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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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i’ll tell you, the greatest achievement of astronautics, when we see the amount of work that fell, so to speak, on the shoulders of the proton and was realized with the help of the proton, we give a completely clear, objective assessment of what was created, i’m not afraid of it to say the genius of humanity, however, we need to take the next steps, the next steps, the next step in the proton class of rockets is the angara. today the proton has been replaced by the angara. modern angara is a whole family of launch vehicles, their original difference is universal modules, abbreviated as urm. angara is produced in siberia, at the omsk enterprise. yes, of course, angara has come a long way
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from the proton, if you look at the angara assembly shop, the proton assembly shop, the difference will be visible to the naked eye, because in fact, in the angara assembly shop they don’t make rockets, they make universal rocket modules here. the angara launch vehicle at the time of its development, at the time of manufacture, immediately included new technologies, new approaches. and one of the moments is... the moments became the question that the machine should be assembled universally. in depending on space tasks, rockets of different payloads can be assembled from modules, like a constructor, this simplifies production and speeds up the technological process. if we take one urm, we will get angara 1-2, if we take five urms, we will get angara 5, we can look further. for development. the main
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advantage of the angara rocket over the same proton is the fuel, which is environmentally friendly, oxygen-kerosene. these are the demands of modern times. as a general designer, i, of course, want to see deep space explored with the help of our rockets, flew to other planets, discovered new worlds. during the epoch-making soviet cosmonautics, stations to the moon, mars and venus. sent a proton, thanks to the proton, venus began to be called the russian planet, helped heavy protons and cosmonauts, delivered modules of the orbital manned stations salyut, mir and the iss into orbit. the rocket was valued for its simplicity, reliability, capability, 22 tons for low orbits, 4 tons for the highest, geostationary, heavy modern hangar.
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will continue this glorious cosmic path. angara will definitely replace the proton, that’s more, well, a perfect rocket, a safer rocket. only from a bird's eye view can one see the scale and complexity of the vostochny cosmodrome. the first rocket that... found its home in the east was soyuz-2, the most popular in the world. the soyuz launches from baikanur, the northern plesetsk cosmodrome. there is a launch complex for our rocket even in french guiana on the equator. a joint project with the european space agency. not a single rocket in the world has flown as many times as the union has launched into space. union is the most easily, let’s say, reproducible.
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the complex worked out because this was far from the first launcher, and in many ways the developments that the union had in french guiana, there at russian cosmodromes, they formed the basis of what was created in the east under the union, tested by hundreds of successful launches, the soyuz rocket opened the vostochny cosmodrome on april 28, 2016, the first launch. samur land. the soyuz-2 launch vehicle successfully launched three spacecraft into orbit . the vostochny cosmodrome began its work. 10 seconds. system parameters management. the launch was observed by the country's president, vladimir putin. he personally congratulated the launchers and all the specialists of the cosmodrome on this historical event. in order to confirm the readiness of the cosmodrome for operation, it is necessary to carry out the first launch. and you did it. congratulations, hurray,
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the builders have even more work ahead, the first stage is completed, but this is only the first stage, then it is planned, and you know about it, to build a new infrastructure for the heavy class of missiles, we are already thinking about create in the same complex infrastructure and for... for manned launches, i have no doubt that together with you we will do all this, after the first launch of the union, work began to boil again at the cosmodrome,
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construction of the launch site for the angara, they worked in several shifts, they even built a special inflatable hangar, which protected the builders from wind and frost, and... from freezing, it only seems that all launches are the same, in fact, each individual project is no less complex than the launch vehicle itself. union is package technologies, package is central side and sides, the angara is a modular design, take the central block, this is the same and also the side, which can be.
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space port, solved unusual problems and logisticians to deliver a giant launch pad, a metal structure weighing 2,000 tons and a vacuum testing facility, had to choose the northern sea route through nine seas, an event for the industry that was extraordinary, as well as for the captain of the cargo ship barens, space i ’ve never had to transport cargo, i’ve had to carry many cargo, it’s even harder to transport large ones, but for the vostochn cosmodrome. no, i haven’t, moreover, even you won’t believe it, but it’s a fact, i was named after cosmonaut valery bykovsky, our second assistant was named after yuri alekseevich gagarin, that ’s why two people named after soviet cosmonauts will bring sadness to vostochny cosmodrome, i think that this is very symbolic and very good, this is still
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graphics, a project 5 years ago, a launch complex for the angara, and this is already a reality, the launch pad, which was delivered from severo dvinsk, the rocket’s space journey will begin from here, the launch is the most durable structure at the cosmodrome, all the power of the flames of the first stage engines, which lift the rocket off the ground, will fall here. you see how many people are involved in this project, from the idea, the thought, from the pencil to the manufacturing, installation, delivery, when the system begins to come to life here. directly at the cosmodrome during setup, during testing, of course, you understand how much work has been put in and how many work teams from all over the country, from dozens of cities in our country. the launch pad for ankara, like the rocket, is universal, moreover, it is designed
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for the future; for launching a heavy hangar, various modifications, including a manned one, are also designed here taking into account modifications. hangar, it is possible that there are prospects for retrofitting the launch complex for manned transport ships, for upper stages containing a hydrogen, technological part, that is , launch vehicles will be serviced at this complex angara family with increased load capacity. this promising modification of the launch vehicle will make it possible to solve more serious problems, including work on... developing a prototype of the simulator for the future ship, here our task is to develop and practice a human machine interface, crew actions, manual control modes, that is, such a unique flight procedural stand, let's go
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see, star squad, cosmonauts who dream of flying on the angara rocket to the new orbital station ros, and then three cosmonauts and designer mark sirov could easily fit inside the new ship, the eagle
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is much larger than the union, depending on the tasks , a crew of up to six people, retractable control panels, touch screens, almost like in science fiction films, the cosmonauts must not only test the ergonomics of the ship, but also work on docking with the orbital station. special pilot seats, cosmonauts will no longer land in supports that are cast individually for each, the seat in the new ship is universal for any figure, male and female, are equipped with special soft landing systems. the chair itself is also unique, i’ll say a few words, because you see these massive struts, these are imitation shock absorbers, the chair has the ability to move in the transverse direction when overloaded, but it still has the ability. ride here longitudinally. today , the eagle’s main goal is flights to the new
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russian orbital station ros in the orbit of the moon. the moon is the seventh continent, and this seventh continent will be explored with or without us. and the question is this: we will be in should i participate in this development or not? it is on the hangar that the eagle ship will fly into space. the head fairing of a launch vehicle. a payload will be placed in it, including a manned spacecraft. the general director of the khrunichevo center, where the new rocket is being produced, shows the difference between the manned hangars to which the cosmonauts will fly and the unmanned one. at the first stage, urmas are used, as if from the angara a5 launch vehicle, it seems, with modernized engines. means the first, second stage, third stage, and then comes directly itself, which means
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a manned spacecraft with a life support system, which seems to be represented on this model, the launch of the angara launch vehicle from the vostochny cosmodrome, this is a new century, of course in russian cosmonautics, why, because for the first time, it means that russia will have a full-fledged its own spaceport, a civilian one, i emphasize... china, which is moving forward quite quickly, but is not yet at the level at which the leading space powers are, they have already built four spaceports, so this it’s normal, each task should have its own infrastructure; again, this needs to be optimized from the point of view of achieving the overall goal. the angara rocket with the new eagle spacecraft will launch from the civilian
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vostochny cosmodrome. the designers tried to introduce as much automation as possible into the launch complex in order to minimize the work of people on the site. all work that is associated with refueling fuel components and pre-launch preparations is carried out automatically without the presence of a person near the rocket. that is, people. v on the first day of removal of the launch vehicle , a diagram of the docking of the launch vehicle with ground equipment is assembled, and after that people, in general, should not be near the rocket. the cable refueling tower is the most important structure of the launch system. height 66 m, 17 levels, some retractable, like tenacious
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hands, they will wrap around the rocket and hold it on the launch pad while specialists prepare for launch. launching units are the calling card of any launch complex; it is for this unit that we have the cable refueling tower launch table everything falls into technological systems, pipelines, control systems, communication systems, with a total length of probably more... the pride of the east is a unified technical complex, a gigantic building, here under one roof there is a warehouse of blocks, an assembly testing building, a filling and neutralization station, where satellites and inter-orbital tugs, upper stages are refueled, there is no such thing at baikanur, the entire life cycle of preparing
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space rockets takes place under... the roofs of one structure, all structures in fact integrated under one roof, all this is simply easier to control, the easier it is to control, the easier it is to prepare a space rocket. it was here that the angara rocket was delivered to the technical complex for the first launch, brought disassembled and carefully packaged. at the warehouse, the blocks were unloaded, checked and the assembly was sent. the entire preparation cycle of the launch vehicle, upper stage and spacecraft from delivery to transportation to the launch site took 3 months. at vostochny, designers came up with and implemented new service units for the angara. this, for example, is an assembly slipway that
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literally spins a rocket like a bullet in the cylinder of a revolver. experts call it that among themselves. adaptation for space rockets of the angara type, a large range of work has been carried out in terms of retrofitting technical systems, gas, pneumatic, well, a set of mechanical and technological equipment has been developed, here is the complete assembly of the rocket, the connection of the space head... this is the apparatus and the upper stage with rocket stages carrier. unit movements smooth and subtle, gigantic parts must be connected with pinpoint precision. this is how, from the disassembled structures that were delivered to the eastern one at the beginning of the year, a space machine appears for flights to
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the highest orbits. this is the first rocket i've tried with. tests from start to finish. tension grows, despite external calm. in the command post, from where the main phrase “key to the start” will be heard, completing the check. about 5 hours before launch, the combat crew, who is preparing the rocket, will leave the launch pad. then the first stage is refueled in automatic mode. specialists must control this complex, dangerous process. will be from the command post, this command post is located more than a kilometer from the starting position and with the start - refueling of the product - all the personnel are located in this building, we have 257 launch crew people located here, all operations are carried out automatically, at the moment we
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are in the control panel of the technological equipment for us for tenants, this is probably the most important room. from where all our starting crews and operators will be located directly to the control command team; they will control the technological equipment directly from each workplace of operators and engineers. today, the eastern main space port of the country has recently acquired global significance. this is a different class of missiles. this is a completely new missile, a modern missile; if that missile is semi-automatic, then this one. that is why such increased attention by the president to cosmodrome. vladimir putin came to vostochny five times; in september last year he visited the technical complex and launch pad for the angara. in the new city of tsolkovsky, which is located near
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the cosmodrome, even the family recreation park was named angara. roman and veronika zavorotko chose vostochny after graduating from the university of south ural, they are cosmodrome engineers, here on vostochny a young family had a daughter, when i arrived, there was still uglegorsk, that is, it had not yet been renamed, and a new microdistrict it was just under construction, that is, the first houses here were rented out only at the end of 2015, that is, when we arrived here, no one lived here yet, nothing was inhabited. a small city that is developing, which has a future, we both feel involved in all this, if you worry about your work, empathize, it’s not just that you work, how can i express this correctly? a common goal, we have the same one, we have one result - this is the launch, the final tests showed that the complex is ready for launch,
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the rocket is transported from mika to the launch pad it’s always an impressive sight, a premonition of space, especially the removal of the amur angara, that’s how it was already christened in the city of tsolkovsky, the impression is sometimes stronger than the upcoming launch, in this. all the ground crew, as the cosmodrome specialists are called here, have a feeling of their great mission, it is here on amur soil that the space future of russia is born, from the eastern angara it will be sent into orbit. modules for the construction of the russian orbital station ros, and then a new manned spacecraft with astronauts, a new cosmodrome, new rocket, new station and
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new ship, this is a new history of russian cosmonautics. and we continue to talk about the launch of the russian angara a5 rocket from the vostochny cosmodrome, now we are joined in the studio by an academician of the russian academy of cosmonautics named after tsalkovsky, scientific editor of roscosmos media. igor marinin. igor adolfovich, hello. we are glad to see you in our studio. over the past 10 years, there have already been six launches of angara launch vehicles. three launches of a light
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rocket, three launches of a heavy rocket. but, as far as i understand, this launch is the first from the vostochny cosmodrome, because before that all six angara rockets were launched from the plesetsk cosmodrome. please explain from a technical point of view what is changing, what is the advantage of launching from the vostochny cosmodrome. what are the difficulties? well, firstly, flight design tests of this rocket are currently underway, so it flies quite rarely and mass production has not yet started, that is , now the modules are already being mass-produced in omsk, but the rocket itself is not yet mass-produced, when a serial one is produced, it will become cheaper with each launch, so as for today’s launch, these are, first of all, tests.
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it was announced there that both modules and manned spacecraft would be launched on it, special elevators would need to be built to land astronauts, the rescue system should not interfere with the structures, and so on. in addition, further improvements to this rocket will make it possible to use hydrogen-oxygen engines as the third stage, that is, using a different fuel, this will allow increasing its capacity by almost 10 tons.
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a5m, which will increase the payload capacity by about one and a half tons, it will use uprated engines, new ones on it, these modules, by the way, are already being assembled, but our hydrogen stage, in my opinion, should fly in the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth year, the first testing it, well, most likely it will be postponed, a5b, that’s right, in hangar 5 c that’s exactly what she ’s been missing since the twenty-seventh, they came up with that.
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you can make a station, the more scientific equipment you can load there, that’s all, then there is a difference - this is exactly why we are increasing the lifting capacity of the rocket and maybe we will even make a super-heavy that will launch 100 tons into orbit, we also have this in our plans, it turns out that we will be able to deliver 100 tons not only to a new one the orbit of the russian orbital station, which , as far as i understand, will be 100 km further from us, that’s right, from the surface of the earth,
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the russian orbital station, no, then... now the international space station is flying in an orbit with an inclination of 51.6°, yeah , moscow is located at a latitude of almost 65°, uh-huh, that is, the iss does not fly over moscow, and even more so they do not see the northern territory, the station is a new new station. grew, it will fly subpolarly, in a subpolar orbit at about 87, near the inclination to the equatorial plane, so it will fly not only over the entire territory of russia, but also over the arctic ocean, the northern sea route, everything will be under control, that is, it gives the advantage from the point of view of observation above the earth's surface, including observation, conducting experiments is also very interesting, we are planning, for example, to fly
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to mars, but... the issue of protecting astronauts from radiation has still not been resolved, so at this station they will conduct experiments on protection, test materials from and test medications, because that this station, due to the fact that the inclination is large, it will fly for quite a long time outside the radiation belts that now protect the iss from most of the radiation, and... this station will go beyond the radiation belts and thus the astronaut’s instruments will be exposed to long-term exposure and, accordingly , they will be tested by all means of protection, how will the life of cosmonauts in orbit change due to this? well, assuming at first it was assumed that this would be a periodically visited station, basically it should
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be. m18 months, production time for one angara launch vehicle is 5 - 27 months. why has the production time for launch vehicles increased so much? well, this is again not entirely true, because here there is a comparison with the serial production of protons, which was produced, well, the first proton flew into sixty-fifth year, further modifications, but still it was mass production, and it was very cheap, it was enough, its only drawback was
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that it was used from... quite toxic fuel was used, yeah, hydrazine, that's why kazakhstan posed a tough question so that we stop launching these rockets from baikanur, now we will shoot, we have about a dozen reserves there, that’s all, and then this proton, it has already been discontinued, instead of it we have developed the a5 launch vehicle, which ...


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