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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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targeting objects connected to the ssu. largely thanks to this, our fighters consistently occupy advantageous positions. what is the situation in different areas of the special operation? and in russia this year they managed to prevent 27 terrorist attacks. the head of the fsb chaired a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee today. alexander bortnikov dwelt in detail on the actions of ukrainian radicals, including their direct participation in the krokusekholi, which is undeniable. germany began to transfer its military to lithuania. for what, what is the bundeswehr trying to achieve and how did they react to this in the kremlin? and we’ll talk about other areas of the foreign policy agenda, how nato sees the development of the ukrainian conflict, and what gagauzia has to do with it. so, we are starting the main facts
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right now, starting with urgent messages that at these very minutes are arriving on the news feeds of news agencies with a link to the investigative committee. so, at the request of deputies after the terrorist attack in crocus, the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and nato countries, a message from investigative reference. one more red line: money that came through organizations, in particular the ukrainian burisma holding, was used for terrorist attacks in russia, to eliminate prominent figures, burisma, a ukrainian company, a ukrainian company that has long been familiar from energy scandals , including direct connections with the united states of america . we will follow the information from the investigative committee. for now, on to other topics, vladimir putin is on the phone.
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discussed with my colleague from kazakhstan kasym zhamart takaev the floods in the border areas regions of both countries. the leaders agreed to cooperate more actively in eliminating flooding. the kremlin press service reports this. also, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the situation with floods in russian regions remains the focus of attention of the president of the russian federation. the leader regularly receives information from the regions. all public information systems have been deployed. all relevant hotlines have been deployed, assistance is directly provided by volunteers, well, first of all, of course, under leadership of the headquarters, which heads the ministry of emergency situations. and our rescuers work selflessly. at first, the evacuation situation was quite difficult. many people initially refused to evacuate, despite all the urgent requests of our rescuers. difficult days are still ahead for the kurgan and tyumen regions. the water goes there. i don't
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constantly deal with these issues all day long. more than 10,500 residential buildings were sunk as a result of floods in the regions. in the kurgan, orenburg, tyumen regions it was announced emergency mode. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, called on residents in areas of possible flooding to evacuate in time. authorities in neighboring kazakhstan also say the current floods are the worst in more than 80 years. the forecast is worsening in the kurgan region , more than 19,000 people are in the zone of possible flooding; it is expected that the water level in the tobol river will exceed 11 m and may be higher than the record values ​​of 1994, while in the area of ​​the village of zverina golovskoye the water rose to 8 m. well, now again to ribbons news agencies, yes, for example, there is a message from... a link to the minister of health
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mikhail murashk, he notes that medical institutions that are located in flood zones have been evacuated, patients have been transferred to other institutions, this is reported with reference to the minister, reports the tas agency, and there is also a message supplementing the last ones, the last message with a link to the investigative committee in the framework of the case of financing terrorism, the investigative committee. the committee checks the sources of income and movement of money in the amount of several million dollars, the message, let me remind you, with reference to the investigative committee, and earlier we reported that the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case in connection with the appeal of state duma deputies about the financing of terrorism by the united states and the nato group, the nato alliance, nato countries, about this the press service of the department reported that an investigation was carried out on... this request from state duma deputies about
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the financing of terrorist activities by senior officials of the united states and nato countries. moreover, now the news agencies messages with a red mark are received. we cannot ignore them, which relate not only to the matter of financing terrorism through ukrainian structures as a whole nato, but there are also messages that relate directly to floods, and also with reference to the ministry of energy, within the framework of the case, excuse me, please, russia completely fulfills contracts for the supply of motor fuels to friendly countries, and the ministry of energy also reports that it refutes the discussion of the supply of kazakh gasoline to the russian market.
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on intestinal infections in the kurgan region, to analyze the epidemiological situation , we have previously encountered questions in orenburg, in kurgan, what is the situation? yes, good afternoon, once again, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the kurgan region is currently stable, the incidence of intestinal infections, including viral infections, is below the long-term average, which is currently being monitored by the rospotrebnadzor department. strong control over, can you hear me? yes, yes, of course, i can hear you perfectly, yes, at the moment, the department of rospotrebnadzor carries out enhanced control over the sanitary and epidemiological situation, in connection with the flood situation in the region, daily, daily
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monitoring of the quality of drinking water safety according to sanitary-chemical, microbiological, virological indicators is carried out, at the moment all drinking water that...
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yes, since april 9, all schools have been switched to remote mode, so the bulk of temporary accommodation centers are located on the basis of schools, the rospotrebnadzor department, service specialists monitor
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water supply, food in temporary accommodation centers, compliance with, well , basic rules for housing hygiene, and currently make comments on the work of temporary temporary accommodation centers on the territory.
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statements by the investigative committee regarding the sources of financing for the terrorist attack in krokos
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city hall. let's see the full commentary of the investigative committee regarding the financing of terrorism by senior officials of the united states and nato countries. based on the results of an inspection organized in connection with the group’s appeal state duma deputies and other persons, the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism. it was established that the funds received. through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, over the past years, have been used to carry out terrorist attacks in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. consequence in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, sources of income are checked. and further cash flows of several million us dollars. involvement of specific individuals from
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among government officials, public and commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, through investigative operational means, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors are worked out. we will be now one way or another. return from one topic to another, now let's continue to talk directly about floods again. the most difficult situation still remains in the orenburg region, over 10,000 residential buildings and more than 12,000 household plots were flooded, almost 6,500 people were evacuated. the water level in the ural river in the orenburg region has reached 9 m. the peak is predicted for april 10. the vorsk water level has begun to decline, and electricity supply is being gradually restored in the city. from today we are telling you and showing you that we
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are opening three separate medical centers for temporary stay, this will concern, of course, as well as newborns, respectively children and mothers, and of course those people during the examination who will be identified by medical work both during evacuation and when finding temporary stay centers. the case is considered individually, residents are offered several options for long-term accommodation, including in
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neighboring municipalities. well , we have the opportunity to learn more about what is happening in orenburg from our correspondent, margarita semenyuk. margarita, hello, how are things? yes, margaret, welcome, i see that there are new messages on the informagent feeds on the situation in the orenburg region, and i see that the water level in the samara river is near the city of buzuluk in orenburg. region reached 965 cm, has grown by 17 cm over the past 24 hours, in fact the city is at the peak of the flood, what information do you have about what is happening around you? has the big water reached you in orenburg yet? yes, colleagues, i greet you, indeed, everything that you just said is really true, the water is rising and quite rapidly, those the indicators that you voice are increasing almost today before our eyes, those streets that we could... walk on foot, where it was still dry, are already now, about the same as now, but the water comes and
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practically does not stop, the peak of the flood is only are expected today or tomorrow, residents are, of course, preparing for it, i note that in orenburg, in nearby snt , special transport constantly runs, which checks whether residents remain in their homes, whether they want to evacuate, and in case of evacuation, of course provide all necessary assistance, we are staying.
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i would also like to note that almost the entire village of berdy has gone under water, there is still one snt, which residents are now trying to strengthen in every possible way so that the water does not get close, this is snt energetik, now there are residents who are building
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barricades with their own hands and resisting water elements, the same situation is now in snt, dubovy plyos, there now... they are trying with all their might to strengthen their houses, covering the foundation with a thick film and securing it with sand, so let’s listen to the residents who, even with their own hands they install meters to see how much the water level is rising, it was probably closer to eleven, the water was standing there, well , i don’t know if it’s visible, there’s a sidewalk, yes a sidewalk, but it was standing there, look. and what the hell, now you see a black mark, i put a stick somewhere about two hours ago, yeah, well, you can already see, there ’s probably already about three centimeters, in the orenburg region there is one of the heaviest floods to date, here today the head of
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the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived, together with the regional governor denis pasler, they... by helicopter we flew over all the areas affected by the flood, and today alexander kurenkov visited temporary accommodation centers where evacuated residents are now located. i would like to note that due to the floods in the region, about 30 cases of intestinal infection were recorded, now in temporary temporary accommodation centers they mainly use disposable tableware, well and vaccination against botkin’s disease started, we received 50 doses from the federal budget. all victims who are in the flood zone are certainly subject to this, including children over the age of three. adults, well, first of all, up to 35 years old, there was indeed a hotbed of morbidity associated with the second site, 27 cases were recorded there, now this site has also been located for two days
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; people from there have already been evacuated because it fell into a flood zone, our supply has stopped . patients from this microdistrict, but the risks of developing intestinal infections are, of course, very high. i will also immediately note that, on instructions from russian president vladimir putin , construction minister erek fayzulin will come to the orenburg region in order to to personally meet with the affected residents and explain to them the support measures, as well as the restoration of houses damaged by the flood, the head of orenburg also addressed the residents. he again spoke about support measures that affected residents can take advantage of, i suggest you listen to his comment. according to the decision of governor denis pasler, each victim will receive 20,000 rubles. these payments are already being made, and there will also be compensation for lost essential property . 50,000 if some of
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the things were damaged and 100,000 if the property was lost fully. to receive these payments, you need to leave an application for... if you find it difficult to understand the procedure, contact the district administration, the phone numbers are now on the screen. i would also like to note that employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard continue to be on duty in all snts. i would like to note that today the national guard evacuated 13 people, including two elderly women who themselves could not leave the dangerous situation. the authorities will compensate all victims for losses and pay financial assistance; business has also joined in the support; the shareholder of alphagroup will allocate 1 billion rubles for the victim... yes, thank you, margarita semenyuk is monitoring the situation in
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the orenburg region, we will return to it later. well, now new data from the investigative committee, with reference to the investigative committee, the press service, in particular the court, reports that the investigative committee is asking for the arrest of two defendants in the case of illegal extradition. at bikfest you definitely choose a hamburger for
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to change the oil, let’s stop by, and you have the ideal oil for my car, here’s an excellent oil, neftma growth, 83% of buyers choose it again, what’s wrong with it, srosneft magnum, consumption is less, it provides reliable protection. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn,
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alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get money, tell us about your business on new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. what are you waiting for? you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, russian the military destroyed a warehouse of ukrainian bapula in the kherson direction, this was reported in... defense in the donetsk direction, our troops occupied more advantageous positions and repelled four attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses exceeded 480 military personnel.
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ours has the latest data from the special operation. correspondent denis alekseev live. yes, denis, welcome, it is impossible to deny that in many respects the success of our army depends on high-precision strikes that are delivered to objects that are in one way or another connected with apu. but at the same time, the accomplices of the ukrainian regime themselves respond simply chaotically, getting, well, we see the news right away, we see news from peaceful cities where there are no hostilities, they behave chaotically. where will this lead the ukrainian command in general, do you think? yes, well... it’s enough to look from the outside at the actions of ukrainian commanders to understand how bad the situation is for the ukrainian armed forces, what tactics they choose when there is complete discord at the fronts and no signs of victory, at least local, open indiscriminate fire with whatever they can, inflict chaotic attacks on the civilian population of border towns, but everything is unsuccessful and this only once again indicates that the situation in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is not changing for the better.
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ukraine dismissed the commanders of two groups at once, south-west, to solve problems on the fronts by reshuffling personnel, a dubious decision, of course, recalling the castling of sirski zaluzhny and its absolutely zero results, but the west needs action and zelensky something does. well, as best he can. and what else remains when our military, not in words, in fact , shows impressive results and clearly developed tactics of combat operations, directly opposite to the tactics of the armed forces of ukraine, no chaotic strikes, wasting missiles and shells, let the militants in the ssu do this. our methods, here they are. on the screen: preliminary preparation, reconnaissance with a cool mind. our military is working on strategic targets of the armed forces of ukraine
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with precision and precision. processing each target with a minimum amount of involved resource, causing maximum damage to the enemy. this is where iskander arrives to produce heavy drones. and also from high-precision artillery, only with a shorter range, the artillery of the center group destroyed the equipment and command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdievsky direction. adjustment from a drone, strikes from a self-propelled gun to krasnopol shells. not only is it highly accurate, it is also technologically advanced, each shot using laser... guidance flies more than 20 km, the operator of the unmanned aerial vehicle highlights the target during the flight projectile, and thanks to this hitting the target exactly. in this direction, our military again improved the tactical position and repelled 11 counterattacks, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 250 people, the same number on the neighboring donetsk front, where the southern group occupied new, more advantageous
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positions, the russian military... repelled at least four counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the village area red. in the donetsk direction , a unit of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the 79th airborne assault, 46th, 53rd and 54th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's republic, konstantinovka, selidova and chasov yar of the donetsk people's republic. in addition, four counterattacks by formations of the fifth and ninety-second assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled in the area of ​​​​the village of krasnoye, donetsk people's republic. the panic of the ukrainian commanders is understandable; ours are trying to gain a foothold to the north in the village of bogdanovka right before fyar watch. and on the eastern outskirts of the city, the russian landing force has already tickled the nerves ukrainian formations, judging by these
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shots, our ground forces...


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