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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the investigative committee opened a criminal case regarding the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and other western countries. earlier, state duma deputies asked the investigative committee to conduct an investigation. investigators found that money, including through the oil and gas company burisma holdings, was used to organize terrorist attacks in russia. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, over the past years were used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. consequence in interaction. with other
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intelligence services and financial intelligence , the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars, the involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations of western countries are checked. in in the next few hours , an emergency evacuation may be announced in orenburg; the authorities are calling on citizens to leave their homes without waiting for the water to come, the mayor of the city, sergei salmin, announced. the water level in the ural river in orenburg has already reached 910 cm and is approaching a critical value. how is the region preparing to deal with the elements? report by margarita semenyuk. it was probably closer to eleven, the water was standing there, well, i don’t know if you can see it, sidewalk, sidewalk, yes, it was standing there, look, oh, wow, it’s already here, you see, black mark? i
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put the stick down about two hours ago, but here you can already see, there’s probably already a lot of water coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting, the large-scale construction of a new private house in orenburg had to be stopped, the flood changed all plans, now gogik mazmanyan is helping his brother strengthen the foundation of the building, stretch a thick film, cover the object with sand, try to protect the house, yesterday it was actually destroyed, it was completely dry, this path. it was completely dry, we’re booking, we don’t know, we can do something to save the house, we don’t know what it turns out that the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical point, there is about 20 cm left to the peak, here the ural is 100 m here, we are already on the banks of the urals, a disappointing forecast for sakmara, in a few hours the influx is 3 cm. snt oak reach, more in the morning this street was dry, now it is completely in water, because the level of the ural river. has now exceeded
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critical indicators, this is 9 and the water continues to remain, in just a few hours the street went under water, now local residents are trying to save their households, but and law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here along with boats to quickly evacuate people. now over 2.0 household plots are flooded, more than one and a half thousand households, rescuers, police and national guard are evacuating people. about 800 people were transported from the danger zone, including 40 children. grandma lives, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, not, yes, not the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, oh, it’s full of everything, i’ve already distributed bread to everyone, yeah, blacks, you like blacks, come on i'm there for the people i’ll give it to you at those posts, give it to everyone, to everyone?
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bread, gingerbread and cookies are purchased and brought by local residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. we didn’t expect this, we thought it would just scare us away a little, this is a serious matter, well done, these people really help from the heart, really, but how do they help? well, whoever can do what they can help, they are bringing food, yesterday my nephew came, the furniture was lifted, the approaching water of koimova is ready, documents and things were collected, the power was turned off, the sockets were removed, the refrigerator was lifted. on bricks, yeah, that's what they could, they lifted it, the bag is on top, with carriers, with documents, everything is ready, meanwhile the water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where it was dry in the morning, there are rivers, you can only get there by rubber boat, well for now they swam in the reach, now they decided to come to me, it’s completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is located below, one of the most severe floods,
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the head visited the region emercom of russia alexander kurenkov, with regional governor denis pasler, they flew around the entire area affected by the flood. the minister examined the conditions in which the evacuees live. to temporary accommodation centers. due to the flood , about 30 cases of intestinal infection were recorded in the region. currently, the tap mainly uses disposable tableware. vaccination against botkin's disease has begun. we received 50 doses from the federal budget. of course , all victims who are in the flood zone are subject to treatment. these include children from 3 years of age and adults, well, first of all, up to 35 years of age. was really the focus of morbidity is associated with the second site.
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the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses, pay financial assistance, and support businesses; alfa group shareholders will allocate 1 billion rubles to help those affected by floods in the orenburg region, and drinking water will be delivered in the coming days. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, news, orenburg. military engineers from the yastensky missile formation are helping residents of the orenburg region and delivering the necessary humanitarian aid. this includes clean drinking water, food, hygiene products, medicines, bedding . fuel for diesel generators, during the day, military engineers of the strategic missile forces delivered over 20 tons of cargo to flood-affected areas and transported 100 residents of the region. more than 100 military personnel and 18 units of special equipment - dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators - are involved in the work.
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in addition, the military will be involved in work to strengthen the coastline of the rivers of the orenburg region. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if more than twice you get up at night, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of adenomoprostate. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month. that is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. grader is new in the fight against weeds. destroys any vegetation. grader and nothing grows. and we are with gifts. where does
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the problems of defrauded shareholders in bashkiria were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of the republic, radiy khabirov. by 2030, the region must fulfill the plan for water supply of 4 million residential square meters. we also talked about the development of the economy of large enterprises, investments in assistance to new regions and, of course, touched upon the issue of supporting the participants in the special operation and their families. i wanted to report.
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there are many plans, and the results are good, so
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for my part i will do everything to support you, but of course the choice will be up to the people, we need to work with people, especially during this period, directly meet more often, listen, because after all you won’t see or hear offices for workers, you need to work closer with people, the opposite i’m receiving communication, but in general everything is fine, so... i wish you good luck. the russian economy continues to develop confidently, consumer activity is growing, this can be seen in retail trade turnover. mikhail mishusti stated this at a strategic session on the development of supply-side economics. the prime minister outlined the conditions under which the russian economy can become one of the strongest in the world. it is necessary to update the infrastructure and build up productive forces, in a balanced manner. labor market, secured qualified personnel. our proactive policy here should contribute to solving
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a number of systemic tasks that were identified by the head of state, primarily the achievement of technological and financial sovereignty, as well as strengthening food security. it is necessary to further increase russia’s role in global trade, but primarily through the supply of non-raw materials, to ensure domestic demand, and to further improve the quality of life. our citizens, it is necessary to support this attitude, guided primarily by the national development program that the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly. by 2030, russia should become one of the four largest economies in the world in terms of parity and purchasing power. of course, we need to act very actively, in several directions at once. china supports russia in counter-terrorism and advocacy. security and stability, this was stated by chinese president xidin ping during negotiations with sergei lavrov in beijing. during
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the two-day visit of the head of the russian foreign ministry followed by our special correspondent, boris ivanin. bilateral negotiations between foreign ministers sergei lavrov and ivana are taking place in this palace complex, which eight centuries ago was created as a country residence for chinese emperors. it is called jiaoyu, literally a fishing ground. and indeed there are ponds everywhere, the residence, despite the fact that almost... in the center of beijing it is surrounded by greenery, apple trees bloom here, this is such a peaceful backdrop for a thorough exchange of opinions. in china, the head of the russian diplomacy received a warm welcome. my friend calls sergei lavrov. but the topics are also hot, the situation in the asia-pacific region is heating up washington and its allies, they are trying to intimidate china with military-political pressure, they are putting pressure on the sore point of taiwan and threatening sanctions for cooperation with russia, here is the response of the ministers, it was minister wang who invented this formula yesterday : double
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counteraction against double containment and... and more than once our leaders, president putin, chairman sijin ping, have emphasized the determination of russia and china to counteract attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world, slow down the long- overdue processes of democratization and justice, which are simply knocking on the door of the modern world order, by the upcoming contact between vladimir putin and chinese president sizinping, who met in beijing. in the fall, during the negotiations, special attention was paid, and it was thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that relations between moscow and beijing reached an unprecedented high level, noted sergei lavrov. lavrov may be paving the way for president putin's first foreign visit since his re-election, but the final confirmation will be an official statement published by both sides.
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chinese leader xidingping says sincere words of greetings not only to sergei lavrov, but also to president vladimir putin. he calls a longtime friend of the chinese people who has done a great job of promoting relations between moscow and beijing. it is important for the foreign ministry of the two countries, with an eye to serving diplomacy and the heads of state, to carefully implement the agreements i have reached with president putin, to strengthen strategic relationships in world stage. foreign policy connection between moscow and beijing. of course, this is the locomotive of efforts that are gaining more and more supporters to form a more equitable, multipolar world order to ensure security on the eurasian continent. the ministers agreed to strengthen partnerships on international platforms within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization at the brics summit, which will be held in
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kazan in october. the agreement was not only signed, but also celebrated with glasses of champagne. we have made great progress at the negotiations, they created a standard of partnership between neighboring states, it is not aimed against other countries, but towards development towards peace and democracy. the conflict in ukraine was also discussed separately. china has long been proposing a peaceful settlement plan, reasonable and clear, as sergei lavrov noted, but for this the west needs to abandon the cold war mentality and bloc confrontation with the participation of nato. the main message of the negotiations in beijing. this is creation, the accumulation of both political and economic capital. over the past year, russia and china have reached record trade turnover, $240 billion. this is the business district of beijing, which sets the rhythm of the entire metropolis. here is the headquarters of the central television of china, popularly known as trousers, as this building is called for its bizarre shape, and next door are skyscrapers, in which the entire financial life of the celestial empire is concentrated, and
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new ones are being built there, as a symbol of the fact that record economic indicators, including trade turnover with russia. is far from the limit, especially since this is an anniversary year for our countries, 75 years since the establishment diplomatic ties, when the soviet union was the first of all states to recognize the people's republic of china, will be celebrated on a large scale, and after that russia and the prc will hold cross-years of culture. boris ivanin, dmitry dunaev, lead china, beijing. american military-industrial companies will receive $50 billion from the additional aid package to ukraine. this statement was made by the minister. us defense lloyd austin, despite the fact that the volume of funding for kiev will be about 60 billion, but are all allies ready to send assistance, anna will tell you about this voronin. murderers, murderers, murderers, right now you are responsible for the blood of innocent peoples living under the fire of nato bombs. we don’t need such an alliance; the italians
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took action against nato and were moving towards the theater. in san carlo, where at that moment a concert was taking place in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the unification. dissatisfaction with the current position of the north atlantic alliance has escalated into a clash. the opposition to nato, in particular on the ukrainian issue, was clearly described by france's permanent representative to the alliance. jerome guasco in an interview with lagaro emphasized the threat escalation of the conflict that russia will move further towards the baltic countries and poland is realistic. that's why. we need to continue to support ukraine and show moscow the power of nato during exercises; readers of the publication do not agree with this position. the idea that russia will go further seems absurd, even under the slightest criticism. on reflection, because of these militant generals and the kiev clown, everything ultimately falls on us, they are blind, or something, everything is wrong, especially due to the lack of resources, and we continue to donate
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billions, why? in any case to us we will have to negotiate, so what are we waiting for? this war can have only two outcomes: either the defeat of ukraine, whose military capabilities are significantly inferior to those of russia, a nuclear power, or a transition to immediate negotiations at the negotiating table. but neither kiev nor its western sponsors need negotiations; zelensky continues to beg for weapons in each of his new statements, so that foreign military-industrial complexes increase production, along with profits, and the press intimidate the population of russia, making it a monster. on the topic of ukraine i miss in german newspapers a voice advocating negotiations to find mutual understanding for a solution, perhaps in the spirit of a neutral ukraine.
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own defense fund, without regard to the united states and nato. the next step should be the construction of common european security. the war won't start tomorrow, but we can't deny reality. the reality is that there is growing competition between major powers, high intensity conflicts, militarization of the economy, cyber warfare and disinformation. this is part of our reality, we we cannot rely on american support to protect ourselves, since there may be changes in this matter depending on who is in charge in
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washington, we must build up our potential; our own responsibility, where exactly the funds will be sought to create our own defense fund, did not specify, but apparently, just like in the issue of anti-russian sanctions, the population of the european union will have to pay. anna voronina, matvey popov, news. on the sea of ​​azov they plan to create a permanent a system for monitoring the chemical composition of water, such challenges are faced by the priozovye region, was discussed today by scientists at a conference in moscow. the most important thing is that the situation in azov with the sea of ​​azov is spoken about by those people who live there, especially now completely. thank god, we are responsible for azov, for the sea of ​​azov, this is our inland sea, and full responsibility
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for it lies with the russian federation and not just the russian federation, we must state the fact that the topic of the azov seas, the topic of water in general, this is, of course, not only environmental, the topic of national security is the topic of the future, so it is necessary. paris may not have time to prepare for this year's summer olympics. the french capital is faced with a host of organizational problems, and the threat of terrorist attacks is real. the delivery of new metro stations is delayed, and besides, there is no way to clear the seine river, the president and the paris mayor have big plans for it, well, what else could go wrong, danil makhalin figured out.
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3 billion were spent per year we consider it absolutely unacceptable to risk the health of olympic participants to clean a reservoir in which swimming has been prohibited since 1923 dollars. french president macron and the mayor of paris hidalga promised to personally bathe in the hay on the eve of the games, during which triathlon competitions are planned to be held in the river. this did not happen, at least
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20 years. the un called the paris games a first-class target for militants. macron convened a council on defense and national security, as a result of which a decision was made to increase the level of terrorist threat to the highest. on april 10 , a match between the local football club psg and barcelona is scheduled to take place in paris as part of the quarterfinals of the champions league. in anticipation of it, the terrorist organization isis, banned in russia , published a photo. with an armed man, the names of the stadiums with the inscription kill them all, among the listed arenas, including the parisian stadium psg park de prince. our state has never had to prevent such a large number of terrorist attacks in the country. special services and intelligence are trying to prevent the formation of terrorist attacks, as well as their financing; since 2020, we have managed to prevent about 14
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terrorist attacks in france. i advise our citizens to be more vigilant. while the parisian authorities are trying to fight the homeless and bedbugs, and are developing the introduction of mandatory qr codes for moving around the city, weather forecasters are frightening with record heat during the olympics, similar to the one that killed thousands of residents of western and southern europe 20 years ago. if such heat hits during the olympics games, it will lead to disaster. on top of that, they are being shifted indefinitely. the timing of the commissioning of new station lines and the paris metro, which is far from perfect and has difficulty coping with millions of flows. the entire situation with preparations for the games was reflected in the episode with the opening of the sendenia aquatic center and two-time world diving champion alexis shandar could not cope with his excitement and slipped on the springboard in front of macron. daniil makhalin, alexander
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stalmashevsky, lead. tv channel russia kultura postponed the filming of the romance-romance program to september, the permanent presenter was evgeniy kungurov, who died the day before. the body, the body of the honored artist of russia, was found last night in the center of the capital, near the house where he lived. the cause of death is being investigated. evgeny kongurov was 40 years old, he worked at the novaya opera theater and was a soloist at the kaliningrad musical theater. the singer was awarded the title of honored artist. cheshny and ingusheti.
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