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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we have learned by this hour. in 39 russian regions, spring floods are most difficult in the orenburg region, where the city of orsk was seriously damaged by flooding. the water in tobol near the zverinnogolobsky district of the kurgan region rose by almost a meter in 2 hours. seredna warns about mandatory evacuation. the tyumen region will not escape flooding either. russia and china have created a coupon for partnership between neighboring states, and also established a multi-vector one.
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russian military in the special operation zone destroyed several more ukrainian reconnaissance drones; according to the ministry of defense , they were moving towards the belgorod region. the attacks on the ossr were carried out by tor m2 anti-aircraft systems. in the kupinsky direction, where fighters of the russian military group west are working, six more ukrainian armed forces drones were shot down. positions are also affected immediately. two enemy brigades.
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in the orenburg region, the volume of water discharge at the eriklinsky reservoir was reduced to 1,500 cubic meters/second, the local administration reported. find out more details from head of the information and public relations department of the state emergency service of russia for the orenburg region alexander sitnikov. he joins us. hello alexander sergeevich. hello. what is the situation now? in the flooded areas of orsk, many residents probably decided not to leave their apartment buildings, so what kind of help are they being given? well, i’ll say that the level of the urals is gradually decreasing and, as it were , we are predicting that the wave is going towards orenburg, so they are preparing to meet it more actively, as for orsk, here, of course, the majority of the population is already turning to the employee’s advice.
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to the specialists who recommend evacuating, our broadcasts probably helped with this, because we , of course, informed you that yesterday there was a moment when the forest protection street and its area were under the threat of flooding, practically 99% of the population, when the ministry of emergency situations arrived there, began working there, evacuated before the onset of high water, which...
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in the sixth microdistrict, where people also come up and say that they ran away from home, things were left behind warm, there are documents left, help them get it, and of course, the situation is assessed, if it is safe, and there is transport, yes, which can carry out the visit without a threat to life and health, then, of course, help is provided, and what happens in temporary accommodation centers, how much there are people there now, in what conditions are they waiting out the flood? what will help people adapt to the current conditions and help them somehow be more comfortable in the conditions while the water is still there, they bring bottled water there because they can drink tap water now not boiled of any kind. in general
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, untested water is very dangerous, and rospotrebnadzor has already issued corresponding warnings, so of course we recommend everyone to be careful with bottled and boiled water. people rallied, united, that also not someone with a bag of food, who can do anything, in general, may not please us at such a tragic moment for us. according to your data, how long will the water stand and when can we expect the level to drop? well, i note that a decrease in the level is already visible visually, i think that the water it will go away, well, for a long time, because there is so much of it as there has never been here, we predict that for another week
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its level will be like this, well, quite serious to stay in the sea, even though it is decreasing, and then, probably, we expect a more active decrease , if there are any other natural ones. factors will not intervene and add more water, which is what i would not want. thank you, we talked about the work of emergency services in flooded areas of the orenburg region with the head of the information and public relations department of the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander sitnikov. the water level in the ural river near orenburg continues to rise, and there is a threat of flooding in eight more villages, the press service of the regional government reports. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived at the scene again. our special correspondent in the region, maria valieva, is in direct contact with the studio; she joins us. masha, greetings, what is the situation now and how is the evacuation going, but judging by the footage that i see now, it is quite difficult. yes, sasha, greetings, yes, indeed the situation is up
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complicated, here in snt dubki, where we are now, the water continues to remain, so one of the owners of the house did it. even a raft like this to move around the site, because even in such a suit you can’t walk here, the depth is approximately 2 m, so you can only swim here on a raft to get to the barn to the host block, now they still remain in snt dubki people, but basically everyone evacuated, there are a few people, this is an initiative group, they are watching. what's going on here is being watched so that there are no looters, in the chat of this snt they tell all the owners of all these houses what is happening to their housing at the moment, today there was still one family left,
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there was an elderly woman with limited mobility in the house, the emergency situations ministry employees arrived quickly and helped evacuate a family with a child. with a woman. she is 91 years old, she can no longer walk, they put her on a stretcher and quickly transferred her to the car, now they are already in orenburg with relatives. thanks to the ministry of emergency situations, police, they monitor us every 2 hours, day and night, well , there don’t seem to be any looters yet, well, we have everything here it’s organized, the ministry of emergency situations comes, brings food, that’s it, i ordered this for the guys.
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to evacuate from flooded houses, they carried out elderly men and women in their arms, when the bulk of the population of snt had already been evacuated, they began to rescue animals. the difficulty was that the foal was standing in the water, almost, well , completely stuck in the water, and in their yard there was not only water, but also mud, and he apparently stood in one place for a long time, stuck in this mud, which he couldn’t even do. .. to move, we fed him, and well, we gave him apples, we gave him carrots, well, that is, we fed him so that he he calmed down, got used to us, we tied him up, and well, they pulled the rope and pushed him, he took a couple of steps, then calmly walked away, also
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according to the latest data, as of today, which is from the city administration, more than 2,000 household plots have been flooded in orenburg . plots and 1,580 households, temporary accommodation centers are now actively operating in the orbita recreation center at school number 11, they are located there. 51 people, including 19 children, all were provided with three meals a day, children with five meals a day, and the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander, also arrived in the orenburg region kurenkov, he flew over the flooded areas of the region and discussed actions to eliminate the consequences of the flood. we continue to work in orenburg, in snt dubki, the water continues to exist, continues. we will also communicate with the local residents who are here, we will definitely
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inform you promptly in the next live broadcasts about what is happening in orenburg. sasha, thank you, let’s wait, it was maria valieva, she talked about the situation in orenburg. and in the samara region the peak of the flood has already passed, the water is gradually receding from residential buildings and gardening areas. 50 households remain flooded. governor. in the samara region, dmitry azarov announced that residents affected by the flood will be paid financial assistance. my colleague olga fedorova is joining the broadcast. olga, hello, how has the situation changed over the past 24 hours? hello, yes, indeed, the flood situation in the samara region is now stabilizing; at the moment, more than 260 houses and about 200 household plots have already been freed from water. 50 houses and about 900 plots of land remain sunk, as well as seven bridges, and there is a small part of the road in pestravka, this is the south of the samara region,
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there are currently 20 people in temporary accommodation centers, including seven children, there were many times more, but now, as the situation is improving, people are returning home. almost 10,000 people and 2,000 pieces of equipment are working to eliminate the flood in the region. according to the decision of the governor of the samara region, the residents of the province who suffered from floods are indeed paid material assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles per person. applications are currently being accepted, and another 100,000 rubles will be allocated to partially compensate for the loss of property, but we hope that within a few days the situation will be resolved, colleagues, thank you, my colleague olga fedorova was in direct contact with the studio from samara. in total, there is flooding in 39 regions of russia, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. at the epicenter of the flood, in addition to orenburg, there is also kurgan, where the water is rapidly flowing. in the village area. animals on the golovskoye river tobol in 2 hours it rose almost a meter. according to forecasts, the level will rise
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to 11 m in the coming days, which is higher than in 1994, when the largest flood was recorded in the area. a state of emergency has been declared in the region. in the south of the chelyabinsk region , an embankment dam broke, but there is no threat to the villages. residents of ishim, tyumen region, called on residents to prepare for floods. flooding is also in the saratov, samara and ulyanovsk regions. but in the ural river, near orsk, the level is gradually decreasing. this is also data from the ministry of emergency situations. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you on pensions? and at vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per year. everything will work out, one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes, the internet has run out, you
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to broadcast, members of the house, representatives of the united states are returning to washington today after a two-week break in order... for this purpose , the head of the office, cameron, will even fly from london to the american capital, and the ally of the united kingdom, the fifth republic is playing with fire, starting a discussion about military intervention in ukraine, this was announced on smolensk square. our correspondent, emil mirsaev, knows whether the countries of the north atlantic alliance are ready for this. the united states fundamentally ignores russia’s statement about rejection of ukraine's membership in nato, and this despite... moscow's proposal for security guarantees, this was stated by the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. ukraine's entry into nato is unacceptable to us under any circumstances. this is a threat to russia's national security. the americans’ muttering of statements about ukraine’s membership in the alliance only confirms that the only correct option for us is the unconditional victory of the armed
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forces of the russian federation on the battlefield. stopkhranom must ultimately act instinct of self-preservation, believes in russian. in the event of the appearance of western troops in ukraine, the risk of direct armed confrontation between nato and russia increases many times over; we do not want such a development; we hope that sanity and the instinct of self-preservation will ultimately prevail in the west. in the meantime, the alliance continues to make only loud but empty statements and gestures, writes the times. nato is unable to help not only ukraine, but also the countries included in the alliance in the event of a military conflict with russia. the fact is that nato has a whole range. internal problems, the alliance command structure is in disarray, weapons stocks are low, infrastructure is inadequate, logistics are fragile and the equipment itself is outdated. in fact, as our ministry of defense said, nato mine clearing vehicles in the northern military district zone themselves are blown up by mines on defensive lines, and therefore turned out to be simply ineffective, and the actual volume of military assistance to ukraine is much less than
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politicians say. this time the volga healed olaf scholz, the chancellor keeps repeating on... the euro for kiev, in fact, they calculated deputies of the bundestag, we can only talk about 10. in the bandesphere they admit that the limit in supplies of weapons to kiev has been reached, germany’s reserves are depleted, experts note that the armed forces of germany are completely in a state of free fall, despite the special fund of 100 billion allocated last year euro. thus, berlin and other european capitals without uncle sama are powerless and cannot in any way influence... the ukrainian conflict, bloomberg writes, and therefore today the british foreign secretary will visit the united states to personally ask for 60 billion dollars for kyiv. david cameron, as noted in the foreign office, will hold negotiations with us secretary of state antony blinken, who recently promised ukraine would become a member of nato, but was immediately criticized by the american press. if
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ukraine joins nato , a new conflict with russia will very soon follow.
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vesti, berlin, germany. in krasnodar, the number of people wishing to serve under a contract is growing. at the selection point, there are hundreds of visitors every day. about 3,000 people have come since the beginning of the month alone. what kind of check pass - nikita egorov found out. with documents in hand and readiness to defend your country through the doors of the krasnodar selection point for a contract. since the beginning of the month , more than 3.00 guys have passed. take up arms. they decided after the terrorist attack in the crocus, my family and friends are afraid to go to events and this should not happen in our country, to rid our country of this evil,
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muck, which is now gaining momentum, however, even before the crocus, there were many who wanted to come to the aid of their compatriots , a thousand kuban residents are now there for the ribbon, some are going to the offensive, for about an hour, friends are helping to restore cities and villages, there is enough work for everyone, including attack aircraft. and masons, a person goes to the military registration and enlistment office at his place of registration, he is given a certain list of documents to collect that he needs to also undergo medical examination, after which a person with a personal file is ready to be sent to us at the selection point for a contract. if you decide to sign up as a contract soldier, you will have to undergo verification according to several criteria at once: firstly, you must be fully 18 years old, secondly, at least a school certificate, and also a strong health and excellent physical fitness, if for all this...
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a long period is not necessary, you can start with a minimum of a year, if you understand that defending your homeland is your calling, then the contract can always be extended. nikita egorov, artyom statyukha, vesti. visitors to the tretyakov gallery can learn about the culture and nature of tibet. an exhibition of the famous chinese artist and photographer han yuchen opened there. it was organized as part of a cultural exchange between russia and china. he will tell you how the paintings were created. news sergeeva. dozens of such different faces, children's adults, smiling and serious, those who live at an altitude of four thousand meters above sea level. as part of the cross years of culture
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between russia and china, an exhibition of tibetan works by one of the most famous painters of the 21st century, han yun, opened at the tretyakov gallery. a man of various talents, he is not only an artist, but he is a photographer, he is interested in calligraphy. he is a very successful businessman, in one person these very different qualities and talents are so combined, he did not receive, perhaps, such systematic art education, but this did not prevent him from becoming a successful artist. in ninety-six, haiyun chen visited tibet for the first time, with his camera and brush he captured the endless plateau of snow-capped peaks, but most importantly, the colorful tibetan people, who amazed him with their spiritual purity. creative.
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i was attracted by these people, their pure soul, their sincerity, openness and kindness, there my consciousness changed, i felt that every time i was rising a step higher in my spiritual development and growth. the artist has been to tibet more than twenty times, for months stayed with local residents, lived in tents on pastures, observed rituals, everyday life, during one of his walks he met this shepherdess with hundreds of braids, photographed, and then wrote one of his largest and most voluminous works, which was later received at an exhibition in france ... mr. han is from a galaxy of chinese artists who borrowed a lot from russian and soviet art, his teachers were
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students of russian artists. fed the genes of russian oil painting. this exhibition in the temple of russian art is a platform for of our peoples, and these pictures allow us to answer the question: what to work on, what to dream about next, about peace, prosperity and friendship. according to the curators of the exhibition, this project became clear evidence of the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy and soft power tools, contributing to the strengthening of friendly relations between russia and china in the long term. tibet is an absolutely amazing land, a little-known region of ours.
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let's continue to talk about floods; now the governor of the samara region, dmitry khazarov, is in direct contact with the studio. dmitry igorevich, hello hello. as i understand it, in the samara region large waters are gradually receding, this is the picture at the
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moment, how much? once again, good afternoon, i can say that the situation is indeed improving, we are recording improvement every day, over the past 24 hours the water has receded from a number of settlements, 11 residential buildings, 76 private plots have become vacant, as of today, this morning there are only 39 of us. private houses and 525 private plots were sunk - the main problem we had in the south of the region was the bolshoy river irgis and chepayevka, we made the greatest efforts there, but today the emergency mode has already been lifted almost everywhere, in one area, only in bolsheglushitsky, we have still maintained the high-alert emergency mode back in...


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