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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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now the footage from the presidential press service, how are you, good. all the word, look, your average indicators there are at a good level, the republic is actually developing quite well, thank you for your support, many programs that the government has on your instructions, we try very hard to participate in them, in my opinion, you know , i have always said that for some time our kazakhstan was for investors, it was not liked by the region, so we have resources, we have land, we have labor resources, so now actively contact us. people and enterprises are walking around,
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so thank god everything is, yeah, investment projects that would be noted a lot, you know, first of all, of course, petrochemicals, through bashneft, we have a whole number of enterprises, through gazprom neftekhimya solovat, large investment projects, they are now being formed, the design work is already at the stage, this is sodo, also in sodo we agreed that somewhere before the thirtieth year there will be up to 100 billion investments, we have taken all the pro-profit measures. territories of socio-economic development, special economic zone, so all these are coming, but you know, vladivich, we are not only large enterprises, we give a chance even to small enterprises, we have set it up in such a way that for us in the republic investors are now the main thing, probably still the person, because money comes with it, jobs come with it , overall economic development, so here we pay a lot of attention to this, please, let’s move on to talk about issues, please, i wanted to report on support.
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a large number of families, in our opinion, we organized this work properly so that every family was still under our attention, we are all regions, we learn from each other, so we looked at what support measures we ourselves can do, so here are the only republican support measures - these are 39 support measures, they are all with money, if you take it, it means that in 2 years we sent more than 7 billion rubles for support, that is, these are all specific things, well, sometimes we even...
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meet with the guys, whatever we wanted, they say we sweated, directly , we have a lot of sanatoriums, so we send them to family if he himself can’t, also with his parents and so on, that’s why they are like that, that’s why we continue to work, we will always analyze what else, what needs there are, this is the most key task, this is where we are going, vladimir vladimirovich, we have a subsurface territory in the lugansk people's republic, this is a red red ray, it so happened that it was there that our general sheimuratov died, and for us, even before all the events , for us it was a close native region, so we are actively restoring facilities there, including social education and housing and communal services, a lot, we back in may 2022, we immediately transported the asphalt plant there and, accordingly , it is still operating that way, although now we regularly visit our guys and we have to come to almost the entire territory of our new territories. the tamich roads are simply ideal roads, so well...
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and hamza harmon, even - father victor says: somewhere in the country we pray, here, then, they baptize, he cleanses and such, so - very interesting in my opinion like this, and this is practically - they've been here for 2 years already practically there with the guys on the front line and periodically i call them back on vacation to rest,
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he says: we can’t, we are going there, although they are not military, they are not in uniform, they perform this task, i thank them very much, for this reason i even wanted to share, with us there is such an artist, alexander skornyakov, in my opinion , painted such a wonderful picture: pray brother, i ’ll cover you, this just reflects what is really happening and the guys there support each other. fulfilling the first task would have been impossible if the economy had not worked, of course, this is absolutely without this, because maintaining defense capability, we are actively implementing all the tools that come through federal support, so i showed 10 clusters, that is, we have a special cluster for...
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because we still have competencies from soviet times machine tool manufacturing enterprise of the large tamaki, we have now agreed, we are already starting design work somewhere in the first half. in the twenty-sixth year we will cast frames for the machines that we are now buying in belarus, and so on. it's so difficult it seems like work, but we are doing this work, so here is the cluster policy, and the support of all our large corporations with whom we are going, in roskeh we have 11 large enterprises, this is impo, thank you very much, you signed an order to celebrate the centenary of our enterprise, so in you can also buy from belarus, which is also possible reliably, i ’ll also say two words about them later, we are very much with them. but we are working on investments, i have already said that, pay attention, we have grown over 5 years by 52% on an accrual basis, this is a lot, in fact, and this work, and every year we are increasing the volume by a larger volume, and what kind of hours are these, here are the investment hours, for me, for
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me, every thursday i gather the investment committee, no matter what happens to me, i collect, i personally receive investors, and different ones, they come and we immediately accept the decision is here... within 30 days our task is to grant the project the right to a priority investment project, within 60 days to provide land without bidding, this is the key story, and also all municipalities as of thursday are focused on accepting a smaller level, that is municipal level investment projects. vladimirevich, traditionally the agro-industrial complex of bashkartystan is really such an agricultural region, we had a decline last year, there was a subsidence.
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this is a working story for us, we will move towards this, we have regrouped, the most important thing, of course, is technical modernization, we have invested 56 billion rubles, we are constantly pushing our villagers to buy, now there are a lot of programs, with rosagroleasing we we work very efficiently because the conditions are good, by the way, including thanks to leasing, we are now buying mainly belarusian equipment, and they have all very good equipment, so this work is like this, which means it is being carried out, this is... there were meetings, i am sure that next year we will only move forward, our housing construction is not bad, housing construction has been growing all these years, by the thirtieth year, according to your instructions, we must build 4 million square m2, but we have already reached 300, so we will achieve this and
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of course measures to support mortgages and everything, but most importantly, vladimirovich wanted to thank for the shareholders, it was such a bad wound in the republic, but 10 thousand people... in our center in ufa there were such boxes that this simply loosens, i think there were also illegal things, which means equity holders appeared, we decided that out of 130 properties, only half. built, half of the payments were made accordingly, so it goes, votwich, you talked about belarus, i wanted to say two words, about belarus and kazakhstan, for us these are the main, in fact now partners, with belarus in general, everything works out very well, although we always seem to laugh, they are rb, we are also rb, but with them it goes very well, and roman aleksandrovich golovchenko and i practically meet there once a quarter, then we go to them, then they to us, now they are important to us , of course.
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this is all an investment, we managed to convince that it is interesting here, and we came up with the bashkir belarusian longevity program, what are we doing, we are compensating for the cost of tickets, and we specially organized flights from ufa for this purpose, direct to minsk, we agreed with the company, and accordingly we compensate the cost, the rest of the veterans themselves, these are mostly our pensioners and accordingly they are there, the travel company is preparing a tourist program for them, there are comfortable conditions there.
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russia and kazakhstan, so your participation will of course be socio-economic indicators of health care, they are all overwhelmingly also growing, our average life expectancy was 73.17 last year, all indicators for heart disease, cancer, external causes, infant mortality, we omitted everything, we omitted everything. now the most important task is the birth rate, this is a more difficult task, we
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probably have the same trend as a whole, until we cannot, of course, reach the birth rate level, but the rate, the rate of decline in our birth rate has decreased several times , we have an interesting fact, i can’t say how in all regions, we have increased the number of large families, that is, third births, fourth births, support measures, which are all there, they work very effectively, so here is this... you need to pay attention, of course, to the number of emergency doctors, they probably know this, there is one, we are not meeting the indicator of the national project, we will definitely fulfill it, we have adopted a whole a number of tasks and works, yes it will definitely happen, this is very important, at the same time, nevertheless, 95%, if you take it as a example, 95% of all trips last year were twenty minutes long, that is, due to logistics, we regrouped so that even with shortage we provided this high. show, because of course, when people can’t get through on the phone, this is very,
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i just wanted to show, these objects, they were not possible, these are huge, large, these are objects, here is this building 35,000 km, 20,000, here below you see, in color, this is in the village, this is a children's clinic in the dvansky district, just in the north, they have now begun to build these, so this is really very strong thanks to all the support, thanks to our efforts. i succeeded it seems that it is serious to modernize the healthcare base, these are the figures that i spoke, these are also the results of this, when we listened to the messages, we were very happy about the programs that you will continue, these are schools, but it’s very great that they added kindergartens, very great , what colleges added, because colleges now, in my opinion, will play a decisive role, because the economy requires a working specialty, and, accordingly, requires people who...
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we are building a campus, first of all, we completed it, it turned out to be a good campus, v first of all , the three universities that are there have already begun to actively work, we will begin to build a large facility in the near future, these are seven towers in... there will be such, this is what it is, we tried to make the architecture interesting, so in this part all these the support measures that exist, vladimirovich, i remember the first question, when i met with you back in 1919, i just asked for support in terms of universities, we have implemented and we have three universities in the program priority and laboratories, and youth and megalaboratory, in general, in all ratings
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, the higher education system looks very good and young people have taken it. yeah, we ’ve created such an interesting program that we allocate 200 million a year for young students, graduate students and teachers specifically for internships or for improving living conditions, for example, payment of the first part of the mortgage or even some kind of rental housing , and we are dealing with these issues, here is vladimirevich, so in general i wanted to say that the republic is developing quite intensively and i emphasize everything socio-economic indicators too.
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international and regional issues were also touched upon in the president’s conversation and confirmed the mood to strengthen cooperation. as a result of this conversation , vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev instructed the prime ministers to synchronize work to combat floods. dmitry peskov reported this. the president's press secretary emphasized that the russian leader regularly receives information from... there is constant direct contact with residents at all levels of municipal and regional authorities. population, all public information systems have been deployed, all relevant hotlines have been deployed, volunteers are directly providing assistance, but first of all, of course, under the leadership of the headquarters, which is headed by the ministry of emergency situations,
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our rescuers work selflessly; at first there was a rather difficult situation with the evacuation. many people at first refused to go for evacuation, despite all the urgent requests of our rescuers, then in the harshest conditions they had to return, all the same, of course, this people were helped, but under much more difficult conditions, and this work will continue, of course, especially since difficult days are still ahead for the kurgan and tyumen regions, water goes there, putin is constantly dealing with these issues throughout the day. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you
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want. mom, guess who came out today on...
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1:53 pm
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1:54 pm
at the all-russian forum in moscow, including the digital transformation of the economy, cybersecurity, and the use of artificial intelligence. at work of the forum my colleague philip trofimov is watching, he joins the broadcast. philip, welcome, who is among the forum speakers. good afternoon, well... the russian forum on internet governance, and this is the fourteenth such forum, it has been held since 2010, this is a rather important event for the industry, now there is a short break, but quite recently the heads of the relevant administration structures were on this stage the president, the state duma, the ministry of digital development, those who are responsible for , strictly speaking, technical support the performance of the internet, it is important to understand that the russian forum is part of the global forum, the head of... the relevant division of the united nations spoke here today. of the decisions that have already been accomplished, this is the expansion of the number of companies that have signed a declaration on
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a responsible attitude towards artificial intelligence, this is a document that describes the general principles by which it makes sense to build and, most importantly, use neural networks, so that they do not harm anyone, signing took place as expected for such a declaration in digital form, however...
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first they appear at the national level ; in fact, ideas are selected here, since this is part of the global forum, then some ideas and proposals are transmitted to the regional level, then they reach the global forum on internet governance, which will be held later this year in saudi arabia. the internet
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was created by engineers. romantics, the eighties, they did not think that this technology would fall into the hands of attackers will be used by scammers. it is clear that with the development of internet technologies, with the way it began to be used in general, well, in everyday life, we are faced with the other side of the coin, the challenge of phishing attacks, dosatak, the use of the internet in hybrid wars, of course, this is in at the forefront, in particular, of course, at our russian national forum, if we are talking about exactly the theme of this year, this is preparation for
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now economic news, briefly. russian banks may earn record levels this year 3.5 trillion rubles of net profit. this forecast was published by the nkr rating agency. the drivers of growth will remain mortgages and corporate lending. the average annual value of the central bank rate is expected to be within 15.5%. as for economic growth, the forecast is plus 15% with inflation at 4.5. in the first quarter, sbir received 360.4 billion rubles in net profit, an increase of almost 4% compared to last year, as stated in the ras report. the bank's return on capital is 22%. the total loan portfolio exceeded 39 trillion rubles, depositor funds exceeded 34. finally in the quarter, almost 109 million people and more than 3 million companies were sber's clients. the agricultural company agrotera was transferred to the temporary management of the federal property management agency.
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signed the decree on the transfer of assets. president vladimir putin. the actual owner of the group is a holding company from the netherlands. its cost is estimated at 23 billion rubles. let me remind you that a year ago a decree was issued on the seizure of foreign assets in response to the confiscation of russian property in the united states and other countries. the measure affected the companies fortum, danone, rolf and others. and subsidiary structures visa and master card in russia has sharply improved its financial performance, despite the cessation of work in the country. so mastercard. at the end of the year , it earned more than 5 billion rubles in net profit against a two-billion-ruble loss a year earlier. visa for the year reduced losses six times from 120 million rubles to 20. according to the businessman, the reason is a radical reduction in expenses and revaluation of foreign currency assets. despite the work stoppage, companies are not yet planning to close their divisions. it was economic news. short.
2:00 pm
residents of the flooded areas of orsk will be able to live in neighboring municipalities until the water recedes. their houses will not be put in order; this issue is now being resolved by the regional authorities. the situation in the city still remains difficult, the water level has dropped, but weather forecasters promise rain. our correspondent stanislav bernvat is monitoring the development of the situation on the ground, he is now in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, greetings, what is the situation at this hour and how are they helping the victims? yes, yur, hello, let's start with the most current information that the authorities publish in temporary accommodation centers in...


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