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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly: the profits of russian banks this year may exceed the record result of 2023, deputy chairman of the central bank olga polikova stated this at the ban conference. transformation of the economy. back in march, the regulator expected sector revenues of no more than 2.800 billion rubles. the current forecast is at least half a trillion more. in the first quarter, sbr received 364 billion rubles of net profit. growth compared to last year by almost 4%. this is stated in the ras report. the bank's return on capital is 22%. the total loan portfolio exceeded 39 trillion rubles. a there are more depositors' funds. at the end of the quarter
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, almost 109 million people and more than 3 million companies were sberbank clients. visa and master card subsidiaries in russia have sharply improved their financial performance, despite the cessation of work in the country. thus , at the end of the year, mastercard earned more than 5 billion rubles in net profit, against a two-billion-dollar loss a year earlier. visa for the year reduced losses six times from 120 million rubles to 20. according to the data. the reason is a radical reduction in expenses and revaluation of foreign currency assets. despite the stop work, companies are not yet planning to close their divisions. and the financial times called the situation in european ports chaos. they are crowded with cars and look more like parking lots. the reason is the increase in car imports with a general drop in demand. the publication notes that last year supplies from china alone grew by 58%. distributors increasingly.
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use port car parks as warehouses instead of storing cars at dealers. this is due to logistical problems, including a shortage of drivers trucks. cars can sit idle for a year and a half until they are sold. it was economic news, briefly. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, apect can help. he contributes. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist debt, open
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a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. one of my friends decided relax where there is no connection. and then he catches it? yes, i'll call you back later. i can not do it anymore. now let's take this photo for my followers. where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because there’s a megaphone. even here , the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed picks up the megaphone, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that at the karcher washing megamarket for only 26,390 rubles. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw, 10 rubles for every ticket sold. will transferred to works of mercy. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. the real legend is immediately visible. it’s
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almost impossible to touch, but not for you, this is your legendary alfa bank credit card, order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and... not just profitable, alpha is profitable. these are the hands of dima belov, they think that in a month they will be able to operate a complex digital machine and they think correctly, because dima is a professional graduate. we will teach you to think for yourself hands. choose college program.rf, leading employers are already waiting for our graduates. professionalism. you're in good company. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, try
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the revived taste! votter, burgers taste better on fire! lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 expert in liver cleansing and restoration. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the same as you. if you want, feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, if possible, the pace of
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housing construction and the solution to the problem of defrauded shareholders in bashkiria, vladimir putin and the head discussed. we also talked about the development of the economy of large enterprises, investments in assistance to new regions, and of course, we touched upon the issue of supporting svo participants and their families. anastasia efimova will tell you more about the results of the conversation. 39 regional support measures worth more than 7 billion rubles over 2 years. specific forms of assistance to participants in a special military operation. they try not to leave any family unattended, while simultaneously continuing work on the sponsored territory in the city of krasny luch, lugansk
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people's republic. in may 2022, we immediately transported the asphalt plant there and , accordingly, it still operates like that, although now... we are regularly on the road for our guys, so we drive fast. wanted we visit and have to come to almost the entire territory of our new territories, the roads there vladimirovich are simply ideal , just to share, we had such an interesting experience, here it was - this is how it happened, when it all started, the guys turned to us so that we could have clergy there, but it’s interesting here, we are a muslim orthodox republic and we sent both of them, i bought them cars, they always drive together, father victor.
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machine tool cluster, so the republic is starting to create its own at the beginning of 2026, he plans to independently produce what is currently being bought in belarus. at the same time, the region is actively attracting investors, both large ones in the republic’s traditional oil and chemical industries, and small entrepreneurs. everyone is welcome. pay attention, we have grown 52% over 5 years, cumulatively, this is a lot, in fact, and this work is done every year. we are increasing the volume by a larger volume and what kind of hours are these? these are investment hours for me. for me, every thursday i gather the investment committee, no matter what is happening to me, i collect it myself personally. different investors come and we immediately make a decision, within 30 days our
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task is to grant the project the right , accordingly, a priority investment project within 60 days to provide land without bidding, this is the key story, the region is not only... earning money, but still agricultural, despite the decline indicators of last year, the june frosts were to blame, big plans, 56 million were invested in modernization... we are talking primarily about modern technology and the traditional priority is the social sphere. not bad here housing construction, all these years housing construction has been going on vladirovich, health care, the vast majority of them are also growing, our average life expectancy was 73.17 last year, we have an interesting fact, i can’t say how it is in all regions , we have increased the number of large families, that is...
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and i’m ready to continue my work, my term of office expires in the fall, in this regard, i wanted to ask, if you have your trust, to continue this work, i would like the plans that i have here i tried to ensure this pace of development of the republic, but i will certainly be guided by your decision, your trust, in general everything turns out to be a lot of plans, and the results are good, so... for my part i will do everything to support you, but it’s a choice, of course , will be for the people, we need to work with people, especially during
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this period, directly meet more often, listen, because you still can’t see or hear from the workers’ offices, we need to work closer with people, get feedback, and also the region develops international relations, the main foreign partners belarus and kazakhstan, together with which, by the way, this year in ufa they will hold... an interregional forum; as the head of the republic emphasized, the president is, of course, expected to visit. anastasia efimova, lead. artificial intelligence development strategy, cybercrime and internet security, data governance and the global digital compact. all this is being discussed by participants in the russian internet governance forum, which opened in moscow. my colleague philip trafimov monitors the work of the forum. russian forum on internet governance, and this is already the fourteenth such forum, it is held with...
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some decisions have been accomplished - this is an expansion of the number of companies that have signed a declaration of responsible attitude towards artificial intelligence, this is a document that describes the general principles on which the point is to build and most importantly use neural networks so that they do not harm anyone. the signing took place as expected for such a declaration in digital form, albeit on stage, but company representatives came out and signed their names using state key applications from your mobile phones. devices, this is a relatively compact document, and this is an initiative, in fact,
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of industry and the scientific community, that is , a kind of initiative from below, but the state duma and legislators are also looking towards artificial intelligence. we see how artificial intelligence is developing, and it is necessary to consolidate not only ethical norms, not only certain principles and rules, but a legislative basis, because just like the internet as a whole, artificial intelligence. conceals within itself both obvious advantages and serious threats and risks, we need to anticipate them in advance, well , imagine what it would be like if, having invented the internal combustion engine and transferred people to cars, we did not provide for traffic lights, traffic police officers, road markings, rules street traffic , this would probably lead to complete chaos to massive to mass tragedies, if we talk about the traditional part of the internet, today we talked a lot about...
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using, we are faced with the other side of the coin, and the challenge of phishing attacks, dosatak, the use of the internet in hybrid warriors, of course, is at the forefront, in particular, of course, at our russian national forum, if we are talking about this particular topic of this year, this is the preparation of a global digital agreement, which has been discussed at the un level for several years , and which is expected to be signed in
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2025, this is the very first legally binding document that should... how to improve the quality of life in cities, a special index allows you to assess the level of a favorable environment for business residents, smart comprehensive landscaping and carefully crafted masterplans are already changing the situation. for the better, what changes do the regions need and how is this work carried out? watch the report by maria kudrevtseva, immediately after the advertisement. for headaches, there is askafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache.
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100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avita premium. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. at bigfest hamburger for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. this is not necessary. it needs to be like this, like this, like this. it's clear? i understand.
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so, at the megamarket, a karcher car wash costs only 26,390 rubles. tufun eye drops. created specifically for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes. toufon - triple action for eye health. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off. shopping or getting rid of credit card debt easy with halva. hello, i am a bank employee. wait for the transfer, you usually call, oh, i can’t get through to you now, of course, you have the safest operator, we’ll warn you about unwanted or blocked calls, enable call protection in the my security service in the beline app for free, guess who, there’s already no you can handle me, belain is the safest operator,
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every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card. feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and hego, every month you can yota. how to assess the quality of the urban environment 6 years ago? a special index was first presented, it is calculated based on thirty-six indicators, from safety to road quality, which is important, this rating is not city ​​competitions, it shows the vector
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of further development on the ground. to make decisions that will change the face of megacities and small towns, create economic and business opportunities, and improve people's lives, it is important to understand weaknesses and ways to improve the situation. index coverage on... this is the result of working on mistakes using a variety of mechanisms and tools, including those responsible for the development of the housing sector in the country, the state company domrf. share of cities with favorable environment 5 years increased to 68%. their number reached 759. the average index value was 200 points. compared to the nineteenth year, it increased by 18%. i would especially like to note that all three achieved indicators are above the planned values ​​of the national project. for comparison, when
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the index was first calculated based on the results of 2018, the share of cities with a favorable environment was approximately three times less, 23%. what is important is that the index connects national and federal projects with local programs, because synchronous development of cities in key areas, infrastructural, social, cultural, all this allows not only to create a new level of comfort, but also to maintain the interest of investors. this is how this integration worked, it allows city teams to make the right management decisions, where it may be necessary to place a bus stop, where to lay out a park, where to create that point of attraction in the city that will attract all absolutely residents, and of course to implement this as one national project impossible, so we can safely say that the index includes precisely... those important indicators of all national projects implemented in the country. but this is not only about assessment, but about mechanisms for improving people’s quality of life. a simple example. the index is noticeably higher in those cities
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for which the russian federation is developing a master plan or financing the construction of housing and infrastructure facilities. domrf, at the request of the regions, is now doing a lot of work. in general, we started it probably five years ago to develop master plans not only for large territories, but for small public spaces. here. we try not only the experience of moscow, but also apply international experience in order to find the best solution for small towns, medium-sized cities, large cities, and we have already proposed more than 300 such solutions, more than 100 have already been implemented, in 2023 we held an international competition for the development of master plans the city of grozny, the winner’s idea to improve the connectivity of the territory, including connecting city districts into a single network of public spaces using a green frame, chechnya will become the first...
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population growth directly affects the economy of the region as a whole, the master plan, it, in principle, absorbs all areas of development; for the city of grozny, as one of the leaders in the quality of the urban environment, this can be called a second wind. regions, in particular regional municipal authorities, began to listen to people, how the quality index is determined, measurements taken , photographs taken in certain places, people’s opinions. about the satisfaction of their public spaces, and listening to their opinion, we began to create simply those very objects that in the future provide a positive factor
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increasing the index of the quality of the urban environment, that is, people’s satisfaction, it’s all just the geography of master plans from kaliningrad to the far east, by the way, such development strategies are already ready for twenty-two far eastern cities and agglomerations; in his message to the federal assembly, vladimir putin suggested: adding an even more list of tasks 200 cities and towns throughout the country. landscaping helps attract tourists. accordingly, tourists create additional added value for various city services, new ones are created jobs in trade in the catering industry. but in addition, the most important point is that any quality improvement means a sporty, correct, healthy lifestyle, and therefore an improvement in demographics. people stay longer in their city. makes fewer negative decisions about moving to another city for work, because it’s nice and good here in your city, here you want to realize your plans, and so on, so on. or maybe
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someone else will come on the contrary. another way to make cities more comfortable is train specialists who can cope with this task. in 2018, on behalf of the president, the architects of the russian federation program was launched. every year, 100 specialists are selected from all over. russia, which gets acquainted with the best world practices. one of the graduates, alena protosevich, is now the chief architect of the chuvash republic. chebaksary, in particular, is a very convenient, green, compact city, where it is convenient to live, raise children, and how you can open the website of the ministry of construction, look and choose where you would like to live, yes, that is this is such a hint that besides how you realize yourself there from the point of view of the profession, from the point of view of raising children there
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and... spending time there is better where the index is higher, the urban environment is in many ways an invention, we were inspired for a long time there european examples, well, in russia there are also quite a lot of such examples, in order to create a truly special urban environment, you need to understand, as we say, the spirit of the place, understand what is really unique about it , try through planning, architectural and construction solutions, really create a unique environment, make it comfortable, experience and competence. domr, according to experts, will help fulfill the goal for 2030, increase the average index value by one and a half times and increase the share of cities with a favorable environment by up to 80%, so that the standard of living will ultimately increase anywhere in the country.
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24 right now the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovko , here’s what we’ll tell you about. difficult flood situations persist in several regions. vladimir putin keeps the situation under control orenburg, the minister of construction and housing and communal services was sent. what tasks are facing him, we will tell you about what is happening in the kurgan region, where about 60 settlements are in the flood zone. for the third day in a row, the ukrainian armed forces are launching drone strikes with explosives at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, each new arrival is more dangerous than the previous one, a provocation that threatens a nuclear disaster. moscow is waiting for a reaction from the international community, because there is general security in kanu, it is necessary to urgently take measures against the crimes of the kiev mode. and while ukraine is delivering chaotic,
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indiscriminate strikes, the russian army. germany began to transfer its military to lithuania, why, what is the bundeswehr seeking, and how did the kremlin react to this? and we’ll talk about other areas of the external political agenda, how nato sees the development of the ukrainian conflict, and what does gagauzia have to do with it?


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