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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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all possible environmental risks associated with the resumption of activities of this plant have been assessed, and the plant will most likely resume its operation. water is gradually leaving the flooded areas of the city. orsk authorities are recording a decline in the level of the ural river. in the region, the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the rdk terrorists are exhausted, they write that they have completed the hot phase of hostilities in russia, what was there and what was left of the neovlasovites after the defeat on the border? the interview with the polish mercenary turned into a refutation of western narratives. stormtrooper naimit unexpectedly told the truth about his fellow legionnaires, the situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front, ukrainian mobilization and the goals of the northern military district. already.
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helped track down and destroy one czech vampire. a new flying drone joined the svo missions. why was it called a stingray? people's deputies of ukraine are in a hurry to cross out the name of aircraft designer sekorsky. what didn't please the native kiev resident who flew overseas . who else was included in the ukrainophobes? france has prepared a bill on legalization of euthanasia in canada is already being actively used. those in need ask to be euthanized, but how do western politicians lull the desire to live? well, let’s start with the very peculiar theses that were voiced today by the militants of the banned rdk. on the one hand, they promised russia new acts of sabotage carried out by so-called sleeper cells, that is, they once again confirmed their terrorist position.
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essence, and this certainly does not surprise anyone, but at the same time, there is much more noise around the words of vyrus, and the quote at the end of the hot phase of hostilities, they say they refuse attempts to attack our regions directly, breaking through the border, since at the moment such raids are impractical, and here, of course, there is a paradox, because quite recently the same characters claimed that they managed not only to enter russian territory, but also significantly delve into it in order to... supposedly take control of several settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions at once, well , in general, it would seem that the vlasovites should now develop their declared success, providing fresh content to the ukrainian propaganda that has been waiting there is a lot from them, but instead they actually go to the bottom, why we’ll figure it out with the help of anton potkovenko, anton, hello, but maybe they even managed to reach moscow, and we just didn’t notice, greetings, they can say that they also reached the urals they got there, they can lie whatever they want, but in fact, they now have more in their statements than the cellar.
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as for saying goodbye, it means with comrades in arms, they are not each other’s comrades, it’s like there’s no one to say goodbye to, and no one to say goodbye to, but the rdk themselves ended up under such severe trolling from the ukrainians, who sheltered them in order to use them as some kind of disposable device, the rdk did not justify itself in principle, so they... will be quietly merged, or their remains will be returned to the main front, and there they will be we will finally dispose of it, but the other statement of the terrorists, this is completely absurd, how interesting, their hot phase has come to an end, isn’t it the one when they were screwed at the border, this is the reincarnation of those very vlassovites who fought in the great patriotic war, for centuries , most in fact, ordinary tiktok troops... what can they
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finish, they didn’t start anything, we can finish with them once and for all, they filmed videos in ukraine, passing off their villages as our rdk and... and other trash, like prohibited in russia legion, were so raked from our troops that now they can only express themselves in ukrasmi. they used to try to present themselves as supposedly the russian underground, as was actually spelled out in the training manual from western intelligence services, but now they have reached such a point that this character, we have a lot of supporters have appeared, even among the elderly, people 60, 70, 80, there are even people 90 years old. yes, they remember the war, who the vlasovites are, they know first-hand, and the terrorist maximilian enlists elderly people as his supporters, who would believe this? well, maximilian andronik needs, he needs to see a narcologist, firstly, this
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is the case for grandmothers and grandfathers of 70-80 and 90 years old in russia who watch his videos, well, let him not dream, they don’t even know about him . the militants also refer to schoolchildren, they say they saw their videos on social networks, but it’s difficult to discuss this seriously, of course, terrorists don’t have support in russia, they never have , only foreign agents chimed in, they found maximum tiktok support in the liberal tiktok troops, and even then it was minimal and actually bought, this is the fifth column that the west formed in russia, this column was always distinguished by the fact that they knew how to speak loudly, but when it came to specific matters, they were incapable of doing serious work, in this case combat work, there were actually only a few of them, and under their guise were the gura special forces, who also died with them, and
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they wanted to disrupt the elections in russia, but in the end there was no media attack, the fake videos did not attract views, and moreover, no success on the battlefield, here are gorgeous shots, like a tank with a blue one. terrorists on the tower receive a lancet into this very tower. everything is standing and burning. this is how the neo-vlasovites ended their hot phase. now what will it be? funeral and breakup? antom potkovenko and defeat of terrorists. the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the ovdeevsky direction of the special operation amounted to up to 240 manpower; among the enemy equipment destroyed by the fighters of our group of forces-center there is a tank and three armored combat vehicles. three artillery pieces made in the usa, this is information from the ministry of defense, which clarifies that the russian military in this area again improved the tactical situation, in addition, they successfully repelled 11 counterattacks from the line of contact, reporting by alexander katsuba. in a matter of seconds, our
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a high-precision projectile reaches the target, here every hit and one hit the target and enemy object. in the arsenal of the artillerymen of the group of troops, the center. aerodynamic wings that open after a shot, as well as the projectile’s engine, allow it to glide to a given distance. the operator of the unmanned aerial vehicle detects, finds the target, determines its coordinates, and transmits the settings to me.
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a little later, three shells, three targets, one tank, a towed self-propelled gun, within 15 minutes three guns were destroyed. accurate artillery fire on the enemy allows the assault units of the center group of forces to develop an offensive in the vdeevsky direction. alexander katsyuba and
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anton musikyan, lead. the ranks of demoralized ukrainian armed forces fighters are being replenished with a multinational rabble with a penchant for armed violence. foreign intelligence service. russia about the desperate methods that the united states is resorting to in order to at least somehow maintain the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian armed forces. russian intelligence services received information that they are preparing to send thugs from mexican and... biysk drug cartels who are in prisons in the united states. recruitment is carried out by american pmcs , the fbi drug enforcement administration, they promise prisoners an amnesty as retribution for their ukrainian business trip, but, of course, no one is expecting them back. it is expected that the first batch of several hundred latinos will be sent to help kiev by the summer, and if the pilot project is successful, the program to recruit criminals for the armed forces of ukraine will be expanded to other countries. however, as emphasized in svr, attempts to gain a tactical
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advantage on the battlefield due to the influx of foreigners are doomed to failure, especially since even ideologically motivated mercenaries no longer have any illusions about any changes there, egor grigoriev will confirm. egor, good evening, well, it seems that no one believes in ukraine anymore. alexey, hello, the mercenaries saw, felt, and now they are telling more and more truthful information. what is really happening in the zone of a special military operation, here is the polish mercenary michael libsky gave an interview to defense-24 and unexpectedly told the truth, he and other instructors began training ukrainians back in 2021, after the start of the northern military district, libsky signed a contract with the ministry of defense of ukraine, he ended up in an assault unit, in a foreign legion, he did not want to go, quote , you can send it with the americans and british. only on safari to afghanistan or iraq. in confirmation of the recent liquidation in the area
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of ​​the yar clock, the american cedric charles ham came from texas to kill the russians, but he himself lasted only a couple of months. if already on there are americans operating on the ground, and we don’t know whether they are mercenaries or dispatched specialists from special operations forces. this is the top. gur attracts american mercenaries to attacks on our belgorod land, filming from the helmet camera of one of the militants. stupid question, but we cleared this building, to end
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with such a black screen, the polish mercenary michael libsky just doesn’t want to, he says there’s another war in ukraine, colossal losses, there are almost no of us left, at the moment i have...
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death itself to go doesn't want others directs, understands that the outcome is the same, like his brothers-in-arms, the polish mercenaries under krynki, cadres 18 plus, the mercenaries were ambushed and were destroyed, will they wait at home in poland, at least the bodies, the poles accept. active participation in battles against the russian federation and, accordingly, rely on purely personal national interests and for them money may not be the most important thing; they will most likely be compensated by the polish government for participation in hostilities. poland is engaged not only in the supply of legionnaires and equipment, patching up both on their own territory. 13 hospitals are now calling for donations. blood collection in polish hospitals is in particular associated with large losses and
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injuries of ukrainian units along the line of a special military operation; many military personnel, including nato instructors , are now in krakow for treatment. the usu's losses are large, the preparation is weak, it takes less than a month, libsky told about this, the soldiers do not know. what is a sight? and what is the motivation of these new ones? no motivation, the motivated are already in cemeteries? means they come because they were simply forced to come. this is a little like russian captivity during the uprising of the 19th century, somewhere they catch people on the street and bring them here to the front, this is an unplanned mobilization, because everyone is afraid of this word, but a raid. the most important revelation of the polish mercenary. russians don't need land. the goal is the elimination of militants, that is, demilitarization and denazification. they could
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easily break through the front with the available resources, but for some reason they don’t. they've reached the point where they don't just want to occupy territory, they want to destroy the ukrainian army. back in january, the russian ministry of defense announced that there were 13,500 foreigners on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. 5900 of them died. the hirelings come from the usa, the netherlands, new zealand, poland, romania, and norway. the mercenary of the ex-deputy of the sami parliament of norway, sandra eira, was put on the wanted list today. in the twenty -sixth year, she was fishing in her country on a boat, but apparently the muddy ukrainian waters attracted more, but ahead of her was either liquidation or 18 years in prison, like the other 700 mercenaries wanted by russia. egor grigoriev losses among the mercenaries. ukrainian militants struck the training center
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of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and the drone attack occurred shortly after a visit to the site by magath employees. ukrainian nuclear. the future of the plant and its safety in the spotlight was visited by the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration on a working visit to the zaporozhye npp. and continues to actively participate in the development of the industry. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing to ensure safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. today, the training center, a unique facility, came under attack. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale
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reactor workshop simulator in which the reactor is real. it was once brought from crimea from a non-operational nuclear power plant. what is not here is nuclear fuel, zaes employees undergo training here, practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall, as a result of the attack no employees or equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the international atomic energy agency, who have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after inspectors passed by the building. the explosion report is consistent with magat observations of a direct threat. there is no nuclear safety this time, but the latest incident once again highlights the extreme seriousness of the situation. the inspectors, as always , omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, oh sergei lavrov stated that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on nuclear facilities, but the answer, the minister insists, must be direct, without any prevarication. when we agreed to
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the presence of magathe experts, the constant presence on... the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the station is managed, how nuclear and physical safety is ensured there, but of course, we proceeded from the fact that this kind of attacks against the largest nuclear power plant in europe will be recorded, the kiev patient is stable, the ukrainian energy atom said that there was no attack by drones, there was, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some accident that has already happened at the plant. fire support in this information war came from germany. naagent duich veli released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking energy facilities in ukraine, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia is hitting its own. in fact
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the story quotes stuff from kiev propagandists. the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine assigned. the united states said that it was aware of the drone attack on zas, continued to monitor the situation, routinely called on moscow to return the station to kiev, and did not admit that it was strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted the ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. encouraging the criminal. meeting of the un security council, which will discuss global nuclear security, but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that was attacked. russia, soon after the start of a series of attacks
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, advocated convening an extraordinary session of the iaga board of governors; according to preliminary data , such a meeting could be held the day after tomorrow. ilzayta khramtsov, news. objective control means hover over the target and clearly record its defeat. spectacular video from kharkov, where special forces soldiers are. the guards carried out a magnificent strike on the fuel base, which was used for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. in this case, the gouleiter of the kiev regime is better don’t even try to lie about the destruction of any residential buildings, catering establishments or suburban sheds, since the drone footage clearly shows that it was the fuel reserves that exploded, and then they burned for quite a long time, raising columns of black smoke into the air, that is, they arrived clearly at the address , as it should be for legitimate purposes, but of particular interest is the method of detecting these... according to information from the kalashnikov concern , the new skat 350m drone allowed us to calculate clusters of tanks and target them with such filigree accuracy,
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which opens up very impressive opportunities for russian uav operators, what they are, vadim zavodchenkov is ready to explain, vadim, hello, well, as far as i understand, it not only has an impressive range of use, but also other advantages. alexey, the fact is that this drone is extremely resistant to impact. therefore, it is too difficult to shoot down, but in general, believe me, the advantages can be listed for a very long time, a new predator is spreading its wings in the ukrainian sky, another brainchild of the kalashnikov concern, the eye of heaven, from which you can’t hide or run away from, for example, the special forces of the russian guard hit a train supplying high-heat fuel, almost within the boundaries of kharkov, the strike was surgically precise, no... collateral damage, that’s who helped the guards so accurately aim at the target, meet skat 350 m. what is characteristic here
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is that the main thing is that our drone is patrolling over what is essentially a strategic object of the armed forces of ukraine within the city limits, without resistance, without any signs of action, carrying out adjustments to weapons, that is, this suggests that he is worth a crepe, counteraction. such drones are extremely problematic due to their small size and stealth. the cat-350m is a reconnaissance drone. such devices have the most important, perhaps even key, function of being the eyes of russian high-precision weapons . the stingray is able to stay in the sky for up to 4 hours, operates at a distance of up to 100 km from operators, that is, it flies freely. rear of the ukrainian armed forces, it is extremely difficult to shoot it down, because thanks to the electric motor the drone has almost no thermal signature, and even harder
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to hide from it, the stingray’s video camera scans the surface in the optical and infrared ranges. the skat 350m is a development of the ideas of another aircraft, supercam, which has already proven itself well in the fields of the northern military district. but as they say, there is no limit to improvement, the new model has significantly improved aerodynamic properties and the control system, the large wing span provides, accordingly, flight time, a significant range, and the payload has also already been developed accordingly, electronics are communication channels, this is a control system, it’s all this together that gives quality. the drone, as i already said, is ultra-modern, it was officially presented to the public only in 2024, while testing of the uav in real combat
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conditions is already underway, this is being done by the russian guard, kalashnikov’s long-time partner. in this footage, for example, the guards are punishing a czech vampire who leaned out of cover to fire a missile salvo at belgorod, but to his own misfortune. fell into the camera lens of a russian uav, and what will arrive at the target, discovered by skatou, there is a huge choice here. the drone is not just a camera hanging in the sky; it is software integrated into the fire control systems of almost all high-precision weapons of the russian army. as soon as he notices the enemy, the coordinates are transmitted to loitering artillery ammunition , including howitzers of the sv coalition. operational-tactical complex, this allows you to quickly select suitable ammunition for each target. all this is being done
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quite quickly today. this has been worked out to such an extent that from detection of a target before its destruction takes no more than five, maximum 10 minutes, this is of course an excellent result, and it is no coincidence that the russian minister of defense, sergei sheibu , paid special attention to the production of this particular drone with the k-350m, when in february he was still checking the fulfillment of the state defense order for enterprises of the kalashnikov concern. another big plus of the drone is that it is inexpensive and easy to manufacture, which means that on the one hand, it will not be difficult to saturate the sky with such birds in the future, on the other hand, the stingrays will deplete the already liquid reserves of rockets the air defense of the kiev regime, and it is far from a fact that they will be shot down, in general, the dryers will have to get used to the new reality, the one where
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the older brother is always there. the drone nomenclature is now being used on the donetsk front of the northern military district, where up to 480 ukrainian militants were eliminated over the past 24 hours. such large enemy losses were the result of the actions of our troops near belogorovka, konstantinovka, selidov and chasovyar. at the same time, during the formation of the kiev regime, they tried four times to launch something like offensive attacks, but they never achieved success. with advanced report in the artyomovsk area. nikolai dolgochev. an assault unit on motorcycles is preparing to leave. nowadays, any technology is used to move quickly and mobile. stormtroopers were specially trained to fire on the move. right hand on the steering wheel, left hand on the machine. the most important thing about beetles. a motorcycle is one of the tactical advantages, that is, you tactically bypass, faster, more maneuverable, move towards the trench, shoot at that
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moment from a motorcycle, that is, a lot. there is a lot you can do on it that cannot be done on foot, you are not expecting action, the fact that you are on a motorcycle, here is a group rushing to enemy positions through fields riddled with craters, the enemy will find large equipment faster, connect artillery, on foot for too long, the motorcycle is optimal, sweeps through the entire gray zone and attack aircraft are already in the trenches the enemy, the enemy is pinned to the ground by artillery and drones, kamikazes, drones.
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for the assault squad, i say hello to my family, friends, hello everyone, everything is fine, we are winning, one assault and using motorcycles, drones, with artillery support in an hour, the brigade increased the control zone by several square kilometers, went even further towards the city of seversk, this is the brigade that liberated bezhnoye, severodonetsk and lesechansk, soldiers of the legendary 123 brigade have just been brought from positions recaptured today.
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a few key positions, and we’ll move on. combrik kashtan is now leading the battles in this important area. this brigade approaches the city of seversk from the south. we do not allow the enemy to carry out rotational measures. this means the enemy is complaining. negotiations yesterday and today showed that the enemy is complaining, but the barrier detachments that are behind are not allowing them to leave the position. well, nevertheless , they still leave their positions, run, roughly speaking, in fear, but there are guys among them who fight there to the end, well, this does not save them, there is no calm at the front, ours are attacking, maneuverable and positional actions replace each other, the enemy is forced, suffering losses, to retreat further and further.


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