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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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from beijing press conference of the heads of foreign affairs of russia and china following the results of today's negotiations. and to the main topic: the water in the rivers in the orsk region is declining. the flood situation remains difficult, with thousands of residential buildings flooded. approximately 2,500 residents were evacuated. there are currently 1,500 people in temporary accommodation centers. the water level in the ural river significantly exceeded permissible levels last week. bulk yes. burst, based on the results of the inspection they will decide whether they will restore it or build new, damaged housing, people receive compensation. patrols have been intensified in flooded areas, rescuers, doctors and military personnel are working, and heavy construction equipment is on site. flooding was recorded in 39 regions of russia, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. at the epicenter of the flood, in addition to orenburg, there is also kurgan, where they are just waiting for the maximum rise of water. in the zone of possible flooding of more than 60
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towns and villages, a regional emergency regime is in effect, and the water in the tabol river is rapidly rising. according to forecasts, the level in the coming days could be at least 11 m, this is higher than in 94, when there was a the largest flood recorded. in the south of the chelyabinsk region, an embankment dam broke, but there is no threat to the villages. residents of ishim, this is tyumen, also urged to prepare for the flood. the flooding area is also in the saratov, samara and ulyanovsk regions, in the ural river, near orsk, the level is gradually decreasing, this is data from the ministry of emergency situations. we are waiting for our correspondent from orenburg to turn on any minute, but in the meantime, to the vostochny cosmodrome, where today they will launch a heavy rocket, the angara carrier, for the first time. start is scheduled for 12 o'clock
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moscow time, my colleague evgeniy nepot will tell you how the preparations are going. the state commission has authorized the refueling of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. this will be her first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. we are right on the launch pad, from where we can clearly see the cable refueling tower, its height is 66 m, and the height of the rocket itself is approximately. and its pre-launch weight will reach approximately 770 tons. the basis of the carrier is a universal rocket module, which is a structure consisting of an engine compartment and oxidizer tanks and fuel. when creating this family of launch vehicles, the modular principle was taken as a basis for the first time. the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages that allows it to launch up to 3.5 tons of payload into orbit. the heavy angara again has three stages, thanks. which
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increases the carrying capacity to 24.5 tons of cargo, 2 tons more than that of the proton m, which also runs on toxic fuel, while the angara uses an environmentally friendly oxygen-kerosene pair. the hydrogen version, work on which is already underway, will significantly increase load capacity up to 37.5 tons. the rocket is currently equipped with an orion upper stage and a test payload. let me remind you that previously six launches of angara light rockets have already been carried out, and with this launch the ice begins for the design tests of the amur space rocket complex with angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicles. the area of ​​the launch complex alone with all facilities exceeds 110 hectares. the launch of angora is again scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. the broadcast can be seen on our channel, on roscosmos social networks, and also for the first time on the streets. the head of the ministry of emergency situations today
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again went to orenburg, where the situation is now the most difficult. there are a thousand houses and garden plots in the water, working in the region. our special correspondent, maria valieva, is in direct contact with us. maria, i greet you, tell us how they help people and what the rescuers say? yes, tatyana, hello, we are now working in snt dubki. water continues to remain here due to safety precautions. we move with the help of support, because there may be open hatches under our feet, there is such a risk, they are working here now guys from the orin spas detachment, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are monitoring the situation, looking at what is happening here, at the moment there are
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several people in snt, this is an initiative group, they are here constantly monitoring what is happening around so that there are no strangers here. including looters, thanks to the ministry of emergency situations, the police, they monitor us every 2 hours, day and night, well, there don’t seem to be any looters yet, we’re in good spirits, and we even run our own blog, joke around, make people laugh, because why be sad, water , elements, well, we have everything organized here, ministry of emergency situations he arrives, brings food, that’s it, i ordered it.
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hands, rescued animals, i suggest you watch from here they carried out elderly men and women in these shots, how a foal was taken out of snt from here. the difficulty was that the foal was standing in the water, almost, well, all in... in water, and in their yard they had not only water, but also mud, and he apparently stood in one place for a long time, got stuck in this mud, which couldn’t even move from his place, we fed him, and then we gave him apples, gave him carrots, that
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is, fed him so that he would calm down, come to us he got used to it, we tied him up and pulled the rope and pushed him, he took a couple of steps and then calmly walked away. those who still remain here have prepared for the arrival of big water, and the water continues to rise, even here you can see it, now i’ll go to a small island, so to speak, people have raised their cars to a hill, now they have everything they need, drinking water, food, rescuers are helping them, the water level in the ural river near orenburg has risen.
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at the power plant falls on the leadership of the countries that supply kiev with weapons and intelligence information, this was announced in our media, all the details about the attacks are from my colleague elizaveta khramtsova. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under constant threat of attack from ukraine, is these days being subjected to the most
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powerful series of attacks over the past year and a half. the day before, a kiev drone struck not far from the canteen behind the nuclear power plant. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. the next target was the dome of the sixth power unit; on saturday, ukrainian drones flew into the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station and cargo port. unfortunately, the attacks do not stop today. a drone was shot down over the sixth power unit, it fell on the roof of the unit, and inspector magathe, who is present at the site, records the consequences of the arrivals, which is reflected in magathe’s statement today. and although there was no critical damage, and the radiation background remained the same and did not exceed natural values, the provocation could not but cause alarm. director general magathe called the attack on europe’s largest nuclear power plant a reckless attack, and emphasized that these were the first since 2022.
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russia will systematically send foreign states information about ukrainian strikes on zas, said a spokeswoman for the foreign ministry. according to maria zakharova, by transferring drones to the armed forces of ukraine, the united states and britain themselves become sponsors of these.
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magatha condemned the attack, but did not point out that the drones flew from territory controlled by kiev. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the threat from ukraine also comes to magat personnel, who have been permanently stationed there on a rotational basis since september 1, 2022. the first blow yesterday was delivered 20 minutes after the employees magat carried out a bypass of the station in accordance with pre-approved. moreover, according to a statement from the international atomic energy agency, upon receiving information about the attack, magathe employees
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went to the scene of the incident, they confirmed the fact of damage, including the reactor building, in which, apparently, communications surveillance equipment was damaged while inspectors were on roof of the sixth power unit, another drone approached the building, it was shot down by the russian military, an explosion occurred near the power unit, in kiev they rushed not only to abdicate responsibility, but at the intelligence headquarters they blamed moscow on the vtsi.
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the cabinet of ministers has postponed the deadline for the sale of exxon's stake in sakhalin 1 to january 1 next year. the document was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. let me remind you that in the fall of twenty -two, they decided to transfer the oil and gas production project to russian jurisdiction. the operator was a domestic company with the same name sakhalin-1. indian ongc and rosneft each received 20%. another 30% went to the japanese сadek. remaining 30% would pass to a subsidiary. mobile, but in march twenty-two she announced her departure from russia. this share will have to be assessed and sold
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to a new partner. foreign minister sergei lavrov , during his visit to china, said that it was time to resolve issues of investment and financing within the framework of new structures. in conditions when the united states and its satellites can bring down established chains, it is necessary to switch to national currencies and create alternative payment platforms, including within the framework of brix and. the west has proven what it created and what it offered to everything else. world, system of functioning. world financial and economic ties are unreliable, because at any moment, while leading and holding the levers of this system in his hands, he can begin to punish anyone who disagrees with his neocolonial policies. at the end of the year , the net profit of the russian banking sector
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may update the record, as calculated by the nkr rating agency, the figure will be in the range of 3.100 billion rubles. up to 3.5 trillion. banks can repeat last year's record of 3.3 rubles. despite the expected decline in net interest margin and increase in the cost of risk. this result will be achieved in the absence of the negative impact of unstable components of profit, such as revaluation of currency or securities. vnkr notes that the main credit segments will slow down due to higher interest rates. rates, tightening regulation from last year's already high base. nevertheless, portfolios will increase, and mortgages and the corporate sector will remain the drivers. in total, mortgage issuance is expected to reach around 6 trillion rubles. the volume of deposits will increase from 18 up to 22%. at the same time, the assets of the banking system will increase by 15-17% to 190-2003 rubles.
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compared to the twenty-first year, they will actually double. the dynamics will largely be determined by the loan portfolio, the growth of which will slow down to 15-17% against 26% in 2023. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 92.58, euro 100 rubles. 22 kopecks. that's all i have for now. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card sbirkart is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. well,
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credit card debts are hanging, interest is accruing, you need a handyman. you take out credit cards and transfer debts to the back. you divide it into 24 months, you can conveniently pay off your purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with a holva like this, you don’t need it, it’s so clear, i understood it like this at the megamarket influence beauty cosmetics with a discount of up to 70%. how cool is it for you to save up your savings account for a subscription, replenish your savings account regularly , you’ll save up 16% faster, but i myself don’t. thought, that i would become a driver, a friend called me, the schedule is open, there are orders, the money is decent, at first i thought that i would not be here for long, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out, if i hadn’t tried then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine,
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so that’s it, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, huh? fabbank for business. activate overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. on easter russian lotto brings people together. and when we are together, our help is greater. in the charity easter circulation, 10 rubles from each ticket sold. will be transferred to works of mercy. the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avito, choose the brand of your car right away, immediately find new summer tires, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by avtovito brand, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we are at
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sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got it quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans. knows everything you did 3 days ago, if the question seems heavy, it can help with appetite, it helps restore memory and attention, for example, to keep your head working, it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, in appetite anywhere, only dad will cut it down, there are doors. sausages will help, buddy, hi, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, butter is not on the first day, oh, i need money home,
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russian family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort waste, this could make 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. and now it’s time for sports news, alexander lokomotiv became the first finalist of the gagarin cup. tell us the details.
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tatyana, with a score of 4:0 in the lokomotiv series , the chelyabinsk tractor passed the chelyabinsk tractor 15 years later, yaroslavl returned to the final of the gagarin cup. so, yaroslavl lokomotiv became the first finalist of the gagarin cup. in the semi-final series against the tractor, igor nikitin's team i didn’t give up a single match to my opponents. the day before in chelyabinsk, in the quarterfinal game of the confrontation, lokomotiv won a dry victory 3:0. martin gernat scored the winning goal in the match in the middle of the first period; for slovak it was already the third goal in the semi-final series against the tractor. in the second period, lokomotiv scored twice more, this was done by artur kayumov and sergei andronov, and then the yaroslavl team calmly played to the score. as a result, 3:0 in the match and 4:0 in the series. lokomotiv reached the finals for the second time in kgl history. after 15 years, yaroslavel returned. series for trophy. after the match, lokomotiv received the cup for winning the western conference and now lokomotiv is waiting for the winner of the metallurg avtomobilist pair. the main thing for us is to move up this
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ladder, so thank god we are no longer shy and do not try to please anyone. this gave the guys their own identity and this is very important for men. the words of gratitude to the opponent also passed a certain test for us. the fans, who were with us both at home and here, supported us. in the national hockey league forward tampa. nikita kucherov was recognized as the best player of the past weeks. during this time, tampa played four matches in which kucherov scored 10 points for performance. including in the match against toronto on april 3, kucherov broke the season record in enhaen for points scored for soviet and russian players. now at nikita's. 136 points, five more matches left until the end of the regular season. the russian is the main contender for the prize for the most valuable player of the season. kucherov ranks first in the nhl in goals plus assists. in
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the final match of the twenty-third round of the rpl, orenburg won a major home victory over rubin 3:0. all the goals in the match were scored by the orenburg players in the second half. the winning goal in the match was scored first in the 58th minute by orenburg's top scorer of the season, dmitry vorobyov. he headed in a cross from the flank. at the end of the match, danilo khotulev also scored with a header after a corner, and a minute after that, jimi morin ran away from the defenders and accurately fired into the far corner. orenburg has not lost for five rounds in a row in the russian championship standings, the team has risen 14th to twelfth place. left orenburg stack match zone. the night before , another episode of the russian football program was aired on our channel. the guest of the program this time was the csk national team midfielder. russia maxim mukhin. for the last month, i admit that i’ve been trying not to travel, because somehow i don’t want to
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watch matches anymore, for some reason. eh, i want to take a little break from this and devote more time to recovery, so i sit quietly at home and watch from home. cristiano ronaldo received his first red card in saudi arabia, this happened in...
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memorable date in russian military history: april 9, 1945, capture of könecksberg. the troops of marshal vasilevsky stormed konexberg, the capital of east prussia, now russian kaliningrad. the city fortress was taken by assault troops and groups that followed the barrage of fire. the germans lost 42,000 killed and 94,000 prisoners. in moscow, a salute of the highest category was given: 24 salvoes from 324 guns. russia. traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to international exhibition forum russia.
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interaction between russia and china is strengthening, despite attempts by the west. boris, i welcome you, tell us what the main statements about strengthening cooperation were made by the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia and china. tatyana, greetings once again, quite a lot of statements have actually been made here, just a few minutes ago the press conference
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of foreign ministers ended in this very hall. cases of sergei lavrov and ivan i. after they held bilateral negotiations, these negotiations themselves lasted much longer than planned, about 2 hours, and this despite the fact that the heads of the foreign ministries of russia and china also communicated in an informal setting on the eve, also very thoroughly. but of course, statements have been made on a number of topics; this is, first of all, our bilateral cooperation, strategic cooperation, as the local newspaper global times, which is very popular here in china, has already written. she noted that the visit of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov to china will strengthen the strategic partnership two states. this is a quote despite increasing pressure from the united states. well, indeed, the united states, together with great britain, here in the asian pacific region are trying to destabilize the situation by any means, they are intimidating with the military-political bloc aucus, which is being created next to china, has been created, or rather has already been created, and they are also threatening sanctions against beijing for
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cooperation with russia, that’s how for all these attacks. from the west replied today.


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