state duma. this is not an ordinary report from the government, perhaps the most responsible.
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a meeting that lasted 5 hours. today's conversation is a good basis for analyzing what has been done, including then making a decision. the head of the cabinet of ministers thanks parliamentarians for their constructive approach and support. here the parliament became the center of feedback from the people, we jointly solved a number of the most important tasks set by the head of state. deputies note the new format of relations between the state duma and the government and challenges that no one in the world has faced before. we could only withstand all this together. issues and proposals that politicians took control of immediately. russia and belarus are following the path of integration, developing dynamically and uniting peoples. how to avoid tragedies?
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hundreds of injured, some dead. accidents related to the use of gas equipment are recorded throughout the country. that's it in general. a huge tragedy, what sanctions are imposed for not allowing gas workers into homes, more about the indexation of social pensions, the law banning liqueurs responsible for preparing for the heating season, deposits for housing, about this and more, see our program. solve people's problems together; many of the russians' appeals formed the basis of key topics that became the subject of dialogue between parliamentarians and the prime minister. mikhail mishustin voiced them this week during his annual report in the state duma. the head of the cabinet of ministers spoke about the results of work in 2023 and answered questions from deputies of all factions. the report lasted 5 hours. all proposals made will be taken under control, the speaker of the state duma said. vyacheslav volodin
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noted: today there are all the prerequisites to solve the task set by president vladimir putin, to enter the four largest economies in the world. my colleague, alexander shavirin, will tell you everything in detail. during preparation for the report, the state duma received about 14 thousand requests from citizens, 309 questions in writing were sent to the government by deputies. the head of the cabinet met with all duma factions, the committees worked with relevant ministers. on the eve of the report , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin also met with mikhail mishustin. i must say that this preparation. meant a lot to us: firstly, over the past time we have reached a different level of relationship with the government, the most important thing is that now both deputies and the government are responsible for the final result decisions made, which means their quality
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will be much better. this is not an ordinary government report, perhaps the most important one. this is the last time the country's chief executive body reports to parliament in this composition. after the election of vladimir putin to the presidency. in his report, prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke in detail about the work done in six priority areas that the president outlined: saving people, supporting families, growing citizens’ incomes, developing science and human resources. potential, strengthening technological and financial sovereignty, rapid
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development of infrastructure. the head of the cabinet of ministers thanked the parliamentarians for their constructive approach and support for initiatives to develop the economy and social sphere. here parliament became the center. legislation for the further development of the country, we have jointly solved a number of important tasks set by the head of state. among the results achieved are a historical minimum in unemployment, a second record grain harvest , an increase in investment in economy by 10%. life expectancy increased to 73.5 years; such indicators were not seen either in russia or in the soviet union. the industrial sector is showing impressive growth. at the end of the reporting year, production as a whole grew, you know, by 3.5%,
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having fulfilled even the most daring forecasts, but the main driver, this is also known, was the manufacturing industry, it added 7.5%, which, by the way, is a record for the last 10 years, it is extremely important that the industry's share of gross domestic product increases, the most important the task remains to provide everything necessary for the participants of the special military operation, said mikhail mishustin. so that our defenders have everything they need, we have significantly increased production, additionally involving hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, scientists, engineers who have developed advanced models. the past year was a year of challenges, said vyacheslav volodin. and the report of the prime minister speaks for itself. political system and economic the model created by president putin has shown its effectiveness. the speaker of the state duma also noted a change in the format of work between parliament and the government. we think more
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about the end result than about shifting responsibility to each other, what happened before. and this is again the outcome and result of the decision that was made by the president to transfer the powers of the citizens of our country, who, through deputies, participate in the formation of the government. with the government under the leadership of mikhail mishustin, deputies developed a new format of relations - said the head of the parliamentary majority faction vladimir vasilyev. he noted that the current cabinet of ministers has coped with challenges that no one in the world has faced before. we could only stand against this all together. and i must say that this became possible thanks also to the fact that we are the bills that we prepared. we prepared them together with the government. despite some difficulties in demography and the financial
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sector, the government is working successfully, said the head of the fair faction russia for the truth sergei mironov. assessing the government's work under conditions of unpretentious sanctions, we believe that the government's work can be assessed as satisfactory. the head of the communist party faction gennady zyuganov said that mishustin’s government is the first in the history of modern russia that managed to bring the economy to...
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artificial intelligence, the head of the new people faction alexey nechaev spoke about this. the parliamentarian also noted the growth in business income. profit of the twenty-third year in the corporate sector, these are government companies, both private and entrepreneurs, grew by 35% in relation to 2022, almost twice as compared to pre-covid 2019, and our national companies invest this profit in production. in its expansion into new products, in expanding exports. chairman of the
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tax budget committee andrei makarov believes that the main issue today is the issue of joint implementation of the president’s message. we, together with the government, bear a real responsibility to our voters, to those who voted for us, to those who voted for other factions, we are responsible to everyone. by the way, this is exactly what those amendments require. this approach is today noticeable in the joint work of the state duma and the cabinet of ministers, experts say. the effectiveness of interaction has increased both at the legislative and parliamentary levels. control, the quality of government work, the quality of government interaction at the parliamentary level, even here we see on issues that arise in terms of the specifics in which committees are immersed at the level of direct interaction with federal bodies executive power, this is a new step in the development of our parliamentarism in the development of the institution of parliamentary control. the government report in the state duma lasted for almost 5 hours, dozens
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of questions were asked by representatives of all factions. questions from the smolensk region were voiced by sergei leonov, a resident of the region. needs to be investigated, then the commission has the opportunity to allocate such sick leave, and this is regulated by regulation, in the case of specific facts of refusal, i just ask the ministry of health to give us these facts, we will deal with each case separately. the topic of healthcare has been raised more than once in the questions of deputies; the legislator was interested in the quality of
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medical care, the training of doctors and the shortage of personnel in the field. state duma jointly. will create a working group with the government that will address the problem of the shortage of doctors and paramedical personnel. this proposal was made by vyacheslav volodin. the issue of shortage of doctors and paramedical personnel. here we need to jointly develop a solution that will allow this to happen as quickly as possible. solve the problem. our deficit in regional central district hospitals is consistently around 50%. and if we take rural hospitals. even more, how to increase the share of small medium-sized businesses in tourism infrastructure projects? question from anton tkachev. today, unfortunately, in a number of constituent entities of the russian federation, demand still exceeds supply according to understandable economic laws, sometimes infrastructure especially becomes more expensive for the consumer.
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the prime minister called the development of domestic tourism for small medium-sized businesses one of the the most patriotic directions. there is a powerful influx into this area today. investments here, investment in loans were preferential, our sme corporation at rates three to four times lower than the market provides such funds, through the financing program we raised 12 billion, now we are quietly doing ae , including, but not quietly, a strong program umbrella guarantees with the internet, this will allow us to raise an additional 30 billion by the end of the twenty-fourth year. the deputies also touched upon the topic of modernization urban electric transport. regions need federal assistance in solving these problems. said state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin turned to mikhail mishustin and transport minister vitaly savelyev with a request to work out appropriate support measures. a number of our enterprises have begun to produce very high-quality products, trams, trolleybuses, and we would like them to reach the regions. the cost of a tram is from 80 to 100 million rubles.
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the regions will not be able to carry out these projects on their own, so we. we must look for such an opportunity, all the questions raised and the state duma will take control of the proposals; it is important to reach concrete solutions on these problems together with the government,” said vyacheslav volodin. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharazkin, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. next week the state duma will host another important report from the central bank. preparations for it were discussed with the management of the bank of russia. in the relevant committee. increasing lending volumes and attracting financial resources to the economy means a significant increase in production in a number of industries. gdp growth. such the results of last year indicate that the bank of russia, together with the government and the state duma, worked effectively. this was stated by the head of the financial market committee, anatoly oksakov, at a meeting of the working group to review the annual report of the bank of russia.
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now we stand on the threshold of new actions. we need to ensure a structural restructuring of the economy, we need to ensure a transition to a new quality of economic development, and here, of course, we count on the fact that the central bank will also work actively to stimulate financial institutions, the digitalization of processes remains important in the work of the central bank, so the state duma, in active interaction with the central bank , adopted a law that... will allow the use of digital assets to ensure foreign trade operations. it is extremely important that banks can actively service the international activities of our companies, noted anatoly oksakov. for this too.
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about the ban on liwka in residential buildings, and this is the response of deputies to the request of citizens. the law gives the regions, in addition, from april 1, the law comes into force, every opportunity to restore order in this area. starting this month , a simplified procedure for repairing monuments to the great patriotic war will be introduced. read more about the laws that are coming into force. maria burkova will tell you in force in april. on the first day of april , social pensions for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner were indexed by 7.5%. today there are about 4 million
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recipients of these payments in the country. at the beginning of the year , old-age insurance pensions were indexed by a similar amount. on april 1 , the law on so-called nalivayki came into force. this is what small shops are called on the first floors of residential buildings, selling. alcohol at night disguised as a bar. under the new law, regions received the right to establish requirements for the sale of alcohol in restaurants, cafes, and buffets, as well as to limit the time for the sale of alcohol in public catering outlets located in apartment buildings. according to vyacheslav volodin, regional authorities will have every opportunity to restore order in this area. this is not about teaching business rights. there are just gray schemes, counterfeit goods, attempts at income. form, but at the expense of people’s health, and then, when such a liqueur appears, there are immediately social elements around it, and this is all in front of children, in the entrances of houses.
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the sale and production of tobacco products is limited; from april 1 , administrative liability was introduced for the production and circulation of tobacco without an appropriate license, a fine of up to 1 million rubles with confiscation of manufactured products, equipment and raw materials. this is justified. a measure in order to somehow get away from counterfeit and low-quality products, smoking itself is harmful to the body, and most people need to end these bad habits, but it can still be counterfeit, and no one knows what’s inside these cigarettes that we buy, which is why such harsh measures on the one hand are, in my opinion , certainly justified. the law that was awaited in the far north came into force. now these territories will always be provided with vital goods. the basic law on northern delivery introduces three categories of cargo. the first
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second is, for example, food, medicine fuel are transported in priority order. all other products were included in the third category. the ministry of eastern development acted as the single federal coordinator for the northern delivery. 57% is practically cargo for yakutia, 57%. this is kamchatka and 10% is chukotka, practically more than 3 million tons of cargo need to be brought in, the first, second, third categories are divided, this is very important, from april 1 there are new requirements for passing exams and issuing driver’s licenses for everyone who did not pass the theory or practice in three tries, next time it will be possible to come to the exam in at least six months; citizens who have been punished will not be allowed to take the exam.
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the fine for air carriers for late delivery of passengers, baggage or cargo has been increased four times. from april 1 , the air carrier will pay 100 rubles for every hour of delay. but no more than 50% of the ticket price. in addition, the passenger may claim damages in excess of this fine. exception of circumstances beyond the control of the carrier. these measures are aimed at increasing the responsibility of carriers for delay in order for them to work efficiently, they asked. from their subcontractors, gas stations, from airports, preparatory measures to ensure that everything works accurately, on time and on time. protect neighbors in apartment buildings.
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the law, which came into force on april 3, calls on conscientious landlords and tenants. now it will be possible to rent out residential premises, including for a short period, only if the rights of the legitimate interests of neighbors are respected. important condition: daily rent of an apartment is possible only if there is counters. this will avoid a situation where other neighbors are forced to pay for the tenant. on april 17 , the register of monuments to the great patriotic war will be approved, and by whose municipality? municipalities where there is extra finance, like you . for many years this has been a problem, especially for you understand, no, in accordance with the law on the protection of monuments, any work carried out on cultural heritage sites requires
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preparation, examination and... preparation of appropriate documentation and hiring mandatory licensed structures that can do similar work. according to the new law, historical and cultural expertise will not be needed, and it will be possible to hire ordinary workers, this will simplify and reduce the cost of repairs, deputies are sure. russia and belarus are allies, partners, friends. this week our countries celebrated the day of unity of two peoples. and this is a special holiday, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. russians and belarusians have common traditions and cultural values. the states are following the path of integration, dynamically developing trade, economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and interregional ties. a the creation of the union between russia and belarus became a fateful event for citizens. for us, for everyone, this is a special day; we carry on friendship carefully, despite all the challenges and
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opposition we have created. not only a union state, but most importantly, a system of relations where, thanks to our president , there is an atmosphere of reciprocity, respect for each other, we honor our traditions, culture, we have a lot in common, so our relations are unshakable, i hope we are the same we will pass them on to those who replace us. in the second part of our program, see: resort magic baikal is planned to be opened in siberia. inspection of gas equipment should be unhindered, and the term medical service will not be used. what will replace it?
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain everything of their own. shares in the west, and many of them property, funds invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me, your brother there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, it was so
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alive, no one did anything... alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.


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