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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and after they held bilateral negotiations, these negotiations themselves lasted much longer than planned, about 2 hours, and this despite the fact that the heads of the foreign ministries of russia and china also communicated informally the day before, also very thoroughly, but of course , statements on a number of topics were made, this is, first of all, our bilateral cooperation, strategic cooperation, as the local global times newspaper, very popular here in china, has already written, it noted that... the visit of the minister foreign affairs of russia sergei lavrov in china will strengthen the strategic partnership of the two states, this quote, despite the increasing pressure from the united states. well, indeed, the united states, together with great britain, here in the asia-pacific region are trying to destabilize the situation by any means, they are intimidating with the military-political bloc aucus, which is being created next to china, has been created, or rather, has already been created and is also threatening beijing with sanctions for cooperation with russia. this is how the west responded to all these attacks today.
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for several days in a row it has been subjected to shelling from ukraine, attacks by drones, after a series of attacks on sunday the dome of one of the power units was damaged, the personnel of the station were also injured by the russian authorities, they blame the kiev regime for this, calling the actions dangerous provocations, here is the international atomic energy agency magat these attacks were also described as reckless, this is also a quote, but they refused to name a specific culprit, here is sergei lavrov here...
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meetings of the executive council of magath, at special meetings of the security council, and there we will insist on the need to receive direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime, i think that this time it will not be possible to evade responsibility, new security structures in evraz. sergei lavrov also said that russia and china will continue cooperation in the fight against terrorism. this statement was made during
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bilateral negotiations when the tragedy in the crocus city holly near moscow was discussed here in beijing. wang yi expressed condolences over the terrorist attack in which, let me remind you that the ukrainian trace is clearly visible. and sergei lavrov, in turn, also told his chinese yazov that he had studied shelling of ukrainian cities that were attacked, including during the russian presidential elections. well, the head of the foreign policy department is precelestial. for his part, he also congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election as head of state. as russia's friendly neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners, we will resolutely support russia's stable development and revival under leadership of president vladimir putin. the strategic choice in favor of developing bilateral relations was made by both countries in accordance with the interests of the peoples of china and russia. this choice is also determined by the wind.
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russian-chinese comprehensive strategic partnership, our minister noted and added that it was thanks to the diplomacy of leaders vladimir putin and sizinpin that relations between moscow and beijing reached such a high level. in lavrov's focus, in focus, according to lavov, too.
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neighboring states, it is not aimed against other countries, on development towards peace and democracy, we oppose any form of hegemony and any form of cold war consciousness. these are the main statements that were made here in beijing, behind these statements, of course...
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cosmically delicious. cherkizova. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? and on vtb pensions , the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account. your own sber-business for each type of business. special services for retail trade. more information about customers, comparison of performance with competitors, search for the best location for a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sberbusiness. this is hosted by the studio philip trofimov. yandex is a masterpiece, well, it can draw pictures based on a text description. now for business, yandex cloud today opens access to the generative neural network jandex art. the idea is that companies can
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use this model to create illustrations, advertising images, or anything else. in principle, you can use masterpiece, but there you will have to generate images for commercial use; yandex’s consent is separately requested, and if through yandex cloud, then this is a normal commercial service. masterpiece is an end-user product, available only through. or loyalty cards, what will be depicted on them, that is, by and large, has access to
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the jandex art neural network, through the software interface you can launch your masterpiece on your website or in the application, but if , of course, you find a way to monetize such service. and a little more, including about clouds: animation studio in voronezh, for example, the snow queen, has created a couple of its own software packages, of course, for animation, which is relevant because western developers, in particular aftodesk, have left russia. with its may 3ds max, which is the essence of the de facto industrial standard, while studio voronezh began investing in its own 3d animation platform, as they say, long before, even 10 years ago, since the studio started with computer games, in fact it already had a ready-made development department, you always want to have your own without paying for it, no matter how trivial it may sound, because when we considered what to officially buy there... conditionally, there are 500 licenses for an office, for
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workplaces, for desktops, for a render farm , it was there that the snow queen had about half the budget, secondly, this is convenience for ourselves, that is, it is clear that industrial packages are powerful, expensive, good, they are convenient for everyone, but if we take some kind of rendering plugin or plugin to manage the render farm, then... conditionally it is much it’s easier to write it yourself on open sources, finish it for yourself and work with your own package, but the third is probably creativity, the second package for professional animation creativity, the so-called track program for collaboration on a film, without regard to where physically there are employees, or contractors, why are we so proud of this track, why did our colleagues decide to use it? because we worked a lot with outsourcers, that is, with animators from other
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countries, from brazil, from turkey, from china, from europe, from america, so that all this is correct, all resources are correctly distributed, all resources can be commented on, and so that a person can upload them without problems, this is a large complex functionality. both animation products can work in conjunction with cloud ones. are already available to other animation studios, although they cannot completely meet the needs of animators. they say that so far only by 40 percent, but they promise to expand the functionality, including with budgetary funds, part of the money for development in provided as a grant by the russian foundation for the development of information technologies. and hardware news: the best camera phone according to dexumark is now in russia, or rather , pre-order will go on sale a little later today. we're talking about this honor magic phone. 6 pro is a flagship in every sense of the word, including price, here he has collected everything that he invented himself, including his own
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silicon-carbon battery, and the best on the market was also found here, but the most outstanding thing is this camera block, outstanding in literally, he really massive, the explanation for this is three large sensors, two of 50 megapixels, one 180, also with a periscope, this is an attempt to fit the lenses of a usually large telephoto lens, well, in a relatively compact body, a selfie camera, by the way, too... 50 megapixels is generally rich, but the quality of the final images, which gave first place in the dexomark rating, is the neural networks, their performance and training in how to take a photo and how to process it later. they are not omnipotent, there is still no masterpiece button, which does not interfere with retail optimism to look at the prospects for sales of this rather expensive phone, the russian presentation itself was held by one of the retailers, and i filmed this presentation on the magic 6 pro; i must say, it’s more convenient to shoot with a real camera...
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zinaida, i greet you, tell me, in which areas has the big water already arrived? hello tatiana. the day before, due to due to the flood situation in the kurgan region , a state of emergency of regional significance was introduced. the water level in the region's rivers continues to rise and the forecasts are disappointing. the water level in tobol near the village of sverenogolovskaya rose by 157 cm in one day, amounting to 6 m 61 cm. adverse events occur here at 8 and a half. several houses have already been sunk. the water level in tobol near kurgan rose by 29 cm in one day and amounted to 3 m 34 cm. adverse events occur at 7 m. preparations for the arrival of high water in the region are ongoing around the clock. the day before in kurgan for malocheusovsky bridge was closed to traffic. and for unimpeded passage , the fence was dismantled here. using
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special equipment, they strengthen the dam and fill the road to the dacha plots. the kirovsky bridge was closed to traffic. there are obstacles for water here. they are erected manually from sandbags, a protective dam is poured in the voronovka microdistrict, here the road from the airport to the federal highway rtsh is closed to traffic until further notice. additional kurgan rescuers are arriving to help eliminate the flood. groups of forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia from chelyabinsk, yekaterinburg, ivanovo, khantemonsiysk. this is more than 200 people and 30 pieces of equipment, and special vehicles are also intended for crossing. people from settlements in the event of flooding, there are 62 settlements in the zone of possible flooding , this is almost 10,000 houses, garden plots and summer cottages, this... the evacuation of people from zones of possible flooding continues, 92
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temporary accommodation centers have been deployed for residents affected by the flood, they can accommodate almost 26 thousand people, points are in camps, hospitals and schools. in this regard, from today until further notice, students of kurgan schools have been transferred, students of kurgan schools have been transferred to distance learning. at the same time , aid collection points have been opened in the kurgan region for residents of the region who suffered from the flood. they were deployed at social service centers. so, according to the kurgan hydrometeorological center, the expected tabola level near kurgan is more than 10 m above the zero point of the post. in the village of zverenogolovskaya there are more than 11. according to specialists, in the case of unfavorable developments, the kurgan region is facing the largest. for the flood over the past 30 years, this is the flood situation in the kurgan region at the moment. tatyana, zenoid, thank you, we will monitor the situation, zenoid maltseva
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spoke about the flood in the kurgan region. rescue services continue to provide assistance to residents of ursk. this city was hit hardest by the abnormal flood in the orenburg region. meanwhile, the water level there began to decline, but in the capital of the region, on the contrary, it is growing. as much as possible.
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the following shots, as stated from orenburg itself, are what snt vostok looked like on monday within the boundaries of the regional center. the water in the houses is hot, the furniture is floating, but the hostess’s reaction is understandable. the kurgan region is also threatened by serious flooding, so rescuers are carrying out preventive evacuation of citizens from flood-prone settlements.
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there are 62 of them in total, most are located along tabol and its left tributary of the uy river. and if the day before in kurgan only the lower tier of the embankment was sunk, then in the south of the region in in the zverinogolovsky and tsilinny districts, water began to enter household plots. this is the first wave. the flood that came from kazakhstan, the verkhnetobolsk and karatamar reservoirs located there, usually accumulate no more than 700 million cubic meters of water during the entire spring. this time, according to kas-hydromet, 1 billion cubic meters arrived in just 2 days, as a result, discharges into the tobol were increased tens of times. the main reason for such an extreme flood is the secrets of abnormally high snowdrifts that have accumulated over the winter. even now at the end of the first decade april. in the upper reaches of the urals, tabol, ishim and irtysh there is a layer of snow over 20-40 cm, and its destruction can provide an additional
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influx of several thousand cubic meters of melt water into reservoirs from each hectare of the river valley. on monday, for the first time since the beginning of spring , the water level in the orsk region began to drop, that is , the crest of the flood has already passed the city, but large water will continue to move further downstream to orenburg in the coming years. in a few days, the flood in the vicinity of the regional capital will reach its maximum extent. flood processes are developing in a similar way on the territory of the kurgan region. over the past days of april, the water in the main river of the taboli region has increased by 3 and while its level continues to rise, that is , the crest of the flood is still moving across the territory of neighboring kazakhstan and the scale of flooding will only increase. today or tomorrow it will form in the atmosphere over the urals. a northwest flow carrying relatively cool, humid air, so the region will experience a slight cooling, but this period will be short-lived and will return here from thursday
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air masses warmed by the golf stream will break through... and this invasion will again activate snowmelt in the mountains, so in kurgan today and tomorrow there will be rain, and the daytime temperature is +5 +7 - this is on average 4° below normal, from thursday it will begin in the city warming, at the end of the week the thermometers will reach the may level of +15, in orenburg the cooling will not be so significant, accompanied by heavy rains, by wednesday the daytime temperature will drop from today's +16 to +13. and then here the probability of precipitation will be reduced to a minimum and the air will be able to warm up to +16 +18. that's all for me, goodbye.
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spring floods in thirty-nine regions of the country. the water level in the ural river in the orsk region begins to gradually decrease. we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly. damage from floods is assessed in the regions. our economic editorial office has all the details. today , the angara a5 rocket will be launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. the plan is to start at
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12:00. in moscow. sergei lavrov held negotiations with his chinese counterpart one. what statements were made at the press conference? on in the kupinsky direction , camouflaged dugouts in the ssu were destroyed. let's talk about the situation in the nwo zone. an exhibition of the famous chinese artist and photographer han gyuchen has opened in the tretyakov gallery. how did he see tibet? and at the beginning of the issue about the flood situation in the orenburg region. a lot of water from orsk, where almost 7.0 residential buildings have already been flooded, goes to orenburg. over the past 24 hours, the level of the ural river there has risen by 25 cm and, according to forecasts , will reach dangerous levels in the coming hours. today the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations arrived in the city.
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2,493 houses were evacuated in sections people, including 797 children , 16 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in the city, with a capacity of more than 12,000 places, in which 1,463 people are currently staying ; medical workers, psychologists, employees of the department of internal affairs and the national guard are on duty at all facilities; additionally , the following are on standby:


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