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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in the ursk region alone, almost 700 residential buildings were flooded, approximately 2,500 residents were evacuated, 16 temporary accommodation centers were set up, my colleague stanislav bernval works in the region, he is in direct contact with us. stanislav, i greet you, today there are promises of rain in the orsk region, according to meteorologists, this could complicate the situation even more, tell us what the weather is like now and what is happening in general.
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hello, well, the weather is really not good, the rains have started and, as the weather forecasters say, it will rain all day today, but it’s worth saying that here, directly in the new city, where we are now, this is gagarin square, we are guided by that stele, i love the city of orsk, and so the water level is now literally half a meter, apparently the water has gone , there is no official data yet, but this is... a purely visual moment, the water is leaving, but here it is important to note the following, it comes and goes, it all depends on how serious the spill is in the ural river, despite everything these changes in water level, the ministry of emergency situations employees continue to evacuate citizens who are in a flood zone, they take people out in such a special vehicle, that is, at first it... goes on tracks, roughly
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speaking, when it goes into depth, there is a direct engine at the back that turns on, and this is in essence, it becomes such a watercraft, for example, you can only get to the old city using such special equipment, because there are quite strong currents there , ordinary inflatable boats, like this, for example, they are in serious danger, they expose passengers. mass vaccination of hepatitis a begins in the city of orsk, the fact is that when high water comes to the cities, intestinal infections begin, and other infections, it is very important to prevent them, mass vaccination begins today.
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what i said at the very beginning: the water comes and goes, we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air. stanislav, thank you, stanislav bernwald spoke about the flood in the orsk region. so, flooding was recorded in 39 regions of russia, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. in the epicenter of the flood in the orenburg region is kurgan. they are waiting for the maximum rise of water. in the water in this region so far approximately.
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fifty households, a regional state of emergency is in effect, water is rapidly rising in the tabol river. according to forecasts, the level in the coming days will be at least 11 m, this is higher than 94%. this year, when the largest flood was recorded in this area, an embankment dam broke in the south of the chelyabinsk region, but there is no threat to the village, residents of ishim also called to prepare for the flood, this is the tyumen region, flooding is also in saratov, samara and ulyanovsk regions, in the ural river, near orsk, the level is gradually decreasing, this is a given emergency situation. now in the smolensk region, they are investigating the circumstances of the bridge collapse, the night before a section of the overpass that connected the vyazma microdistricts collapsed, two cars that were at the crossing fell along with concrete structures, one person
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died, five were injured, a criminal case has been opened, the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation, the consequences of the emergency are eliminated by hundreds of workers , approximately 50 units of equipment are employed, trains are moving temporarily closed. part of the structure fell on the tracks, recovery trains were sent to the site to clear the route, and gas supply networks were also damaged. six people, including children, died in a terrible fire in voskresensk near moscow, a private residential building caught fire there, a family of eight lived in it, rescuers extinguished the open fire, six bodies were found at the site, these are four children, their parents, there are survivors , two children, 11 and 13 years old, were rescued. neighbors who saw the fire called the ministry of emergency situations. now the victims are being examined by doctors. despite western attempts to prevent close cooperation between russia and china, interaction between the two powers is only strengthening. foreign minister sergei lavrov, at a meeting with
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his colleague wang yi, the head of the foreign ministries of china and russia , plans to discuss pressing issues, both global and regional. boris ivanin has all the details. i welcome you, tell us how the negotiations are going, yes, tatyana, i welcome you, but now we are just waiting to get here to the press the foreign ministers of russia and china will come out, sergei lavrov and ivan, here is the room for a press conference, look here, the flags of our two countries have already been displayed, journalists have gathered, everyone is waiting for the first statements on the results of these very intense verdicts, they themselves are now undergoing these negotiations for closed doors to the press. they were allowed only for the protocol part of the shooting, and as already announced in the russian foreign ministry, this is a quote: a detailed exchange of views on a number of hot issues, topics, it’s not hard to guess what those topics are, primarily the crisis in ukraine, and beijing's peace initiative, its plan for a settlement, where the main theses are addressed
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primarily to the west, which does not want to reduce the degree of confrontation, is also the situation in the asia-pacific region, where there are also attempts to destabilize the situation on the part of the united states and the great. britain, and, of course, this is the bilateral relationship between moscow and beijing, which this year celebrates 75 years since the soviet union officially recognized the people's republic of china. and already here in beijing there is the first reaction of the local press to the visit of the head of russian diplomacy. the welcome of sergei lavrov to china, i will quote, will strengthen the strategic partnership between the two states, despite the increasing pressure from the united states of america. the popular weekly global times writes about this in china with reference to. chinese political experts, and it was precisely this same strategic partnership between russia and china that sergei lavrov himself spoke about at the beginning of his meeting with wang. let's listen. our strategic partnership is built on the principles
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respectful, equal, trusting dialogue, mutual support on issues that affect the fundamental interests of our countries, cooperation is superior, as it has been more than once. in most cases, the coincidence of the foreign policy approaches of russia and china to solving the key problems of our time lays the foundation for strengthening strategic coordination on the world stage. interaction in international affairs allows... allows us to more effectively solve common problems, both internally and externally. but the day before the ministers had already we met in an informal setting here in the palace complex, which is called,
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translated from chinese, literally a fishing ground. provilia, this time is also in such a warm, friendly conversation over a cup of chinese tea, this. last october, russian president vladimir putin also stopped when he attended the international forum 1.1 road, which took place here in beijing, one belt-1 road is such a large-scale initiative of the prc, its chairman sidinpin, an initiative that involves economic cooperation, the establishment of new trade relations throughout the eurasian space, this mutual strengthening of contacts, both economic and political, between moscow and beijing, of course, is very worrying for washington, and here in china ... the head of the american ministry of finance, janet yellin, has been visiting for a whole week, she is in during the negotiations, she habitually threatened beijing
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with american sanctions for cooperation with russia, but state council premier li tsang urged her, quote: to refrain from transferring economic issues to the political plane, but in fact, of course, the states are seriously concerned that chinese goods are crowding out american goods in world markets and primarily in such industries as the production of solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles.
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set a record of $240 billion in 2003 23 and apparently this is far from the limit, taking into account the growing cooperation, both economic and political, between moscow and beijing. well, i repeat, we are waiting for statements by ministers sergei lavrov and ivan i, which will be published in the press, well, literally from minute to minute. tatiana. boris, thank you, my colleague, boris ivanin spoke about the visit of foreign minister sergei lavrov to china and his negotiations with his colleague. one and now economic news. alexander, this year
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the russian banking sector may set a record net profit. this forecast is given by experts from the nkr agency. tell us how much you will ultimately earn. tatyana, up to 3.5 trillion rubles. for now, on to other topics. the cabinet of ministers has postponed the deadline for the sale of exxon's share in sakhalin 1 to january 1 next year. the document was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. i remember in the fall of twenty-two they decided to transfer the oil and gas production project to russian jurisdiction. the operator was a domestic company with the same name sakhalin-1. indian ongc and rosneft each received 20%. another 30% went to the japanese сadek. the remaining 30% would have gone to a subsidiary of exxonmobil, but in march twenty-two it announced its departure from russia. this share will have to be assessed and sold to a new partner. according to the results. the net profit of the russian banking sector may update the record, as
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the nkr rating agency calculated, the figure will be in the range of 3 trillion 100 billion rubles to 3.5 trillion. banks can repeat last year's record of 3.3 trillion rubles. despite the expected decrease in net interest margin and increase in the cost of risk. this result will be achieved in the absence of the negative impact of unstable components of profit. such as revaluation of currency or securities. vnkr notes that the main credit segments will slow down due to rising interest rates, tightening regulation of the already high base of last year. nevertheless, portfolios will increase, and mortgages and the corporate sector will remain the drivers. in total, mortgage issuance is expected to reach around 6 trillion rubles. the volume of deposits will increase from 18 to 22%. at the same time, the assets of the banking system will increase by... the dynamics will largely be determined by
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the loan portfolio, the growth of which will slow down to 15.17% against 26% in 2023. this week, about 16 thousand residents of the orenburg region should receive financial support; payments have already been made. for more than 600 victims due to flooding and dam failure. 100,000 rubles each. everyone will get family members, and this is not compensation for lost property, but priority. support to recover at least a little from trouble. when the water recedes, damage assessment commissions will begin to work. we intend to carry out this work as quickly as possible and avoid bureaucratic delays when processing compensation payments. about 10,000 houses were flooded in the orenburg region. the issue of restoration will be decided individually.
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you will be able to receive compensation for repairs and complete loss of your home. according to the mayor in ursk, she will be counted based on the cost of building one. square meter. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: dollar 92.58, euro 100 rubles. 22 kopecks that's all i have for now. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. one of my friends became very popular on social networks. the internet is over, you can’t look at the megaphone yet, they gave unlimited social networks to everyone, both their own and new subscribers, you see we are marmalade, and constant and unlimited video, connect
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a heavy angara a5 launch vehicle will be launched from the vostochny cosmodrome for the first time, its launch is scheduled for 12 o'clock in moscow. the state commission has already approved the launch. about how preparations are going from the amur region, report by evgeniy nipat. the state commission has authorized the refueling of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. this will be her first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. we are right on the launch pad, from where we can have a good view. cable refueling tower, its height is 66 m, and the height of the rocket itself is approximately 55.5 m, and its pre-launch weight will reach approximately ... 770 tons. the base of the carrier is a universal rocket module, which is a structure made of engine compartment and oxidizer and fuel tanks. when creating this family
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of launch vehicles, the modular principle was taken as a basis for the first time. the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages that allows it to launch up to 3.5 tons of payload into orbit. the heavy angara -5 has three stages. due to this, the carrying capacity increases to 24.5 tons of cargo, 2 tons more than the proton. m, which also runs on toxic fuel, the angara uses environmentally friendly steam, oxygen and kerosene. the hydrogen version, work on which is already underway, will significantly increase the carrying capacity to 37.5 tons. the rocket is currently equipped with an orion upper stage and a test payload. let me remind you that previously six launches of angara rockets, light and heavy classes, have already been carried out from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. and now it’s the turn of the civilian vostoch cosmodrome. with this launch, ice design tests of the amur space rocket complex with angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicles begin. the area of ​​the launch
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complex alone with all objects exceeds 110 ha. the launch of angora is again scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. the broadcast can be seen on our channel, on roscosmos social networks, and also for the first time on street video screens in major cities of the country. mikhail devyatkin, victoria, alina. news vostochny cosmodrome , amur region. the angara 5 launch vehicle will in the future completely replace the m proton . unlike its predecessor, the angara's engines run on environmentally friendly fuel components, all the details are in our reference. angara a5 - three-stage launch vehicle heavy class. part of the angara family. these are the latest russian launch vehicles from light to heavy classes, which can lead to low. the angara family should replace the proton m carriers. unlike them, angara are environmentally friendly rockets;
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they use kerosene and liquid oxygen as fuel. the angara space rocket complex was developed at the khrunichev center. only russian components are used in the production of missiles. the characteristics of the engines are superior to those used spacex company. with the commissioning of angara rockets, russia will be able to launch. territory, spacecraft of all types, this will provide our country with independent, guaranteed access to space, dad, you ’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito, work will find not just a job, but its place. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions, many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1, it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short settings washed, there is a shine, there are no stains, one of my
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friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, look, this is lucha from monaco, she’s catching here, you’re on my stream lyusya, lyusya you’re super, where should we go? professional dyeing sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair,
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protection against damage, strong shine of colored hair, sez, hair like after a salon. ukraine has embarked on the path of nuclear terror, blame for the strikes on zaporozhye. the au falls on the leadership of the countries that provide kiev with weapons and intelligence data. this was stated in our media. and all the details about the attacks are from elizaveta khramtsova. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under constant threat of attack from ukraine, is these days being subjected to the most powerful series of attacks over the past year and a half. the day before, a kiev drone struck not far from the canteen behind the nuclear power plant. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. the next target was the dome of the sixth. block, on saturday ukrainian drones flew into the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station and cargo port. unfortunately, the attacks do not stop today
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a drone was shot down over the sixth power unit. zas reactor containment shell. i strongly urge military decision makers to refrain from any action that violates the basic principles of protecting nuclear facilities. the authorities of western countries ignored the attack. by evening , the office of the secretary general, the united nations, expressed concern. and russia will raise the issue of an attack on a nuclear power plant at the un security council for ukraine. we call on the international community to condemn these irresponsible and extremely dangerous
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actions of the kiev regime. western sponsors, instead of satisfying requests to supply even more weapons and ammunition, the authorities must take responsibility for the unprincipled actions of ukrainian politicians aimed at undermining nuclear security on a global scale. “russia will systematically send foreign states data on ukrainian strikes against zas,” said the official representative of the mit. according to maria zakharova, transferring drones to the ukrainian armed forces. the usa and britain themselves find themselves sponsoring these raids. but right now - he emphasizes. at the ministry of foreign affairs by calling on kiev to stop the attack, the world will have a chance to arrive at a genuine formula for peace. this is security, this is the environmental agenda, this is the very real, but silent formula for peace, because if something happens, then things will not come to any of the formulas of the world, so to speak. this is what the international community should do, and not just the russian federation alone.
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there is an attack in magatha. international atomic energy agency. after receiving information about the attack, magathe's officers headed to the scene. they confirmed the fact of damage, including the reactor building. apparently, communication surveillance equipment in it was damaged. and when the inspectors were on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone approached the building. he was shot down by the russian military. there was an explosion near the power unit. in kiev , they rushed to not only abdicate responsibility. the main intelligence department accused moscow of
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imitating strikes. the kremlin reminds that the criminal activity of the kiev regime can lead to dangerous consequences. this is very a dangerous provocation, magata's employees who are on the spot had the opportunity to witness this attack. the kiev regime, unfortunately, continues its terrorist activities. the russian permanent mission to international organizations in vienna called the events an unprecedented escalation and said that a discussion could take place in magatha in the near future. the latest attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it will not be pleasant for kiev, which poses a threat to the whole of europe. elzata khramtsova, news.
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