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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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they said that the enemy is complaining, but they are not allowed to leave the position, those blocking detachments that are behind, and yet they still leave their positions, run, roughly speaking, in fear, but there are some of them who are fighting there to the end, well, this does not save them, there is no calm at the front, ours are attacking, maneuver and positional actions replace each other, the enemy is forced, suffering losses, to retreat further and further, nikolai dolgachev,
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magomed bashir aliev, ekaterina tehmanovich, lead. now there is a short advertisement, that's what will happen further on our broadcast. the nordic deputies of ukraine are in a hurry to cross out the name of aircraft designer sekorsky. what didn’t please the native kiev resident who flew overseas. who else was included in the ukrainophobes?
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mysteries of nature, a plus for you, who are especially attentive to details, i checked for you, for whom curiosity. opens up new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. they carry out the creative mobilization task responsibly, have social significance and in general are highly qualified masters of their craft. this is exactly how the ministry of culture of ukraine explains the reservation from service in the armed forces of ukraine for clowns and acrobats as independent, and we are not talking about the zelensky administration at all. the ministry of culture recognized the traveling circus of ukraine as critically important we are an enterprise for the country, this means that its employees can not run from military commissars, but continue to entertain the public. true, this very society, seeing the spectacle, to put it mildly, did not understand, demands that the minister
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stop defending his own and send to the front everyone who can hold a weapon, including journalists of the propaganda telethon, they were also recognized as critically important for the national culture safety, and at the same time real... and the designer igor sekorsky, or maybe he can’t make a diagnosis in this case the creator of legendary airplanes and helicopters, and the ukrainian nordic depot, a certain deputy of the rada vitrovich said that sekorsky should not be called a ukrainian, but what are they hooked on? but for these words of sekorsky,
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you see, they do not fit into the current ukrainian scenario, are not imbued with the spirit of bandera, and the native kiev resident sikorsky said back in 1936 that he and his family consider themselves... russian and view the ukrainian people as part of russia, the ukrainian people’s deputies could not bear this, although they had previously tried to pass sekorsky off as a like-minded person, that's why he... in the states , sekorsky is a legendary figure, and it was necessary to prove that he, in essence, is ukrainian, and thus introduce ukrainian discourse into the all-american cultural space. but, apparently, they really, due to their semi-literacy , did not know well the biography of this outstanding aircraft manufacturer. he was a monarchist, that is , a person who, in principle, rejected... the idea of ​​any ukrainian separatism, the formation of political
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ukrainianness took place before his eyes, he understood all the artificiality, all the foreignness of this ideology, igor sekorsky is not just an outstanding designer, he was also a public figure, a deeply orthodox man, he used his own money to buy icons that were exported from the soviet union, on an industrial scale and sold, he saved our culture, this was a deeply russian person, the diagnosis of ukrainophobe was given to bulgakov, he is also a resident of kiev, this is so, the pseudo-experts of a dubious institution called the ukrainian institute of national memory decided, but this is rather an institution for erasing the national memory, with the conclusions that bulgakov, ukrainaphobe, adequate literature, vedas historians clearly do not agree, here is the reaction of the bulgakov museum in kiev, they say, the judgments of the commission of the institute of national memory are overly categorical, fight with... first with bugakov, then before with pushkin, then now with sikorsky, and you know, the most paradoxical thing here
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is that many of the people listed, well , absolutely, they were not enemies of the little russians, they did not experience any negativity towards this territory, and, moreover, all these people are a heritage, and world culture, mind you, we now have with the collective west from... relations are strained, it’s simply impossible, but for some reason it doesn’t occur to anyone to suggest, it’s even funny for me to say this, to demolish the monument to hemingway in the ryazan city sasovo, for some reason this doesn’t come to mind, because hemingway is a world heritage, just like pushkin. but western ukraine has an order and an anti-russian program, and therefore they are burning everything connected with russia with a hot iron in kiev. for example, tchaikovsky street has either already been renamed, or is about to be renamed nuland street, but it’s not for nothing that a woman
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handed out cookies on the maidan, there are already streets in honor of american senators, for example, the street of the late senator mccain, in kiev in honor of a terrorist even several streets are named after dzhakhar dudayev, sometimes this leads to some monstrous things, such as the place of executions of jews in kiev. the famous babi yar, yes, bandera avenue now leads to this place. pushkin, bulgakov, glinka, sekorsky are almost enemies of ukraine. if so if the names of american senators run out, then the streets of kiev will have to be named after the names of the armed forces of ukraine, or what? the concept of ukrainianness as anti-russia shows its complete absolute failure. and this, in fact, is the cause of all those troubles.
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it seems that official kiev, with the tenacity of a sick maniac, is trying to cut off part of itself, the russian part of itself. this is what political suicide looks like. evgeniy petrukhin, and unlearned lessons of history. the white house announced a new agreement between the united states and japan in the field of defense and security. this one of the results of negotiations between biden and japanese prime minister kishida. after a break of 9 years, he came to washington on a state visit and will speak to congress tomorrow. kishida himself has already announced that he is going to send some signals to the whole world in the future
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about what to expect from the american-japanese alliance in a report by our staff correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. the path to world politics, which led him here to arlington cemetery, for the current prime minister of japan began with the first multi-member election districts of hirashima prefecture. of course, it is interesting how a person may feel when laying a wreath at the graves of those who wore the same shoulder straps. which were on the crew members of the american b-29 that dropped a nuclear bomb on the city where fumiu kishida’s entire family is from, maybe he’ll tell joe biden at dinner? he will become only the second japanese leader to address a joint session of congress. the first was shinze abe in 2015, still under obama. 9 years ago they kept quiet about plans, but now it is known that the us president and japanese prime minister, of course, will discuss the issue of japan's future participation in the trilateral defense alliance aokus, which, in addition to america and great britain, also includes
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australia. there is a security forum in sydney, where there is not much. hiding, they declare strategic plans that go far beyond the situation around taiwan. china and russia certainly support each other, and this is a concern that they are moving in the wrong direction. that is, here the world based on rules reveals itself in the disturbing sensations of its unbridled militarization. we we oppose individual countries engaging in bloc confrontation.
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japan has developed a national security strategy, according to which defense spending will be increased to 2% of gdp. the latter is another contribution to the potential future of bilateral relations without biden. trump loves it when allies actively chip in on defense.
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however, it is already clear that there will be no meeting with johnson, but instead a meeting with trump in maralaga, where it seems that the decision-making center on the allocation of money to ukraine is located there. i think if we comment on cameron's decision, in some ways, it is wise to meet both rivals, who may become political allies in the future. why cameron has become so wise is not very clear. in 2015, he called trump a clueless fool, but that’s the opinion of the trumpists.
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and in addition to this, there are discussions about 65 billion in aid for a country that ranks quite high on the list of corrupt states, so voters have some suspicions. on april 18, congress will again go on vacation, it is possible that again without a decision on the allocation military assistance to kyiv. another mike pompeo was sent to handle mike johnson. the former secretary of state under trump also talked about russian propaganda, but only. the republican speaker is not yet planning to become a former speaker, so before putting the issue of financing ukraine to a vote, johnson will weigh everything 10 times. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and timofey mukhin, usa news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. france has
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already prepared a bill to legalize importation in canada. smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means real. they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate. truly psb is a bank for the real, like this, no need, you need to like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at
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want. cure depression, borderline personality disorder and autism with death. news from the dutch health sector, where. doctors have approved the euthanasia of a patient with mental problems. an obituary for the young woman has already been published in the press, and her voluntary death is presented as the only solution to her health difficulties. doctors say they've tried everything, what they could, the treatment is ineffective, nothing more can be done, and most importantly, it will never get better. the worst thing is that the patient is preparing for death together with her family; they have already chosen a cremation urn, a place in the forest where her ashes will be scattered. some dutch doctors, as the media write, are trying. to protest because of legalized murder, but in the netherlands euthanasia has been practiced for more than 20 years, the laws of the country encourage this process, by the way, this is evident from the statistics:
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france is preparing to take a similar path, where the law on the end of life will soon be considered, why the west chooses death, anastasia ivanova thought. nastya, hello, why do the french need autonasia? hello, alexey, well, one frenchman in particular needs this, macron, not him personally, of course, he will never say this, for the whole country in quotes. the right to life is not trying in the style of pseudo-western democracy, but the right to death is quite a convenient way for the authorities to avoid responsibility for their citizens. in france, however, this is called the right to a humane death. literally new tomorrow the government of the fifth republic will consider the bill on the legalization of euthanasia. if the initiative is supported , the administration of a lethal substance will be allowed to the patient independently or with the help of a physician. true, this is true until the end, and the incomprehensible conditions are voluntary. death, in addition to the fact that mentally ill people cannot resort to this unique service. macron has already stated, quote: thousands of people and families are waiting for this, in other words, waiting for the death
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of a loved one? there are not enough medical workers for everyone, there are not enough now, and how to be french then, society is taught that you can die from life, and there is no, so to speak, sin here, it is your right whether you continue to live or not, and thus commit suicide, post-christian europe... the post-christian
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west is doing everything possible to go as far as possible from christian traditional values. in canada, this has already been done; over the past year, 4% of all deaths registered there were deaths by euthanasia. why? because it was legalized? according to one of the social workers, people in need come for food, but often ask how they can end their lives. they come here. for food, and then a social emergency where people, people are really asking for this? yes, yes, are they asking you about assistance in suicide? yes, those living at the lowest income level in our society talk to us about committing suicide, conservative -minded society in canada continues to fight for life, even when the state pushes death, they ask psychotherapists to get involved in the problem, but for now propaganda in the west is stronger. almost
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everyone is influenced by social trends, even those that we are told are absolutely innate and absolutely unchangeable. recently, the concept of self-identification has increased many times, especially among young people, who are more impressionable and have a more malleable mind. is it because of impurities in the water, because of a genetic defect, or because we are susceptible to social trends. western parliamentarians with the help of doctors from...
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in front of the most vulnerable populations, yes, and even if some judge said, i think this is not enough grounds for suicide with the help of a physician, there is no supervisory role in the law for the court, that is, the court cannot discredit the decision of the doctors, the conclusion of the doctors or the decision of the patient on .. .life is expensive in every sense, and it is much easier to allocate money for death in the west than to try to save it. anastasia died of her own free will.
9:00 pm
floods remain the focus of the president’s working day; today vladimir putin received reports from the governors of three regions, who entered the flood zone, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov. on tuesday, the minister flew over the flooded areas and monitored the liquidation progress on the spot. and consequences. in addition, the president decided to send the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, to the orenburg region. the kremlin noted that it is now necessary to formulate an understanding of how to restore the region after the flood. our correspondents are monitoring the situation in the disaster zone. ruslan bigbulatov in orsk and margarita semenyuk in orenburg. rescuer.


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