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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and what the ministry of emergency situations says. in orsk , 6,995 residential buildings with garden plots were flooded and 2,493 people, including 797 children, were evacuated from their houses. there are 16 temporary accommodation centers in the city, with a capacity of more than 12,000 beds, currently housing 1,463 people. medical workers and psychologists are on duty at all facilities.
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for employees of the department of internal affairs and the national guard , 32 temporary temporary accommodation centers with a total capacity of 23,325 people are in readiness, well , control over the quality of drinking water in the region has been strengthened distribution network and sources of drinking water supply, rospotrebnadzor draws the attention of residents that during the flood period you cannot drink tap water, or boil it as much as possible, but it is better to use it in general, be... water, today voluntary vaccination against hepatitis a begins, this due to the fact that during a flood, the disease of dirty hands spreads very rapidly, these are viral diseases, and quite dangerous today about the state of the medical sector, not today, i beg your pardon, the day before, about the state of the medical sector, said the governor of the orenburg region. let's listen. from today we,
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in addition to those temporary temporary residence centers that we tell and show, we are opening three separate medical centers for temporary stay, this will apply, of course, to newborns, respectively children and mothers, and of course to those people during the examination who during evacuation and when a temporary stay center is located, medical workers will identify them, who, by the way, are available around the clock. mode are present and work in temporary temporary detention centers, with with the goal of moving them to these specialized medical temporary accommodation centers, we have, of course, already organized this work, and today we are preparing to equip these points accordingly. well, about the situation here directly in the city of orsk, the water comes and goes, here we are on gagarin square, this is a new city that was flooded a few days ago, we are guided by that stele. i love the city
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of orsk, just yesterday the water was, well, about half a meter higher, today we see that it has subsided and continues to subside, let’s hope that so this trend will continue further, there were dump breaks in several more areas of the city, somewhere the water rises, somewhere it falls, the situation is still difficult in the old city, there the water is almost motionless, and houses are flooded. almost under the roof, we continue to monitor the situation, we will tell you all the most important things on our broadcast. alexandra. thank you, we'll wait, the latest information about the flood in the orenburg region was stanislav bernowald. flooding could seriously affect other regions. in a state of emergency has been declared in the kurgan and tyumen regions due to floods. residents of a number of settlements are asked to be prepared for a possible evacuation. my colleague is in direct contact with the studio from tyumen. ksenia
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usoltseva, ksenia, hello, what forecast do experts give now? alexander, greetings, indeed, there is still a threat of flooding in the floodplains of two rivers, ishim and tabola, due to active melting of snow, the water level in them is growing in a potential danger zone in the event of flooding, populated areas may be several at once. districts, kazansky, shimsky, abadsky, uporovsky and elutorovsky. let me remind you that the day before, the governor of the region, alexander mor, declared a state of emergency; this was done in advance. in addition, the head of the region became a member of the government commission, which was created to coordinate work on preventing and eliminating the consequences of natural phenomena in individual regions of the russian federation , chaired by alexander kurenkov. as we already know, the head of the ministry of emergency situations is working today. in
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the orenburg region, where tense situation. in addition, he plans to visit the kurgan region of our tyumen region. as for the situation at the moment, it is being assessed. as stable, but of course, all services are ready to deploy a variety of scenarios, i note that preparations for the flood took place as planned, command and staff exercises were held in all municipalities of the tyumen region, more than 2,600 units of equipment, almost 200 units of watercraft were ready, also for the fight with a possible flood, about 12 thousand people are ready to go out, but as for the work today, of course it’s active. residents of settlements, villages, villages, where high water may come, are explained and explained about the need to be prepared for a possible evacuation, to take everything they need, of course, first of all, temporary accommodation points for people are already ready for deployment, and
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sites for placement of farm animals, and what i want to say at the moment, of course, i repeat, the situation is assessed as stable, but the russian hydrometer, as we know, does not give the most comforting forecasts, so we will, of course, focus on weather conditions, including the next few days; by the end of the week in the region they promise +10-12, which means that the snow will continue to melt even more actively, we will monitor the flood situation in the tyumen region. alexandra, i give the floor to the studio. ksenia usoltseva told us how they are preparing for the flood in the tyumen region. in total, flooding was recorded in 39 regions of russia, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. at the epicenter of the flood, in addition to orenburg, there is also the urals, where waiting for the maximum rise in river levels. in the zone
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of possible flooding, there are more than sixty towns and villages, a regional emergency regime is in effect. the water in the tabol river is rapidly rising, and the level is expected to rise in the coming days. less than 11 m, this is higher than in 1994, when the largest flood was recorded in this area. in the south of the chelyabinsk region , an embankment dam broke, but there is no threat to the villages, residents of ishim were urged to prepare for floods, this is the tyumen region, flooding also in the saratov, samara and ulyanovsk regions, in the ural river near orsk the level is gradually decreasing, this is also data from the ministry of emergency situations. and to other topics. the angara a5 heavy-class rocket will be launched from the vostochny cosmodrome for the first time today. previously, these were launched only from the cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region.
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evgeniy nipot will tell you how the preparations are progressing. the state commission has authorized the refueling of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. this will be her first start. from the vostochny cosmodrome, we are located right on the launch pad, from where we can have a good you can see the cable refueling tower, its height is 66 m, and the height of the rocket itself is approximately 55.5 m, and its pre-launch weight will reach approximately 770 tons. the basis of the launch vehicle is a universal rocket module, which is a structure consisting of an engine compartment and oxidizer and fuel tanks. when creating this family of rockets. carriers for the first time the modular principle was taken as a basis. the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages that allows it to launch up to 3.5 tons of payload into orbit . the heavy angara again has three stages, thanks to which the load capacity increases to 24.5 tons of cargo, 2 tons
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more than that of the m proton, which also runs on toxic fuel; the angara uses environmentally friendly oxygen and kerosene steam. the hydrogen version, work on which is already underway, will allow for a significant increase. lifting capacity up to 37.5 tons. the rocket is currently equipped with an orion upper stage and a test payload. let me remind you that previously six launches of angara rockets, light and heavy classes, have already been carried out from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. and now she has come line of the civil cosmodrome vostochny. with this launch, ice design tests of the amur space rocket complex with angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicles begin. the area of ​​only the launch complex with all objects. exceeds 110 hectares. the launch of angora is again scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. the broadcast can be seen on our channel on roscosmos social networks, as well as for the first time on street video screens in major cities of the country. evgeny nepot, mikhail devyatkin, victoria dadoyan, alina zykova.
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going to throw out the trash already or not? so, pay attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win! in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also what, it will hurt, saying that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, let’s see. v application or website. we continue the broadcast, we will discuss the latest news from donbass with the head
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of the dpr denis pushilin, he joins us. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello, alexander. how did the region celebrate the tenth anniversary of the declaration of independence of the dpr? indeed, 10 years have already passed since the donetsk people's republic was proclaimed. unfortunately, in full , as we would like. they allowed security conditions to note, but nevertheless found a lot of ways to emphasize the significance of this event for donetsk people's republic were held...
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so that the atmosphere was as festive as possible, and the cities were decorated, well , let's say, there was also the opportunity to hold a series of meetings, which also summed up the results of the tenth anniversary , or let's say, all events that took place over 10 years, a garden of memory was also planted in the mangush municipal district together with the kursk delegation, as well as with the residents of the republic, well, in fact , another forest was laid from the foundation on this memorable date. last week there was a report government in the state duma. are there any initiatives on which the region places special hopes? you know, alexandra, all
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the questions that sounded within the framework. here is a report in the state duma, but well, everything concerns us, everything concerns the donetsk people 's republic, as a full-fledged subject of the russian federation, but what is relevant for us is personnel shortage, and here we need specialists, within the framework of the demography project, yes it was important for us to hear that about 200,000 specialists are now being trained in 160 directions, that is, there is an opportunity. retrain, get a new qualification, this is important for us, we intend to pay special attention to this, because our enterprises, industrial enterprises, even now shelling is still being heard, but nevertheless they are being restored, they are launched, investments are coming in, this is of course important, and of course, various
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kinds of social support measures for our citizens are very important for us, in particular our teachers.
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the demographic situation itself cannot improve, well, in principle a priori, here certain measures, certain steps are needed, and one of these steps is , of course, comfortable conditions, and a high-quality , high-quality medical approach to our young mothers and, of course, the ability to provide newborns with everything they need, in general, in space conditions, it’s not... i’m afraid of this word, because this is a renational center, this is exactly how it needs to be assessed, so it’s very difficult for us to overestimate the importance here, and yes, you are absolutely right here...
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to the hospital to admit a child, yes it is necessary for young mothers to bring their children to donetsk, because in mariupol , mainly, with some exceptions, there is still only a day hospital for children, this is not entirely good, because well, there is just a shortage of pediatricians, so if in the medium term we expect to a medical university, then in the short term we are now still turning to our regional chiefs for support, in particular, if we take mariupol, then... we have already turned to st. petersburg, we have turned to the tyumen region in order to so that, in order to be able to send it to the pediatrician, well
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, for some time you can, this will be a definite help for our medicine, on the direct line you said about debaltsev that now you are close to so that gas appears in the homes of city residents, at what stage is the solution to this issue now? alexandra, the issue of gasification of cities and regions in our country is very closely monitored by our president, and of course for our cities, this is for many settlements, where there was no gas at all, this is very, very relevant, well, debaltseva is one of those cities where gas was never supplied, and we did some work even before, before... we became part of the russian federation, but now it is necessary, and even taking into account the supplied gas to the city itself, to make it possible for all residents
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to have the opportunity to get gas in their apartments, in their houses, now this issue is at the stage when the last approval measures are taking place, in within the framework of the profile ministries within the government. and then after july 1, i hope, we will be able to begin this kind of work, the current issue is extremely important, and this is also one of the sittings of what russia is, in the shortest possible time we plan to ensure that our people have gas , and accordingly , welfare has increased, so that all this can be implemented, a single regional operator is now being created in the dpr, which is responsible for everything. directions of housing and communal services, how long ago did such an idea arise, why is it important for the region and how will it be does this operator work? and the issue
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is really relevant for us , it was important to understand it, because there are different approaches, even in different regions of the russian federation, and we take into account that requests from citizens to the housing and communal services system , taking into account the fact that not only... the war destroyed a lot in terms of infrastructure, but also the very inaction in the ukrainian authorities even before the fourteenth year, that is, which lasted there for decades, of course, there is a lot of work to be done, and of course, this should all be under control, it should be clear a well-built management system, a system of approaches to carrying out ongoing repairs and major overhauls, and here without such a single operator... and who must manage all the processes and lead to management standards for multi-apartment residential buildings, well, it simply cannot be done, so
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there was a model was chosen when... at the regional level there is a single operator, well, with a branch network in our cities and regions, we will now come to this model, and i expect that such solutions will allow in the short term to do everything possible so that our residents notice this and so that it really has a positive impact on the work of the housing and communal services system in general in our republic. in donbass, a housing restoration plan has been approved for 4 years, deputy prime minister marat khusnurin spoke about this. does it cover all settlements of the dpr, including those that were recently liberated? alexander, by default, we are talking about this, that we have all our cities and districts, they are subject to restoration, but at the same time we must understand and must be guided by the following parameters: our
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city. let’s say even liberated cities, they are different in themselves, if in artyomovsk we are now unable to even carry out assessment activities, even what assessment activities, we have not even been able to fully begin demining, well, taking into account the actions of the enemy, taking into account the resources used in terms of shelling of this city, even in the artyomovsk solidarity we don’t understand, well , the experts didn’t give any figures, well, that is, it couldn’t be included in the program right now, but... there, because clear parameters, clear criteria should be displayed in the program, how many houses, what kind of houses, what the cost is, and so on and so forth, and what kind of infrastructure is needed, what about electricity, what about gas, etc., etc. so, there is no such data, as for example avdeevka, there, let ’s say, the first assessment activities are already being carried out
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by specialists, but this... it already takes time, and of course, to begin full-fledged work in ovdeevka, yes, it is necessary more push the enemy back, but at the same time, even now in avdeevka we understand those first 19 houses, that is, all the preparatory measures for them, for their restoration, but we mean closing the thermal circuit, replacing windows, roofs there, these preparatory works are already underway, so for different... but what can we say here that all the cities, all the areas that were damaged by the war, of course, they had to be restored, this is all such a request and from the residents, including the residents return very quickly when they see that their cities they are being restored, well, one of such examples, striking examples, and this is mariupol, and where after the liberation very intensive work began, and we now see that mariupol is very close to those figures, to those indicators
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in terms of population. which were before, let’s say, the hostilities, we see that as soon as the enterprises are launched, as we have in our plans, that is , fully in the same mariupol, we will also be able to say that the flow of people will increase even more, and i do not exclude the possibility that more people will live in mariupol as a result, than before the start of hostilities there, maybe even before the fourteenth year. denis vladimirovich, thank you, i will remind you that we spoke with the head of the dpr denis pushilin.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, making it easy to make a deepfake.
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