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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, we... we continue a series of strategic sessions, on behalf of the president, we are forming a supply-side economy, it is aimed at creating in our country the most modern industrial capacities of industries, primarily around promising technologies. to do this , it is necessary to update the infrastructure and build up productive forces with a balanced labor market provided with qualified personnel. our proactive policy is here
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should contribute to the solution of a number of systemic tasks that were identified by the head of state, primarily the achievement of technological and financial sovereignty, as well as strengthening food security, it is necessary to further increase russia’s role in global trade, but first of all, to ensure domestic demand through the supply of non-resource products , achieve further improvement in the quality of life of our citizens. the measures ... taken by the government last year gave good results, they visible in the dynamics of the gross domestic product and the positive changes that have occurred in many sectors, we discussed them in detail last week as part of the annual report of the government in the state duma, at the beginning of the twenty -fourth year the growth trend has not changed, our economy continues to develop confidently assessment of the ministry of economic development.
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years, the basis for such changes is the creation of demand for new russian goods and services, consumer activity is growing, this is clear in terms of retail trade turnover, it increased by more than 12% in february, after about 9% in january. unemployment again reached a historical low of 2.8%. it is necessary to support this attitude, guided primarily by the program for...
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national development, which the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly; by 2030, russia should enter the top four largest economies in the world in terms of parity and purchasing power; of course, we must act very actively immediately several directions: first of all it is important to ensure an accelerated expansion of the influx of investments, especially in capital-intensive industries, in projects of technological and industrial sovereignty. formation of the labor market to create a system that would allow more flexible retraining of personnel in accordance with the needs of our economy. we also need to increase the efficiency of the real sector and continue to improve labor productivity. we have a corresponding national project operating here, which covers last year there were almost 6.0 companies employing about one and a half million people. it is also necessary to provide.
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the necessary event must be approved as soon as possible. these were personnel from the government's coordination center. mikhail mishustino spoke at the strategic session of economic development. now, to the messages that are coming in at these moments, vladimir putin spoke by telephone with the governor of the arinburg region, who reported on the fight against the flood and its consequences in the region and, as a result of the conversation, the head of state decided to send minister of construction and housing and communal services irek fayzulin to the disaster zone. this was announced by the press secretary
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of the russian leader dmitry peskov. in moscow , the registration of cars has been suspended, as well as the issuance of replacement driver's licenses, as explained by the state traffic inspectorate, the reasons are technical. there are glitches in the operation of the software, now experts are trying to solve the problem, this is how the situation was commented on by the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of the capital. due to a technical failure software in the department of the state inspection of the city of moscow has temporarily suspended the provision of public services for registration of vehicles and replacement of driver's licenses. specialists from specialized departments are taking measures to eliminate the causes of the technical failure. we ask citizens to treat the situation with understanding and refrain from visiting territorial divisions of the state traffic police. of the city of moscow in the coming hours, the resumption of the provision of public services by state traffic inspectorate units in full will be additionally reported. the operating hours of the departments will be extended to accommodate all citizens who apply. in turkey , the construction of the first power unit of the sakuyu nuclear power plant, which is being built with the participation
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of russian specialists, has almost been completed. commissioning work has begun on the unit, which is personally supervised by the head of rusatom, alexey likhachov. according to him , the unit could begin generating energy as early as next year. which one is the first in turkey? work on the nuclear island is progressing as planned, this year we will fully check all systems, both the primary circuit and hydraulic ones. we will conduct tests, load simulators directly into the reactor, and do everything so that next year the first block of akuclear will become part of the reactor.
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residents of gagauzia who live here in russia will receive additional, special, let’s say, services from the bank at a separate tariff, under a separate program, so that, as they say, they can expand the scope of this , this humanitarian, like
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it is said that such humanitarian support is available in the department of health and social security, otherwise it is gauzia. here are pensioners, sign a contract by the latest, by may 1, we already want gaguuzia, namely pensioners, state employees to be able to get what they deserve, to improve the lives of the residents of the ggu autonomy, we asked the leadership. connection of the bank so that we can provide the residents of gogluzi, and humanitarian assistance, that is, additional financing from our partners, one hundred percent originals
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they took the ninth ford, which appears in various documents as either ponard or dona, took it on the basis of this particular fort , and compiled a detailed brochure describing fortifications of this kind. and how to actually storm them. detailed plans, assault training on the model, all this was done, but the fifth fort was very powerful. on april 5 , artillery fire destroyed the fortification only partially. this is where the assault began and the red army soldiers were not immediately able to cross the ditch. sappers worked under enemy fire. after 2 days, at night they were able to lower the crossing means into the ditch. a terrible battle inside
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the fort took place at night, only on the morning of april 8 , the german garrison capitulated. the assault on the fifth fort lasted 3 days, it was the most difficult, for this assault 15 soldiers of the 43rd army of the third belarusian front were awarded titles of hero of the soviet union. the red army's offensive in january 1945 extended from the baltic sea in the north to the carpathians in the south, and the east pruzian operation, which began on january 13, was one of the components of this grandiose and rapid offensive. they took part in it.
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houses were turned into defensive structures, streets were blocked by barricades, specially created dug trenches, trenches between houses, houses were connected to each other by passages, basements and 2 months of hard work, the headquarters of the third belarusian front worked on sturmberg, subunits were sent there, which... where there are passages that german units left for themselves, secrets, so-called, reconnaissance and sabotage groups were sent directly to the city of kunexberg itself. by the time the red army approached the prussian capital, the main part of the city was destroyed, responsibility for this lies with the british royal air force. the raids took place in august 1944; if the first raid occurred on
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the outskirts, then the second on the center. 100 thousand civilians lost their homes, several thousand... died, each of the raids involved just under two hundred heavy four-engine caster bombers, which dropped about 5 hundred tons of bombs, of which about a third were high-explosive fragmentation bombs and 2/3 were incendiary bombs, this was done in order to to cause a so -called fire tornado, when the city begins to burn, all this was carried out according to the so-called duet doctrine, which was developed in the interwar period. period and read something like this: it is necessary to inflict irreparable moral damage on the enemy, destroying his communications, destroying his means of control, logistics, and thereby forcing him to withdraw from the war. kant island with the cathedral and tomb of the great philosopher. now the island is open, a park has been developed here. in 1944 it
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was completely built up with wooden houses, which burned down after the bombing. the 14th century cathedral was practically. destroyed, miraculously the tomb of immanuel kant remained intact. a soviet officer wrote over the grave: “now you know that the world is material.” in soviet military schools they studied marxist philosophy. this is the only surviving model of the strategic operations of the red army and the fourth model of the assault on köniksberg. for this purpose, aircraft flew over the area and 40 thousand photographs were taken. 20 newsreels, and then marshal vasilevsky, marshal bagramyan, generals, regimental division commanders, corps commanders stood over the model and conducted training and thought about how our forty -third, fiftieth and eleventh armies would advance, around him stood artillerymen, tankmen, aviators, yes , they were shown, here you are
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fly, here you are bombing, here is your artillery striking such an area, you see, the front line was changing, if we... let's see, we first see you a belt of forts, yes, here they are our famous forts, then the next one moved on, let's say , there on the seventh, you should be here, and those armies should be here, and we should meet around near the upper lake and where we have the intar museum, but the circle should be closed, that’s it, the end is capitulation, and - most importantly, let’s say, in tactics, soviet - groups, assault troops that attacked in fairly narrow areas, they broke through the defenses, followed by the rest of our units. kyuniksberg
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had to be taken, because the british, americans, and their allies dreamed of sending their troops here for 30 years. in addition, it was an iconic city for germany, konixberg, prussia, home of the german guard, the regular german fleet. the germans fought especially fiercely for this city. militia units. sturm were created on october 14, 1944, they were elderly people or boys 13-15 years old, bad trained and poorly equipped. if in other cities of germany the volkssturmists were engaged in clearing the rubble, then in könecksberg they went out on the street with false cartridges on their shoulders and disposable anti-tank grenade launchers. fanatical, they were ready to die for hitler and their prussia, just like the regular german military. here it is appropriate to say that the king of prussia with...
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16 hectares, it is located in the center of the city, there are 260 species of animals, peacocks in huge enclosures, winter pavilions for giraffes , elephants, complex terrain made for...
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so that the animals could feel more at ease and more familiar, this terrain and the deep stream became an obstacle to the advance of the red army soldiers. on april 8, 1945 , a very difficult battle took place here. this is the bridge the red army soldiers needed to take from below.
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knows here about the assault on kuniksberg. the bear rock or bear enclosure was built in 1936 and survived the fighting at the zoo during
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the assault on kuniksberg in april 1945. these stones contain traces of shots, but ballistics experts have yet to determine what weapon they were made from. the bunker museum is located in the center of koleningrad; it was opened to visitors in 1968 at the request of veterans of the assault on kennicksberg. descent underground to a depth of 7 m. concrete walls, corridor, very small rooms. a bunker with all the amenities, but far from the luxury of where the fuhrer’s last hours of life passed. this shelter was built hastily, on the night of march 6-7, 1945, the headquarters of the commandant’s office of the georgsberg garrison, headed by infantry general ottalyazh, moved here. wehrmacht general hans mikoz came here with his headquarters. when to escape from... splashing
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the building of the university of koenigsberg, which was occupied by the ss. on april 9, already after lunch, von lyash decided that he needed to surrender, but he did not sign the act of surrender for a very long time, because he understood that as soon as he signed, they would come for him from the neighboring building. through proxies, lyash sent the package to the eleventh guards division of nikolai tsyganov. this is footage from a reconstruction film filmed by the museum. on them we see how to look into a bunker. parliamentarians came to led by lieutenant colonel pyotr yanovsky, the head of the exhibition, mikhail badamshin, at one time asked yanovsky about this historical moment. i asked, you were probably very proud that you had such an honor, to which he replied: no, i was very afraid, i didn’t believe it, he said, comrade general, you are an officer, you have served so much, a member of the finnish company, you have been awarded. “well, i don’t think
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you were celebrating a coward there, he says, the war was ending, i just got married, i have a beautiful wife, we recently got married, i gave her a captured ladies’ pistol, a wedding one.” a gift, here you are in the enemy’s mouth and you don’t know whether you will get out of there, lyazh intended to surrender personally without headquarters, but then the sesovites tried to break into the bunker, lyazh hurried and was captured comfortably, for example, he was very worried about his leather coat and bear skin. the things were taken by car behind him. here are the chronicles of lyash, mikash and alexander vasilevsky, commander of the third belarusian front. the garrison of the don tower in the city center stopped resisting only on april 10, after lyash signed surrender. but these are probably the most famous shots. a red flag flies on the don tower. many years later it became known that one of those who destroyed the banner was
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mikhail from tombov. they were evicted from here centrally, they were given some time to collect a certain amount of things that they could take with them, and after that they were centrally exported to eastern germany. there is no more kennicksburg, the stronghold of the prussian military. there is kaliningrad. the soviet union thus received an ice-free port in the southern baltic, seriously a destroyed city, which in 1946 was
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renamed kaliningrad. was restored by the whole country, they decided not to restore the royal castle on the hill, parks appeared in place of many completely knocked out neighborhoods, the cathedral on kant island was restored in the late 1990s, it was you who stole your grandfather’s dirk at the age of 7, the men from the yard told you this fighter, you were never afraid of a fight, it’s with you, she’s calm everywhere. it's you that friends can always rely on, it's you who can't stay away, it's you, and here you, among your own people, are great.
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we continue the news review: germany has begun transferring its military to lithuania, as stated by the german ministry of defense, by 2027 the brigade should be fully combat-ready. and the kremlin has already called this the creation of another source of tension. we will discuss this and... other topics with the deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chezhov , now in direct contact with the studio. vladimir alekseevich, hello. good afternoon. the first soldiers from the german brigade arrive in lithuania as part of the expansion of nato presence. in a year or two it is planned to reportedly station 5,000 german soldiers there. tell me, how do you evaluate these maneuvers? well, that's basically to follow.


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